Downloads 132
Downloads 132
Downloads 132
(Common to all Branches)
(Common to BM/CP/CN/ES/EV/IE Branches)
Subject Title : English-I
Periods/week : 2
Total Periods
/Semester : 75
1 Need for English
2 Classroom English
3 Expressing Feelings
4 Expressing Likes and Dislikes
5 Making Requests
6 Describing Words
7 Building the Brooklyn Bridge –
8 Adventures of Toto
9 An Anecdote
Tiller turns Engineer – An
10 Innovation
11 Basic sentence structures
12 Voice
13 Questioning
14 Paragraph Writing - 1
15 Paragraph Writing - 2
16 Data Interpretation - 1
17 Data Interpretation - 2
18 Data Interpretation - 3
19 Letter writing - 1
20 Letter Writing - 2
2|P age
(Common to BM/CP/CN/ES/EV/IE Branches)
S. Weightage
Major Topic No of Periods Short Type Essay Type
No of Marks
Unit - I Algebra Theory Practice R U App R U App
1 Logarithms 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Partial Fractions 5 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0
Matrices and
3 10 6 16 2 0 0 0 0 1
Unit - II Trigonometry
4 Trigonometric Ratios 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Compound Angles 3 2 13 1 0 0 1 0 0
Multiple and Submultiple
6 4 4 13 1 0 0 0 1 0
7 Transformations 4 4 10 0 0 0 0 0 1
Inverse Trigonometric
8 3 2 13 1 0 0 0 1 0
9 Trigonometric Equations 3 2 13 1 0 0 0 1 0
Properties and solutions
10 6 4 13 0 0 1 0 0 1
of triangles
11 Hyperbolic Functions 2 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0
12 Complex Numbers 4 2 13 1 0 0 1 0 0
Total 49 26 110 7 2 1 2 3 3
Marks 21 6 3 20 30 30
After completion of the subject the student shall be able to –
3|P age
1.2 Distinguish natural logarithms and common logarithms;
1.3 Explain the meaning of e and exponential function
1.4 State logarithm as a function and its graphical representation.
1.5 Use the logarithms in engineering calculations.
f ( x) f ( x)
iii ) iv)
( x a )( x b)
( x a )( x 2 b) 2
4.0 Understanding Trigonometric Ratios
4.1 Define trigonometric ratios of any angle.
4.2 List the values of trigonometric ratios at specified angles.
4.3 Draw graphs of trigonometric functions
4.4 Explain periodicity of trigonometric functions.
4|P age
6.0 Solve problems using the formulae for Multiple and Sub- multiple Angles
6.1 Derive the formulae of multiple angles 2A, 3A etc and sub multiple angles A/2 in
terms of angle A of trigonometric functions.
6.2 Derive useful allied formulas like sinA= (1- cos2A)/2 etc.,
6.3 Solve simple problems using the above formulae
x y
1 xy
, where x 0, y 0, xy 1 etc., and solve
simple problems
5|P age
1. Logarithms :
Definition of logarithm and its properties, natural and common logarithms; the meaning of e
and exponential function, logarithm as a function and its graphical representation.
2. Partial Fractions :
Rational, proper and improper fractions of polynomials. Resolving rational fractions in to
partial fractions covering the types mentioned below .
f ( x) f ( x)
i) ii )
( x a)( x b)( x c) ( x a ) 2 ( x b)( x c)
f ( x) f ( x)
iii ) iv)
( x a )( x b)
( x a )( x 2 b) 2
3. Definition of matrix, types of matrices-examples, algebra of matrices-equality of two
matrices, sum, scalar multiplication and product of matrices. Transpose of a matrix-
Symmetric, skew symmetric matrices-Minor, cofactor of an element-Determinant of a square
matrix-Laplace’s expansion, properties of determinants. Singular and non singular matrices-
Adjoint and multiplicative inverse of a square matrix- examples-System of linear equations in
3 variables-Solutions by Cramers’s rule, Matrix inversion method-examples-Elementary row
operations on matrices -Gauss-Jordan method to solve a system of equations.
Trigonometry :
4.Trigonometric ratios: definition of trigonometric ratios of any angle, values of trigonometric
ratios at specified angles, draw graphs of trigonometric functions, periodicity of trigonometric
5. Compound angles: Formulas of sin(A±B), cos(A±B), tan(A±B),cot(A±B),and related
identities with problems.
6. Multiple and sub multiple angles: trigonometric ratios of multiple angles 2A,3A and
submultiple angle A/2 with problems.
7.Transformations of products into sums or differences and vice versa simple problems
8. Inverse trigonometric functions : definition, domains and ranges-basic properties-
9. Trigonometric equations: concept of a solution, principal value and general solution of
trigonometric equations : sin x =k , cos x= k, tan x =k. Solutions of simple quadratic
equations, equations involving usage of transformations- problems.
10.Properties and solutions of triangles: relation between sides and angles of a triangle- sine
rule, cosine rule,tangent rule and projection rule-area of a triangle- solving a triangle-
11. Hyperbolic functions: Definitions of hyperbolic functions, identities of hyperbolic
functions, inverse hyperbolic functions and expression of inverse hyperbolic functions in
terms of logarithms.
