Heinzman DG 08 001 e Pandaros Positioner DC6 06
Heinzman DG 08 001 e Pandaros Positioner DC6 06
Heinzman DG 08 001 e Pandaros Positioner DC6 06
Engine & Turbine Management
Am Haselbach 1
D-79677 Schönau/Germany
Digital Positioners
Positioner DC 6-06
HEINZMANN shall not be held liable for any indirect and direct
damage nor for any incidental and consequential damage that results
from application of any of the examples, data or miscellaneous
information as given in this manual.
HEINZMANN shall not provide any guarantee for the design and planning
of the overall technical system. This is a matter of the operator its planners
and its specialist engineers. They are also responsible for checking whether
the performances of our devices match the intended purpose. The operator is
also responsible for a correct initial start-up of the overall system.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
2 General ................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 General System Description ............................................................................................ 8
2.2 Firmware.......................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 HEINZMANN Basic Software................................................................................ 9
2.2.2 Custom firmware ..................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Other Information.......................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Conventions................................................................................................................... 11
2.5 Parameter Lists .............................................................................................................. 12
2.6 Levels ............................................................................................................................ 12
2.7 Block Diagram............................................................................................................... 13
4 Setpoint................................................................................................................................. 19
4.1 Design of the setpoint generator.................................................................................... 19
4.1.1 Analogue setpoint .................................................................................................. 19
4.1.2 PWM Setpoint........................................................................................................ 20
4.2 Determining the actuator setpoint ................................................................................. 20
5 System monitoring............................................................................................................... 22
5.1 Operation mode ............................................................................................................. 22
5.2 Stopped state.................................................................................................................. 22
5.2.1 Stop request............................................................................................................ 23 External stop request by a digital input.......................................................... 23 External stop request by an analogue input ................................................... 24
5.3 Setpoint monitoring ....................................................................................................... 25
Table of Contents
7 Technical data...................................................................................................................... 39
7.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 39
7.2 Inputs and Outputs......................................................................................................... 40
7.3 Terminal connection diagrams ...................................................................................... 41
7.3.1 Analogue setpoint, stop signal digital and/or analogue, actuator with disc rotor
motor ..................................................................................................................... 42
7.3.2 Analogue setpoint, stop signal digital and/or analogue, gearless actuator ............ 43
7.3.3 PWM setpoint, stop signal digital, actuator with disc rotor motor ........................ 44
7.3.4 PWM setpoint, stop signal digital, gearless actuator ............................................. 45
7.3.5 PWM setpoint, stop signal analogue, actuator with disc rotor motor.................... 46
7.3.6 PWM setpoint, stop signal analogue, gearless actuator......................................... 47
10 Error handling................................................................................................................... 58
10.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 58
10.2 Error types ................................................................................................................... 58
10.3 Error display ................................................................................................................ 59
10.4 Error memory .............................................................................................................. 59
10.4.1 Operating data memory and enhanced error memory ......................................... 60
10.5 Bootloader ................................................................................................................... 60
10.5.1 Bootloader Start Tests.......................................................................................... 61
10.5.2 Bootloader Communication................................................................................. 62
10.6 Configuration error...................................................................................................... 62
10.7 Emergency shutdown errors ........................................................................................ 63
10.8 Error parameter list...................................................................................................... 64
11 Parameter Description...................................................................................................... 71
11.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 71
11.2 List 1: Parameter.......................................................................................................... 72
11.3 List 2: Measured values............................................................................................... 78
11.4 List 3: Functions .......................................................................................................... 85
11.5 List 4: Curves and Control Maps................................................................................. 88
12 Figures ................................................................................................................................ 89
13 Tables.................................................................................................................................. 90
14 Index ................................................................................................................................... 91
Product and machine
The environment
The signal words used in this publication are specifically designed to direct your attention to
possible damage extent!
Safety instructions are not only denoted by a signal word but also by
hazard warning triangles. Red hazard warning triangles indicate
immediate danger to life. Yellow hazard warning triangles indicate a
possible risk to life and limb. Hazard warning triangles can contain
different symbols to illustrate the danger. However, the symbol used is no
substitute for the actual text of the safety instructions. The text must
therefore always be read in full!
This symbol does not refer to any safety instructions but offers important
notes for better understanding the functions that are being discussed.
They should at any rate be observed and practiced. The respective text is
printed in italics.
6 Positioner DC 6-06
1 Safety instructions and related symbols
Positioner DC 6-06 7
2 General
2 General
2.2 Firmware
The control unit software is designed for universal use while providing a high
functionality. Consequently the firmware contains more functions than are required for a
specific application. The customer can configure the input/output assignment of the control
unit and can also activate and parameterize functions.
Each control unit contains a bootloader ( 10.5 Bootloader) with which the actual
firmware is loaded to the unit. HEINZMANN normally ships these units with the so-called
HEINZMANN basic software which contains the functionality that is available as
Customized firmware variants can be created from this basic software on request.
The software version number xx.y.zz or xxxx.yy.zz in the parameter 3842 SoftwareVersion
consists of the following parts:
Customer number xx or xxxx
Variant y or yy
Change index zz.
8 Positioner DC 6-06
2 General
This brochure describes the DC 6-06 positioner with setpoint selection by analogue or
PWM input
Positioner DC 6-06 9
2 General
The change index z = 0..99 is a running index and is incremented per variant with every
new software release. Each higher index fully includes the lower index and
consequently supersedes it. At any given time there is only one valid version of a
customer software variant, namely the one with the highest current change index.
HEINZMANN communication modules such as the PC program 3.3 DcDesk 2000 or
a hand programmer allow the customer to access the general HEINZMANN basic
software 00.y.zz and his own custom software. This means that although many
customers can access the so-called 'zero' software, only one customer (and his
authorised representatives) can access his own custom software. If a customer wishes to
protect an application against access by other HEINZMANN customers therefore, he
must ask HEINZMANN to create custom firmware for him.
The sensors available from HEINZMANN are described in the following publication.
10 Positioner DC 6-06
2 General
The method of operation of the DcDesk 2000 communication program as either a local or
remote communication variant will be found in the following publications or in the
programs' online help.
2.4 Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used in this brochure:
1911 ServoGain Parameter names are always shown in italics. No
distinction is made between the four 2.5 Parameter
1911 ServoGain An arrow with a parameter means that the parameter is
explained in detail elsewhere. A brief description of the
parameter can be found in Chapter 11 Parameter
Description which also gives page references to the
detailed description of the parameter.
<1911> In drawings, numbers in angle brackets are used when the
point being described corresponds to a parameter number.
