2019-06-06 St. Mary's County Times
2019-06-06 St. Mary's County Times
2019-06-06 St. Mary's County Times
County Times
St. Mary’s THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2019
Hemp: Next
Cash Crop?
2 The County Times Thursday, June 6, 2019
SPORTS 15 Esperanza Lanes closes doors after more than 30 years.
County Times
P.O. Box 250 • Hollywood, Maryland 20636
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Thursday, June 6, 2019 The County Times Local News 3
Status of Defendant in
Fatal Crash Still in Question
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
The question as to
whether a Lexington Park
man accused of causing a
vehicular crash in March
that claimed the life of an
elderly woman is compe-
tent to stand trial for her
death continues after a
hearing was postponed
last week.
Machiavelli Tyzhae
Savoy, 21, was indicted
last month on the charge
of second-degree murder
and negligent manslaugh-
ter, among others in an
18-count indictment re-
sulting from the death of
Carol Jean Anderson, 87,
of Leonardtown.
A Circuit Court judge
ordered in April that Sa-
voy be taken to a state
run hospital to ascertain
whether he was compe- Savoy
tent to stand trial; his
lawyer claimed at the ing a handgun. Officers attempted to
time that her client suffered from a head take Savoy into custody, however Savoy
injury and that he had no recollection refused to stop and a pursuit ensued, po-
of the events that led up to Anderson’s lice reports stated. During the pursuit,
death. Savoy lost control of the vehicle he was
Savoy has since been released and the operating while negotiating a curve on
defense is looking to contest the state’s Pegg Road. Savoy’s vehicle crossed
findings from Savoy’s hospital stay. the centerline of the roadway and was
“The state’s doctor says Savoy is com- struck by Anderson’s vehicle.
petent,” Assistant State’s Attorney Dan- Both vehicles caught fire and both
iel J. White told The County Times. “The drivers had to be extracted; Anderson
defense is seeking a second opinion.” suffered burns to her left side.
White is the prosecutor who moved for Both Savoy and Anderson sustained
the indictment against Savoy. serious injuries from the crash; sources
The crash occurred March 3, Ander- close to the investigation said Savoy was
son died from her injuries March 9. not initially expected to live due the se-
On the day of the crash law enforce- vere injuries he suffered.
ment officers located Savoy operating a Police found that Savoy was in pos-
vehicle in the area of Midway Drive in session of a handgun once he had been
Lexington Park. Savoy was wanted on pulled from the wreckage.
numerous outstanding warrants, includ-
ing illegally possessing and transport- guyleonard@countytimes.net
County Times
St. Mary’s
St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County COUNTYTIMES.NET
Thursday, June 6, 2019 The County Times 5
Sell it - Buy it
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“Hot Diggidy Dog Day”
One Free Hot Dog to each registered bidder, while supplies last.
NOTE: Due to the large number of items being offered at this auction -
we will be selling with more than one auctioneer at a time!
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Thursday, June 6, 2019
Father’s Da y S p e c ia l
2/$16 2/$20
P R I C E S E F F E C T I V E F R I D AY, J U N E 7 T H R U T H U R S D AY, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 9
10 The County Times Thursday, June 6, 2019
Thursday, June 6, 2019 The County Times Cops & Courts 11
Legal Notice
The above Petitioner has filed a Petition for Change of Name in which
he/she seeks to change his/her name from Yelena Marie McAtee to Lyena
Alexeevna Yakovleva. The petitioner is seeking a name change because:
This is my preferred name.
Any person may file an objection to the Petition on or before the 14th
day of July, 2019. The objection must be supported by an affidavit and served
upon the Petitioner in accordance with Maryland Rule 1-321. Failure to file an
objection or affidavit within the time allowed may result in a judgment by default
or the granting of the relief sought.
Debra J. Burch,
Clerk of Court for
St. Mary’s County Maryland
June 6, 2019
12 In Our Community The County Times Thursday, June 6, 2019
Leonardtown High School graduation. Photo by Ceandra Scott. Great Mills High School graduation. Photo by Ceandra Scott.
The 2019 Flag Day festivities, co- groups from around the county. A for-
sponsored by the Commissioners of St. mal ceremony and Pause for the Pledge
Mary’s County and the Commissioners of Allegiance follows the procession.
of Leonardtown, will take place on Fri- At the conclusion of the formal pro-
day, June 14 at 6 p.m. gram, members of the American Legion
The event will be held on the Govern- Post in Avenue, Maryland, will hold a
mental Center Lawn in Leonardtown. If flag retirement ceremony. Legion mem-
inclement weather should occur, the cer- bers will demonstrate the dignified and
emony will be moved inside the Leon- proper method of disposing of worn,
ard Hall Recreation Center, adjacent to torn and/or tattered flags.
the lawn.
The event will feature a procession Press Release from
by various color guards and veterans St. Mary’s County Government
Thursday, June 6, 2019 The County Times In Our Community 13
Chopitcon Students Have a Picnic Day REMEMBER FATHER’S DAY - JUNE 16TH
Wentworth Nursery
Fire Pit Kit
$ 00
On May 22nd the Adaptive PE class from Chopticon High School visited St. Clair Farm for Any Proven
their annual “End of the Year Picnic”. The picnic includes bag lunches, hayrides, and a visit Winner®
with the horses. (Holding horse) Volunteer, Shawn Cathcart, owner of River Crest K9 Services, Buddleia Lo Shrub
Sherri St. Clair of St. Clair Farm, and students and staff from Chopticon High School. & Behold
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14 Sports The County Times Thursday, June 6, 2019
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By Guy Leonard He added that the research being con- which does not yet exist, would help a Calvert County Commissioner Earl
Staff Writer ducted on the plant will help determine nascent hemp industry in the region, “Buddy” Hance served as Maryland’s
the optimum conditions for produc- growers could start on their own. agriculture secretary from 2009 to
Since the federal government has re- ing CBD oil from the plant; a certain Ristvsey said growers could begin the 2015. He said of Calvert’s involvement
moved hemp, a cousin of the marijuana amount of environmental stress on the extraction process on their own using ei- in hemp production: “We're just try-
plant, from a list of restricted crops in- plant can lead to increased production of ther a method involving carbon dioxide ing to figure it out. When I was at the
terest has grown in several states, in- the THC substance. or alcohol. department, Colorado and Tennessee
cluding Maryland, as a possible replace- This makes growing hemp in Mary- Perhaps the most significant ques- had passed some legislation allowing
ment for tobacco, the state’s traditional land a risky proposition, he said, with tion about growing hemp here remains growing of hemp. They were strug-
cash crop. the threat of crop destruction if too unanswered. gling with it because of the connection
While hemp has many uses such as a much THC is present. “We need to find out how well the to marijuana and all the regulations and
basis for bio-fuels and as a fiber-bearing Though there has been significant crop grows in Maryland,” Ristvey said. requirements, trying to figure out how
plant that can be used in clothing and interest in the local St. Mary’s farm- James Raley, a member of the St. to regulate it. At that time, it was very
other items, it’s most valued product is ing community, Beale said, there is al- Mary’s County farm bureau and board preliminary.”
