Blackberry Melomel Mead: Kit Includes
Blackberry Melomel Mead: Kit Includes
Blackberry Melomel Mead: Kit Includes
Kit Includes:
• Wildflower Honey (15 lbs)
• Blackberry Puree (2 cans)
• Go-Ferm Protect (10 g)
• Fermaid K (8 g)
• DAP (15 g)
• Potassium Carbonate (5 g)
• Campden Tablets (5)
• Pectic Enzyme (10 g)
Necessary Equipment:
• 5 Gallon Kettle
• 6 gallon Fermenter with air-lock & stopper Brewing Log:
• 5 gallon carboy for secondary & solid stopper Date Brewed:
• Small bowl
Transfer To Secondary:
• Stirring spoon
Date Bottled:
• Racking/siphon set-up
• Funnel Time Aged:
• Sanitizer
• Thermometer
1) Sanitize a large pot, stirring spoon, a small bowl for the yeast starter, and any fermentation equipment
that will come into contact with the mead (we recommend using Star-San CL26).
Prepare the yeast:
2) Heat 3/4 cup of clean potable water to 110º F (43ºC) in a small bowl. *Hydration water needs to have a
sufficient amount of minerals in it. Filtered water or just from the tap is fine. Avoid using distilled water because it contains
no minerals.
It is fun to experiment with different flavorings and fruit. You may try fermenting a 5 gallon batch and then
transferring to smaller 1 gallon containers. In the one gallon size you may try infusing with fresh fruit or adding
more honey (½ lb at a time) to sweeten it if the mead fermented too dry for your taste. Adding fruit or more
honey will kick the fermentation back in. So, allow time for the extra bit of fermentation to finish.