EDQA Settings
EDQA Settings
EDQA Settings
Task 1:
Check Activation of Event Linkage
1. For event-driven quantity assignment to work properly, the linkage between the
triggering event and the workflow that controls the execution of event-driven
quantity assignment has to be activated. Check in the SAP SCM system whether
the linkage has been activated for event-driven quantity assignment.
Task 2:
Use the filter type Filter ## that you created in the previous backorder processing
exercise. Select the following requirements: Sales orders for product T-F11##
with a sales quantity of 100 pieces.
Select the orders with the following confirmations: Orders in the backlog, orders that are
fully or partially confirmed on the requested date, orders with delivery proposals (fully
and partially confirmed), and orders without confirmation.
Give the filter variant the name “VAR_BOP_GRP_##” and the description “Variant BOP
for group ##”.
In addition, use the sort profile Sort## that you created in the previous backorder
processing exercise to sort the worklist. Save your settings as variants and give
them the name “EDQA_BOP_GRP##” and description “Variant EDQA for
group ##”.
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Unit 9: Backorder Processing SCM670
Sort profile: Sort## (the sort profile that you created in the first part of the
exercise in task 6, step 2)
Now choose the filter ( ) to define the filter variant.
Enter the following data in the filter variant:
Sales order
Product number:
T-F11## (Replace ## with your group number)
Base unit of measure: PC
Requested quantity: 100
Leave the values for all other settings unchanged. Now create a variant for
your entry by choosing the save icon ( ). Specify the following variant
name and description:
Now go to the “Parameters Process” tab page and enter the following data:
Parameter “Process”
Execution mode: Select “Update Changes”.
Leave the values for all other settings on the other tab pages unchanged.
Create a variant for your settings for backorder processing by choosing the
save icon ( ).
Task 3:
Set up an order due list
Sort profile: Sort ## (Use the sort profile that you created in the first part of the
exercise, task 6, step 2)
Now choose “Maintain ODL Filter Var.” ( ), which is on the right, next to
the text field for the filter variant.
Confirmation for:
Delivery proposal
Requested Date (Part.)
Dlvry Prop. (PrtCnf)
Order Itms W/o Conf.
Leave the initial values for all other settings on the tab page.
Now create a variant for your entry by choosing the save icon ( ).
Specify the following variant name and description:
Choose “Back” ( ).
This should bring you to the screen on which you created your order due lists. The
variant that you just saved should be selected as the filter variant (if not, select it using
the input help (F4)).
Save your entries.
Confirm the prompt for the transfer order.
Now generate the order due list by choosing “Generate ODL” ( ).
Then activate your order due list by choosing “Activate ODL” ( ).
Now choose “Back” ( ) twice to go back to Customizing.
Task 4:
Select the process category that you have just created and, in the left frame
(in the dialog structure), double-click “Profiles for Process Category” to display the list of
profiles for the process category in the right frame.
3. Create activity
Select the activity “Change Stock Data” and, in the left frame, double-click process
categories to display the process categories for the activity in the right frame.
Choose “New Entries”.
Hint: With Release SCM 7.0 EhP 1, condition profiles are now maintained in the
application rather than in Customizing.
Select the condition profile created above QodlProf## using the input
help (F4) and choose F8 to continue.
Call up the tab page for the Process Interface Stock Change and enter the
following data on the input screen:
Task 5:
Enter planning version 000, product T-F11##, location 1200, and choose
You should find an opening stock of 50 pieces of product T-F11## in production plant
1200 as the initial value.
Task 6:
1. Call the order due list ODL_GRP## (from the above task) and analyze the list.
a) Path: SAP Easy Access menu → Advanced Planning and Optimization
→ Global ATP → Backorder Processing → Event-Driven Quantity
Assignment (EDQA) → Process Order Due Lists
Task 7:
Create a sales order
1. Now go to the ERP system and create a sales order for product T-F11##.
To do so, call transaction VA01 or, alternatively, use the following menu path:
SAP Easy Access: SAP menu → Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales →
Order → Create
a) Call transaction VA01 (“Create Sales Order”) in the ERP system or,
alternatively, use the following menu path: SAP Easy Access: SAP menu
→ Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Create.
Choose Enter if you receive the message “Change in invoice date: The
billing date is redetermined”. This message has no impact on the ATP check.
The ATP results screen appears. How much of the requested quantity could be
50 PC
Accept the delivery proposal and save the sales order. Ignore the warning
message informing you that the document is incomplete. In the dialog box
that is then displayed, choose “Save”.