12. Complex Numbers : Definition of a complex number, Modulus and conjugate of a
complex number, Arithmetic operations on complex numbers, Modulus- Amplitue (polar)
form , Exponential form(Euler) form of a complex number- Problems.DeMoivre’s Theorem
and its applications in complex numbers- Simple problems.
6|P age
Reference Books :
7|P age
S.N Major Topics No. of Weightag Reme Underst Appl Analyz Short Essay
o Periods e of mberin anding ying ing Answe Type
Marks g r Type
1. Units and 08 06 2 4 2 -
2. Elements of 10 26 2 20 2 2 2 2
3. Kinematics 13 23 2 18 2 1 1 2
4. Friction 08 06 3 0 3 2 -
6. Heat & 12 26 6 14 3 3 2 2
Total: 60 110 18 66 17 9 10 8
On completion of the study of the subject a student should be able to comprehend the
8|P age
1.14 To solve problems
2.1 To understand the importance of Vectors
2.2 To define Scalar and Vector quantities
2.3 To know the examples for scalar and vector quantities
2.4 To represent vectors graphically
2.5 To know the types of Vectors (Proper Vector, Null Vector, Unit Vector, Equal
Vectors, Negative Vector, Like Vectors, Co-Initial Vectors, Co-planar Vectors and
Position Vector).
2.6 To explain addition and subtraction of vectors
2.7 To represent a vector in space using unit vectors ( I, j, k )
2.8 To explain resolution of vectors
2.9 To find resultant of the vectors by component method
2.10 To state parallelogram law of vectors with examples
2.11 To derive formula for resultant ( Magnitude and direction )
2.12 To state and Explain triangle law of vectors
2.13 To state and Explain polygon law of vectors
2.14 To define Dot product of two vectors with examples ( Work done, power and
Gravitational P.E )
2.15 To list out the properties of Dot product
2.16 To define Cross products of two vectors with example (Torque ,Linear velocity)
2.17 To list out the properties of Cross product.
2.18 To solve problems
3.1 To recapitulate of equations of motion in a straight line
3.2 To define acceleration due to gravity
3.3 To derive expressions for Maximum Height, time of ascent, time of descent, time of
flight in the case of vertical projection.
3.4 To derive for height of a tower when a body projected vertically upwards from the
3.5 To define projectile motion with examples
3.6 To explain Horizontal projection
3.7 To derive the expression for path of a horizontal projectile
3.8 To explain oblique projection
3.9 To derive equation for the path of a oblique projectile
3.10 To derive formulae for maximum height, time of flight and Horizontal Range of a
projectile, maximum range in oblique projection
3.11 To solve problems
4.1 To understand concept of friction
4.2 To know the examples of friction in daily life
4.3 To define friction
4.4 To list the types of friction
4.5 To understand the concept of Normal reaction
4.6 To state the laws of static friction
4.7 To state the laws of kinetic friction
4.8 To define coefficients of friction
4.9 To understand the angle of friction w.r.t. rough horizontal surface
4.10 To derive the expression for the acceleration of a body moving on a rough horizontal
4.11 To define Angle of repose
4.12 To derive expressions for acceleration of a body on a rough inclined Plane (UP &DOWN)
4.13 To derive expressions for acceleration of a body on a smooth inclined Plane (UP &DOWN)
9|P age
4.14 To list the Advantages and Disadvantages of friction
4.15 To know the methods of minimizing friction
4.16 To solve problems
Scalars and Vectors –Types of vectors- Addition and subtraction of vectors-
Representation of vectors- Resolution of vectors - Parallelogram, Triangle and Polygon laws
of vectors– Dot and Cross products of vectors-Problems
10 | P a g e
Introduction- Concept of acceleration due to gravity- Equations of motion for a freely
falling body and for a body thrown up vertically- Projectiles- Horizontal and Oblique
projections- Expressions for maximum height, time of flight, range and maximum range -
Introduction to friction- Causes- Types of friction- Laws of friction -Angle of friction-
Angle of repose - Motion of a body on a rough horizontal surface- smooth inclined plane-
rough inclined plane- Advantages and disadvantages of friction- Methods of reducing friction
– Problems
Recommended Books
11 | P a g e
(Common to BM/CP/CN/ES/EV/IE Branches)
S.No Major topic No of Weight Short type Essay type (10 remarks
Periods age of (3marks) marks)
