Kalium HydroxideZirconia Pillared Bentonite For Pa PDF
Kalium HydroxideZirconia Pillared Bentonite For Pa PDF
Kalium HydroxideZirconia Pillared Bentonite For Pa PDF
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Gadjah Mada University,
The aim of this study is to produce biodiesel from palm oil using heterogeneous catalyst i.e.
KOH/ZrO2-Bentonite. The catalyst was prepared through KOH impregnation on ZrO2- Bentonite with a
ratio between KOH:ZrO2-Bentonite was 20-30 wt%. Afterwards, it was followed by the heating process
using microwave radiation 700 W for 10 minutes Based on the result of the characterization using
XRD, Gas Sorption Analyzer, FTIR and SEM-EDX, the best performance for the ratio of KOH:ZrO2-
Bentonite of the process was on 25 wt%. The catalytic activity test on palm oil transesterification
resulted methyl ester as much as 81% on the reaction condition of 65 oC for three hours. In addition,
the amount of catalyst-used was as much as 3% of the oil weight. The result of ASTM test showed
that the methyl ester product from palm oil fulfills the National Test Standard for Diesel Oil referring
to SNI 04-7182-2006.
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Wijaya et al., Orient. J. Chem., Vol. 34(3), 1484-1491 (2018) 1485
to be used in biodiesel production through KOH is impregnated to obtain a base catalyst which
transesterification process 6. Base alkaline can has high catalytic activity for the transesterification
be used as heterogeneous base catalyst if it is reaction of palm oil. The catalyst activity will increase
impregnated on supporting material. Base alkaline; as the base sites for impregnation KOH increased.
such as: NaOH and KOH, is very sensitive towards
free fatty acid included on oil and it is effective Materials and Methods
for transesterification process. The use of base
KOH combined with supported material (alumina, Chemical Substances. The materials used
NaY, MCM-4, zeolite) as heterogeneous catalyst in this study were natural Bentonite, ZrOCl2•8H2O
in transesterification process is more promising. It and AgNO3, KOH (E. Merck & Co), distilled water,
has been used by several researchers 7-10 . methanol (E. Merck & Co.) and Palm oil.
Transesterification process of palm oil using
continuous reactor, KOH/bentonite catalyst variated The instruments used include a set of
on KOH amount and impregnated as much as 5-25 glassware, centrifuge (KOKUSAN H-107), an oven
wt%, has been successfully done. KOH impregnation (Memmert), porcelain cup, an analytical balance
of 20 wt% on bentonite has been reported that it porcelain mortar and mortar, the 200 mesh sieve,
has heterogeneous catalytic characteristics with and microwave. Diffraction patterns recorded on a
mesoporous structure in which the biodiesel yield XRD-6000 Shimadzu, using CuKα powder irradiated
is higher than 75% on reaction condition of 60 oC, by the λ=0.5406 Å. FTIR spectra were performed on
oil/metanol mol ratio of 1:15, and rate of 0, 3 mL. PC 8201 infrared spectrophotometer (Shimadzu)
min-1 and active for seven days10. used KBr pellet at room temperature. N2 adsorption-
desorption isotherms were measured at liquid
The use of Indonesia natural clay as a nitrogen temperature with a gas sorption analyzer
supporting material on synthesis of heterogeneous (Quantachrome, Autosorb-1). The morphology
catalyst is reached with KOH/bentonite ratio 1:4. and elemental analysis of the test samples were
For impregnation process, weight catalyst-used on estimated by Scanning electron microscopy with
transesterification process is as much as 3% with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX
temperature 60 oC, oil/methanol ratio 1:6, and the ZEISS EVO MA 10).
process takes three hours, 90,7% of biodiesel yield3.