Make a note of the order number
What is the confirmation status of the sales order now?
Partially Confirmed
Task 8:
1. Check the order due list again and analyze the results.
a) Now return to the order due list that you should still have open.
Update the order due list by choosing the update pushbutton ( ).
The order due list should now contain an entry with the 50 pieces of the
item of the sales order that cannot be confirmed.
Leave the order due list open and open a new session for the next step.
Enter planning version 000, product T-F11##, location 1200, and choose Enter.
You should now see the initial stock of 50 pieces as well as the sales order with a
confirmed quantity of 50 pieces.
3. Enter a goods receipt Enter a goods receipt of 50 pieces in the SAP ERP system for
product T-F11## in plant 1200.
Enter planning version 000, product T-F11##, location 1200, and choose
You should now see 100 pieces of stock as well as the sales order with a confirmed
quantity of 100 pieces.
5. Check the order due list again and analyze the results after the goods receipt
a) Now check the order due list that you still have open in another session.
Update the order due list. The item that still exists should now disappear
and the order due list should now be empty again.
Then display the sales order again in the SAP ERP system. The sales order
should now be fully confirmed.
a) Call the transaction VA03 (“Display Sales Order”) in the ERP system. Enter
the order number that you made a note of in the above exercise and choose
“Sales”. The “Schedule Lines Exist” indicator should no longer be set.
Exercise Objectives
Task 1:
1. Create a filter type
Create a filter type for product T-F11## that selects orders based on the product
number, customer, and location selection criteria. Enter the following name for
the filter type: ROC_Filter##
Caution: For this exercise to work, you have to delete the purchase
requisition that currently still exists for product T-F11## in location
2500 (and has location 2300 as the source of supply). Call up the product
view in the SAP SCM (APO) system. You can access the product view
via the following menu path: In the SAP Easy Access menu: SAP Menu
→ Advanced Planning and Optimization → Production Planning →
Interactive Production Planning → Product View. Enter the following
values on the initial screen:
Continued on next page
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Unit 9: Backorder Processing SCM670
Planning Version: 000
Product: T-F11##
Location: 2500
Then choose the button. The system displays the next screen. There,
choose the button to switch to change mode. Select the purchase
requisition and delete it by choosing the button.
2. Set up a variant for backorder processing
Use the filter category “ROC_Filter##”. Select the following requirements:
Sales orders for product T-F11## in location 2300 for customer C2400. Select
the orders with the following confirmations: Orders in the backlog, orders that
are fully or partially confirmed on the requested date, orders with delivery
proposals (fully and partially confirmed), and orders without confirmation. Give
the filter variant the name VAR_ROC_GRP_## and the description “Variant
ROC for group ##”. In addition, use the sort profile “Sort##” that you created
in the first part of this exercise in task 6, step 2, to sort the worklist. Save your
settings as a variant under the name “ROC_BOP_GRP##” and description
“Variant ROC for group ##”.
3. Set up an order due list
Include orders with the filter type “ROC_Filter##” in the order due list and sort
them using the sort profile “Sort##”. Make the following settings to filter the
orders: Include sales orders for product T-F11## in location 2300 for customer
C2400 in the list. Select only the orders with the following confirmations: Orders
that are fully or partially confirmed on the requested date, orders with delivery
proposals (fully and partially confirmed). Give the filter variant the name
ODL_ROC_GRP_## and the description “Variant ODL ROC for group ##”.
Task 2:
Define a process category for ROC
1. Create a new process category (of type ROC) for your order due list. To do this,
first define the condition profile “RocProf##” with the description “Condition
profile ROC for group ##”. Enter the following parameters as conditions for
executing event-driven quantity assignment:
Continued on next page
© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company.
All rights reserved. 2014
SCM670 Lesson: Event-Driven Backorder Processing
Field Name Operator Lower Characteristic
MATNR Equal To (=) T-F11##
WERKS Equal To (=Low) 2300
2. Create a process category
Create the process category “RocCat##” with the description “Process category
ROC for group ##”. Use the condition profile “RocProf##” and the order due list
ROC_GRP##. Use the variant ROC_BOP_GRP## as the BOP variant.
3. Create activity
You want to start the reassignment of order confirmations for sales orders of
customer C2400 that could not be confirmed as requested. To do this, assign the
process category “ProfCat##” to the relevant activity.
