Bolted Joint Design
Bolted Joint Design
Bolted Joint Design
ANSI, This American Standard for preferred limits and fits for cylindrical parts presents definitions of
terms applying to fits between nonthreaded cylindrical and makes some recommendations
on preferred sizes, fits, tolerances, and allowances for use where they areapplicable. The ANSI B4.1
charts data are provided in thousandths (.001) of an inch. ANSI can be defined ANSI metric or ANSI Inch
system. ANSI decimal inch system is based on ANSI Standard (B4.1 - 1967(1979). ANSI Standard
(B4.2 - 1978)metric system is based on ISO millimeter system. ANSI - American National Standards
Institute. ISO is International Organization for Standardization. ANSI standard is in accord with the
recommendations of American-British-Canadian (ABC) conferences up to diameter of 20 inches.The
ABC proposal comprises:(a)A grade system of fundamental tolerances for diameters 0.04 inch to
approximately 20 inches, the tolerance values in each grade being to the diameter by a given law of
formula and each grade of tolerance being approximately related to the others in the system in a
preferred number ratio (R5 series, with 60 percent increments). (a) A series of unilateral hole limits
derived from the fundamental tolerances, for use with a hole basis system. (c) A series of shaft, one
of these limits being determined by the allowance ( according to some technical requirement), the
other being derived from it by addition or subtraction of the fundamental tolerance.(d) A selection of
fits made by recommended association of certain of the holes and shaft, the selection being adequate
to cover most engineering requirements.
ANSI B4.1 standard implements 10 tolerance grades to meet the requirements of various production
branches for accuracy of products. ANSI B4.1 standard defines a system of preferred fits only for
basic sizes up to 19.69 inch. ANSI B4.1 system of tolerances is prescribed by the standard for basic
sizes up to 200 in. ANSI B4.1 Tolerance Table provides a suitable range from which appropriate
tolerance for holes and shaft can be selected. This enables the use of standard gages. Table shown
All given dimensions in table are in inches. Based on ANSI B4.1, basic size of all mating parts should
be chosen from the fractional and decimal series in the table below.
ANSI B4.1 Standard arranged fits classes in three general groups according to the field and type of
usage. Standard fits are designated by means of some symbols which facilitate reference to classes
of fits to get better understanding. The symbols are not intended to be shown on the manufacturing
detail drawings, only sizes should be specified on the detail drawings.
These letter symbols RC, LC, LT, LN, and FN are used with numbers representing the fit class. like
RC4 represent class 4. One of these symbols "with two letter and one number" represent a complete
fit. This fit can be interference, in and max clearance, and limits of sizes for mating parts.
Running and Sliding fits ranges are designated with RC1 to RC9.Throughout the range of the sizes
limits of clearance for this fit are intended to provide a running performance with suitable lubrication
allowance. Loosest of the class fits, used when a shaft is must move freely inside a hole or bearing,
and the positioning of the shaft is not critical in this fit like sliding gears and clutch disks, pivots,
running and sliding fits of shafts, guiding bushings, pistons of hydraulic machines, etc. There are nine
such fits RC1 to RC9. The lower RC numbers are the tighter fits, the higher numbers are the
looser fits. RC1 to RC9 Fits may be described as follows;
RC1; Close Sliding Fits: This kind of fits are intended for the accurate location of parts which must
assemble without noticeable play.
RC2; Sliding Fits: This kind of fits are intended for the accurate location but with greater maximum
clearance than class RC1. Parts made to this fit turn and move easily. This type is not designed for
free run. Sliding fits in larger sizes may seize with small temperature changes.
RC3; Precision Running Fits: This kind of fits are about the closest fits which can be expected to
run freely. Precision running fits are intended for precision work at low speed, low bearing pressures,
and light journal pressures. RC3 is not suitable where noticeable temperature differences occur.
RC4; Close Running Fits: This kind of fits are mostly for running fits on accurate machinery with
moderate surface speed, bearing pressures, and journal pressures where accurate location and
minimum play are desired. This kind of fits also can be described as smaller clearances with higher
requirements for precision fit.
RC5 and R6; Medium Running Fits: This kind of fits are designed for machines running at higher
running speeds, considerable bearing pressures, and heavy journal pressure. This kind of fits also
can be described with greater clearances with common requirements for fit precision.
RC7; Free Running Fits: This kind of fits are intended to use where accuracy is not essential. It is
suitable for great temperature variations. This fits are suitable to use without any special requirements
for precise guiding of shafts.
