Via Mat: New Location in Geneva
Via Mat: New Location in Geneva
Via Mat: New Location in Geneva
via mat
T h e c ustom e r n e w s l e tt e r of th e V I A M A T G roup.
New location
bonded warehouse, transit warehouse, and
long-term warehouse offer customers various
in Geneva
options to securely store their valuables.
No 7 w Autumn 2010
G e n e ra l Cargo
Every day, the truck pulls up at Aluminium Laufen AG in Liesberg to pick up the six-meter long
profiles. Loading is a very careful process, as the semi-finished aluminum products are delicate
and easily scratched. After two hours, the goods are loaded and the journey to France begins.
VIA MAT (FRANCE) S.A.R.L. clears the semi-finished products before taking care of the distribu-
tion in France. Within 24 hours, the aluminum profiles are distributed to the various customers
in France.
Special transport
using a floating
(O.LISBOA) recently transported a Yankee dry-
er (one-cylinder dryer) weighing 104 tons from
Heidenheim in Germany to Altamira in Mexico
for Voith Paper Brazil.
O.LISBOA had organized the transport
of the Yankee dryer to a paper mill in Mexico
in cooperation with their partner LS Cargo.
Within two days, the Yankee dryer was ship-
ped by road from the Heidenheim factory to
Heilbronn by special transport. In Heilbronn,
O.LISBOA loaded the heavy cargo onto a bar-
ge and shipped it to Antwerp via Neckar/Rhi-
“Continuity is crucial to us” ne. There, it was reloaded directly onto the
“We are particularly appreciative of the flexibility of VIA MAT (FRANCE) S.A.R.L. – our coop-eration Hapag Lloyd container ship Mv. Livorno Ex-
is a pleasant partnership”, says Eugen Hänggi, member of the management board and respon- press. This reloading required a floating crane,
sible for the technology division. They have had the same contact people for which transferred the Yankee dryer from the
years. “This continuity is crucial to us.” Of course, quality and price need to be right as well. And barge onto a platform on the Livorno Express
at VIA MAT (FRANCE) S.A.R.L. they are. that consisted of four flat racks. The crossing
Around four times per week, VIA MAT (FRANCE) S.A.R.L. also exports aluminum profiles to from Antwerp to Altamira proceeded as sche-
Belgium and Holland for Aluminium Laufen AG and handles the EU customs clearance. Logistics duled so that the Yankee dryer could be han-
plays a key role for Aluminium Laufen AG. “We transport around 120 tons of goods on a daily ded over to the customer without any delays
basis, the majority of which is shipped by truck”, says Eugen Hänggi. The remain-ing goods are and in immaculate condition.
transported by train.
Duty-free bonded
warehouse in Panyu
Since the beginning of September, VIA MAT INTERNATIONAL (GUANGZHOU) CO. LTD.
has been operating a duty-free bonded warehouse specialized in jewelry, diamonds
and precious metals in Panyu for Worldmart Jewelry & Gems Emporium Co. Ltd. Panyu,
a district of Guangzhou, is the most important jewelry production center in China.
VIA MAT INTERNATIONAL AG supports its international customers with their entry into
ART LOGISTICS the Chinese market by providing comprehensive logistics services.
Attractive collective
Exhibitors and gallery-owners who take part in
national and international exhibitions would
like to transport their artworks professionally
and affordably. The focus is on the careful and
safe handling of the works.
VIA MAT ARTCARE AG offers its cus-to-
mers attractive collective transports from and
to Geneva, Lugano, Paris, Milan, and London
– as well as further destinations throughout
Europe. All the while, your works will be in safe
hands: The collective transports are carried
out by trained employees. State-of-the-art
transport and storage infrastructures guaran-
tee customers flawless service.
From left to right: Gilbert Chan, General Manager, China; Shelly Li, Accountant, VMI-Guangzhou; Josie Hou,
Customer Services Manager, VMI-Guangzhou; Sindy Cheung, Station Manager, VMI-Guangzhou
The economy in China is booming. More and more foreign traders and investors want to
invest in the Chinese market, however, the trade barriers remain high. This makes it all the
more important to have an experienced partner by your side when entering the market.