cannabidiol (CBD), which is an oil ex- ready significant mounting competition member of the state organization, said Hance said hemp production is dif-
tracted from the plant that has medicinal around the nation to both grow and pro- local farmers were interested but wary ferent from what farmers faced with
properties. cess hemp for its precious CBD oil. about hemp’s future in Maryland. tobacco: “Yeah, completely, because it's
It is currently being sold freely in “The entire US is looking at hemp,” “It’s in the experimental stage right harvested by mechanical means. You
Maryland as a pain reliever and even to Beale said. “And there are still questions now,” Raley said. “It’s a new crop. can either combine it, or you can let it
reduce seizures in certain cases. like what is the feasibility of this crop, “We’re not sure about it’s nutrient re- go to seed and you can use a combine
The Maryland Farm Bureau states what’s the profitability? quirements or what pests it’s vulnerable and harvest the seed. You've cut it sort
also that hemp seed is high in both pro- “We just don’t know that. We don’t to.” of like a hay crop.”
tein and fats, which could make it a via- have well defined markets at this time.” Hemp has not been cleared for pesti- Hance said he doesn’t know of any
ble alternative to soy products currently Beale said hemp production for its fi- cide use in Maryland, according to the farmers in Calvert who are participating
used as animal feed. ber would take between 300 to 400-acre Maryland Cooperative Extension. in the experimental program with the
“The market for CBD oil has gone cra- plots, large for local farms. “Once it’s out of the research phase University of Maryland.
zy,” said Ben Beale, senior agricultural But CBD oil production could take the next hurdle will be harvesting and “We have a tremendous problem with
agent with the University of Maryland’s place on a vastly smaller scale, just one- processing,” Raley said. “We’ll have to deer in the county; we'll just have to wait
Cooperative Extension in Leonardtown. to-two acre plots. see if we can use a machine versus labor and see,” Hance added.
“The hemp movement started in Ken- The large plots could be harvested by hand.” Charlie Cox of Spider Hall Farm re-
tucky and then moved to Tennessee and more easily with combine equipment, Charlie Mattingly, owner of Southern minds everyone that farming is still the
Virginia as an alternative to tobacco. while the smaller plots of just an acre Maryland Relief in Mechanicsville, a county’s largest industry. “It’s absolute-
“There’s a lot of interest.” or more would require more intensive dispensary for medical marijuana, was ly a business,” he said. Cox observed
Legislation recently passed in Mary- hands-on labor; the sort used to pick and confident hemp would have a successful that the decision about whether Calvert
land allows farmers to grow the crop if process tobacco years ago before the na- run here. County farmers would leap into a new
they partner with a state university or tionwide tobacco buyout. “It’s a good opportunity down here,” business would consider such return-
college conducting research on the plant Local production, and its profitability, Mattingly said. “We’re talking to farm- on-investment factors as the potential
for industrial growth purposes. lies in the ability to create products ready ers about forming a [hemp growing] need to purchase a new combine or other
There are currently 13 farmers who to bring to market; that means process- co-op.” equipment.
have successfully applied to be a part of ing the hemp locally to extract the CBD Mattingly said he is already involved Cox said that labor is still a big im-
the University of Maryland’s pilot pro- substance, said Andrew Ristvey with in hemp production across the nation pediment to getting into a new crop.
gram, with one in St. Mary’s County. the University of Maryland’s College of and in other countries, he’s just waiting Labor issues led most farmers to choose
The names of those farmers are being Agriculture and Natural Resources. to start here locally. the tobacco buyout. Cox said perhaps
kept confidential, Beale said. “Growers will probably maximize “I believe this will be one of the big- the hemp seeds could be harvested by
Agricultural officials said similar pro- their profits if they work in the context gest crops growing in the country in the combine for their oil but harvesting the
grams were underway with Salisbury of a value-added idea,” Ristvey told The next two or three years,” Mattingly said. leaves for other uses could also be labor
State and Morgan State universities. County Times, adding that working on President of the Calvert County Farm intensive.
Under the current rules, hemp plants small, concentrated plots solely to ex- Bureau Jason Leavitt said he feels there There are many variables, Beale said,
must have less than a .3 percent concen- tract the CBD oil for sale seemed to be could be a future for the growing of but hemp could still be a viable money
tration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) the way forward for local growers, par- commercial hemp in the county. maker for local farmers.
which is the substance in marijuana that ticularly with competition from around He said the farm bureau supports “It’s not at all mainstream yet,” Beale
causes the narcotic high when smoked the nation growing. ways for farmers to diversify produc- said. “But there’s potential.”
or otherwise imbibed. “We’re behind the 8 ball,” Ristvey tion, although he said he is not aware at
“Any more than that and the entire said. “We started late.” this time of any specific interest in Cal- guyleonard@countytimes.net
crop has to be destroyed,” Beale said. While a regional processing facility, vert for growing hemp.
18 The County Times Thursday, June 6, 2019
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20 Education The County Times Thursday, June 6, 2019
Graduate Irina Segesdy with parents Scott and Sally. Photo by Ceandra Scott.