RC8 and RC9; Loose Running Fits: This kind of fits are intended for use where wide commercial
tolerances may be required on the shaft. With this fits, The parts with great clearances with having
great tolerances. Loose running fits exposed to effects of corrosion, contamination by dust and
thermal or mechanical deformations.
All limits shown in chart below are in thousandths of an inches. Symbols H5,g5, etc. are Shaft and
Hole designations used in American-British-Canadian System (ABC). Limits for Shaft and Hole are
applied algebraically to the Nominal (basic) size to obtain the limits of the size for the parts. All data
given in bold in the chart below are in accordance with ABC agreements. The values given under the
"Clearance Limits Column" represent min and max amounts of clearance resulting from application of
standard tolerance limits.
All limits shown in chart below are in thousandths of an inches. Symbols H8,e7, etc. are Shaft and
Hole designations used in American-British-Canadian System (ABC). Limits for Shaft and Hole are
applied algebraically to the Nominal (basic) size to obtain the limits of the size for the parts. All data
given in bold in the chart below are in accordance with ABC agreements. The values given under the
"Clearance Limits Column" represent min and max amounts of clearance resulting from application of
standard tolerance limits.
Nominal Class RC5 Class RC6 Class RC7 Class RC8 Class RC9
Size Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Ranges Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
(Inches) Limits Limits Limits Limits Limits
Clearan Hole Sha Clearan Sha Clearan Sha Clearan Sha Clearan
Ove ce ft ce Hole ft ce Hole ft ce Hole ft ce Hole Sha
r To Limits H8 e7 Limits H9 e8 Limits H9 d8 Limits H10 c9 Limits H11 ft
0.6 +0.6 -0.6 0.6 +1.0 -0.6 1.0 -1.0 -1.0 2.5 +1.6 -2.5 4.0 +2.5 -4.0
0 0.12 1.6 0 -1.0 2.2 0 -1.2 2.6 0 -1.6 5.1 0 -3.5 8.1 0 -5.6
0.8 +0.7 -0.8 0.8 +1.2 -0.8 1.2 +1.2 -1.2 2.8 +1.8 -2.8 4.5 +3.0 -4.5
0.12 0.24 2.0 0 -1.3 2.7 0 -1.5 3.1 0 -1.9 5.8 0 -4.0 9.0 0 -6.0
1.0 +0.9 -1.0 1.0 +1.4 -1.0 1.6 +1.4 -1.6 3.0 +2.2 -3.0 5.0 +3.5 -5.5
0.24 0.40 2.5 0 -1.6 3.3 0 -1.9 3.9 0 -2.5 6.6 0 -4.4 10.7 0 -7.2
1.2 +1.0 -1.2 1.2 +1.6 -1.2 2.0 +1.6 -2.0 3.5 +2.8 -3.5 6.0 +4.0 -6.0
0.40 0.71 2.9 0 -1.9 3.8 0 -2.2 4.6 0 -3.0 7.9 0 -5.1 12.8 0 -8.8
1.6 +1.2 -1.6 1.6 -2.0 -1.6 2.5 +2.0 -2.5 4.5 +3.5 -4.5 7.0 +5.0 -
0.71 1.19 3.6 0 -2.4 4.8 0 -2.8 5.7 0 -3.7 10.0 0 -6.5 15.5 0 10.5
2.0 +1.6 -2.0 2.0 +2.5 -2.0 3.0 +2.5 -3.0 5.0 +4.0 -5.0 8.0 +6.0 -
1.19 1.97 4.6 0 -3.0 6.1 0 -3.6 7.1 0 -4.6 11.5 0 -7.5 18.0 0 12.0
2.5 +1.8 -2.5 2.5 +3.0 -2.5 4.0 +3.0 -4.0 6.0 +4.5 -6.0 9.0 +7.0 -
1.97 3.15 3.5 0 -3.7 7.3 0 -4.3 8.8 0 -5.8 13.5 0 -9.0 20.5 0 13.5
-7.0 10.0
3.0 +2.2 -3.0 3.0 +3.5 -3.0 5.0 +3.5 -5.0 7.0 -5.0 - 10. -9.0 -
3.15 4.73 6.6 0 -4.4 8.7 0 -5.2 10.7 0 -7.2 15.5 0 10.5 24.0 0 15.0
-8.0 +10. 12.0
3.5 +2.5 -3.5 3.5 +4.0 -3.5 6.0 +4.0 -6.0 8.0 +6.0 - 12.0 0 -
4.73 7.09 7.6 0 -5.1 10.0 0 -6.0 12.5 0 -8.5 18.0 0 12.0 28.0 0 18.0
- -
10.0 +12. 15.0
4.0 +2.8 -4.0 4.0 +4.5 -4.0 7.0 +4.5 -7.0 10. +7.0 - 15.0 0 -
7.09 9.85 8.6 0 -5.8 11.3 0 -6.8 14.3 0 -9.8 21.5 0 14.5 34.0 0 22.0
- -
-8.0 12.0 +12. 18.0
12.4 5.0 +3.0 -5.0 5.0 +5.0 -5.0 8.0 +5.0 - 12.0 +8.0 - 18.0 0 -
9.85 1 10.0 0 -7.0 13.0 0 -8.0 16.0 0 11.0 25.0 0 17.0 38.0 0 26.0