Task 3:
Create a rule
1. Go to rule maintenance.
2. Create a new location determination list
Create a new location determination list with the following data:
Name: ROCLST##
Type: 0
Location procedure text: List for ROC
Location: DUMMY → 2300
(The location “DUMMY” is used as a placeholder in this exercise. It has no
further significance.)
Check the situation for your product T-F11## by going to the product view in
the PP/DS menu.
Path: SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Advanced Planning and Optimization
→ Production Planning → Interactive Production Planning → Product View
Enter planning version 000, product T-F11##, location 2300, and choose Enter.
Analyze the stock and requirements situation.
12. Create a sales order
Now go to the ERP system and create a sales order for your product T-F11##
Now return for the last time to the order due list that you should still have open
from the previous exercise step.
Update the order due list by choosing the update pushbutton ( ).
Task 1:
1. Create a filter type
Create a filter type for product T-F11## that selects orders based on the product
number, customer, and location selection criteria. Enter the following name for
the filter type: ROC_Filter##
Caution: For this exercise to work, you have to delete the purchase requisition that
currently still exists for product T-F11## in location 2500 (and has location 2300 as the
source of supply). Call up the product view in the SAP SCM (APO) system. You can
access the product view via the following menu path:
In the SAP Easy Access menu: SAP Menu → Advanced Planning and Optimization →
Production Planning → Interactive Production Planning → Product View.
Then choose the button. The system displays the next screen. There,
choose the button to switch to change mode. Select the purchase
requisition and delete it by choosing the button.
Double-click Criteria on the left of the screen. Enter the following values
for the field names of these filter type criteria: Choose New Entries.
MATNR Product
PLANT Location
Choose Save and confirm the prompt for the Customizing request. Go
back to the main menu.
Select the orders with the following confirmations: Orders in the backlog, orders that
are fully or partially confirmed on the requested date, orders with delivery
proposals (fully and partially confirmed), and orders without confirmation.
Give the filter variant the name VAR_ROC_GRP_## and the description “Variant
ROC for group ##”.
In addition, use the sort profile “Sort##” that you created in the first part of this exercise
in task 6, step 2, to sort the worklist.
Save your settings as a variant under the name “ROC_BOP_GRP##” and description
“Variant ROC for group ##”.
Include orders with the filter type “ROC_Filter##” in the order due list and sort
them using the sort profile “Sort##”. Make the following settings to filter the
orders: Include sales orders for product T-F11## in location 2300 for customer
C2400 in the list.
Select only the orders with the following confirmations: Orders
that are fully or partially confirmed on the requested date, orders with delivery
proposals (fully and partially confirmed). Give the filter variant the name
ODL_ROC_GRP_## and the description “Variant ODL ROC for group ##”.
Leave the initial values for all other settings on the tab page.
Now create a variant for your entry by choosing the disk icon ( ). Specify
the following variant name and description:
Variant name: ODL_ROC_GRP_##
Choose “Back” ( ). This should bring you to the screen on which you
created your order due lists. The variant that you just saved should be
selected as the filter variant (if not, select it using the input help (F4)).
Save your entries.
Task 2:
Define a process category for ROC
1. Create a new process category (of type ROC) for your order due list. To do this,
first define the condition profile “RocProf##” with the description “Condition profile ROC
for group ##”. Enter the following parameters as conditions for executing event-driven
quantity assignment:
b) In the left frame, double-click “Condition Profile” to display the list of condition profiles
in the right frame.
Create the process category “RocCat##” with the description “Process category
ROC for group ##”. Use the condition profile “RocProf##” and the order due list
ROC_GRP##. Use the variant ROC_BOP_GRP## as the BOP variant.
a) In the left frame, double-click “Process Category” to display the list of
process categories in the right frame.
Select the process category that you have just created and, in the left frame
(in the dialog structure), double-click “Profiles for Process Category” to
display the list of profiles for the process category in the right frame.
In the left frame (in the dialog structure), double-click “Events for Process
Category” to display the list of events for the process category in the right
3. Create activity
You want to start the reassignment of order confirmations for sales orders of
customer C2400 that could not be confirmed as requested. To do this, assign the
process category “ProfCat##” to the relevant activity.
a) In the left frame (dialog structure), double-click “Activity” to display the list of activities
in the right frame. Select the activity “Document
Confirmation (ROC Result)” and, in the left frame, double-click process
categories to display the process categories for the activity in the right frame.
Choose “New Entries”.
Select the condition profile created above RocProf## using the input help
(F4) and choose F8 to continue.