Graduate Jordon Watkins with grandmother Alma Jordon and mother Tania. Photo by
King's Christian Academy Graduates. Photo by Ceandra Scott. Ceandra Scott.
n A
Fu& G ME there
41. Ridicules
43. Allied Powers vs. Central
12. Space station
14. Gene
19. Satisfy
Powers 23. Livid
45. Produce 24. It comes after “et”
47. Ancient kingdom near 25. More (Spanish) 1. Resembling apes
Dead Sea 26. Electronic data processing
49. Hebrew unit of liquid
27. Buffer solution to separate
2. Famed TV host Sullivan
50. Type of sword
55. “Sin City” actress
28. Primate
29. Scattered
3. Rare Hawaiian geese
56. Female reproductive cells
57. Afflicted
34. Evergreen tree
35. What engaged couples 4. Convicted traitor
59. One point north of will say
northeast 36. Barbie’s friend 5. Make into leather
60. Garland 37. Midway between south
I wanna’ be a
61. Spiritual leader and southeast 6. Urge to do something
62. Negative 39. A position from which
63. Tooth caregiver
64. Cheek
progress can be made
40. Showed up
7. Small town in Spain
41. Insecticide
42. Type of milk
8. They promote products
CLUES ACROSS 17. Type of horse 1. Form of “to be”
2. A hand has one
44. Verandas
45. Annoyingly talkative 9. Small Eurasian deer
1. Sacred bull (Egyptian 18. Volcanic craters
46. Abba __, Israeli politician
3. Thought
10. Ancient people
myth.) 20. Type of graph (abbr.) 47. “Heat” director
5. One-time European money 21. Supporters 4. Physical body
5. Removes 48. Plant genus
8. Disfigure
11. Polish city
22. North and South are two
25. Spread 6. One who perpetrates 51. Swiss river 11. The Volunteer State
wrongdoing 52. Prejudice
13. Move quickly on foot
14. Landlocked West African
30. Adjusted
31. Vietnamese offensive 7. Make one 53. Actor Idris
54. Freedom fighters (slang)
12. Academic term
country 32. Nazi architect 8. Kate and Rooney are two
15. Used in aromatherapy 33. Nigerian peoples 9. __ Ladd, “Shane” actor
10. Makes fun of
58. Criticize 13. Natives of Alberta,
16. The greatest of all time 38. When you hope to get
15. Cause to become insane
Can the weather this week last forever, well, except for the thunder- 18. Feed
storm part that’s coming? I always feel so much better in dry weather. The 21. Crime organization
barometric pressure correlation between how your joints feel is definitely 24. Acrobatic feats
true for me. All the windows are open, I can work in the workshop with CLUES ACROSS 43. Supply to excess
44. Pie _ __ mode 26. Car mechanics group
the AC off and the door open, and the slight breeze blows some of the 1. Ancient Rome had one 27. Mustachioed actor Elliott
mosquitos away. 7. Engagement rings tend 45. Dash
I don’t know if you are an avid, or rather, rabid Jeopardy fan like I am, 47. You sometimes pardon it 30. Inquired
to have them 32. S. Korean industrial city
but I am in a quandary over whether I miss “Jeopardy James”, or if I am 48. Catch doing something
13. Not the leader 35. Member of the cuckoo
glad to see the new winner, Emma Boettcher, take the helm. Librarians wrong
always seem to do well. Emma must feel amazing to know she beat the 14. Decorated family
16. Morning 51. A constellation’s second
champ, though there is quite a bit of online talk about whether he lost 37. Test for high schoolers
17. The Garden State star
on his own terms, so he could be home with his family, specifically his 38. Some nights are these
daughter; apparently, she wants him home for her birthday party. What a 19. __, myself and I 53. Famed French painter of
dancers 39. Helps you stay organized
Dad!!! And just in time for Father’s Day. 20. Gets up
55. Engines do it 42. Cool!
No matter what, James Holzhauer has changed the game of Jeopardy 22. Type of meal
forever. You hear that everywhere. I feel that Jeopardy, along with so 56. Chemically inactive 43. Genus containing pigs
23. Cavalry sword 46. An opinion at odds
much else in our culture, has now lost its innocence. Contestants will 58. Moved quickly on foot
now be playing the game the “Jeopardy James” way; with a high stakes, 25. Proclaims 47. Types of bears
26. Historic places 59. Threaten persistently
risk-taking, winner take all strategy. It was a great strategy, no doubt, 49. Smartphones give them
28. They go into space 60. Commercial
always hunting for the daily doubles first and going for the bottom, high 50. Nobel physicist Hans
dollar, answers right away. But, the polite method of starting at the top 29. Hostelry 61. Listen without the
speaker’s knowledge 52. Where rock stars work
and working your way to the bottom of the category is gone, I think. In 30. Peter’s last name
64. Rhodium 54. Your car needs it
fact, for years, I thought that was the way it had to be done – at least in 31. Necessary for syrup
the first round. 65. Caregivers to kids 55. Dutch name for Ypres
33. Kids’ channel 57. Go after
As I write about Jeopardy, Don Henley’s song, “The end of the inno- 67. Highly ornamented
cence” is running through my mind. James made the game very exciting, 34. Take upon oneself 59. Cold wind
36. A bog 69. Real, fixed property
but right now I am glad it is back to normal. I did feel bad for some of the 70. Brains 62. Examines animals
contestants up against James, who waited, for years possibly, to be on the 38. Small cavities in a gland 63. Popular island alcohol
show, only to find out that they were playing him. 40. Grand Theft Auto vehicle 66. Northeast
Maybe I will have to go back to watching It’s Academic like I did as 41. More vigorous 68. Indicates position
a kid. I always wished I was smart enough to be picked for the show. I
think Surrattsville was on in 1971 or so, though I don’t remember if they
were ever on it again. I’m sure they must have been. I do remember going
into Giant with my mother at that time and seeing how everyone was so
excited about a Surrattsville team getting to compete. There were promo-
tional signs up as you walked into the store, since Giant was a big sponsor.
All I really wanted then, as I was only 10 years old, was to meet Odon-
na Mathews. I loved her voice, and she seemed exactly like my wonderful
sister-in-law to be, Kathy, who also majored in Home Economics. Martha
Stewart could learn things from her. I found a 2006 article about Mrs.