- - -
10.0 14.0 +14. 22.0
12.4 15.7 6.0 +3.5 -6.0 6.0 +6.0 -6.0 10.0 +6.0 - 14.0 +9.0 - 22.0 0 -
1 5 11.7 0 -8.2 15.5 0 -9.5 19.5 0 13.5 29.0 0 20.0 45.0 0 31.0
- - -
-8.0 -8.0 12.0 +10. 16.0 +16. 25.0
15.7 19.6 8.0 +4.0 - 8.0 +6.0 - 12.0 +6.0 - 16.0 0 - 25.0 0 -
5 9 14.5 0 10.5 18.0 0 12.0 22.0 0 16.0 32.0 0 22.0 51.0 0 35.0
- - - - -
10.0 10.0 16.0 +12. 20.0 +20. 30.0
19.6 30.0 10.0 +5.0 - 10.0 +8.0 - 16.0 +8.0 - 20.0 0 - 30.0 0 -
9 9 18.0 0 13.0 23.0 0 15.0 29.0 0 21.0 40.0 0 28.0 62.0 0 40.0
- - - - -
12.0 +10. 12.0 +10. 20.0 +16. 25.0 +25. 40.0
30.0 41.4 12.0 +6.0 - 12.0 0 - 20.0 0 - 25.0 0 - 40.0 0 -
9 9 22.0 0 16.0 28.0 0 18.0 36.0 0 26.0 51.0 0 35.0 81.0 0 56.0
- - - -
16.0 +12. 16.0 +12. 25.0 +20. 30.0 +30. -50.
41.4 56.1 16.0 +8.0 - 16.0 0 - 25.0 0 - 30.0 0 - 50.0 0 -
9 9 29.0 0 21.0 36.0 0 24.0 45.0 0 33.0 62.0 0 42.0 100.0 0 70.0
- - - - -
+10. 20.0 +16. 20.0 - 30.0 +25. 40.0 +40. 60.0
56.1 76.3 20.0 0 - 20.0 0 - 30.0 16.0 - 40.0 0 - 60.0 0 -
9 9 36.0 0 26.0 46.0 0 30.0 56.0 0 40.0 81.0 0 56.0 125.0 0 85.0
- - - - -
+12. 25.0 +20. 25.0 +20. 40.0 +30. 50.0 +50. 80.0
76.3 100. 25.0 0 - 25.0 0 - 40.0 0 - 50.0 0 - 80.0 0 -
9 9 45.0 0 33.0 57.0 0 37.0 72.0 0 52.0 100.0 0 70.0 160.0 0 110
- - - - -
+16. 30.0 +25. 30.0 +25. 50.0 +40. 60.0 +60. 100
100. 131. 30.0 0 - 30.0 0 - 50.0 0 - 60.0 0 - 100 0 -
9 9 56.0 0 40.0 71.0 0 46.0 91.0 0 66.0 125.0 0 85.0 200 0 140
- - - - -
+20. 35.0 +30. 35.0 +30. 60.0 +50. 80.0 +80. 130
131. 171. 35.0 0 - 35.0 0 - 60.0 0 - 80.0 0 - 130 0 -
9 9 67.0 0 47.0 85.0 0 55.0 110.0 0 80.0 160 0 110 260 0 180
- - - - -
+25. 45.0 +40. 45.0 +40. 80.0 +60. 100 +10 150
171. 45.0 0 - 45.0 0 - 80.0 0 - 100 0 - 150 0 -
9 200 86.0 0 61.0 110.0 0 75.0 145.0 0 125 200 0 140 310 0 210
Locational Clearance Fits are divided into three groups. these fits are intended to determine only the
location of the mating parts. They may provide accurate or rigid location like interference fit or some
freedom of location like clearance fit. These three fits are Locational Clearance Fits (LC), Locational
Transition Fits (LT), Interference Fits (LN). Locational Fits are not for running machinery, it is for
location of the mating parts. Some example: Parts of machines fixed to shafts using pins, bearing
bushings, precise fits of machines and preparations, exchangeable wheels, bolts, retaining and
distance rings, parts of machines fixed to shafts using pins, rivets or welds, etc
a-) Locational Clearance Fits [LC]: This kind of fits are for parts which are normally stationary but
which can be freely assembled and disassembled. With Locational clearance fits, parts run from snug
fits for parts requiring accuracy of location through the medium clearance to the looser fastener fits
where freedom of assembly is necessary. The coupled parts must be fixed mechanically to prevent
any moving part against the other during assembly. Some of the use for this fits are bearing bushings,
exchangeable wheels, bolts, retaining and distance rings, rivets, parts of machines fixed to shafts
using pins, or welds, etc. The lower the class like LC1, LC2 for the precise guiding and centering of
parts, the higher the class like LC10, LC11 for the free fits with great clearances and maximum
tolerances.The tolerance of mating parts and fit clearance increases with increasing class of the fit.