An arrow followed by text in italics refers to a chapter in
which a function is described in detail.
Positioner DC 6-06 11
2 General
Each parameter has a number and a name. The parameter number indicates the list to
which the parameter belongs. Within the various lists, the parameters are arranged in
groups to make them easy to locate.
This brochure explains all of the functions that can be executed by the PANDAROS
DC 6-06 positioner. Some of these functions may be absent from special applications if
they are not relevant for them. In this case the parameter that belongs to an absent function
will also be omitted.
Custom applications can contain new or enhanced functions. These are described in
separate brochures.
2.6 Levels
Because the control unit determines a system's operating characteristics, parameterization
should be left exclusively to the system manufacturer. However to ensure that the benefits
of the digital device can be enjoyed right down to the end customer, the parameters of the
HEINZMANN control unit are divided into seven levels.
Level 1: Level for the end customer
On this level, the most important operating values (e.g. setpoints and actual values for
filling) and errors can be displayed. The configuration data cannot be changed.
Level 2 and 3: Level for the device manufacturer
The device manufacturer can activate the actuator test mode.
Level 4: Level for the system manufacturer's service department
All the parameters for adjusting the system's operating characteristics are available on
this level.
12 Positioner DC 6-06
2 General
Positioner DC 6-06 13
Input Linearisation Actuator Test mode
reference current
values curve limits selection
Voltage input
Output stage
Output reference
reference values
Actual-value Actual-value
Position feedback
output calculation
PWM output
Current output
2 General
Positioner DC 6-06
4 Setpoint
Positioner DC 6-06 15
4 Setpoint
16 Positioner DC 6-06
4 Setpoint
setting purposes, as there is a special input section. Here all the particular aspects of curve
parameterization are taken into consideration, so input errors cannot occur.
DcDesk 2000 is being continuously developed and enhanced with additional functions.
HEINZMANN strongly recommends the use of DcDesk 2000 for experimental work and
first commissioning. The program is also of major benefit to service engineers conducting
diagnosis and trouble-shooting.
Positioner DC 6-06 17
4 Setpoint
A reset loses all the data which were not stored in the control unit's read-only
memory. It is absolutely essential therefore to save the data to the control unit's
Note read-only memory before a reset if you wish to retain the data.
Certain parameters or functions of control units only become active after a reset. These are
mainly functions which can put the control unit in a different operating state, or parameters
which must not be changed during continuous operation for safety reasons.
18 Positioner DC 6-06
4 Setpoint
4 Setpoint
The HEINZMANN control units distinguish between analogue or PWM inputs and setpoints
or sensors respectively. This means that the application control is determined by the current
value of setpoints or sensors but it is configured separately, which is how they obtain their
The referencing of the analogue input and the definition of the error limits is described
in 6.2 Setpoint selection and stop request via analogue inputs.
Terminal connection diagrams with an analogue setpoint can be seen in
7.3.1 Analogue setpoint, stop signal digital and/or analogue, actuator with disc rotor
7.3.2 Analogue setpoint, stop signal digital and/or analogue, gearless actuator
Positioner DC 6-06 19
4 Setpoint
The correction curve must be parameterized as strictly rising, which means that both x and
y values must increase as the index increases. Inverting filling setpoint over this path is not
permitted. This parameterization is checked by the control unit and in case of error the
configuration error 3000 ConfigurationError = 40 is output. The curve is ignored in this
The actuator setpoint is used on the control loop to trigger the actuator ( 8.3.1 Servo
control loop).
Positioner DC 6-06 21
5 System monitoring
5 System monitoring
22 Positioner DC 6-06
5 System monitoring
Positioner DC 6-06 23
5 System monitoring
If the analogue stop request is used, a PWM selection of the setpoint (if any)
must be connected to PWM input 3 (Pins 11 and 12). If the analogue stop
request is not used on the other hand, the PWM setpoint is automatically
expected at PWM input 1 (Pins 2 and 3). This does not affect the analogue
setpoint selection.
24 Positioner DC 6-06
5 System monitoring
Positioner DC 6-06 25
5 System monitoring
26 Positioner DC 6-06
5 System monitoring
However even if the value returns to within a valid range, the error remains continuously
present if the 'freeze' is requested with4849 AnaStopHoldOrReset = 1.
With these parameterization options, the appropriate error handling can be found for any
Error Cause
3075 ErrClearFlash Error when clearing the flash memory
(display in the bootloader)
3076 ErrParamStore Error when storing parameters
3077 ErrProgramTest Error in the ongoing test of the program memory
3078 ErrRAMTest Error in the ongoing test of the RAM memory
3081 Err5V_Ref Error at voltage reference values
3085 ErrVoltage Operating voltage too high or too low
3089 ErrWatchdog Undefined program flow, internal program error
(display in the bootloader)
3090 ErrData No parameters available, or checksum of parameters is incorrect
(always active after a program download)
3093 ErrStack Stack overflow, internal program error
3094 ErrIntern Exception, internal program error
Positioner DC 6-06 27
5 System monitoring
28 Positioner DC 6-06
5 System monitoring
Positioner DC 6-06 29
6 Inputs and outputs
In the HEINZMANN control units a distinction is made between external switches (digital
inputs) and internal switch functions. This means that although the system control is
determined by the current value of switch functions, the actual configuration which gives
these switch functions their value takes place separately.
For every switch function there is a display parameter which indicates whether the function
is activated. A “1” always means that the function is active, whereas a “0” means it is
inactive. This display is independent of the hardware configuration of the switches (high
side/low side).
The switch functions used in the PANDAROS DC 6-06 are on/off switches. The name of
the switch function corresponds to the meaning On or Active, i.e. 2810 SwitchStopRequest
= 1 means that a stop request is present, for example. The state “1” always defines On and
the state “0” stands for Off or Inactive.
The following table gives an overview of the existing switch functions. Explanations of the
individual functions and switch priorities will be found in the corresponding chapters of
the function descriptions.
30 Positioner DC 6-06
6 Inputs and outputs
Positioner DC 6-06 31
6 Inputs and outputs
32 Positioner DC 6-06
6 Inputs and outputs
Parameterization example
The setpoint generator is connected to analogue input 3 as a current signal. It has
an inverter measurement range of 20 to 4 mA corresponding to 0 to 100 %.
Parameter 3531 FuelSetpAna_Value shows the current measured value in mA and
Parameter 3530 FuelSetpAna_Percent shows the measured value as a percentage.
The resulting 2350 FuelSetpoint takes error handling into account.
