Junction Potential
Junction Potential
Junction Potential
φβ − φα = Ej Ej
at t=0;
Conc α
at steady-state-- − +
time--t: − +
get breakdown of electroneutrality at the interface--
flux of H+ and Cl- at interface depend on two forms
of ionic movement------diffusion: dC/dx and mobility
and migration: movement of ions in electric field
++++++ +++
− −−−−−−−−
5 q of chloride 5 q of chloride
electrolyzed at gained--from
left elect. reduction of AgCl
K = F ∑ zi i Ci
electric force = zi e ε
V/cm = field strength
charge on
frictional drag ---can estimate with Stokes eqn:
=6 πηr v
velocity of ion
j j Cj
for 1:1 electrolytes (e.g., HCl, NaCl, KCl, etc.)--
for HCl:
zH + H+
CH +
tH+ =
z Cl − Cl
− CCl − + z H + H
+ CH +
RT aH + RT aCl −
− = (t+ ) ln + (t − ) ln
zH + F aH + zCl − F aCl −
RT a1
− = (t+ − t − ) ln
F a2
where a1 = aM+α = aA-α = aMAα
a2 = aM+β = aA-β = aMAβ
since single ion activities cannot be measured---we
can only measure mean activities---and hence we
can make above assumptions to simplify previous