Mathews by Susan Reimer of THE BALTIMORE SUN newspaper: “For
nearly 30 years, Odonna Mathews was the voice of Giant Food, dispens-
ing cheerful doses of nutrition advice over the radio and across the aisles
of the supermarket. That familiar voice has been retired. Remember
“Strive for Five”? It was the catch phrase she used to remind us to eat five
servings of fruit and vegetables every day.”
Now if my fondness for Jeopardy and It’s Academic with the host as
Odonna Matthews could be combined into a game show, I would try-out
for that…still wouldn’t be smart enough.
In Remembrance
The County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to
guyleonard@countytimes.net after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.
Carolyn Ann Russell Weiler lege of Southern Maryland, and Metcom in Joseph Ronald Thompson, Sr. sville, MD, Courtney-Sue Santora of Me-
Hollywood, MD. chanicsville, MD, Dominick Santora (Holly)
Carolyn Ann Carolyn was a book club member, and Joseph Ronald of Mechanicsville, MD, and 3 grandchil-
Russell Weiler, Leonardtown Lions Club member. She was Thompson, Sr. dren. As well as her brother Daniel “Danny”
55, of Hollywood, in charge of the Christmas Care Program “Ronnie”, 60, of Walker (Beth). She was preceded in death by
MD formerly from until her health declined. Loveville, MD her sister Susan Musselman
Leonardtown, MD She enjoyed going out on boat rides, shop- formerly from She graduated from Friendly High School
passed away on ping, volunteering at St. John’s Catholic Compton, MD in 1978. Bonnie was a beautician, hair dress-
June 2, 2019 in Church Hollywood, MD, and spending time passed away on er, and homemaker.
Washington, DC. with friends and family. Most of all, she was June 2, 2019 at The family will receive friends on Thurs-
Born on December a loving wife and mother. his home. He was day, June 6, 2019 from 10:00 AM to 11:00
21, 1963 in Leon- The family will receive friends on Thurs- born on December AM in the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral
ardtown, MD she day, June 6, 2019 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 10, 1958 in Leon- Home Leonardtown, MD, where a Funeral
was the daughter of the late Agnes C. Rus- PM with prayers recited at 7:00 PM in the ardtown, MD, and was the loving son of the Service will be held in the Funeral Home
sell and Richard I. Russell, Sr. Carolyn was Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home Leonar- late Agnes Genevieve Farrell Thompson, Chapel with Pastor Zelalem Wollo officiat-
the loving wife of Donald E. Weiler whom dtown, MD. A Mass of Christian Burial will and James Albert Thompson. Ronnie was ing. Interment will follow in Charles Memo-
she married on May 19, 2001 in St. Francis be held on Friday, June 7, 2019 at 10:00 AM the loving husband of Sylvia Marie Thomp- rial Gardens Leonardtown, MD. Serving as
Xavier Catholic Church Compton, MD. in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Morganza, son whom he married on April 7, 1979 in pallbearers will be Dominick Santora, Ar-
Carolyn is survived by her children Sarah MD with Father Rob Maro officiating. Nazarene Church Hollywood, MD. Ronnie nold Hager, Daniel Walker, Dalton Walker,
Copsey of Hollywood, MD, Michael A. Wei- Interment will follow in Queen of Peace is survived by his children Joseph Ronald Frank Santora, II, and Lacey Santora.
ler of Hollywood, MD, and 1 grandchild. As Catholic Cemetery Helen, MD. Thompson, Jr. of Loveville, MD, Denise
well as her siblings Richard I. (Karen) Rus- Serving as pallbearers will be Richard Michelle Neitzve (Christopher) of Leonar-
sell, Jr., Robert S. (Carole) Russell, Donald I. Russell, Jr. Robert S. Russell, Donald G. dtown, MD, 3 granddaughter Harper Marie Robert B. Wood, Sr.
G. (Debbie) Russell, Linda R. (Jim) Farrell, Russell, Charles P. Russell, Francis Russell, Neitzve Farrah Ann Neitzve, and Emersyn
Agnes Russell (Jim) Monteith, Charles P. Michelle Neitzve. As well as his siblings Robert B.
and David A. Russell.
Russell, K. Francis (Gisela) Russell, brother Barbara McGill, James A. Thompson, Jr. Wood, Sr. 84, of
Contributions may be made to St. Francis
in law Mark Weiler, and Sister in law The- Elaine Brooks, Jeanette Burroughs, Susie Abell, MD former-
Xavier Catholic Church 21370 Newtowne
resa Summerfelt. She was preceded in death Hall, Dorothy Thompson, Kenneth Thomp- ly of New Orleans,
Neck Road Leonardtown, MD 20650 and
by her brother David A. Russell and sister in son, Etta Battaglia, and Jay Thompson. He LA passed away
Newtowne Manor House 21370 Newtowne
law Christine Russell. was preceded in death by his siblings Wanda on May 26, 2019.
Neck Road Leonardtown, MD 20650.
She was lifelong St. Mary’s County, MD Buckler, and Michael Thompson. He was born on
Arrangements provided by the Matting-
resident and graduated from Leonardtown He was a lifelong St. Mary’s County, MD August 14, 1934 in
ley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A. Leonard-
High School in 1981. Carolyn worked for the resident, and graduated from Chopticon New Orleans, LA
town, MD 20650.
Department of Education in Washington, High School in 1977. Ronnie was a Main- and was the lov-
DC, Franklin High School in New Orleans, tenance Trade worker for IAP Worldwide ing son of the late
LA, Cort Furniture Company in VA, Col- Services. Margery Huck Wood and Robert H. Wood,
Contributions may be made to the Me- Jr. Robert was the loving husband of Joyce
chanicsville Vol. Rescue Squad P.O. Box 15 Wood whom he married in New Orleans,
Mechanicsville, MD 20659 and Hospice of LA. They were married for 63 years. Robert
St. Mary’s P.O. Box 625 Leonardtown, MD is survived by his children Robert B. Wood,
20650 Jr. (Carolyn) of Grasonville, MD, Mark
Wood (Jill) of Glenwood, MD, Jeffrey Wood
(Amy) of Newburg, MD. He was preceded
Bonnie Jeanne Santora in death by his siblings Albert Haik, Doro-
thy Haik, Margie Hickey, Jane Wood, Rose
Bonnie Jeanne Wood, and Charles Chabreck.