Parameterization example:
Time constant
= [s] = 0.128 s
Positioner DC 6-06 33
6 Inputs and outputs
Parameterization example:
The setpoint generator at analogue input 3 normally supplies a measured value
between 4 and 20 mA. These values are undershot or exceeded when a short or
open circuit occurs. The range below a measured value of 2.5 mA and above 21.5
mA is defined as inadmissible by the following parameters:
The error limits should not be too close to the minimum or maximum value to prevent
natural measured value fluctuations in the sensor resulting in an error detection.
Nevertheless a short or open circuit must be positively detected.
When an error is detected, the corresponding error parameter of the associated sensor is
set. The response to this error is described in Chapter 10.8 Error parameter list. If an
analogue input is not used, i.e. it is not assigned to any sensor, it is also not monitored
for errors.
34 Positioner DC 6-06
6 Inputs and outputs
Inputs Use Name Terminal
PWM setpoint if no
PWM input 1* P1 2, 3 500 Hz
analogue stop request exists
PWM setpoint if an
PWM input 3+ Stp 11, 12 500 Hz
analogue stop request exists
optional analogue input ( External stop request by an analogue input)
optional digital input ( 4.1.2 PWM Setpoint)
The PWM signal is usually transmitted with a range of 5 to 95 % PWM. To scale the
measurement ranges, the lower reference values must be entered in parameters 1500
FuelSetPWMIn1RefLow or 1504 FuelSetPWMIn3RefLow and the upper reference values in
parameters 1501 FuelSetPWMIn1RefHigh or 1505 FuelSetPWMIn3RefHigh.
The measured value parameters 3500 FuelSetpPWMIn1 or 3504 FuelSetpPWMIn3 show
the PWM ratio as a percentage, and the measured value parameters 3501
FuelSetpFrequencyIn1 or 3505 FuelSetpFrequencyIn3 show the PWM frequency.
The selection as a PWM setpoint is made according to 4.1 Design of the setpoint
Parameterization example 1:
The setpoint generator selects the filling setpoint with a PWM ratio of between
5 % and 95 %. The analogue stop request is not needed, so the PWM setpoint is
automatically present on Pin 2 and 3 at PWM input 1.
Positioner DC 6-06 35
6 Inputs and outputs
Parameterization example 2:
The setpoint generator selects the filling setpoint with a PWM ratio of between
10 % and 90 %. The analogue stop request is needed, so the PWM setpoint is
automatically expected at PWM input 3 on Pins 11 and 12.
The common alarm can be configured high or low active depending on how 5000
CommonAlarmLowActive is set.
5000 CommonAlarmLowActive = 0 Output = 1 when at least one error is
present, otherwise 0
5000 CommonAlarmLowActive = 1 Output = 0 when at least one error is
present, otherwise 1
In order to tell a higher-level system that a new error has occurred, 5102
CommonAlarmResetOn = 1 is set. Consequently with each new error the active common
alarm output is reset for 500 ms.
Positioner DC 6-06 37
6 Inputs and outputs
If the higher-level system must also be told that an error that was previously present has
now cleared, then 5103 CommonAlarmResetBoth must also be set. The common alarm
output will now be reset for 500 ms with each cleared error.
38 Positioner DC 6-06
7 Technical data
7 Technical data
7.1 General
Nominal voltage 12 V DC or 24 V DC
Min. voltage 9 V DC (short-time for starting)
Max. voltage 32 V DC
Current consumption max. 7 A, max. 11 A for max. 60 seconds
Control unit fusing 12 A
Storage temperature -40 °C to +85 °C
Operating temperature -40 °C to +80 °C
Humidity up to 98 % at 55 °C, condensing
Vibration resistance max. ± 1.75 mm at 10 to 21 Hz
max. 0.24 m/s at 21 to 45 Hz
max. 7 g at 45 to 400 Hz
Shock 30 g, 11 ms - half-sine
Degree of protection IP 20
Insulation resistance > 1 M at 48 V DC
Weight approx. 0.5 kg
ESD IEC 61000-4-2 6 kV contact discharge
8 kV air discharge
EMC IEC 61000-4-3 Electromagnetic fields:
80 MHz - 2 GHz (3 s/dec)
IEC 61000-4-4 Burst: 2 kV supply leads / 1 kV signal
IEC 61000-4-6 Conducted high-frequency EMI:
150 kHz - 80 MHz (3 Vrms)
IEC 61000-4-5 Surge: 0.5 kV signal/signal, 1 kV signal/frame
CISPR 16-1 / 16-2 Conducted emissions,
Radiated emissions from enclosure port:
10 kHz - 30 MHz (conducted)
150 kHz - 2 GHz (emitted)
156 – 165 MHz (24 dB µV/m)
Positioner DC 6-06 39
7 Technical data
Pin 2 and Pin 11 are used alternately as PWM input for the setpoint depending
on whether the stop is induced digitally or analoguely. With an analogue
setpoint this makes no difference.
