Blackberry Melomel Mead: Kit Includes

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Product# MD55


Blackberry Melomel Mead

Recipe Formulation & Log

Kit Includes:
• Wildflower Honey (15 lbs)
• Blackberry Puree (2 cans)
• Go-Ferm Protect (10 g)
• Fermaid K (8 g)
• DAP (15 g)
• Potassium Carbonate (5 g)
• Campden Tablets (5)
• Pectic Enzyme (10 g)
Necessary Equipment:
• 5 Gallon Kettle
• 6 gallon Fermenter with air-lock & stopper Brewing Log:
• 5 gallon carboy for secondary & solid stopper Date Brewed:
• Small bowl
Transfer To Secondary:
• Stirring spoon
Date Bottled:
• Racking/siphon set-up
• Funnel Time Aged:
• Sanitizer
• Thermometer

MoreBeer’s Mead Making Process

There are several ways to make a mead. Our directions are unique in a few ways. #1 We use a low heat method
that makes dissolving honey easy, but does not drive off aromas. #2 Our method pays a lot of attention to
yeast health since Mead is nutrient poor. #3 We add potassium carbonate, which raises the pH of mead and
allows it to ferment in around 3 weeks instead of the more typical 3 months. While the following directions
will be all you need today, if you are interested in knowing more, please read our comprehensive and free 10
page MoreManual! on Mead making.

1) Sanitize a large pot, stirring spoon, a small bowl for the yeast starter, and any fermentation equipment
that will come into contact with the mead (we recommend using Star-San CL26).
Prepare the yeast:
2) Heat 3/4 cup of clean potable water to 110º F (43ºC) in a small bowl. *Hydration water needs to have a
sufficient amount of minerals in it. Filtered water or just from the tap is fine. Avoid using distilled water because it contains
no minerals.

www.MoreBeer.Com • 1-800-600-0033 • A MoreFlavor, Inc. Company

3) Add 10 grams of Go-Ferm (1 packet) to the heated water. Mix it in well so that there are no clumps, and
let it stand until the temp of the mixture falls to 104º F (40ºC). You can also adjust the temperature of the
water downwards by just adding a little bit of cold water to the solution until it falls to 104º F.
4) Add your 8 gram yeast packet or vial/packet of liquid yeast to the mixture. Stir it gently to break-up any
clumps. Wait about 30 minutes, stir a second time and you are ready to add to your mead. *Important
Note: Try to avoid going too far beyond 30 minutes in the hydration solution, or the yeast will begin to slowly starve.
While your yeast is rehydrating, move to step 5.
Diluting Honey & Prepping for Fermentation:
5) Add 3–4 gallons of clean water to your kettle. Filtered water is great, but do not used distilled; its lack of
minerals actually harms the yeast. Heat the water to about 90°F. You want the water to be hot enough to dissolve
the honey, but not so hot that the honey loses aroma: the water temperature only needs to be 10°F higher than the honey
for the honey to dissolve!
6) Turn off heat and stir in honey until completely dissolved.
7) Add 5 g (3/4 tsp) Potassium Carbonate to the 5 gal of honey mixture and mix thoroughly.
8) Fill your fermenter with the honey solution. Add any extra water that may be needed to bring the total
volume to 5 gallons.
9) Gently swirl/stir the yeast/Go-Ferm to make sure any of the solids that have settled out during the 30
min soak time are re-incorporated back into solution. Add all of your solution into the honey mixture and
gently stir it in thoroughly.
10) Top with an airlock. Yeast benefit from oxygen at this stage: rocking/sloshing (carefully!) the fermenter
back and forth at 1 min intervals, three or four times will help add the much needed oxygen to the honey
mixture! Place your fermenter in an environment that is between 65–75°F.
11) Within 24–48 hours you should begin to see the first signs of fermentation (slight bubbling on the air
lock). At this point add 4 grams (1 tsp) of Fermaid K and 7.5 grams (1.5 tsp) DAP. Dissolve them in a bit
of warm water first for a few minutes then stir into the fermenter with a sanitized racking cane. It is helpful to
stir the solids that settle on the bottom of the fermenter (called “lees”) back into solution 1 x per day during fermentation
(a sanitized racking cane works great for this!).
12) 3–4 days after the start of fermentation, add the remaining ½ of the Fermaid-K packet, and the other
½ of the yeast nutrient DAP, repeting the process in step #11.
13) After two weeks of fermentation, add both cans of fruit puree and the 10 gram packet of pectic enzyme
directly to your fermenter.
14) Continue fermentation until the bubbles in the airlock slow to 1–2 per minute or altogether stop. This
signals the end of the fermentation.
After Fermentation:
15) Once the fermentation is over, we need to protect the mead against oxidation: Add 3 crushed Camp-
den tablets (45 ppm) to a bit of water or mead until completely dissolved, then stir it thoroughly into your
mead. Replace the airlock with a solid stopper.
16) In 1 week rack the mead off the sediment into a sanitized carboy. Be sure to limit the headspace in the
new container to around 1” below the stopper. Note: you can make up lost volume using other mead, boiled and
cooled water, or clear glass marbles (WE251) if needed.