Santora, 59, He graduated from Warden Easton High
“MooMoo” of School. As well as graduating from North-
Me cha n icsv il le, western University in Louisiana in 1968. He
MD passed away moved to St. Mary’s County, MD in 1979.
on May 31, 2019 Robert served with the United States Coast
in Waldorf, MD. Guard for 42 years, from 1952 to 1994. Rob-
Born on February ert was a member of the International Broth-
12, 1960 in Wash- erhood of Electrical Workers, Moose Lodge
ington, DC, she 495 in Mechanicsville, MD and Maple Leaf
was the daughter Workers.
of the late Norma Jeanne Walker and Chil- Contributions may be made to Holy An-
ton Thomas Walker. Bonnie is survived by gels Catholic Church 21335 Coltons Point
her children Lacey Santora of Mechanic-
Providing trusted service to the community for over 100 Years Lyn speaks to many groups regarding Estate Planning & would
be happy to speak to yours. Lyn also offers complimentary
41590 Fenwick Street • P.O. Box 270 • Leonardtown, Maryland 20650 Estate Planning Classes the Third Wednesday of Each Month
www.mgfh.com at 11AM at 8906 Bay Avenue • North Beach, MD 20714.
Road Avenue, MD 20609. Roger loved hard crabs, gardening, his at his side. time on the water fishing and boating, or in
Arrangements provided by the Matting- pets, an ice-cold beer, and never missed an He was born the woods hunting. He liked to collect and
ley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A. Leonard- opportunity to be near the water. He worked June 10, 1950 in work on antique cars. He liked speed and
town, MD. hard to support his family and had a great Washington D.C. enjoyed NASCAR and off shore boat races.
sense of humor. He was kind and was al- to the late Thur- He was a past member of the Air National
ways welcoming to guests. man E Thompson Guard.
Thomas Roderick Long Roger is survived by his loving wife Ma- and Nannie M He is survived by his extended family and
rie, his daughter, Denise Guy (Ricky) and Burks Thompson. special friends, Ben and Susie Mendoza. In
Thomas Roder-
their son’s Kyle Richley Guy and Garrett Steven was em- addition to his parents he is also preceded in
ick “Roger” Long, Honor the Michael
memory ofW yourThompson.
Roderick Guy. Roger was truly blessed with ployed by Bell death by his brother,
84 of Mechanics-
ville, MD went to
a beautiful extended family of four stepchil-
dren after his marriage to Marie. Sherry
A Tribute to the Loved One
Atlantic and later
Verizon for 30 dedicated years. He retired in
one by sharing the
All services will be private.
Memorialwith friends, neighbors
story of their life
made to
be with his Lord
on Thursday, May
23rd, 2019. Roger
Gayon (Barney), Susie Welch (Marty), Steve
Brukardt (Kathy), and Tami Faunce (J.R.),
Whose Memory Lives
1998. He had a quick wit and loved to tell
stories. He enjoyed cooking and did so for
Hospice of St. Mary’s, P.O. hereBox
in the625,
dtown, MD 20650 and the American Cancer
For details and to place
whom shared a very close relationship for many Moose Lodge and American Legion Society, 405 Williams Court, Suite 120, Bal-
passed away at his
home, under the
over 40 years.
Roger’s Memorial Service will be on Sat-
On Forever in Your Heart
events in years past. He had a love for mu-
sic and grew up playing the guitar. He was a
timore, MD 21220.
your notice of remembrance,
call 301-373-4125 for assistance.
Condolences to the family may be made at
loving care of his
urday, June 8th, at 10 a.m., at the Immacu- talented musician playing the base guitar in www.brinsfieldfuneral.com.
late Conception Catholic Church, Mechanic- several bands. He liked to play country, old- Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral
Roger was born on May 7th 1935 on De-
sville, MD, with Fr. Tietjen presiding. Inter- ies and rock and roll. He enjoyed being out- Home, P.A.
LaBrooke Manor, near Oraville, MD, to the
ment will be private. side riding his Harley with friends, spending
late James Robert Long and Amy Gertrude
Pallbearers are Jeff Gayon, Nathan Welch,
Cusick Long. He attended Margaret Brent
Kyle Guy and Garrett Guy.
High School.
Memorial donations may be made to Hos-
He was preceded in death by all his sib-
pice of St. Mary’s. The family wishes to
lings; Paul Leroy “Roy” (Alberta) Long,
share a Special Thanks to the Hospice staff
Bertha L. (Allison) Herbert, J. Robert
for their care and support.
“Buddy” (Helen) Long, Elizabeth L. “Bes-
Condolences to the family at www.brins-
sie” (Melvin) Herbert, and John R. “Johnny”
(Joan) Long.
Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral
In his early years Roger spent most of his
Home, P.A., Charlotte Hall, MD
days on the water as a waterman. Being
raised at DeLaBrooke Farm, on the Patux-
ent River, his life was filled with farming,
gardening, crabbing and family. He could Steven E. Thompson
navigate the water as well as his backyard.
Roger later went to work as a pipefitter at the
Steven E Thompson, 68, of Mechanics-
ville, MD passed peacefully into the arms
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head, of his heavenly Father on May 27, 2019 in
MD where he retired from in 2001. Lexington Park, MD with his loving friends
St. Mary’s Department of Aging & Human Services Garvey Loffler Senior Activity Center 301-475-4200, ext. 71658
Senior Activity Center, 301-475-4200, ext. 71050
Programs and Activities Northern Senior Activity Center, 301-475-4002, ext. 73101
Visit www.stmarysmd.com/aging for the most up-to date information
Brought to you by the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County: James R. Guy, President; Michael L. Hewitt; Tom Jarboe; Todd B. Morgan; John E. O’Connor; and the Department of Aging & Human Services
cake for dessert. Entertainment will be fruit and orange juice. Cost for lunch is is, if they weren’t so busy talking about
Department of Aging & Human provided by the very talented Jimi Si- by donation for those ages 60 and above each other! This year; however, the new
Services Closed on June 13 mon who showcases music from rock and $6 for those under the age of 60. To young fiancé joins them and then the hi-
The Department of Aging & Human and roll’s greatest stars that will have make reservations, call 301-475-4200, larity really begins! The menu will be
Services, including all three Senior Ac- you dancing in the aisles. There will be ext. 71050 tossed salad w/dressing, beef-a-roni (8
tivity Centers, will be closed on Thurs- door prizes and a money raffle collected oz.), collard greens, lima beans, Italian
day, June 13 for staff development.