40 Positioner DC 6-06
7 Technical data
In the diagrams, the actuators are distinguished according to those with a disc rotor motor
and gearless actuators. The former type include StG 6 to StG 40, for example. The fast
2000 series actuators, linear actuators or the Bosch-EDC can be used in the gearless
Positioner DC 6-06 41
7 Technical data
7.3.1 Analogue setpoint, stop signal digital and/or analogue, actuator with disc
rotor motor
Control unit
DC ... 6-06 CU-01
H L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
analog/PWM 12 A
Stop analogue
Setpoint potentiometer
ccw Actuator
4-20 mA
or setpoint 0V
with current signal D
0-5 V
or setpoint 0V
with voltage signal StG 6 .. 40 - 01
Error reset
Common alarm
Stop digital
42 Positioner DC 6-06
7 Technical data
7.3.2 Analogue setpoint, stop signal digital and/or analogue, gearless actuator
Control unit
DC ... 6-06
H L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
analog/PWM 12 A
StG-actual position - +
with analogue signal
or PWM signal Supply voltage
12 V DC or 24 V DC
Bosch EDC
cw LA 25..35
ccw Actuator
B 1 1 2
C 2 2 7 M
4-20 mA
or setpoint
with current signal D 3 5 1
A 4 4 5
E 5 3 6
0-5 V
or setpoint 0V
with voltage signal
StG 2..., StG 2...DP,
LA .., Bosch EDC
Error reset
Common alarm
Stop digital
Positioner DC 6-06 43
7 Technical data
7.3.3 PWM setpoint, stop signal digital, actuator with disc rotor motor
Control unit
DC ... 6-06 CU-01
H L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
analog/PWM 12 A
PWM setpoint
Error reset
Common alarm B M
Stop digital
StG 6 .. 40 - 01
Fig. 4 Terminal connection diagram 3 – PWM setpoint, stop signal digital, actuator with disc rotor motor
44 Positioner DC 6-06
7 Technical data
Control unit
DC ... 6-06
H L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
analog/PWM 12 A
Bosch EDC
LA 25..35
Error reset
B 1 1 2
Common alarm C 2 2 7 M
D 3 5 1
Stop digital
A 4 4 5
E 5 3 6
Fig. 5 Terminal connection diagram 4 – PWM setpoint, stop signal digital, gearless actuator
Positioner DC 6-06 45
7 Technical data
7.3.5 PWM setpoint, stop signal analogue, actuator with disc rotor motor
Control unit
DC ... 6-06 CU-01
H L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
analog/PWM 12 A
Stop analogue
Error reset
Common alarm
PWM setpoint
StG 6 .. 40 - 01
46 Positioner DC 6-06
7 Technical data
Control unit
DC ... 6-06
H L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
analog/PWM 12 A
Bosch EDC
LA 25..35
Error reset
Common alarm
B 1 1 2
C 2 2 7 M
D 3 5 1
A 4 4 5
E 5 3 6
PWM setpoint
StG 2..., StG 2...DP,
LA .., Bosch EDC
Positioner DC 6-06 47
8 Actuator and feedback
Whether the feedback signal falls or rises as the filling increases can be set separately with the
following parameter:
5951 FeedbSlopeFallOrRise = 0 Rising feedback signal for actuator 1 as filling
5951 FeedbSlopeFallOrRise = 1 Falling feedback signal for actuator 1 as filling
After a re-start, a reset or a stop request, the control unit usually energizes the actuator for
safety for 5 seconds with the simultaneous output of an actuator position setpoint 0 %, and
then switches the current off.
48 Positioner DC 6-06
8 Actuator and feedback
Actuator calibration must be carried out for every control unit with its
associated actuator, otherwise component tolerances of both the actuator
Note and the control unit will affect control quality and especially the
compliance of the limiting functions. Actuators must be re-calibrated if
either the actuator or the control unit have been replaced.
Calibration can be carried out automatically or manually. The actuators must be capable of
reaching the minimum and maximum position in all cases. Only if the actuator is calibrated
to its full stroke can exact positioning be expected subsequently. The greater the difference
between the measured values at the 0 % and the 100 % positions, the more accurately the
set position can be controlled. The actuator should therefore be calibrated without its
linkage if possible.
Positioner DC 6-06 49
8 Actuator and feedback
For actuators with digital feedback, the reference signal 3955 FeedbackRef must also be
entered in parameter 1955 FeedbackReference. The reference signal does not change
over the entire range of the actuator.
With manual calibration, these parameters are only active after 3.2
Saving the data and 3.7 Resetting a control unit.
The control unit can now scale the measured value of the feedback and display in
exactly in 3960 FeedbackCorrection. The actuator position can be checked with
parameter 2300 ActPos, which displays the current control path of the actuator.
With automatic calibration, the control unit measures the reference values by itself. It
does this by energizing the actuator for a certain time to ensure that the minimum or
maximum position is positively reached, then measures the reference values. The
measured values are entered in the corresponding parameters
1950 FeedbackRef_0%
for the minimum position and
1951 FeedbackRef_100%
for the maximum position and unlike manual calibration they are immediately available.
The time during which the control unit energizes the actuator and waits for the
minimum or maximum position to be positively reached is defined by the parameter
1900 Feedback-AdjustTime
The level of current for automatic calibration is determined by the parameter
1919 ServoCurrentAdjust
The error
3059 ErrFeedbackAdjust
can occur during automatic calibration. The cause of this error is described in Chapter
10.8 Error parameter list which also gives guidance on remedying the problem.
50 Positioner DC 6-06
8 Actuator and feedback
Positioner DC 6-06 51
8 Actuator and feedback
52 Positioner DC 6-06
8 Actuator and feedback
The normal parameters are used outside the double range. Between these two values,
interpolation is used to achieve a smooth transition. This function is always active. A
value of 100 % means no influence on the servo loop parameters. The current correction
factor is displayed in the parameter 3905 ServoPIDCorr.
The values for the servo loop vary depending on the actuator type and must be set
accordingly. The initial settings are made at the factory by HEINZMANN when the
control unit is shipped and do not normally need to be altered.
Current max.
Reduced Strom
reduzierter curent
ZEIT [s][s]
The maximum current is still available for dynamic position changes. When setting the
current reduction, the current must be measured in the supply cable to the actuators,
with the corresponding cable length. It must be remembered that the current cannot be
measured until the actuators have warmed up (static operation) because the flowing
current changes as temperature rises.
Positioner DC 6-06 53
8 Actuator and feedback
Control units of the type PANDAROS 6-06 are equipped with a current-regulated
54 Positioner DC 6-06
8 Actuator and feedback
Once the servo loop settings have been completed in test mode, they must be checked with
the system running and adjusted if necessary. Owing to vibration, the friction moment may
be significantly less and other parameter settings than in a static system may be required.
In extreme cases this can even result in a situation where the actuator positions very poorly
when the system is stopped but produces very good control results when the system is
Positioner DC 6-06 55
9 Data management
9 Data Management
The control unit contains a number of parameters which indicate the control unit type and
the firmware version.
56 Positioner DC 6-06
9 Data management
Positioner DC 6-06 57
10 Error handling
10 Error handling
10.1 General
The HEINZMANN control units have an integral error monitor with which errors in
setpoints, sensors etc. can be detected and displayed.
There is a permanently assigned digital error output to which the general error message is
These errors as caused by incorrect inputs made by the user and which the PC or
hand programmer cannot intercept. They do not occur with a standard production
control unit.
Errors during ongoing operation
These errors are the most important errors in a control unit in serial operation. This
category includes sensor errors such as the failure of the setpoint generator.
Internal computing errors of the control unit
58 Positioner DC 6-06
10 Error handling
The errors are divided into two basic groups. There are errors where operation can be
continued although functionality may be restricted (e.g. sensor errors). The other group are
so-called fatal errors which result in an emergency shutdown of the system (e.g. program
memory errors).
These two error groups are signalled by the following two parameters:
3800 EmergencyAlarm
3801 CommonAlarm
Parameter 3801 CommonAlarm is set with every error that occurs, 3800 EmergencyAlarm
is only set with fatal errors ( 10.7 Emergency shutdown errors). Consequently, 3800
EmergencyAlarm cannot occur by itself.
