Methods of Cephalometric Superimposition - A Review

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The article discusses various methods of cephalometric superimposition including those using cranial base structures, maxillary structures, and 3D approaches.

The article discusses methods like Decoster method, Broadbent triangle, Sella-Nasion line, Basion horizontal, Basion-Nasion plane, Bjork's structural method, and maxillary superimposition methods.

Anatomical structures used as reference points include sella turcica, nasion, foramen caecum, frontal bone, anterior nasal spine, palatal plane, pterygomaxillary fissure, and infratemporal fossa.

Review Article DOI: 10.18231/2455-6785.2016.


Methods of cephalometric superimposition - A review

Sara Asif1, Mohammad Tariq2,*

1JR – III, 2Professor department of orthodontics Dr. Z. A. Dental College AMU, Aligarh

Corresponding Author:

In 1931, Broadbent(7,8) and Hofrath(12) introduced the technique of radiographic cephalometry. Since then, clinicians and
researchers have adopted and routinely used this valuable tool on orthodontic patients in order to analyse underlying dentofacial
relationships. Cephalometrics Superimposition is used to gain a better understanding of the facial changes that accompany growth
and/or orthodontic treatment.

Keywords: Cephalometrics, Superimposition.

follows the linear extention of the original sella-nasion
Introduction line.(21)
A cephalometric superimposition is an analysis of
lateral cephalograms of the same patient taken at
different times. It isused to evaluate a patient's growth
pattern between different ages and to evaluate changes
in the dentoalveolar and basal relationships after a
course of orthodontic or surgical treatment.
Cephalometric procedures and evaluations are
considered in the light of; pretreatment objectives,
orthodontic treatment modalities used, long-term
follow-up of the treatment results and during the
retention and post-retention periods.
Over the time various methods of superimposition
have been developed. The aim of this article is to
provide an overview of the various cephalometric

Methods of superimposition of cranial base

structures Fig. 1
Decoster method: According to Decoster, the bony
anatomy of the anterior contour of the cranial base i.e. Basion horizontal by Coben: Basion is used as the
the anterior half of the sella turcica to the foramen point of reference. The line from Basion drawn
caecum and the internal outline of the frontal bone are parallel to the original FH, of the several radiographs,
stable support for superimposition. Later Richardson establishes the constant SN-FH relationship and the
found that DeCosters cribriform plane was only Basion Horizontal plane of the series.Each subsequent
moderately successful as far as reproducibility was coordinate tracing film may be superimposed by
concerned. Its applicability did not favor the usage of simply aligning the co-ordinate grids that have been
this line.(11) especially designed for this purpose.(9,10)

Broadbent triangle: The Broadbent triangle (Na-S- Basion-nasion plane Ricketts

Bo) and its registration point R were among the first Rickett’s proposed the Basion-Nasion plane as
structures used for superimpositions to determine an area of registration for overall evaluation of the
overall changes. With this method, the two tracings are dentofacial changes. The superimposition area as the
oriented so that the R points are registered and the Ba-Na line with registration at CC point helps to
Bolton planes (Bo-Na) are parallel.(7,8) evaluate changes in facial axis, direction of chin
growth, and upper molar position.(14-16)
Sella –nasion line: Orients the two tracings on the
Sella-nasion line with registration at Sella.Provides
composite view of the amount of growth change. It is
accurate as long as the growth change at nasion

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Mohammad Tariq et al. Methods of cephalometric superimposition - A review

Bjork’s structural method  The structural superimposition on the anterior

surface of the zygomatic process of the maxilla.

Methods of mandibular superimposition

A number of areas have been suggested for
superimpositions, including: Lower border of the
mandible; Tangent to the lower border of the
mandible; and Constructed mandibular plane between
Menton and Gonion. However, these methods are not
very accurate and significant remodelling occurs at
mandibular border.
From their implant studies, Bjork(1) and Bjork and
Skieller( 4) have indicated that the following structures
are relatively stable and could be used; The anterior
contour of the chin, Inner contour of the cortical plates
at the inferior border of the symphysis and any distinct
trabecular structure in the lower part of the symphysis,
Posteriorly, the contours of the mandibular canal,
Fig. 2 Lower contour of a mineralized molar germ.

Fig. 3

Longitudinal growth studies by Björk using

metallic bone markers shown that certain structures in
the anterior cranial base are stable after a certain age.
These stable anatomical structures in the anterior
cranial base are used as reference structures when Fig. 4
radiographs from different age stages are
superimposed.(1-6) Ricketts superimposition method-
It is used to differentiate the changes in normal
Methods of maxillary superimposition growth and those due to treatment mechanics. This
The maxillary base superimposition involves technique involves five superimposition areas; the
superimposing alon the various structures mentioned chin, the maxilla, the teeth in the maxilla, the teeth in
below.(20) the mandible, the facial profile.(15-18)
 Palatal plane registered at anterior nasal spine
(ANS.) Pitchfork analysis
 Nasal floors with the films registered at the Johnston in 1985, described the different
anterior surface of the maxilla. treatment strategies o correct Class II malocclusion
 Palatal plane registered at the pterygomaxillary where the data is recorded in a pitch fork manner. All
fissure. measurements are executed parallel to the mean
functional occlusal plane and are given signs
 Outline of the infratemporalmfossa and the
appropriate to the nature of their contribution to the
posterior portion of the hard palate.
molar and overjet changes or correction.(13)
 Registering the maxilla on the common Ptm co-
ordinate, maintaining the Basion Horizontal
 Best fit of the internal palatal structures.
 Superimposition on metallic implants.

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interpretations become a guessing game rather than the

science that cephalometrics is supposed to be. Though
now a days the quest for the development of a better
and more accurate 3D technique is captivating the
interest of many clinicians, conventional
cephalometric superimposition methods are still
considered to be the gold standard.

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