Worldmart Jewelry & Gems Emporium Co. Ltd. in Guangzhou has recently commis-sioned
VIA MAT INTERNATIONAL (GUANGZHOU) CO. LTD. with overseeing the duty-free
bonded warehouse in the Shawan Industrial Jewelry Park in Guangzhou’s Panyu district. World-
mart owns the license for the monitored duty-free and export warehouse for valuables. It is
China’s first duty-free bonded warehouse with a customs office specializing in valuables. VIA
MAT INTERNATIONAL (GUANGZHOU) CO. LTD. is therefore able to efficiently handle all customs
clearance formalities and offer you comprehensive logistics services when entering the Chinese
O ur s e rvi c e s in Du b ai w
Global air, road, and sea transports for
precious metals and banknotes
International transports of jewelry, gemsto-
nes, watches and valuable goods
Storage of valuables
Pick & Pack solutions
Trade fair logistics for international watch
and jewelry exhibitions
Improvisation and
quick alternatives
S y st e ms
Clearing textiles
Since the middle of March, BONAFIDE LOGISTIC AG has
been handling export shipments for Calida AG, using
the new electronic export system e-dec-export. Their sound
technical know-how and core competence in customs
clearance have convinced Calida AG to choose this external
Calida AG transfers
the electronic cus-
toms data to BONA-
where they are scan-
ned into the e-dec
application via the
new interface. Subse- The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull turned
quently, BONAFIDE the world of transport upside down. Through improvisation,
LOGISTIC AG takes speed, and flexibility, the air freight teams of MAT TRANSPORT AG
care of the export and VIA MAT INTERNATIONAL AG ensured that the goods
customs clearance nevertheless arrived at their destination as quickly as possible.
procedure at Swiss
customs. Here, a dif- The closure of the European airspace not only brought international
ferentiation is made passenger transport to a halt, but also impacted on the supply chains
between goods that around the globe.
are forwarded with a
consignment note Exceptional situation brings unknown challenges
and those with an ex- The first flight restrictions were announced in Scandinavia and England.
port list. Goods with “While other airspaces were still open, the airlines switched to other
a consignment note airports and routes”, says Patrik Berni, Head of Air Freight at MAT
are processed with TRANSPORT AG. But in many cases, smaller airports quickly reached
status “Domicile”, capacity or did not have the necessary loading and unloading equipment.
while goods that are The air freight team reacted quickly, offering customers alternative flight
forwarded with an export list are processed with status “Customs of- routes and road-based routes.
fice”. The export lists must additionally be scanned at the export cus-
toms office or transferred into the computerized transit system (NCTS). Alternative concepts for valuables shipments
For shipments of valuables, the experts also did everything possible.
Focus on core competencies The biggest challenge was the time factor. “Nobody knew for how long
BONAFIDE LOGISTIC AG can request the electronic assessment the airspace would remain closed. Our customers did not know whether
notice from Swiss customs. The data is then automatically assigned or not to make use of alternative solutions”, says Urs
individual Calida AG-specific names and stored. Using a further inter- Moser, Global Sales & Marketing at VIA MAT INTERNATIONAL AG. Here,
face, Calida AG accesses the electronic assessment notice at BONAFI- quick responses and a high level of flexibility were crucial as well. “Less
DE LOGISTIC AG and archives it on a server on its own premises in ac- than 24 hours after the airspace was closed, the first security vehicles
cordance with statutory requirements. of VIA MAT INTERNATIONAL AG were on the road for special transports”,
Calida AG is convinced of the advantages of e-dec exports says Urs Moser.
through a specialist: “We let experts handle the e-dec exports, which Thanks to the air freight team’s experience and improvisational
enable us to focus on our core competencies”, says Josef Stadelmann, skills, MAT TRANSPORT AG and VIA MAT INTERNATIONAL AG were able
Head of Logistics. w to demonstrate their capabilities even in an extraordinary
situation. w
The exhibition “Albert Anker – beautiful world” was one of the highlights of the festivities com-
memorating the 100th anniversary of Anker’s death. From May 7 to September 19, 2010, the
Museum of Fine Arts Bern displayed paintings, drawings, watercolors, and faiences by the
unique artist. The starting point in the showroom was the show featuring Anker, which the
Museum of Fine Arts Bern had already held for four Japanese museums from 2007 to 2008.
VIA MAT ARTCARE AG packaged the roughly 100 of Anker’s works on the premises of the
lenders, museums, collectors, and private owners and transported them to the Museum of Fine
Arts Bern. All loaned exhibits came from Switzerland. “The cooperation with VIA MAT ARTCARE
AG was very swift and professional – the company had already organized the transport of the
works to the exhibitions in Japan”, says Ethel Mathier, registrar of the
Museum of Fine Arts Bern.
There was huge public interest in this exhibition. Around 100,000 visitors came to see
the exhibition. w Albert Anker, Girl with Two Cats, 1888,
oil on canvas, 66 x 43 cm, private collection
A R T L O G I S T I CS N e t wor k
T h e V I A M AT G R O U P w E d itoria l offi c e w
Bonafide Logistic AG • Loop • Mat Securitas Express AG • Mat Transport AG Via Mat Management AG
O.Lisboa Despachos Internacionais Ltda. • Via Mat Artcare AG • Via Mat (France) S.A.R.L. Obstgartenstrasse 27, CH-8302 Kloten
Via Mat International AG (China, Germany, Singapore, Switzerland, UAE, Uk, USA) Phone +41 44 804 9292, Fax +41 44 804 9293
Via Mat Management AG • Via Mat Packsafe AG,