This was also found for transesterification palm oil Procedure
using KOH/Al2O3 and KOH/NaY catalyst7. It can be KOH impregnation on ZrO2-Bentonite
concluded that the total amount of impregnated KOH ZrO2-Bentonite was impregnated using
influences on an existing of K and O activated site KOH (20-30 wt%) solution and stirred for 24 h at
in catalyst. As a result, it affects biodiesel yield. The room temperature. Then it was filtered and dried in
high amount of KOH will strengthen the interaction an oven temperature of 70 °C for 24 h, Next, it was
between KOH and internal bentonite layer and proceed with the calcination of 700 W microwave
the calcination process produced Al-O-K group radiation for 10 minute. The impregnation results
forming. This formed-group has a lower catalytic were labeled using 20%KOH/ZrO2-Bent, 25%KOH/
ZrO2-Bent and 30%KOH/ZrO2-Bent. The results were
activity than alkaline K2O thus it affects the yield
characterized by XRD, Gas sorption Analyzer, FTIR,
of biodiesel. K2O-formed due to dihydroxylation of
OH groups contributes to the catalytic properties of
these materials, besides the formation of K2O; as a
result of the merger of ions K+ into a vacant site of Transesterification Palm Oil using KOH/ZrO 2-
zirconia with a hydroxyl group, formed K-O-Zr on the Bentonite
surface after the calcined process11. Several studies Methanol and oil are entered into a
have reported the presence of K2O groups play an three-neck flask (250 mL capacity) with a molar
important role in improving the performance of the ratio of 12:1 and 3% by the weight of the catalyst
catalyst for the production of biodiesel10. In this study, KOH/ZrO2-Bentonite. The reaction was conducted
synthesized heterogeneous base catalyst KOH/ at a temperature of 65 oC for 3 h, Further more, the
ZrO2-Bentonite was used by varying the amount of catalyst was separated by centrifugation. Then the
Wijaya et al., Orient. J. Chem., Vol. 34(3), 1484-1491 (2018) 1486
mixture was put in a separating funnel and allowed increasing intensity of the diffraction pattern of K2O
to stand overnight to separate between methyl ester observed at 2θ = 23o, 27o, 31o, 39o, 46o, 48o, 57o, and
and glycerol. Methyl ester production was then 62o (JCPDS 23-493 and JCPDS No. 019-0927)7,12.
washed with distillated hot aqua water and Na2SO4 However, the crystallinity of the catalyst decreased
was added into it. Methyl esters (biodiesel) were with increasing amount of KOH that fell to 30 wt%
analyzed for its: density, viscosity, pour point, flash
where the intensity of the XRD pattern declined.
point, and heat of combustion. The analysis was
determined by the method of the American Standard
for Testing Materials (ASTM). The diffractogram peak of K2O was very
low compared with the prior XRD patterns of catalyst
Results and Discussion and pillared bentonite material, or there occurred an
overlap with the reflection of the carrier material10.
Characterization of KOH/ZrO2-Bentonite with XRD
The formation of identified K 2O through XRD
The analysis of the KOH/ZrO2-Bentonite
instrumentation on the KOH/ZrO2-Bentonite showed
catalyst used XRD to determine impregnation effect
the ununiformed dispersion of KOH dispersion either
of KOH towards the crystallinity of ZrO2-Bentonite.
The results of X-ray diffraction analysis of KOH/ZrO2- on the surface or part of pillared bentonite’s structure,
Bentonite were shown in Fig. 1. The XRD pattern of which through a calcination process will turn into K2O.
the KOH/ZrO2-Bentonite shows the characteristics The K2O phase plays an important role in improving
of zirconia pillared bentonite. In the total loading of the performance of the catalyst for the production of
KOH 20 wt%, the XRD patterns, the catalyst were biodiesel7,12.
still quite similar to the pillared bentonite samples
and a new phase of K2O began to emerge.
Analysis of Functional Group with FTIR
Analysis of FTIR (Fig. 2) showed the
The similar XRD patterns were also
observed when the amount of impregnated KOH impregnation of KOH in ZrO 2-pillared bentonite
increasing to 25 wt%, crystallinity of catalyst (ZrO2-Bentonite) afffected its material structure
increased. This indicates that during the process of in which the occurrence intensity modification on
KOH impregnation, coating/bentonite’s pillar is not some peaks of KOH/ZrO2-Bentonite. The absorption
physically damaged but able to absorb potassium peak of wave number of 470 cm-1 decreased the
molecules on the surface10. This is shown by the intensity4, and shifted to a wave number of 462 cm-1.
It indicates the formation of Si-OK bond, shown
by widening band on absorption wave number
of 3441 cm-1 that shifted to the wave number of
3425 cm-1.The intensity of the absorption band
at wave number of 1635 cm -1 which was the
vibration -OH 14, 15, increased at the spectra of
30%KOH/ZrO2-Bent because of KOH impregnation
process. The shifting absorption of wave number of
1041 cm-1 on the material ZrO2-Bentonite12 to a
wave number of 1033 cm-1 is predicted due to the
bound metal cation of K on the cluster Si-O-H, to
form Si-O-K. Based on the results of FTIR analysis,
KOH impregnation of 20-30 wt% shows that the
impregnation process was successful as shown
by the sharpening of the absorption band at wave
number of 1373 cm-1 which is the absorption of K-O
and Zr-O-K bond11 that does not exist in ZrO2-
Fig. 1. XRD pattern of KOH/ZrO2-Bentonite Bentonite14.