The common alarm output can be configured so that it is reset for 0.5 s when a new
additional error occurs. A PLC connected to this output can therefore detect the new error.
Parameter 5102 Common-AlarmResetOn = 1 must be set for this purpose. To also obtain
an edge change when an error clears, 5103 CommonAlarmResetBoth must also be set to 1.
When the control unit is powered off it loses all its information about the current errors.
However the unit has an integral permanent error memory that provides an overview of
errors that have occurred. Every error that has occurred at least once is stored in this error
Control units of the type PANDAROS 6-06 contain an enhanced error memory as standard
( 10.4.1 Operating data memory and enhanced error memory) which logs the number of
occurrences and the times when the error occurred.
For the firmware, the values in the error memory are just display values and are not
otherwise relevant. It only responds to the occurrence of errors during ongoing operation.
The permanent error memory can be viewed using the parameters starting from number
3100. Here the error counter stands for every error that has occurred since the last error
memory reset. The numbers of these historic errors are incremented by 100 compared to
their associated current error.
The permanent error memory can only be reset with the PC or hand programmer. The
control unit then starts to accumulate new errors in the empty error memory.
Once a system has been commissioned, the error memory should always be reset to ensure
that errors which occurred during commissioning, e.g. by sensors that are not yet
connected, are not subsequently evaluated as errors during system operation.
Positioner DC 6-06 59
10 Error handling
Control units of the type PANDAROS 6-06 contain an operating data memory and an
enhanced error memory as standard.
The operating hours – the hours run by the system with setpoint selection not equal to 0
– in 3871 OperatingHourMeter and 3872 OperatingSecondMeter are recorded as the
operating data.
For each error that occurs since the last error memory reset, there is an error counter and
the time of the first and last occurrence. These times are shown in operating hours. Up
to 4 environmental data can also be logged with each error, to match the time of the last
occurrence. The maximum number of environmental data is set by the firmware that is
used, and cannot be changed. However the choice of environmental data can be freely
parameterized by the user with DcDesk 2000.
The error counters are displayed in the error memory parameters starting from 3101
SErr.... The times of the first and last occurrence and the environmental data can be
viewed in the error memory window of DcDesk 2000 or of the hand programmer
HP 03.
10.5 Bootloader
The HEINZMANN control units contain a so-called bootloader. This part of the program
is located in a certain section of the ROM and is programmed at the factory. The
bootloader cannot be erased.
When the control unit is started by switching on the operating voltage or a reset, the
bootloader program is always run first. It executes important tests which tell it whether the
actual control unit program can function or not. The bootloader then decides whether the
rest of the program routine can be sent to the control unit program or whether it should stay
in bootloader mode for the safety of personnel and the machine. The system cannot be
started while the program is still in bootloader mode.
All tests run by the bootloader and the subsequent initialisation of the main
program tale approx. 200 ms.
60 Positioner DC 6-06
10 Error handling
The next section describes the tests performed by the bootloader and the resulting
actions. Communication with the unit is not possible while the tests are in progress,
especially when the program sticks in an endless loop because of a fatal error. This is
why different types of display on the control units are used to indicate the current test
Watchdog Test
The bootloader enters a state in which the watchdog error 3089 ErrWatchdog is
displayed via the serial communication (DcDesk 2000 PC program or hand
Positioner DC 6-06 61
10 Error handling
Communication between DcDesk 2000 or a hand programmer and the bootloader can
commence when the error lamp flashes.
In this condition, errors are indicated and it is also the starting point for the download of
a new control unit program (only with DcDesk 2000) which is basically performed by
the bootloader.
If the control unit is wrongly configured, this is shown in 3092 ErrConfiguration. The
unit's configuration may be incorrect, for example, if the channel type is disregarded when
inputs or outputs are parameterized.
In addition to 3092 ErrConfiguration, an error code appears in 3000 ConfigurationError
which tells you about the type of error. The display of 3000 ConfigurationError changes
every second and shows all existing configuration errors.
Although it may be possible to clear a configuration error using the command “Clear
Error”, this does not remove the cause of the error. Most configuration errors are only
checked when the control unit is started, so a reset is required when the parameterization is
changed and the parameters are saved in the control unit.
The error codes and their meanings are given in the following tables. Whether one of the
listed communication protocols is implemented or not will depend on the particular control
unit firmware version. This means that not all of the errors listed here will occur in a
special control unit.
62 Positioner DC 6-06
10 Error handling
Configuration error
10 Port is used as analogue input but not configured accordingly
15 Port is used as analogue output but not configured accordingly
20 Port is used as PWM input but not configured accordingly
25 Port is used as PWM output but not configured accordingly
30 Port is used as digital input but not configured accordingly
35 Port is used as digital output but not configured accordingly
The characteristic curve ActPosSetoint[FuelSetpoint] is not parameterized with a
rising characteristic
The following list gives a summary of all the errors that either prevent starting or result in
an emergency shutdown during operation. The presence of at least one of these so-called
fatal errors will activate 3800 EmergencyAlarm. These errors are described in detail in
Chapter 10.8 Error parameter list.
Error Cause
3050 ErrFeedback Error in the actuator feedback
3056 ErrFeedbackRef Error in the actuator feedback reference
3059 ErrFeedbackAdjust Error in the actuator auto adjustment
3060 ErrAmplifier Error in the amplifier
3075 ErrClearFlash Error when clearing the flash memory
(display in the bootloader)
3076 ErrParamStore Error when storing the E2PROM memory parameters
3077 ErrProgramTest Error in the ongoing test of the program memory
3078 ErrRAMTest Error in the ongoing test of the RAM memory
3089 ErrWatchdog Undefined program flow, internal program error
(display in the bootloader)
3090 ErrData No parameters, or checksum of parameters is incorrect
(always active after a program download)
3093 ErrStack Stack overflow, internal program error
3094 ErrIntern Exception, internal program error
Positioner DC 6-06 63
10 Error handling
The following error parameter list describes the causes of the individual errors and the
reaction of the control unit. It also indicates actions to rectify the errors.
The errors are entered in the current error memory starting from parameter number 3000
and in the permanent error memory starting from number 3100.
The errors are listed by ascending order of numbers, with the parameter on the left being
the current error in the volatile error memory and the one on the right the related parameter
in the permanent error memory. The control unit only reacts to current errors, the
permanent error memory is only used to collect errors which have occurred.
3000 ConfigurationError
Cause: Configuration error.
Reaction: Display
Action: Check the control unit configuration and rectify, save parameters and
perform a control unit reset
Reference: 10.6 Configuration error
64 Positioner DC 6-06
10 Error handling
Positioner DC 6-06 65
10 Error handling
Action: - Check the voltage supply and the supply leads to the actuator.