Call up the Reassignment of Order Confirmations tab page and enter the following data
on the input screen:
Task 3:
Create a rule
1. Go to rule maintenance.
a) Path: SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Advanced Planning and
Optimization → Master Data → Rule Maintenance → Integrated Rule Maintenance
2. Create a new location determination list Create a new location determination list with
the following data:
Name: ROCLST##
Type: 0
Location procedure text: List for ROC
Location: DUMMY → 2300
(The location “DUMMY” is used as a placeholder in this exercise. It has no
further significance.)
Control: NB##
Description: Rule control for ROC group ##
Location: Start from top of list
Check the rule that you have just created by navigating to the “Evaluate
Rule” tab page. Enter your product T-F11## and the location 2300. Then
choose “Start evaluation”. The product T-F11## in location 2300 should be
displayed as the result in the results table.
5. Create a new rule determination Create a new rule determination with the following
parameters for the rule “RocRule##” that you created in the previous exercise step. As
the condition type, use condition type “ATPR” and choose “Sales Org./Sold-To
Pt/Product” as the key combination.
b) Create a new rule determination for the rule “RocRule##” that you
created in the previous exercise step. As the condition type, use condition
type “ATPR” and choose “Sales Org./Sold-To Pt/Product” as the key
The remaining check instruction parameters are not relevant. If this is not the
case, change the settings accordingly and save your entries.
a) (See table)
Path: SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Advanced Planning and Optimization
→ Production Planning → Interactive Production Planning → Product View
Enter planning version 000, product T-F11##, location 2300, and choose Enter.
a) As the initial starting value, there should be 50 pieces of initial stock for
the product T-F11## in production plant 2300.
Call up the order due list that you previously created (ODL name: ROC_GRP##).
Then choose “Execute”. The system should now display a message informing
you that the order due list is empty. Confirm this message and display the empty
order due list.
Then choose the Execute button. The system should now display a message
informing you that the order due list is empty. Confirm this message and
display the empty order due list.
9. Create sales orders Now create three sales orders in the ERP system using the data
specified below:
Enter the following data on the initial screen:
Save the documents and ignore any warning messages that may appear informing
you that the document is incomplete.
Make a note of the numbers of your orders:
Order 1: ____________________
Order 2: ____________________
Order 3: ____________________
Check the situation for your product T-F11## by going to the product view in
the PP/DS menu.
Path: SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Advanced Planning and Optimization
→ Production Planning → Interactive Production Planning → Product View
Enter planning version 000, product T-F11##, location 2300, and choose Enter.
Analyze the stock and requirements situation.
a) There should be 50 pieces of product T-F11## in production plant 2300 as
well as three fully confirmed sales orders of 15 pieces.
Type Values
Order Type OR Standard Order
Sales Organization 2400 Italy, Milan
Distribution Channel 10 Final customer sales
Division 00 Cross-division
Sold-To Party C2400 Jashanmal International Trading
PO Number Rush purchase order
Delivery Date Wednesday of next week
You should now be brought automatically to the ATP results screen. Analyze
the results and make a note of them. Then transfer the results by choosing
“Adopt All”.
Now save your sales order.
a) Call transaction VA01 (“Create Sales Order”) in the ERP system.
Enter the following data:
Field Name or Data
Type Values
Choose Enter if you receive the message “Change in invoice date: The
billing date is redetermined.” This message has no impact on the ATP check.
You should now be brought automatically to the ATP results screen. Check the results
carefully. Then transfer the results by choosing “Adopt All”.
The confirmation of the requested quantity is comprised as follows: 5 due
to the product availability check and 45 due to the reassignment of order
Now save your sales order.
Now return for the last time to the order due list that you should still have open
from the previous exercise step.
Update the order due list by choosing the update pushbutton ( ).
a) The order due list should now be empty.
Check the situation for product T-F11## by going to the product view in the
PP/DS menu:
Path: SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Advanced Planning and Optimization
→ Production Planning → Interactive Production Planning → Product View
Enter planning version 000, product T-F11##, location 2300, and choose Enter.
There should be 50 pieces of product T-F11## in production plant 2300 as well
as three unconfirmed sales orders and one fully confirmed sales order.
a) See task description
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
• Create order due lists
• Use the event-driven quantity assignment and the reassignment of order
confirmations as options for event-driven backorder processing
Unit Summary
Related Information
• 376773 (Sample code for filter criteria enhancement)
• 510912 BOP: Hints and Tips
• 1105656 FAQ: Order due lists in SCM