www.MoreBeer.Com • 1-800-600-0033 • A MoreFlavor, Inc. Company

17) Wait for mead to clear. Cold storage temperatures (like a cellar/basement or in a fridge) will help speed
up the settling/clearing out process.
18) Before bottling, add the final 2 crushed Campden tablets (30 ppm) to help better preserve the mead
during bottling and aging. Campden tablets provide sulfites which protect against oxidation.

Notes on Mead Making

Adjusting Acidity
Sometimes mead can benefit from the addition of a little acidity. Just as in winemaking, adding a small amount
can make a flat, lackluster mead come alive, while emphasizing the original honey flavor. We suggest adjusting
to taste (as every mead is different), by adding tartaric acid in 1/4 tsp (AD620) increments.

Nutrients & Fermentation Duration

The nutrient regimen given in this paper will help the yeast overcome honey’s stark lack of nutrients. By simply
following the nutritional guidelines in this paper and keeping fermentation temperatures within the recom-
mended range, you can expect your mead to finish fermentation in around 3 weeks (not 3–6 months)!

It is fun to experiment with different flavorings and fruit. You may try fermenting a 5 gallon batch and then
transferring to smaller 1 gallon containers. In the one gallon size you may try infusing with fresh fruit or adding
more honey (½ lb at a time) to sweeten it if the mead fermented too dry for your taste. Adding fruit or more
honey will kick the fermentation back in. So, allow time for the extra bit of fermentation to finish.

The “Low Heat” Method of Mead Making

The “Low Heat” Method means you don’t boil the honey or must to make mead. You still heat water up to
dissolve the honey. By not boiling the honey you minimize the loss of beneficial enzymes and proteins, allowing
the mead to retain the true floral flavor and bouquet of the honey varietal used.
Honey is quite sanitary and in its natural state practically nothing can grow in it. It is only when we dilute it
to make mead that microorganisms can start to work; both good (ie: our yeast) and bad (ie: spoilage organ-
isms). When preparing mead using the “no-heat” method presented here, the way we avoid contamination
problems is to keep the time from when the must is diluted, to when we add our yeast in, to a minimum. The
best way we achieve this is simple: while you are waiting 30 minutes for the yeast to soak up their nutrients
for fermentation, prepare the honey mixture; as soon as the yeast are ready, they can be added immediately!

More Helpful Information

For a more in-depth look, please read our free 10 page MoreManual! on Meadmaking available as a free
download from our website Another great resource is The Compleat Meadmaker (BK710)
by Ken Schramm.

www.MoreBeer.Com • 1-800-600-0033 • A MoreFlavor, Inc. Company

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