- Check the feedback cable to the actuator.
- Check the actuator, replace if necessary.
- To be able to run an automatic adjustment, the system must be stopped
- Check the reference values and error limits for the feedback
- Set the error limits
1952 FeedbackErrorLow = 0
1953 FeedbackErrorHigh = 65535
1956 FeedbackRefErrLow = 0
1957 FeedBackRefErrHigh = 65535
for the feedback, save the settings
Restart control unit and repeat the automatic adjustment.
- Set error limits again
Reference: 8.1.2 Automatic calibration
66 Positioner DC 6-06
10 Error handling
Positioner DC 6-06 67
10 Error handling
3087 ErrMainCheckSum
Cause: The checksum of the control unit program is wrong.
Reaction: Control unit cannot be operated
Action: - Restart control unit with 3.7 Resetting a control unit.
Reference: 10.5 Bootloader
Note: This error can only be seen in the bootloader.
3089 ErrWatchdog
Cause: Internal computing error, so-called “Watchdog error”
Reaction: - Control unit cannot be operated
- Emergency shutdown.
Action: - Restart control unit with 3.7 Resetting a control unit.
Reference: 10.5 Bootloader
Note: This error can only be seen in the bootloader.
68 Positioner DC 6-06
10 Error handling
Bit Meaning
0 Program identifier in the E2PROM is invalid, the program stays in
the bootloader, start is not possible
1 Operating data memory 2 in the E1PROM is invalid, the operating
data are cleared, start is possible
2 Operating data memory 2 in the E2PROM is invalid, the operating
data are cleared, start is possible
3 Serial number memory in the E2PROM is invalid, start is possible
4 Error memory in the E2PROM is invalid, the error memory is
cleared, start is possible
5 Parameter memory in the E2PROM is invalid, standard parameters
of the firmware are transferred, start is not possible
6 Exception memory in the E2PROM is invalid, start is possible
Positioner DC 6-06 69
10 Error handling
70 Positioner DC 6-06
11 Parameter description
11 Parameter Description
11.1 General
All the parameter groups are listed in Table 15: Parameter groups. This provides an
overview of the number ranges on which certain functions can be found. The four
subsequent parameter tables ( Table 16: Parameter Table 17: Measured Values and
Display Values Table 18: Functions and Table 19: Curves and Control Map) list each
individual parameter with a brief description and a reference to related chapters.
These four parameter lists explains all of the parameters which are defined in the
positioner. The defined level is given for each parameter. An operating tool such as
DcDesk 2000 or a hand programmer can only be used to view parameters whose level is no
higher than the level of the tool.
Parameters that require a save and control unit reset after a change are identified by
Only the first field parameter is given for curves and control maps; the parameter number
is identified by “ff” (and following).
Configuration of the
800 Switch functions 2800 Switch functions 4800
input/output channels
PWM outputs
1600 3600 Internal measured values 5600 Analogue outputs
Analogue outputs
Positioner DC 6-06 71
11 Parameter description
72 Positioner DC 6-06
11 Parameter description
Positioner DC 6-06 73
11 Parameter description
74 Positioner DC 6-06
11 Parameter description
Positioner DC 6-06 75
11 Parameter description
76 Positioner DC 6-06
11 Parameter description
Positioner DC 6-06 77
11 Parameter description
Name Meaning
2300 ActPos
Level: 1 Current actuator position
Range: 0..100 %
Page(s): 50, 52, 54
2330 ActPosSetpoint
Level: 1 Control path setpoint for the actuator
Range: 0..100 %
Page(s): 20, 52
2350 FuelSetpoint
Level: 1 Setpoint
Range: 0..100 %
Page(s): 20, 22, 32, 52
2809 AnaStopRequest
Level: 1 State of the stop request via analogue input
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 23, 26
2810 SwitchStopRequest
Level: 1 State of the stop request via digital input
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 23
2828 SwitchErrorReset
Level: 1 State of the switch function “Error reset”
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 31, 58
2845 SwitchAutoAdjust
Level: 1 State of the switch function “Automatic actuator
Range: 0/1 adjustment”
Page(s): 31, 50
2900 AnaStopSensor
Level: 1 Current measured value of the analogue stop input
Range: 0..100 %
Page(s): 24, 26, 32
3000 ConfigurationError
Level: 1 Displays configuration errors
Range: 0..65535
Page(s): 62, 64
3005 ErrAnaStopRequest
Level: 1 Error display of the analogue stop input
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 26, 64
78 Positioner DC 6-06
11 Parameter description
3007 ErrFuelSetpAna
Level: 1 Error display of the analogue setpoint generator
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 25, 64
3009 ErrFuelSetpPWMIn1
Level: 1 Error display of the PWM setpoint generator at PWM
Range: 0/1 input 1
Page(s): 25, 64
3011 ErrFuelSetpPWMIn3
Level: 1 Error display of the PWM setpoint generator at PWM
Range: 0/1 input 3
Page(s): 25, 64
3050 ErrFeedback
Level: 1 Error in the measured value of the actuator feedback
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 63, 64
3053 ErrActuatorDiff
Level: 1 Excessive difference between control path setpoint and
Range: 0/1 actual-value
Page(s): 65
3056 ErrFeedbackRef
Level: 1 Error in the reference value of the actuator feedback
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 63, 65
3059 ErrFeedbackAdjust
Level: 1 Error in the auto adjust or when entering the reference
Range: 0/1 values of the feedback
Page(s): 50, 63, 66
3060 ErrAmplifier
Level: 1 Amplifier error
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 63, 66
3075 ErrClearFlash
Level: 1 Error display when clearing the read-only memory
Range: 0/1 (displayed in the bootloader)
Page(s): 27, 63, 66
3076 ErrParamStore
Level: 1 Error display when programming the read-only memory
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 27, 63, 67
3077 ErrProgramTest
Level: 1 Error display when checking the checksum of the
Range: 0/1 firmware program
Page(s): 27, 63, 67
Positioner DC 6-06 79
11 Parameter description
3078 ErrRAMTest
Level: 1 Error display of the RAM test
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 27, 63, 67
3081 Err5V_Ref
Level: 1 Error display of the 5 V sensor supply
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 27, 67
3085 ErrVoltage
Level: 1 Error display of the voltage supply
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 27, 68
3087 ErrMainCheckSum
Level: 1 Error display of the data record
Range: 0/1 (displayed in the bootloader)
Page(s): 61, 68
3089 ErrWatchdog
Level: 1 Error display of the data record
Range: 0/1 (displayed in the bootloader)
Page(s): 27, 61, 68
3090 ErrData
Level: 1 Error display of the data record
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 27, 63, 68
3092 ErrConfiguration
Level: 1 Configuration error
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 62, 69
3093 ErrStack
Level: 1 Error display of the “Stack Overflow” error
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 27, 63, 70
3094 ErrIntern
Level: 1 Error display for internal software error
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 27, 63, 70
3099 EEPROMErrorCode
Level: 1 Display of incorrect E2PROM pages
Range: 0000..FFFF Hex
Page(s): 68
3105 SErr...
to Level: 1 Error counter for current error starting from 3005 Err...