Home-Delivered Meals and congregate
at the door. Suggested donation for a Safety for Seniors bread and honey dew melon. Cost for
ticket is $6. Lunch to start at 11:30 a.m., Do you have a personal safety plan? the meal is $6 for those under the age
meals will not be served. The Depart- the room will open for seating at 11 a.m. of 60 and a donation for those 60 and
Whether it is your physical safety while
ment will re-open at 8 a.m. on Friday, To sign up and pay in advance for your above. Make reservations by calling
you’re out and about or your cyber safe-
June 14. ticket, please visit the front desk. For 301-475-4200, ext. 71050.
ty while in your own home, it is impor-
For more information, call 301- more information regarding this event, tant to know how to limit your risk and
475-4200, ext. 71050, or visit www.st-
please call 301-475-4200, ext. 73103. what to do in case an incident occurs. Experience the Magic of Silk
Come to the Northern Senior Activity Create not one, but two custom dyed
Nutrition Counseling & Center on Thursday, June 20, from 10- scarves perfect to accessorize your sum-
Annapolis by Land and by Sea Presentation Hot Topics: Keto 11:30 a.m. and participate in a presenta- mer wardrobe. Silk Painting Artist, Ter-
Spend a day in Annapolis discovering tion led by Harold Tafe who has been in- ry Tabor with Expressions by Terry, will
the historic district on Friday, June 14! Diets, GMOS and Organic volved in law enforcement and private/ guide you in dyeing one square and one
Take a 2-hour walking tour that starts Come join us for Nutrition Counsel- corporate security for 45 years. Space is long silk scarf using a variety of colors
at the State House and goes downhill ing and Education with Donna Taggert limited and advance sign up is required through different techniques for varying
to the harbor. Then, enjoy a 90-minute at the Garvey Senior Activity Center. by visiting the Center’s signup table or results. This class utilizes a special dye
cruise and a box lunch on the Severn She has counseling appointments on calling 301-475-4200, ext. 73103. and application style that is less messy
River aboard a climate-controlled yacht. Monday, June 17, at 9 and 10 a.m. The and more fun; perfect for scarf dying
The $80 registration fee includes mo- presentation will begin at 11a.m. Call
tor coach transportation, guided walk- Ms. Taggert at 240-538-6539 to sched- Lunchtime Theater parties. The cost is $35 and includes all
Join us for lunch and laughter as the materials including one long and one
ing tour, boat ride, lunch and driver tip. ule an appointment.
Garvey Readers Theatre entertains us square silk scarf. Gloves and aprons
Pre-registration required. Call 301-475- will be provided but appropriate cloth-
at the Garvey Senior Activity Center on
4200, ext. 71063, to register. Bus leaves Luncheon with Wednesday, June 26, at 12 p.m.! High ing should be worn. For the purpose of
from the Garvey Senior Activity Center. the Bushmill Band School Reunion-Ever wonder what your ordering supplies, signups will close on
Come join us at the Garvey Senior high school reunion might be like in June 27; no refunds after that date. The
Father’s Day Rock-n-Roll Fun Activity Center on Wednesday, June 19, another 30, 40 or even 50 years? Watch activity will take place Friday, July 12,
Come get your groove on for Father’s at 12 p.m. and enjoy the musical styl- what happens as cantankerous 101-year- from 1-2:30 p.m. at the Northern Senior
Day at the Northern Senior Activity ings of the local Bushmill Band. They old Patrick celebrates his 83rd reunion. Activity Center. Payment is due at sign-
Center with a luncheon and live perfor- have performed all over the county in- Even at this age he’s in for a surprise! up. For more information call 301-475-
mance on Friday, June 14, from 11:30 cluding Cracker Barrel and Riverfest School for Wives-Four former wives 4200, ext. 73103.
a.m.-1 p.m. Start off a hearty lunch of concerts. Their music will get your toes of the same man get together each year
sliced turkey with gravy, baked potato tapping and your hands clapping! The for lunch. The main course is a discus-
with sour cream, carrots, applesauce, lunch menu is roast turkey, gravy, stuff- sion of their mutual ex-husband. One
whole wheat bread and turtle cheese- ing, mashed potatoes, carrots, seasonal can only imagine the comments – that
legal services in your community! No appointments had your turn. Our first hour is for teens ages 13-18 fol-
necessary. Attendees will be helped on a first-come, lowed by the second hour for tweens ages 8-12. Walk
first-served basis. Please bring all relevant documents ins welcome, please drop in!
with you.
LEGO Block Party
Crafternoon Lexington Park Library will hold a LEGO Block
Charlotte Hall Library will hold Crafternoon on Party on Friday, June 21 from 2 – 4 p.m. We supply the
Monday, June 17 from 2 – 4 p.m. Drop in for open-end- "bricks," you bring the imagination! Come and build
St. Mary’s County Summer Reading for ed crafting fun. Try one of our sample crafts, or create something amazing with our thousands of LEGO and
All Ages Starts June 17 your own design! All ages. No registration. Duplo pieces. All ages/Family.