marks R U A R U A
1 Fundamentals of
16 26 1 0 1 1/2 1 1/2
2 Solutions 8 16 0 1 1 1/2 0 1/2
3 Acids and bases 10 23 1 0 0 1 1/2 1/2
4 Principles of
12 23 0 0 1 1 1 0
5 Fuels
6 6 1 1 0 0 0 0
8 16 1 0 1 0 1 0
Total 3 1
60 110 4 2 4 3
1/2 1/2
Marks 12 6 12 30 35 15
OBJECTIVES: After the completion of the study of these units the student
should be able to comprehend the following
12 | P a g e
1.19 Definition of Oxidation Number and its calculations
1.20 Difference between Oxidation Number and Valency
2.0 Solutions
2.1 Define Solution, solute and solvent
2.2 Classify solutions based on physical state and solubility
2.3 Define mole and understand Mole concept
2.4 Define and explain Molarity
2.5 Define and explain Normality
2.6 Define and explain equivalent weight of acids, bases and salts
2.7 Numerical problems on Mole, Molarity and Normality
4. 0 Principles of Metallurgy
4.1 Characteristics of Metals
4.2 Distinction between Metals and Non Metals
4.3 Definitions of Metallurgy, Mineral, Ore, Gangue, Flux and Slag
4.4 Methods of concentration of ore –Hand picking, Levigation, Froth Floatation
4.5 Methods involved in extraction of crude metal- Roasting, Calcination and Smelting.
4.6 Purification of Metals – Electrolytic Refining
4.7 Define an Alloy
4.8 Composition and uses of following Alloys: Brass, German silver, Nichrome
5.0 Fuels
5.1 Define the term fuel
5.2 Classification of fuels based on physical state – solid , liquid and gaseous fuels, and
based on occurrence- primary and secondary fuels
5.3 Understand characteristics of good fuel
5.4 State the composition and uses of gaseous fuels:
a) water gas b) producer gas c) natural gas d) coal gas
e) Bio gas f) acetylene
13 | P a g e
1. Fundamentals of Chemistry
Atomic Structure: Introduction - Fundamental particles – Bohr’s theory – Quantum
numbers - Aufbau principle - Hand’s rule - Pauli’s exclusion Principle- Orbitals,
shapes of s, p and d orbitals - Electronic configurations of elements
Chemical Bonding: Introduction – types of chemical bonds – Ionic and covalent bond
with examples – Properties of Ionic and Covalent compounds
– Metallic bond
Oxidation-Reduction: Concepts of Oxidation-Reduction, Oxidation Number-
calculations, differences between Oxidation Number and Valency
2. Solutions
Introduction-concentration methods – Mole concept, Molarity, Normality, Equivalent
weights, Numerical problems on Mole, Molarity and Normality
4. Principles of Metallurgy
Characteristics of Metals and distinctions between Metals and Non Metals, Metallurgy,
ore, Gangue, Flux, Slag - Concentration of Ore –Hand picking, Levigation, Froth
floatation – Methods of Extraction of crude Metal – Roasting, Calcination, Smelting
– Alloys – Composition and uses of Brass, German silver and Nichrome.
5. Fuels
Definition and classification of fuels – characteristics of good fuel - composition and
uses of gaseous fuels.
Introduction – environment –scope and importance of environmental studies -
important terms – renewable and non renewable energy sources – Concept of
ecosystem, producers, consumers and decomposers – Biodiversity, definition and
threats to Biodiversity
14 | P a g e
(Common to BM/CP/CN/ES/EV/IE Branches)
S. Weightag
No. of Short Essay Remem Underst Appl Analyz
N Major Topics e of
Periods type type bering anding ying ing
o Marks
Basic principles of
1 15 29 3 2 6 13 10 -
2 D.C. Networks 15 26 2 2 3 13 10 -
Magnetism and
3 12 26 2 2 3 13 10 -
4 10 16 2 1 3 3 10 -
Heating effects of
5 8 13 1 1 3 10 -- --
Electric current
Total 60 110 10 8 18 52 40
Up on the completion of the course student shall be able to:
15 | P a g e
2.0 Comprehend the D.C. Networks
2.1 Explain the concept of electrical network.
2.2 Define the terms
(i) electric circuit, (ii) branch, (iii) node, (iv) loop, (v) active element and (vi) passive
2.3 State and explain Kirchhoff’s laws.
2.4 Solve problems on D.C. Networks using Kirchhoff’s laws.
2.5 Apply Kirchhoff’s laws to Wheatstone bridge Network.
2.6 Explain star and Delta configurations of resistances.
2.7 Give transformation formulas from Star to Delta & Delta to Star (no derivation).
2.8 Solve simple problems on Star/Delta and Delta/Star transformation.
16 | P a g e
iii. Electric Iron
iv. Geyser and etc.
5.4 Derive the relationship between KWH & K Cal
5.5 Define thermal efficiency.
5.6 Solve simple problems on thermal efficiency.
17 | P a g e
(Common to BM/CP/CN/ES/EV/IE Branches)
Total 60 110 28 43 26 13 10 08
On completion of the study of the subject a student should be able to comprehend the following:
18 | P a g e
1.24 Define inductor and Self Inductance, mutual Inductance .
1.25 Define Transformer.
1.26 Explain the principle of Transformer
1.27 Classify the Transformers based on the applications.(Power, AF&RF- Iron core &
1.28 List any 3 applications for the above
19 | P a g e
5.0 Describe the working principle of Rectifiers.
5.1 Differentiate between DC power supplies and Battery
5.2 Define Rectifier. Classify rectifiers
5.3 Explain the working of HWR.
5.4 Derive expressions for Vdc, Idc, Vrms, Irms, efficiency ,ripple factor and regulation.
5.5 Define the PIV rating of the Rectifier diode and state its importance
5.6 Explain the working of FWR using center tapped transformer.
5.7 Derive expression for Vdc, Idc, Vrms, Irms, efficiency and ripple factor for FWR.
5.8 Explain the working of FW Bridge rectifier
5.9 Explain the regulation characteristics of FWR
5.10 Identify the reasons for poor regulation in rectifier circuits.
5.11 Compare the performance parameters of HWR & FWR.
5.12 Explain the need for a filter circuit in rectifier .
5.13 Explain C, LC & CLC type filter circuits
5.14 Explain simple Zener Voltage Regulator.
5.15 Draw the block diagram and explain regulated power supply.
1. Electronic Components and materials by D.V.Prasad.
2. Fundamentals of Electronic Devices by David A. Bell.
3. Electronic circuits by Malvino.
4. Basic Electronics and Linear circuits by N.N. Bhargava, D.C. Kulshreshtha, S.C.
20 | P a g e
Gupta (T.T.T.I) Chandigarh
5. Electronic Components and materials by Madhuri A. Joshi.
6. Integrated Electronics – Milliman & Halkias
7. Electronic Devices and Circuits - Milliman & Halkias.
8 Solid State Electronic Devices – Streetman
9. Introduction to Basic Elec. Engg. By V.K. Mehta
10. A Text Book of Electrical Technology, Vol.I – B.L.Thereja
11 Basic Electrical Engineering by J.B. Gupta.
21 | P a g e
(Common to BM/CP/CN/ES/EV/IE Branches)
On completion of the study of this subject the student should be able to Understand the
Importance of Engineering Drawing
22 | P a g e
3.0 Write Free Hand Lettering and Numbering
3.1 Write titles using sloping lettering and numerals as per B.I.S (Bureau of Indian
3.2 Write titles using vertical lettering and numerals as per B.I.S.
3.3 Select suitable sizes of lettering for different layouts and applications.
1. I.S. / B.S Latest Specification should invariably be followed in all the
2. A-2 Size Drawing Sheets are to be used for all Drawing Practice
23 | P a g e
2. Engineering drawing Instruments
Classifications: Basic Tools, tools for drawing straight lines, tools for curved lines, tools
for measuring distances and special tools like mini drafter & drafting machine,
Mentioning of names under each classification and their brief description -Scales:
Recommended scales reduced & enlarged Lines: Types of lines, selection of line
thickness - Selection of Pencils
Sheet Sizes: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, Layout of drawing sheets in respect of A0, A1, A3
Sizes of the Title block and its contents - Care and maintenance of Drawing Sheet,
To draw “Lay out of sheet “ – and as per SP-46-1988 to a suitable scale.
Simple Exercises on the use of Drawing Instruments.
Importance of Title Block.
Drawing Plate 1: (Consisting of 01 to 08 exercises)
To draw geometric shapes (standard) using drawing instruments –To draw layout of
sheet and title block.
4. Dimensioning practice
Purpose of engineering Drawing, need of I.S.I code in dimensioning –
Shape description of an Engineering object - Definition of Dimensioning
size description - Location of features, fully dimensioned Drawing - Notations or tools
of dimensioning, dimension line extension line, leader line, arrows, symbols, number
and notes, rules to be observed in the use of above tools – Systems of dimensioning:
Aligned system and unidirectional system (SP-46-1988). Methods of dimensioning:
Chain, parallel, combined Chain and Parallel dimensioning and progressive
dimensioning. The rules for dimensioning standard, features “Circles (holes) arcs,
angles, tapers, chamfers, and dimension of narrow spaces.
5. Geometric Construction
Division of a straight line: to divide a straight line into given number of equal parts.
Construction of tangent lines: to draw tangent lines touching two circles
Internally and externally.
Construction of tangent arcs
i) To draw tangent arc of given radius to touch two lines which are inclined at a
given angle (acute, right and obtuse angles).
ii) Tangent arc of given radius touching a circle or an arc and a
given line.
iii) Tangent arcs of radius R touching two given circles internally and externally.
24 | P a g e
Drawing Plate 4: (Consisting of 10 to 12 exercises)
Polygons: Construction of any Polygon when one side of the Polygon is given,
Inscribing a polygon of any number of sides in a circle of given diameter.
Circumscribing a Hexagon on a circle of given diameter.
Hexagon: Construction of a hexagon by i) Set squares method ii) Compass method
when the side of a hexagon is given.
25 | P a g e
(Common to CN / IE Branches only)
1. Vernier calipers 3
2. Screw gauge 3
3. Parallelogram law of forces and
Triangle law of forces (verification) 3
4. Simple pendulum 3
5. Velocity of sound in air (Resonance method) 3
6. Focal length and focal power of convex lens 3
7. Refractive index of solid using traveling microscope 3
8. Meter bridge 3
9. Mapping of magnetic lines of force 3
10. Sensing and observing the radio frequency on RF oscillator 3
11. CRO Demonstration 3
Revision 9
Test 3
Total 45
1. Vernier Calipers To determine the volumes of given The student is able to find
cylinder and sphere. the dimensions of objects.
2. Screw Gauge To determine the thickness of The student is able to find
glass plate and area of cross the dimensions of smaller
section of wire. objects.
3. Parallelogram & Triangle law To verify parallelogram law & The student is able to find
of forces Triangle law of forces. mass of objects by applying
these laws.
4. Simple Pendulum To find acceleration due to gravity The student is able to find
at a place. acceleration due to gravity at
any place.
5. Velocity of Sound To determine the Velocity of sound The student is able to
in air at room temperature. identify resonance.
6. Focal length & Power of To determine the Focal length & The student is able to find
Convex Lens Power of convex lens. the Focal length & power of
any convex lens.