Wijaya et al., Orient. J. Chem., Vol. 34(3), 1484-1491 (2018) 1487
Distribution of pore size in 25% KOH/ pillared bentonite material closed the small pores
ZrO2-Bent is more homogeneous than in the two and even led to the closure of the pore-porous so it
other (Fig. 4). The addition of KOH on zirconia only contains the large pores.
After the KOH impregnation, the particles significant differences were observed between the
seem to form aggregates. When loading KOH 20% three catalysts. It shows a good dispersion of KOH
by weight, the surface-modified bentonite showed on the surface of ZrO2-Bentonite for loading KOH 25
crystallinity which is similar to ZrO2-Bentonite. There wt%, the morphology of the catalyst has greater pores
was a reduction in the particle size of the catalyst between the particles of the 20%KOH/ZrO2-Bent and
as a result of the imposition of KOH. However, no 30%KOH/ZrO2-Bent. The more homogeneous it is
Wijaya et al., Orient. J. Chem., Vol. 34(3), 1484-1491 (2018) 1489
(Fig. 5a, 5c) it leads to increased contact between the of 65 oC which is proceed for 3 h, Table 3 reveals
catalyst and the substrate, there by increasing the the number of loading KOH from 20-30 wt% which
catalytic ability in the transesterification reaction18. increases the yield of the highest biodiesel (81%)
The morphology of 30%KOH/ZrO2-Bent changed to obtained for the loading of KOH 25 wt% on pillared
an amorphous structure because the structure of the bentonite material. However, when the amount
pillared bentonite was broken. It is supported by the
of KOH increased as much as 30 wt%; biodiesel
data rystallinity on XRD. Excess potassium at 30 wt%
product decreased. This is due to the agglomeration
covers all pores and pillared bentonite surface, thus
it affects to the growth of the particles. The existence occurs because the excess of KOH alkaline led to a
of potassium oxide impregnated in ZrO2-Bentonite decrease in surface area of the catalyst, so that its
was reinforced by using EDX. The characterization activity is reduced. Besides, loading amount of KOH
result of the catalyst with the imposition of KOH is high (30 wt%) caused the formation of a new phase
(20-30 wt%) are respectively 12.93%, 17.69% and (Al-OK) which has properties alkalinity and catalytic
6:04%. activity is lower than the phase K2O 4,7,9. Mole ratio
of methanol:oil also affects to biodiesel product
Table 2: Potassium Content of
where in the mole ratio of methanol: oil 15:1 affects
prepared catalyst from EDX
to declining on the conversion of biodiesel products
due to the separation of the glycerol becomes more
Catalyst K (wt%) difficult7. GC-MS analysis was carried out on the
conversion of palm oil biodiesel products of the
20%KOH/ZrO2-Bent 12.93
highest (81%) to identify the components methyl
25%KOH/ZrO2-Bent 17.69
ester compound contained qualitatively presented
30%KOH/ZrO2-Bent 6.40
in Figure 6.
The viscosity of biodiesel fuel is 5.730 product can be used as a heterogeneous base
mm 2.s -1. It gives a significant influence on the catalyst in the transesterification reaction of palm
performance of injector and atomization of the fuel. oil. The results of transesterification of palm oil using
Likewise, the density of biodiesel is as desired. The
the catalyst KOH/ZrO2-Bentonite produced biodiesel
pour point and cloud point of biodiesel also meet
the standards as a fuel. High pour point made a with the optimum conversion of 81% was under the
difficulty of ignited engine at low temperatures. The reaction conditions of 65 oC, molar ratio methanol:
Flash point is related to the evaporation of the fuel. It oil 12 : 1, and the weight of the catalyst used at 3%
is because flash point of palm oil biodiesel is higher for 25%KOH/ZrO2-Bent.
than what is written in ISO 2006, consequently
making it safe for storage purpose for a long time. Acknowledgement
Therefore, it can be used as substitution fuel for
diesel engines. The financial suppor t from DRPM
Conclusion Kemenristek Dikti under Hibah Disertasi Doktor
scheme research granted in 2017 is gratefully
KOH/ZrO 2 -Bentonite from synthesis acknowledged.
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