Join the St. Mary’s County Library for ‘A Universe
of Stories’ Summer Reading program from June 17 Galactic Games The Longest Table
through August 17. All ages (0 – 150) are invited to Lexington Park Library will hold Galactic Games Join the St. Mary’s County Library on Friday, June
complete challenges to earn a free glow-in-the-dark on Sunday, June 9 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. Let loose in low 21 at 6 p.m. for a community conversation over a
t-shirt (sizes start with baby onesies through adult gravity with some grownup game time! Explore outer family-style meal from Mission BBQ. Tickets are $10
XXXL). For your second, third and fourth completed space with the Oculus Rift virtual reality kit, engage in and available for sale through the St. Mary’s County
challenges, choose a free book to take home. All com- a little interstellar target practice with Nerf crossbows, Library website, www.stmalib.org. The event will be
pleted challenges give you an entry into our Amazon and more! This cosmically fun event is for adults only. held at the St. Mary’s County Government Center, on
gift card drawings at the end of the summer. To register, No registration required. the front lawn near Miedzinski Park (23145 Leonard
either go to https://stmalib.beanstack.org or download Hall Dr, Leonardtown, MD 20650). During the meal,
the Beanstack app. More information is available on
Get Real! Virtually participants will discuss how to Choose Civility in
Lexington Park Library will hold Get Real! Vir- their everyday interactions. In the event of rain, dinner
tually on Thursday, June 20 from 5 – 7 p.m. GET will be held inside the Leonard Hall Recreation Center.
Lawyer in the Library REAL(Virtually)! We've got Virtual Reality glasses! Share a meal and conversation with someone you don’t
Lexington Park Library will host Lawyer in the Play Beat Saber on the cutting edge Oculus Rift glasses know, exchange stories about life in St. Mary’s County,
Library on Wednesday, June 12 from 12 - 2 p.m. The and see where you can go with Google Expeditions. and discover both common ground and new ideas. The
Lawyer in the Library project provides FREE civil We’ll also have our Wii games ready to go after you’ve conversation starts when you come to the table!
28 Calendars The County Times Thursday, June 6, 2019
Community Calendar To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email timescalendar@countytimes.net
with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.
First Free Friday “smalls” for collectors. summerseat.org; Read more about his story: www.caring-
Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons find us on Facebook. bridge.org/visit/mitchcochell.
Juneteenth 2019 5:00 – 8:00 PM
Will be celebrated Saturday June 15 from The museum is open and free to the pub- Paddle for Heroes Canoe, Kayak and Storytime on the State House Bluff
12:00 - 8:00. Children’s games, Great music, lic. Entertainment provided by the Annapo- Paddleboard Races Historic St. Mary’s City, State House
great food vendors and vendors selling their lis Bluegrass Coalition, starting at 6:00 in Leonardtown Wharf, Breton Bay Lawn, 47418 Old State House Road
wares. African dancers and drummers and the Harms Gallery. The Drum Point Light- 9:00 AM 10:00 -11:00 AM
R&B music. Location: 21550 Willows Road, house and Museum Store open. 410-326- Fundraising, professionally-timed kayak Stories, activities, songs, and more, for
Lexington Park. Fun for the whole family. 2042. calvertmarinemuseum.com and paddleboard event. $30 registration. children 1-5 with their adult caregivers.
Free. www. ucaconline.org 3-mile route around the shores of Breton Bring a blanket to sit on. Siblings welcome;
Queen of Hearts Bay. Kayakers and paddleboarders of all no registration required. Presented by the St.
Brass Rail Sports Bar, Great Mills ages and skill levels participate in this com- Mary’s County Library. Free. 240-895-4990
Thursday, June 6 4:00 - 7:00 PM munity event. Award ceremony, food ven- or info@HSMCdigshistory.org. hsmcdigsh-
Ticket sales for the weekly Queen of dors and entertainment at the Leonardtown istory.org/event
Hearts drawing begin at 4:00 and end at Wharf after the races. Visit the Paddle for
June 6, 1944
6:50. Ticket $1. Drawing 7:00. 50/50 tick- Heroes website, www.paddleforheroes.org. Watercolor Basics Workshop I
Allied Forces invasion of the Nazi forti-
ets available. Proceeds go to the Archangel Space2Cre8, 41660 Park Ave., Leonard-
fied coast of France’s Normandy.
Scholarship Foundation in support of St. Mi- Plant-a-Palooza town (behind New View Fiber Works)
chael’s School. Elms Environmental Education Center, 10:00 AM - Noon
Real Estate
Child Care
Vehicles General Merchandise CLASS.SOMD.COM
Thursday, June 6, 2019 The County Times Calendars 29
Community Service Programs. payneml@ Annual Historic Sotterley Gala Evening of Remembrance through August 27! Bring your yoga mat,
md.metrocast.net Historic Sotterley’s Barn, Hollywood Flora Corner Farm, 28385 Flora Corner water bottle and hand towel. $10/class, cash
6:30 PM Rd., Mechanicsville or check. 410-326-2042. calvertmarinemu-
LVRSA Drive thru Barbeque “GREASE is The Word!”–short m-dash 6:00 - 7:00 PM seum.com
Leonardtown Volunteer Rescue Squad a night of rockin’ around the clock. Fab A special program to honor and remember
Bldg. food, live and silent auctions, and an all- our loved ones. Music, desserts and reading
12:00 - 4:00 PM around blast from the past in! $125 person. of names. Free and open to the community. Wednesday, June 12
Tickets online: www.sotterley.org. Pro- Registration required. www.melindarup-
Planning Your Future Seminar Series
Southern Maryland Acoustic Music ceeds support our educational & cultural pertlcpc.com or call 240-298-2442 or email
Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons
Assembly programming. melinda@melindaruppert.com
2:00 – 3:00 PM
Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Cen-
Wills & Estate Planning presented by
ter, Dowell Rd., Solomons SMTMD Contra Dance The Sounds of Tomorrow
Amy Lorenzini, Esq. of Cumberland & Erly,
1:00 - 10:30 PM Christ Church Parish Hall, Chaptico St. Andrews Episcopal Church
LLC. Free; pre-registration required. Con-
A day of song circles and acoustic jam- 7:00 PM 7:30 PM
tact Pam Paterson, CMM Director of Philan-
ming, followed by an evening concert, Swing, promenade, and do-si-do to lively Showcases talent in a “solo” or “recital”
thropy, at 410-326-2042 ext. 13 or Pamela.
dinner, and contra dancing. Bring your jigs, reels and waltzes. The Southern MD setting; features youth instrumentalists and
preferred instruments and/or your favorite Open Band plays live acoustic string mu- vocalists from the Tri-County area. Ticket/
songs to the afternoon song circles—or just sic; caller Jason Little will teach and call the info: www.sandfordconcertseries.com
Open Auditions
come to listen! dances. $10; $6 for SMTMD members (band
Historic Sotterley’s Warehouse
1:00-4:30: Song Circles & Jamming. members and children under 17 are free).