7. Refractive Index of Solid To determine the Refractive index The student is able to find
of glass slab using travelling micro the Refractive index of any
scope. transparent solid material.
26 | P a g e
8. Meter Bridge To determine the resistance & The student is able to find
specific resistance of wire. the resistance & specific
resistance of any wire.
9. Mapping of Magnetic lines of To draw the magnetic lines of force The student is able to draw
Force & to locate neutral points. magnetic lines of force &
able to give the direction of
magnetic lines.
10. Sensing & observing the To generate & detect electro- The student is able to
radio frequency magnetic wave at radio understand how electro-
(Demonstration) frequencies using RF oscillator. magnetic waves are
11. CRO (Demonstration) To Demonstrate CRO & to find The student is able to
wave length & time period of sine understand sine wave & its
wave. properties.
27 | P a g e
Part-II : Chemistry Lab Practice – 45 Periods (3 periods per week )
List of Experiments
List of experiments
28 | P a g e
Upon the completion of the practice the student shall be able to
1) a) Different types of analysis.
b) Identify the apparatus used in Chemistry lab
c) Identify of chemicals used in lab
29 | P a g e
4 Estimation of NaOH 1.Identify the chemicals 1.reaction between acid and
using Std. HCl solution HCl, NaOH base
2.observe the end point
3.substitution of values in
5 Estimation of H 2 SO 4 1.Identify the chemicals 1.reaction between acid and
using Std. NaOH H 2 SO 4, . NaOH base
solution 2.observe the colour change
3.substitution of values in
6 Estimation of Mohr’s 1.Identify the chemicals 1.Know about redox process
Salt using Std. KMnO4 Mohr’s Salt KMnO4 2.concept of self indicator
13 Determination of turbidity Identify the turbidity meter Find the turbidity of water
of water
14 Estimation of total solids Identify the process of Find the solids in water
present in water sample evaporation sample
30 | P a g e
Electrical Workshop Practice
(Common to BM/CP/ES/EV Branches only )
31 | P a g e
perpendicular lines by
selecting a finished edge.
d) Use the centre punch to
mark centre points as per the
e) Use the plumb to observe
1) inclination of wall ii) mark
two horizontal points on a
wall at a given height and at
a given distance.
4 Working with different type of screw
Drivers . (3) a)
Identifying 1. Screw Driver a) b) Flat
Head Screwdrivers c) Ratcheting
b) Use the Screw Driver to Remove
and Fix wooden Screws
C) Fixing and Removing screws of
Metal cabinets using correct screw
5 Working With Basic tools Select Right tool for a
(6) a) Identify 1.Hacksaw particular situation b)
frame/Blade 2. Ball peen hammers a) to identify and know the Use the above tool
3. Sledge hammer. 4 Claw hammer usage b) To develop skills in with skill
5 Anvil 6 Chisels 7. Bench vice using the above instruments
b) Fix the Hacksaw blade in the
frame and use it to cut a) Conduit
pipe b) Cut the Wooden piece with
hacksaw frame by fixing it in the
bench vice.
c) Use a cold chisel to cut the 6mm
Rod to required length.
d) Use the sledge hammer to bend
a 6mm Rod into a ring by striking
it on the Anvil
e) Drive nails in to a wooden piece
with ball peen hammer.
f) Remove the Nails using claw
6 Working with Tools used in Identification of above tools, identifying the tools by
Electrical Wiring (3) A ) know their purpose and usage their shape and size
Identifying 1. wire stripper . 2. b) Identifying the tool
Insulation remover 3. Pocket knife by their name . Select
5.Electrical Tester 4.Phillips Head correct tool for a
Screwdrivers 5. Mallet 6. Rawl particular operation c)
plug jumper 7.Standard wire Gauge measure the wire
b) Use the above tools to remove Gauge d) Fix a screw
the insulation. in the wall.
c) Use the mallet to straighten the
cable/ Conductor
d) Measure the gauge of wire using
Standard Wire Gauge.
e) Make a hole in the wall for fixing
32 | P a g e
a Screw/ Nail using Raw plug
Jumper and ball peen Hammer.
7 Working with different fastening To identify various fastening Use the fastening
devices, spanners, wrenches and devices by their name and devices
Allen/ Hex keys (3) shape Use the tools.
1. Identification of different types of Know the usage and selection
fastening devices like Screws, Bolts of the tools
and Nuts, Rivets, and know their
b) Tightening the bolts and nuts
using correct type and number of
spanner a) Normal b) Ring type ,
c) Use the Monkey Wrench and
Pie wrench to Tighten GI pipe
8 Identifying and Working with Pliers To identify various types of Use the suitable
(3) {Pliers by their name and pliers
a) Identify and Know the various shape For a given job
functions of cutting pliers, Nose Know the usage and selection
pliers, Pipe pliers, Flush cutter, top of the tools
cutting pliers, Electronics pliers,
Insulated cutting pliers
b) perform the following operations
1. Holding 2. Wire cutting 3.
Component bending 4. Twisting the
9 Working with Drilling Machine . (3) Know the purpose and types Use the drilling
1. Identify the parts of Drilling of drilling machines machine to make
Machine and drill bits used with Fix the drilling bit in the chuck holes
hand drilling machine Safety precautions to be
b) Use the Hand drill to make holes taken
in the wood
c) use Electrical hand held hammer
drill to make holes in the wall.