3194 Range: 0..255
Page(s): 60, 70
80 Positioner DC 6-06
11 Parameter description
3195 SExceptionNumber
to Level: 1 Identifiers for the internal software error 3094
3198 Range: 0..FFFF Hex
Page(s): 28, 70
3500 FuelSetpPWMIn1
Level: 1 Current value of PWM input 1 for setpoint selection
Range: 0..100 %
Page(s): 26, 35
3501 FuelSetpFrequencyIn1
Level: 1 Current frequency at PWM input 1 for setpoint
Range: 0..1000 Hz selection
Page(s): 26, 35
3504 FuelSetpPWMIn3
Level: 1 Current value of PWM input 3 for setpoint selection
Range: 0..100 %
Page(s): 26
3505 FuelSetpFrequencyIn3
Level: 1 Current frequency at PWM input 3 for setpoint
Range: 0..1000 Hz selection
Page(s): 26
3510 AnaStop_Percent
Level: 1 Scaled value of the analogue input for the stop request
Range: 0..100 %
Page(s): 32
3511 AnaStop_Value
Level: 1 Unscaled value of the analogue input for the stop
Range: 0..5 V request
or 0..22 mA
Page(s): 26, 32
3530 FuelSetpAna_Percent
Level: 1 Scaled value of the analogue input for the setpoint
Range: 0..100 % selection
Page(s): 32
3531 FuelSetpAna_Value
Level: 1 Unscaled value of the analogue input for the setpoint
Range: 0..5 V selection
or 0..22 mA
Page(s): 25, 32
3600 PowerSupply
Level: 1 Current value of the filtered supply voltage
Range: 0..55 V
Page(s): 28
3601 LowPowerEnabled
Level: 1 1: Undervoltage is supported by the control unit and is
Range: 0..1 requested by parameter 5600 LowPowerEnable
Page(s): 29
Positioner DC 6-06 81
11 Parameter description
3602 PowerSupplyRaw
Level: 1 Current measured value of supply voltage x:
Range: 0..55 V
Page(s): 28
3603 5V_Ref
Level: 1 Current value of the 5V reference voltage
Range: 0..10 V
Page(s): 67
3800 EmergencyAlarm
Level: 1 Display of the emergency alarm
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 59, 63
3801 CommonAlarm
Level: 1 Display of the common alarm
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 25, 26, 37, 59
3802 SystemStopRequest
Level: 1 Shows that the system is stopped by an internally or
Range: 0/1 externally present stop (1 = stop request is active)
Page(s): 22
3803 SystemStopped
Level: 1 1 = shows that the system is stopped
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 22
3830 Phase
Level: 1 Current phase of the system
Range: 0..9 0: Waiting for start
Page(s): 22 4: Setpoint selection active
8: Auto adjust
9: Positioner operation
3840 HardwareVersion
Level: 1 Version number of the control unit hardware
Range: 00.00..99.99
Page(s): 56
3841 AddHardwareVersion
Level: 1 Additional version number of the control unit hardware
Range: 00.00..99.99
Page(s): 56
3842 SoftwareVersion
Level: 1 Version number of the software (firmware)
Range: 00.0.00...64.9.99 2 digits customer number
or 0000.00.00...6552.99.99 1 digit variant
Page(s): 8, 56 2 digits change index
82 Positioner DC 6-06
11 Parameter description
3843 BootSoftwareVersion
Level: 1 Version number of the bootloader software
Range: 65.0.00...65.5.35
Page(s): 56
3844 SerialDate
Level: 1 Serial date of the control unit hardware
Range: 0000..9912
Page(s): 56
3845 SerialNumber
Level: 1 Serial number of the control unit hardware
Range: 00000..65535
Page(s): 56
3850 Identifier
Level: 1 Identification number of the PC program \ hand
Range: 0..65535 programmer
Page(s): 57
3851 LastIdentifier
Level: 1 Identification number of the PC program \ hand
Range: 0..65535 programmer of the last stored parameter change
Page(s): 57
3865 CalculationTime
Level: 1 Necessary calculation time of the main loop
Range: 0..16.384 ms
Page(s): 28
3870 Timer
Level: 1 Internal millisecond timer
Range: 0..65.535 s
Page(s): 28
3871 OperatingHourMeter
Level: 1 Number of operating hours of the running system
Range: 0..65535 h
Page(s): 60
3872 OperatingSecondMeter
Level: 1 Seconds of the running system until carryover to an
Range: 0..3599 s operating hour
Page(s): 60
3895 RAMTestAddr
Level: 6 Current tested memory address
Range: 0000..FFFF Hex
Page(s): 27, 67
3896 RAMTestPattern
Level: 6 Test value
Range: 0000..FFFF Hex
Page(s): 27
Positioner DC 6-06 83
11 Parameter description
3897 CStackTestFreeBytes
3898 IStackTestFreeBytes
Level: 6 Displays the free bytes in the stack memory
Range: 0000..FFFF Hex
Page(s): 70
3905 ServoPIDCorr
Level: 6 Correction factor for the PID parameters of the servo
Range: 0..400 % loop
Page(s): 53
3916 ServoCurrentSetpoint
Level: 1 Setpoint for the current through the actuator
Range: -12.5..12.5 A
Page(s): 53
3950 Feedback
Level: 1 Unscaled value of the feedback
Range: 0..65535
Page(s): 49
3955 FeedbackReference
Level: 1 Unscaled value of the reference coil
Range: 0..65535
Page(s): 50
3960 FeedbackCorrection
Level: 1 Value of the feedback corrected by the reference
Range: 0..65535
Page(s): 50
84 Positioner DC 6-06
11 Parameter description
Name Meaning
4330 ChanTyp_FuelSetp
Level: 6 Configuration of the input channel type of the setpoint
Range: 0..10 generator
Page(s): 17, 19, 30, 32 0 = analogue
4331 SubstOrLastFuelSetp
Level: 4 Selection of the equivalent value for the setpoint
Range: 0/1 generator in case of error (0 = last valid value,
Page(s): 25 1 = equivalent value 331 FuelSetpSubst)
4332 HoldOrResetFuelSetp
Level: 4 Selects whether the error at the setpoint generator is
Range: 0/1 reset or held when the signal returns
Page(s): 25 (0 = error cleared, 1 = error retained)
4335 ActPosOutPWMOrAnalog
Level: 4 Configuration of the output channel type for the display
Range: 0/1 of the current actuator position
Page(s): 36 0 = analogue
4340 AnaStopRequestUsed
Level: 6 Activates the analogue stop request
Range: 0/1 (RESET)
Page(s): 24, 30, 32
4341 AnaStopSubstOrLast
Level: 6 Selects the equivalent value for the analogue stop
Range: 0/1 request in case of error (0 = last valid value,
Page(s): 26 1 = equivalent value 1000 AnaStopSensorSubst)
4342 AnaStopHoldOrReset
Level: 6 Selects whether the error at the analogue stop request is
Range: 0/1 reset or held when the signal returns
Page(s): 26 (0 = error cleared, 1 = error retained)
4721 FuelToActPosCurveOn
Level: 4 Activates the filling-dependent actuator nominal
Range: 0/1 position (curve)
Page(s): 20 (RESET)
Positioner DC 6-06 85
11 Parameter description
Name Meaning
4810 DigStopImplsOrSwitch
Level: 6 Activates the digital stop request as an impulse (1) or as
Range: 0/1 a switch (0)