4:30-5:00: Dinner. BBQ dinner reserva- www.smtmd.org for directions and more Monday, June 10 Wednesday, June 12, 6:00–8:00 pm
Saturday, June 15, 10:00 AM-Noon
tion: annmariegarden.wufoo.com/forms/ information.
CABS Sunday, June 16, 10:00 AM-Noon
Garvey Senior Center, Leonardtown Wednesday, June 19, 6:00-8:00 PM
5:00-7:00: Evening Concert Jam with Sunday, June 9 6:00 PM
Companions and Buddies for Singles
Open auditions for our annual signature
event – The Ghosts of Sotterley! Seasoned
three bands: Justus 2, The Domes, David
Track & Field Meet adult social group of friends. Every Monday actor or new-found interest in acting, we in-
Norris & The Bad Examples.
Leonardtown High School Track except Holidays. $15/year; no dues first four vite all from age 12 and up to try out. Bring
7:00-9:00: Traditional Community Dance.
12:00 - 4:00 PM visits. 240-794-8033. CABSorg.WixSite. your undeniable talent; we provide the read-
Family friendly event open to all ages and
Registration 12:00. Meet 1:00. Ages 8-14 com/CABS ing. Tech Support and Extras also needed.
abilities. Food, drink, wine/beer available.
(as of 12/31/19). “Greenbeard’s Murder Mystery Tour” will
Come for part- or all day!
Events: 100 Meter Dash, 200 Meter Dash, Pax River Quilters Guild Meeting run October 18, 19, 24, 25 & 26 from 7:00–
Annmarie Members free; Adults $5, Se-
400 Meter Dash, 800 Meter Dash, Long Good Samaritan Lutheran Church, Lang- 10:00 PM. Event Manager, Ginger Newman-
niors $4, Military $4, Youth $3, kids 5 &
Jump and Softball Throw. No cost to par- ley Road, Lexington Park Askew, 301-373-2280 or events@sotterley.
under free. 410-326-4640. www.annmarie-
ticipate. Kenny Sothoron at 301-475-4200 6:30 PM org.
ext. 71830. Recreation & Parks: www.st- Guest speaker, Debbie Kratovil, a quil-
marysmd.com/recreate ter who has taught classes at Pennsylvania
Annual Filipino American Fiesta
Hollywood VFD Social Hall, 24801 Three
quilt shows. $5 for non members. Bring your Thursday, June 13
Elks BIG GAME Texas Hold’em Special block of the month, food pantry donation,
Notch Road MOD Pizza LVRSA Fundraiser
St Mary’s County Elks Lodge, 45779 Fire food assignment and Show and Tell Items.
3:00 PM MOD Pizza, California
Department Lane New Members and guests welcome. www.
Celebrate the Filipino Heritage. Filipino 10:30 AM - 9:00 PM
Lexington Park paxriverquiltguild.com
and American Foods and Entertainment. Tell the cashier you are there to support
2:00 - 9:00 PM
$35Adult; $15 children. www.filamsomd.org the LVRSA fundraiser so we can get credit
No Limit Texas Holdem Poker Tourna- Elks Hold’em Bounty Tournament
for your support.
ment. $250 Buy in = 20,000 chips ($210 to St. Mary’s County Elks Lodge, Lexington
Grocery Auction
prize pool—$40 to Lodge Charities and Park
Hughesville Volunteer Fire, 15245 Prince Community Cash Mob at the Museum
Food provided). Food provided. James Dean 7:00 - 11:00 PM
Frederick Road Store
240-577-0828. Email: jdeanjunior@yahoo. No Limit Holdem Poker Tournament. $25
5:00 PM Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons
com Buy in = 6,000 chips. $5 add-on = 1,500
Doors open at 4:00; auction starts at 5:00. 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
chips and raffle drawing. Food and beverage
www.hvfdems.org or www.farrellauction- The Community Cash Mob mob the Mu-
for purchase. James Dean, 240-577-0828.
service.com seum Store! A group of employees coming
Email: jdeanjunior@yahoo.com
together at a local business to spend money
and shop local. Community Bank of the
Tuesday, June 11 Chesapeake giving out a limited number of
vouchers to shoppers towards their purchase.
Sea Squirts 410-326-2042. Calvertmarinemuseum.com
Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons
This month’s theme is Mommas and Ba-
Jammin’ with Jessie Dance Fitness
Mechanicsville Vol. Fire Department So-
bies of the Bay. Free drop-in program for cial Hall
ages 18 months to 3 years and their caregiv- 6:30 - 7:30 PM
ers. Space limited; if the session is full, an- $6 per person. Sponsored by the Me-
other program will be offered at 11:00. Also, chanicsville Volunteer Fire Department
Thursday, June 13; and Wednesday, June 19. Auxiliary.
410-326-2042. calvertmarinemuseum.com
Fax 301-884-2884
Cross, Wood
Cross, W & Wynkoop
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Closed for lunch everyday between 12-12:30pm
info@cwwains.com • www.cwwains.com
27898 Point Lookout Road • Loveville, Md • 20656
The St. Mary’s County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for
Publisher Thomas McKay
the residents of St. Mary’s County. The St. Mary’s County Times will be available on news-
Associate Publisher Eric McKay stands every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,
General Manager which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The St. Mary’s
Al Dailey aldailey@countytimes.net County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service in its
County Times
late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/edited for clarity, although St. Mary’s
Staff Writer care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material submitted
Guy Leonard guyleonard@countytimes.net
to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the St. Mary’s
Contributing Writers County Times and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We
Laura Joyce, Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The St. Mary’s County Times cannot guarantee P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be published, due to time or space constraints.
Thursday, June 6, 2019 The County Times ClassifiedADS 31