C . Identify Electrical drilling
machine and observe how holes
are made in Mild steel Plates
10 Identification of Grinding machine Identification of different5 Identify the machine
3.Lathe machine 4. Milling machine machines and their use in the and its function.
5. Blower. (3) workshop
a) Identify Grinding machines and
observe its usage to sharpen cutting
tools and Drill bits and for cutting
operation on metals.
b) Identify Lathe machine and
observe various operations like
turning , taper turning , Knurling ,
Boring Etc
c) Identify the milling machine and
Know its usage.
d) identify the Electric Blower and
use it for Removing dust and
11 Working with Adhesives (3) To know and practice joining Join the parts using
33 | P a g e
a) Practice the use of adhesives using different adhesives Araldite, Mseal etc.
like Araldite , Feviquick, Fevicol,
Mseal, to join Non metals Know the use of adhesives in
b) Using PVC cement to join PVC Fixing components on PCBs
12 Identifying conductors insulating Identify the Copper , To identify conductors
materials semiconductors and aluminum , iron and other and Insulators
magnetic materials like metals by physical
(1 ½) observation
1. Copper , Aluminum , Tin ,Solder Identify the Insulating
Metal . materials by their name and
2. Plastics, Teflon, PVC, glass, physical observation
porcelain, ceramic Bakelite, Mica,
Paper, Cotton sleeves, Prespahn
sheet, Transformer Oil. Etc
3. Carbon rods
4. Iron , Steel, Ferrites
13 . Identification of different wires and Knowing the technical names Identifying the type of
cables (1 of the wires wire and its current
½) Knowing the gauge of the wire carrying capacity
a) Identifying different wires and Knowing the insulation used
cables used in the industry and its purpose
1.Hookup wires a. PVC wire b. Identifying the difference
Teflon wires c.single strand d. multi between single strand and
strand Multistrand wire
B) Wires used for electrical wiring Selecting a wire for a
a) Service wire b.. TRS wires /PVC particular application
Wires (Al and Cu) Finding the current carrying
c .single strand d. Multi strand e. capacity from the gauge of
twisted Flexible pair wires f. wire (refer to the standard
Enameled copper wire tables)
B) 1. Power cord. 2. UTP cables
4.Co axial cables 5. Flat ribbon
cable for antennas 6. 9.Telephone
cable 10.Ethernet cable 11. Ribbon
cables 12 . Optical fiber
14 Practice of wire joints To know the types of joints Make the joint
6 and their purpose. professionally and
To perform the following wire joints Removing the insulation tape
operations a) Twisting b) Splicing Taping the joint
c) Insulating d) Western union joint
e) Married joint f) Britania (straight
Joint) g) Tee joint h) Joining running
cables ,Pigtail or rat tail joint
15 .Practice Termination of wires Know the usage of terminal Use the terminal Block
3 blocks
a) Using lugs Using screws , nuts Making connections
Terminal blocks Fixing Fuse wire
16 Identifying the Electrical Know the names of different Connect the Electrical
accessories electrical accessories accessories.
a) SPST Switch ,SPDT switch , Identify the item by its shape
Two pin and 3pin Sockets and plugs Know the purpose of electrical
,Power Socket and Power plugs accessories
34 | P a g e
Lamp holders, Ceiling rose, Mains
Switch,MCB ,Kitkat Fuse – Fuse
wire ratings
17 . Know the mains supply Knowledge of mains supply- Identifying phase and
Phase ,Neutral ,Ground Precautions to be taken Neutral terminals in
Voltage and frequency Identification Phase and mains supply with
specifications, Precautions Neutral terminals in mains tester
Identification of socket phase and supply Identifying Earth
neutral by observation (standard connections with Test
Practices) Know the purpose of earthing lamp
Standard wire colours Testing
phase, neutral and ground with 2pin and 3pin Plug
Electrical tester &Test lamp connections
b) Repairing /preparing 2pin and
3pin power cords
19 . Know the electrical symbols Identify the physical Identify the physical
And identify the corresponding component from the symbol component from the
component /item symbol
35 | P a g e
in the presence of Instructor) Identifying the parts of tube connections
Make the tube light connections as light set
per the circuit and Test To understand tube light
a) Investigate the reason for the connections
flickering in tube light Know the purpose of Choke
b) Effect of Low Voltage On tube and starter
light ( Instructor applies low voltage Observe the behavior of
With an auto Transformer) tubelight under low voltage
c) Observe whether tubelight goes conditions
off when starter is removed. Study the construction of
d) check whether the tube light will choke
light up without starter
e) Short the terminals of starter and Know the purpose of starter
insert in the starter holder and check Observe the CFL lamp
whether the tube light will work
f) Remove the starter and
repeatedly open and short the
starter terminals with a short wire
and check whether you can make
the tube light glow.
Open the choke cover and observe
the construction .
