Score Analysis Candide - Capstone

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The document provides a detailed analysis of the structure, themes, dynamics, articulations, time signatures and keys of Leonard Bernstein's arrangement of the Overture to Candide. It breaks down the piece into different sections and themes.

There are 6 main themes discussed - Theme 1, Theme 2, Theme 3, Theme 4, Theme 5 and Theme 6. The document provides notes on the melody for each theme.

The dynamics range from pp to FFF and change throughout the piece with phrases getting louder or softer. The articulations also vary between sections from marcato, legato to accents. Shaped dynamics with crescendos and decrescendos are also used.

Elana Gitterman Capstone Project

Score Analysis
Piece: ​Overture to “Candide”​ By Leonard Bernstein, Arranged by Clare Grundman
Tempo: ​Allegro molto con brio, half note = 132 bpm

M. 1- 6
Themes(s):​ Opening (Introduction theme)
Notes on the Melody: ​Main statement is in brass
Key:​ Eb Major
Time Signature:​ Cut time, 3/2 in m. 5
Overall Dynamics:​ FF
Style/Articulations:​ Marcato!

M. 7 - 31
Theme(s):​ Theme 1 with woodwind melody in m. 7 - 18
Notes on the Melody: ​Introduction restatement in m. 19 - 23 (focus on brass)
Theme 1 repeated in woodwinds m. 24 - 31
Key:​ Eb Major
Time Signature: ​Cut time
Overall Dynamics:​ ​FF​ in woodwinds, shaped dynamics (crescendos and decrescendos)
Style/Articulations:​ Marcato! Watch for tonguing in woodwind melodic line

M. 32 - 46
Theme(s):​ Theme 2
Notes on the Melody:: ​M.39, brass use mutes
Key:​ Eb Major
Time Signature​: Cut time 32-45, 2/4 in m. 46
Overall Dynamics: ​FF
Style/Articulations: ​Lighter style

M. 47 - 63
Theme(s):​Theme 3
Notes on the Melody: ​Melody in brass
Timpani very prominent
M.55 grace notes in woodwinds
Key: ​Eb Major
Time Signature​: Cut time m. 47 - 62, 3/2 m. 63
Overall Dynamics: ​FF
Style/Articulations: ​Heavy marcato in brass and low winds, ACCENTS!

M. 64 - 82
Theme(s): ​N/A Transition Section
Key: ​Eb major, moving to Bb major
Time Signature​: Cut time
Overall Dynamics: ​pp
Style/Articulations: ​Soloistic, Pass the solo between flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon and piccolo

M. 88 - 133
Theme(s): ​Theme 4
Key: ​Bb
Time Signature​: ​Pattern starting in m.83 = Cut-time (83, 84)3/2 (85) continues through 118,
bars 119 to 122 in 3
Overall Dynamics: ​mf
103-104 ​dim
105-106 ​cresc. to f
Style/Articulations: ​Shapely

M. 134 - 140
Theme(s): ​Opening/intoduction repeated
Key: ​Eb Major
Time Signature​: Cut time
Overall Dynamics: ​FF
Style/Articulations: ​Marcato

M. 141- 153
Theme(s): ​Theme 1
Notes on the Melody: ​Flute solo from first theme
Key: ​Eb Major
Time Signature​: Cut time
Overall Dynamics: ​mp
Style/Articulations: ​Marcato

M. 154 - 160
Theme(s): ​Theme 2
Key: ​Eb major
Time Signature​: Cut time
Notes on the Melody: ​Tutti in upper winds
Style/Articulations: ​Light

M. 161 - 177
Theme(s): ​Theme 3
Notes on the Melody: ​Brass
Key: ​Eb
Time Signature​: Cut time
Style/Articulations: ​Heavy Marcato

M. 178 - 205
Theme(s): ​Theme 4
Notes on the Melody: ​Alto has melody, horn/alto soli
Flute triplet flourishes at 183
Key: ​Bb Major
Time Signature​: ​Pattern starting in m.178 = Cut-time (178,179) 3/2 (180) continues to 205
Overall Dynamics: ​p,​ crescendo to 200
Style/Articulations: ​Cantabile, sing

M. 206 - 230
206 is grand pause
Theme(s): ​Theme 5
Notes on the Melody: ​Melody in woodwinds (flutes and oboes)
M.216 offset melody, flutes/oboes on 1, clarinets and saxes on 2
M. 224 horns join, build intensity
Key: ​Eb major
Time Signature​: ​Cut time (206 - 229), 3/2 (230)
Overall Dynamics: ​p​ crescendo

M. 231 - 254
Theme(s): ​Theme 6
Notes on the Melody: ​Hemiolas
Upper voices have melody
M. 247 tutti
Key: ​Eb major
Time Signature​: ​Cut time (231- 236)
3/2 (m. 237, 245, 253)
Overall Dynamics: ​Subito ​p​, molto crescendo starting 243

M. 255 - 270
Theme(s): ​Fragmented opening theme and theme 1
Notes on the Melody: ​Brass, oboes, upper clarinets have the melody
Theme 1 melody in woodwinds
Key: ​Eb major
Time Signature​: ​Cut time
Overall Dynamics: ​FF
Style/Articulations: ​Marcato

M.271 - 276
Theme(s): ​Theme 3
Notes on the Melody: ​Brass has melody
Key: ​Eb major
Time Signature​: ​Cut time
Overall Dynamics: ​FFF
Style/Articulations: ​Heavy marcato

M. 277 - 287
Theme(s): ​Theme 4
Notes on the Melody: ​Mid brass has melody (horns, trombones, baritones)
Eb major chord
Key: ​Eb
Time Signature​: ​Cut time
Overall Dynamics: ​FFF
284 is pp, 287 ​FF
Style/Articulations: ​Cantabile, singing

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