Petition For Probate
Petition For Probate
Petition For Probate
Original petition No.......... of............ under Indian Succession Act 1925 per Matter
of the Will of A ......... expired Petition of X son of E by caste ..................:by
occupation ............ residing at................
Respectfully Showeth:
(1) That the above-named A after it referred to as said deceased who being a Hindu
ruled by Hindu Succession Act (Act XXX of 1956) and expired on the
of......... at......... within the jurisdiction of this court which had been his fixed place
of residence (or where he was temporarily resident, his fixed place of residence
being at...... within the jurisdiction of this court or leaving the property within the
jurisdiction of this court as will appear from the affidavit of assets instituted
(2) That before to his death and on the ......... day of......... the deceased made his
last will and testament whereby he selected petitioner being sole executor and
left/bequeathed his property and effects thereof as defined therein.
(3) That the said will is enclosed to the affidavit of Sri .......... one of attesting
witnesses and it will clearly from said affidavit as same was duly executed by said
deceased before the witnesses whose names appear at the bottom thereof and was
also attested by them.
(4) That Petitioner is the same person as X the executor named in the will and,
hence he bears right to probate thereof (or where the application is for letters of
administration with a copy of the will enclosed—as the said testator did not select
any executor of his said will, petitioner being his eldest son and one of persons
bearing a right to a share of his property in the case of intestacy—bear right to and
so claims management of the property and credits of the said A.
(5) That petitioner has truly given in Annexure A to his affidavit valuation
instituted herewith all the properties with credits which the deceased expired
possessed of or was otherwise having at the time of his death which have come or
about to come to petitioner's hands and so far as petitioner has been able to find out
or is aware, there are no property/credits other than what are stated in the Annexure
A of said affidavit. If other assets are discovered petitioner undertakes to pay the
required court-fee on that account.
(6) That petitioner has also truly given in Annexure B to his said affidavit all items
which legally he is allowed to deduct.
(7) That the value of assets which will come to petitioner's hands in case of probate
of the will or letters of administration with a copy enclosed thereto being allowed
does not exceed the aggregated sum of Rs. ......... and the net amount after
deducting all items which he is legally allowed to deduct by him being under the
value of Rs. ............ .
(8) That the deceased was a Hindu ruled by Hindu Succession Act (Act 30 of
1956) and at the time of his expiry he left the following:, , and:
and none other relations who would have been his successors in case of intestacy
under the said Act.
(9) That petitioner has duly paid the ad valorem duty payable relating to property
of deceased.
(10) That no application has been made before any other court in probate of said
will/letters of administration with a copy enclosed thereto and no proceedings or
suit are pending for managing of the estate.
(11) That petitioner hereby undertakes to manage the estate with credits of the said
A deceased and to make and file a full and true inventory thereof for exhibiting the
same in this court by six months from date of granting probate of will (or letters of
administration) to him, and also give this court a true account of said estate with
credits by one year from said date.
(a) That probate of said will (or letters of administration to estate and credits of the
said expired, along with copy of said will enclosed) effecting throughout the State
of......... may be allowed to him.
(b) For such other reliefs as this court may consider fit.
Prepared in my office:
I, ................ the above-named petitioner, do hereby declare and say that the
statements contained in paragraphs 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 and 11 of the above
petition are true to my best knowledge and those bearing in paragraphs 12 and 13
thereof are my presentations.
I,............. one of the witnesses to the last will and testament of.........the testator
stated in the above petition, do say and declare that I was present on the ......... day
of......... at............ and saw the testator affix his hand/signature or mark to said will,
marked A per Affidavit of......... instituted herewith (or that the said testator admits
the writing enclosed to above petition and marked A, to be his last will/testament
in my presence).
Solemnly affirmed by the said ............ witness this of ............ at Court
House at Bombay
Before me
Commissioner/Magistrate/Oath Officer