Know the type of laminations b)
observe the small airgap c) Observe
the Winding
h) connect a CFL Lamp and draw
36 | P a g e
Directions. details and ratings of tape
recorder motor
27 . Connect a Fan regulator to ceiling Identifying and Using the Know the Fan
fan and observe the rotary witch Rotary switch Regulator connections
connections and power Resistors Know the Fan Regulator
Understand the working of
Fan Regulator
Identify the type of Resistors
used in the Fan Regulator
28 Testing the relay Know the constructional Testing and using
a) Use of NO and NC Contacts details of Relay the relay
b) Using the relay to control a lamp Testing/identifying the coil
load connections with Multimeter
c) Using the double pole relay to Understand the purpose of
control a fan motor Relay experimentally
d) Making a simple relay motor Use the relay in practical
control using double pole relay and circuits
push button switches
37 | P a g e
b) Molex connectors Know the choice of connector circuits by their name
c)Edge connectors based on the requirements and use them in the
d)Terminal blocks circuits
e) Wire to Board, Board to Board ,
Flat cable connectors Keyed
connectors for microphone Male
and Female types
f) Lugs , Blade connectors, Ring and
spade terminals etc
34 Amplifier- Speaker and microphone To know the amplifier an d Connect the amplifier ,
connections speaker connections microphone and
Impedance matching speakers
Knowing the various front
panel and back panel controls
35 Connecting audio video equipment Connecting LCD Connect Audio video
and LCD projector Tuning TV Projector/TV monitor to the Equipment
a) Identifying user controls on the DVD player
equipment Identifying audio video cable
b) Setting up the projector using Tuning the TV receiver/ settop
menu control/ Remote control box
c)Identifying audio video sockets on
LCD projector /TV monitor/DVD
d)Connecting audio video cable to
the Monitor/ Projector to the DVD /
Settop box and testing
36 Connecting computer keyboard Know the basic computer Connect external
mouse etc Hardware and their hardware to the CPU
a) Identifying Computer Power connections
switch CPU , Keyboard , Mouse etc
b) Identifying various ports on CPU Know the names of the ports
c) Identifying computer cables on CPU
Connecting mouse Connect Speakers to the
d) Connecting keyboard computer
headphones/speakers/ Microphone
f) Identifying the volume Control
g)Connecting the monitor/ LCD
Projector using VGA /HDMI cable
37 Group Project: To reinforce the skills of Complete the project
Assemble and test a small a. Reading the circuit diagram and Test it
0 to 12V , 500mA DC Power supply b. Using the Electronic
using Multi tapped transformer and components
a Rotary switch with enclosure c. Populating on General
purpose PCB
d. Reinforce mechanical skills
e. Learn testing skills
f. Building creativity
38 | P a g e
Basic Electronics lab Practice
(Common to BM/CP/CN/ES/EV/IE Branches)
Total Periods 45
5. . To draw the forward & reverse characteristics of Zener diode and determine
Breakdown Voltage
Connect resistance ladder circuit(3 resistors) and measure the voltages at the
output by varying input voltage while Zener is reverse biased
39 | P a g e
Exp Name of the Experiment Objectives Key competencies
1 Identifying and drawing To know the symbols used To know the symbols
Electronic circuit Symbols in Electronic Circuits used in Electronic
Identification of meters and Circuits
equipment Identifying the meters and
1. DMM 2. Analog Multimetr equipment Identifying the meters
3.DC Voltmeters/Ammeters Know their purpose and equipment
4. DC Power supply
5. DRB 6. DCB 7. DIB
8. CRO 9.Function Generator etc
2 Working with Multimeter Identifying analog and Use the Multimeter
a) Measuring the resistance Digital multimeters
using multimeter
b)Testing the wire continuity with Selecting the correct Range
multimeter Measuring Voltage ,
c) Measurement of Battery Current and Resistance
Voltage using Voltmeter and with Multimeter
3 Connecting batteries in series To practice of DMM Make sries and parallel
and parallel and observing the To practice Series and connection of batteries
output voltage using DMM Parallel connection of Cells Use DMM to measure
Observe the polarity Voltage
To observe the effect on
Terminal Voltage
4 Working with Resistors Identify different types of Identifying resistance
Identify different types of resistors type by observation
resistors Find the value of Resistance Finding the value of
Resistance colour code from colour code of CFR Resistance from colour
Connecting resistors in series ang MFR types code of CFR ang MFR
and parallel and measuring the Identifying the terminals on types
resistance using multimeter Rheostat Setting the
Rheostat connections Rhrostat to Minimum and Setting the Rhrostat to
Naximum positions Minimum and Naximum
Observing Resistance positions
change using DMM
5 Measurement of DC Voltage Connecting Voltmeter and measure DC Voltage and
and DC current Ammeter to measure DC Current using Voltmeter
Voltage and Current using and Ammeter
Voltmeter and Ammeter
6 Verification of Ohms Law To verify ohms law and Perform experiment as
establish relation between per procedure and draw
Voltage current and inference
7 Measurement of Resistance Learn to Use the DRB Measure the Resistance
using Voltmeter and DRB Applying Ohms law in using Voltmeter and DRB
practical situations
8 To Verify the laws of Resistance To understand the laws of Use the multimeter to
using a nichrome wire and Resistance by experimental measure Resistance
Multimeter verification
Reinforce the skills of using
9 Verify the effect of temperature Observing the difference Measuring Voltage
on Resistance Using electric between Cold Resistance current and resistance
40 | P a g e
lamp and Multimeter, Voltmeter and Hot Resistance
and Ammeter
10 Investigate voltage and current Observing branch currents Measuring currents and
relationship in series and parallel in series Parallel circuits Voltages and drawing