Page(s): 23 (RESET)
4811 DigStopOpenOrClose
Level: 6 Activates the digital stop request as an NC (1) or NO
Range: 0/1 (0) contact
Page(s): 23 (RESET)
5000 CommAlarmLowActive
Level: 2 Selects whether the common alarm display will be low
Range: 0/1 active (0 when at least one error is present) or high
Page(s): 37 active (1 when at least one error is present)
5100 NoStoreSErrOn
Level: 6 Suppresses the storage of errors in the error memory
Range: 0/1 until the control unit is restarted
Page(s): 60
5102 CommonAlarmResetOn
Level: 2 Selects whether the common alarm display will be
Range: 0/1 briefly reset (edge change) when a new error is added
Page(s): 37, 59
5103 CommonAlarmResetBoth
Level: 2 Selects whether the edge change (5102
Range: 0/1 CommonAlarmResetOn = 1) is also generated when an
Page(s): 38, 59 error disappears (generally with every error change)
5510 AnaStopCurrOrVolt
Level: 2 Selects the signal type of the analogue input for the stop
Range: 1..2 request
Page(s): 24 1: 0..5 V
2: 0..22.7 mA (RESET)
5530 FuelSetpCurrOrVolt
Level: 2 Selects the signal type of the analogue input for the
Range: 1..2 setpoint generator
Page(s): 19 1: 0..5 V
2: 0..22.7 mA (RESET)
5600 LowPowerEnable
Level: 2 Activates the enabling of undervoltage
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 28
5700 ActuatorTestOn
Level: 2 Activates the test mode for the actuator
Range: 0/1 This function cannot be stored
Page(s): 54
86 Positioner DC 6-06
11 Parameter description
Name Meaning
5701 ActuatorTestMode
Level: 2 Selects the test mode for the actuator
Range: 0..3 0 = input from 1700
Page(s): 54 1 = rectangular from 1700 1701
2 = delta from 1700 1701
3 = sinusoidal from 1700 1701
5910 ActuatorOn
Level: 6 Switches the servo loop on/off
Range: 0/1
Page(s): 48, 54
5911 Amplifier2QOr4Q
Level: 6 Operation of the amplifier
Range: 0/1 0 = 4-quadrant (energizing in both directions)
Page(s): 48 1 = 2-quadrant (energizing in direction 100 %)
5920 ServoCurrentPCOn
Level: 6 Activates the actuator test mode to output the current
Range: 0/1 from 1920 ServoCurrentPC as a test setpoint to the
Page(s): actuator
This function cannot be stored
5950 FeedbDigitalOrAnalog
Level: 6 Type of actuator feedback
Range: 0/1 0 = DC voltage signal
Page(s): 48 1 = coil feedback (RESET)
5951 FeedbSlopeFallOrRise
Level: 6 Type of feedback signal curve
Range: 0/1 0 = rising output signal with rising filling
Page(s): 48 1 = falling output signal with rising filling
Positioner DC 6-06 87
11 Parameter description
Name Meaning
7300ff FuelToActSp:f(x) Position curve
Level: 6 Filling values for the filling-dependent actuator position
Range: 0..100 % curve
Page(s): 20 (RESET)
7315ff FuelToActSp:Pos(x)
Level: 6 Position for the filling-dependent actuator position
Range: 0..100 % curve
Page(s): 20 (RESET)
88 Positioner DC 6-06
12 Figures
12 Figures
Positioner DC 6-06 89
13 Tables
13 Tables
Table 1 Basic firmware variants................................................................................................. 9
Table 2 PANDAROS Basic Systems ....................................................................................... 10
Table 3 Product Overview Sensors .......................................................................................... 10
Table 4 Communication programs........................................................................................... 11
Table 5: Setpoint sources ......................................................................................................... 19
Table 6: Setpoint type .............................................................................................................. 19
Table 7: Digital Inputs.............................................................................................................. 30
Table 8: Switch functions......................................................................................................... 31
Table 9: Switch function assignment ....................................................................................... 31
Table 10: Analogue inputs ....................................................................................................... 32
Table 11: PWM Inputs ............................................................................................................. 35
Table 12: Analogue output....................................................................................................... 36
Table 13: PWM output............................................................................................................. 37
Table 14: Alarm output ............................................................................................................ 37
Table 15: Parameter groups...................................................................................................... 71
Table 16: Parameter ................................................................................................................. 77
Table 17: Measured Values and Display Values ..................................................................... 84
Table 18: Functions.................................................................................................................. 87
Table 19: Curves and Control Maps ........................................................................................ 88
90 Positioner DC 6-06
14 Index
Positioner DC 6-06 91
14 Index
92 Positioner DC 6-06
14 Index
Versions ............................................................ 5
Stack depth
Monitoring....................................................... 24
Switch functions
Motor stop ....................................................... 19
Switch Functions
Allocation........................................................ 27
System description ................................................. 4
Technical data ...................................................... 35
PANDAROS ................................................... 35
Value range .......................................................... 13
Voltage references
Monitoring of the ............................................ 23
Positioner DC 6-06 93
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94 Positioner DC 6-06