Tighter than RC fits, but the shaft and hole may be the same size. LC fits allow the shaft to be located
more accurately than the RC fits but may still be loose. SHAFT "d9" with Hole "H8" is generally
suitable for loose running fits such as Plummer block bearing and loose pulleys. SHAFT "e8" with
Hole "H8" is recommended for general loose clearance fits and for properly lubricated bearings
requiring appreciable clearance. SHAFT "f7" with Hole "H7" and " f8" with Hole "H8" are
recommended to provide a normal running fits. This fit is widely used a normal grease-lubricated or
oil-lubricated bearing where no substantial temperature differences are encountered. Typical
applications are gear box shaft bearings and small electrical motor and pump bearings. SHAFT "g5"
with Hole "H6" and "g6" with Hole "H7" are expensive to manufacture since the clearances are small
and they are not recommended for running fits except in precision equipment where shaft loadings
are very light. Typical applications are the bearings for accurate link work and for piston and slide
valves. in addition, they are often used for spigot or location fits. SHAFT "h7" with Hole "H8" has an
upper limit of zero although in practice a slight clearance will usually be found. it is used for non-
running parts and is useful for normal location and spigot fits and may be used as a precision fit.
All limits shown in chart below are in thousandths of an inches. Symbols H6,H7,s6, etc. are Shaft and
Hole designations used in American-British-Canadian System (ABC). Limits for Shaft and Hole are
applied algebraically to the Nominal (basic) size to obtain the limits of the size for the parts. All data
given in bold in the chart below are in accordance with ABC agreements. The values given under the
"Clearance Limits Column" represent min and max amounts of clearance resulting from application of
standard tolerance limits.
All limits shown in chart below are in thousandths of an inches. Symbols H6,H7,s6, etc.. are Shaft and
Hole designations used in American-British-Canadian System (ABC). Limits for Shaft and Hole are
applied algebraically to the Nominal (basic) size to obtain the limits of the size for the parts. All data
given in bold in the chart below are in accordance with ABC agreements. The values given under the
"Clearance Limits Column" represent min and max amounts of clearance resulting from application of
standard tolerance limits.
b-) Locational Transition Fits [LT]:These fits lie between clearance and interference. Locational
interference fits are for application where accuracy of location in important. But for these kind of fits
either small amount of clearance or interference is permissible. fits These fits are a compromise
between LC and LN (interference/force) fits. These fits would allow either a small amount of clearance
or interference. LT1, LT2 can be usable for bearing bushings, hubs of gears, pulleys and bushings,
retaining rings, etc. The parts can be assembled or disassembled manually. LT3, LT4 can be usable
clutches, pulleys, manual wheels, brake disks, etc. The parts can be assembled or disassembled
without any great force by using a rubber hammer. LT5, LT6 can be usable for armatures of electric
motors on shafts, driven bushings, gear rims, flushed bolts, etc. The parts can be assembled using
low pressing forces. SHAFT "j7" with Hole "H8" provides a transition fit averaging a slight clearance
and is recommended for location fits requiring slightly less clearance than is given with "h" shaft and
where a slight interference is permissible. Typical applications are coupling spigot and recesses, gear
rings clamped t steel hubs, etc. SHAFT "k6" with Hole "H7" is a true transition fit averaging virtually no
clearance , and is recommended for location fits where a slight interference can be tolerated for the
purpose of eliminating vibration.