resistive circuits Verifying current division in inferences
parallel circuits with
calculated values
11 Experimenting with transformer a)Identify the transformer Identifying the type of
a)Identify the transformer type type based on tappings transformer
based on tappings i. Center tapped ii. Multi Testing the transformer
i. Center tapped ii. Multi tapped tapped iii. Normal
iii. Normal b) Test the given transformer
b) Test the given transformer using a multimeter identify
using a multimeter identify the the windings
windings c) Find the Transformation
c) Find the Transformation ratio ratio
d) Demonstrate that transformer d) Demonstrate that
can step up or step down the transformer can step up or
voltage step down the voltage
12 . Identify different types of Identifying different types
capacitors of capacitors by their name
a) Find the value/specifications Know the specifications
of capacitor from Value printed and Ratings
,and from Color code Find the value of capacitor
from the colour code
13 Demonstrate that capacitor can Learn the behavior of Understand the behavior
hold charge ,charging and capacitor by of capacitors
discharging require a specific experimentation
time using an LED Connecting Capacitors in
a) Investigate the effect of series and parallel and
connecting capacitors in series observing the effect on total
and parallel capacitance
b) Testing the capacitor Using Testing the capacitor using Testing the capacitors
multimeter, AC source multimeter and other
(Transfomer / Function methods
generator) and headphones
14 Identifying different switches Identifying different types of Identify the type of switch
a) Identify different types of switches by observation , and its name
switches and their symbols By name and symbol
b) Toggle switches Rotary Using DPDT switch to
switches, Push button switches, reverse the Direction Tape Use DPDT switch
DIP switches recorder motor
b). Controlling a small Tape - Observing the
recorder motor with a DPDT constructional details and
switch to run in forward and ratings of tape recorder
Reverse Directions. motor
15 Testing the relay Know the constructional Testing and using the
a) Use of NO and NC Contacts details of Relay relay
b) Using the relay to control a Testing/identifying the coil
lamp load connections with Multimeter
c) Using the double pole relay to Understand the purpose of
control a fan motor Relay experimentally
d) Making a simple relay motor Use the relay in practical
control using double pole relay circuits
41 | P a g e
and push button switches
16 . Soldering practice Know the metals which can Practicing soldering and
a. Making wire tips be soldered Desoldering
b. joining wires Know the solder Populating PCBs
c. joining components specifications
d. populating simple circuits like, Know the use of Flux in
Audio amplifier ) on a soldering Practice the
breadboard soldering
e. testing the soldered Practice Desoldering using
connections using multimeter Desoldering Wick and
Desoldering Pump
42 | P a g e
(Common to BM/CP/CN/ES/EV/IE Branches)
43 | P a g e
S Experiment Name Objectives Key Competencies
44 | P a g e
in different folders Check whether able to create
folder using windows explorer
Observer in organizing files in
different folders using windows
Observer in organizing files in
different folders using
10. Exercise on using Recycle Able to Use Recycle Check Recycle bin whether
Bin Bin able to use delete files
Observe files were properly
restored files
11. Exercise on use of My Able to Access files Check whether able to access
Computer and folders in C: files in C: Drive using
Drive Mycomputer correctly or not
Check whether able to access
files in other drives using
Able Access files and Mycomputer correctly or not
folders in other drives Check whether able use
CD/DVD drive using
12. Exercise on use of My i)Able to use My Check Whether able to
Documents documents so that organize files and folders in
organize and access Mydocuments
files and folders in it Check Whether able to
ii)Able to use organize files in
Mydocuments so that Mymusic,Mypictures, Myvideos
Organizing files in My in Mydocuments
Music, My Pictures, Check able to create short cut
My Videos for mydocument on desktop
iii) Able to create properly
short cut for
Mydocument on
desktop properly
13. Exercise on creation of Able to create Check whether can able to
shortcut to files and folders shortcut of files and create shortcut for any files
(in other folders) on folders on desktop created on desktop
Check whether can able to
create shortcut for any folder
created on desktop
14. Exercise on arranging of Able to arranging of Observe whether able to
icons – name wise, size, icons – name wise, arrange of icons – name wise,
type, Modified size, type, Modified size, type, Modified
on desktop
15. Exercise on searching of Able to search of files Check searching of files and
files and folders and folders folders
45 | P a g e
17. Exercise on organizing i)Able to organizing Check organizing files / folders
files / folders using copy files / folders using using copy and paste of files
and paste of files and copy and paste of and folders
files and folders using
ii) Able to organizing Check organizing files / folders
files / folders using using copy and paste of files
copy and paste of and folders using my computer
files and folders using
My Computer
18. Exercise using Calculator i)Able to use Check calculator in Standard
calculator in Standard mode
ii)Able to use
calculator in Scientific Check calculator in scientific
mode mode
19. Exercise on using Control Able to Installation / Check Installation /
Panel Uninstallation of Uninstallation of Software using
Software using control panel
control panel Check Installation of Hardware
Able to Installation of using control panel
Hardware using Check Changing Date and Time
control panel using control panel
Able to Changing
Date and Time using
control panel
20. Exercise on shutdown of Able to shutdown of Check shutdown of computer
computer system computer system system
46 | P a g e