Predicting Corporate Failure
Predicting Corporate Failure
Predicting Corporate Failure
Purpose – This paper aims to review the existing literature systematically so as to contribute towards
a better understanding of methodological problems of the classical statistical techniques, artificially
intelligent expert systems and theoretical approaches to solve the corporate failure syndrome.
Design/methodology/approach – This paper presented a systematic review of 83 articles reporting
137 prediction failure models published within 1966-2012 in scholarly reviewed journals in four main
disciplines, namely, accounting, finance, banking and economics. The authors performed the
systematic literature review with five main sources, namely, Science Direct, Google Scholar, Wiley
Interscience, Metalib, Web of Science and Business Source Complete of the Social Sciences. The review
modified the approaches used by Aziz and Dar (2006), Ravi and Ravi (2007) and Balcaen and Ooghe
Findings – The results indicate significant body of prior literature on prediction of corporate failure,
but a theoretically sound, highly accurate, simple and widely used corporate failure prediction model for
stakeholders has yet to be developed.
Originality/value – This paper contributes towards a systematic understanding of the
methodological problems associated with the statistical, artificially intelligent expert systems and
theoretical approaches to solve the corporate failure prediction problems faced by firms in 11 countries.
Keywords Systematic literature review, Artificially intelligent expert systems,
Corporate failure prediction, Multivariate discriminant analysis, Statistical techniques
Paper type Literature review
1. Introduction
Following Beaver (1966, 1968a, 1968b) and Altman’s (1968) seminal work, numerous
studies suggest that corporate failure prediction is theoretically explainable and
International Journal of Law and
empirically feasible (Scott, 1980). There is also a near consensus among stakeholders Management
that a corporate failure prediction model devoid of methodological issues, to some Vol. 57 No. 5, 2015
pp. 461-485
extent, may predict corporate failure with a high degree of accuracy. Moreover, the © Emerald Group Publishing Limited
recent financial scandals and failures of ENRON, WorldCom, Parmalat, Lehman DOI 10.1108/IJLMA-04-2014-0032
IJLMA Brothers and others worldwide have renewed interest on several methodological issues
57,5 which affect the predictive ability of existing models.
The literature on methodological issues associated with corporate failure prediction
models has been well-documented in a number of reviews. These include Scott (1980),
Zmijewski (1984), Taffler (1984), Altman (1984), O’Leary (1998), Keasey and Watson
(1991a, 1991b), Altman and Narayanan (1996), Dimitras et al. (1996), Morris (1997),
462 O’Leary (1998), Tay and Shen (2002), Aziz and Dar (2006), Balcaen and Ooghe (2006) and
Ravi and Ravi (2007).
Scott (1980), for example, reviews and integrates empirical predictions and
theoretical models, and finds that the overlap between these two strands of research is
substantial but not complete. Taffler (1984) evaluates published UK Z-score models and
points out the need for true validation samples in assessing model predictive
performance. Zmijewski (1984) examines the problem of choices-based sample and
sample selection biases, and concludes that the results from these techniques are similar
to non-random sample techniques. Altman’s (1984) international survey highlights
study designs, innovations and outcomes that are relevant to researchers and
practitioners. Altman (1984), however, stresses that the quality and reliability of models
reviewed would be improved as researchers and practitioners become more aware of the
methodological problems associated with these models (see also Altman and
Narayanan, 1996).
Similarly, O’Leary’s (1998) meta-analysis suggests that training proportion of
bankrupt firms in the data influenced the quality of the results, implying lack of
“upward” generalization. The deviation from a single hidden layer also exhibits a
negative impact on the relative quality of the models. Finally, O’Leary reports that time
negatively influences the relative quality of the neural network models. Keasey and
Watson (1991a, 1991b) highlight the uses and limitations related to the adoption of
prediction models in the management context. Dimitras et al. (1996) present a
comprehensive review of the articles published during 1968-2005, in the application of
statistical and intelligent techniques to solve the bankruptcy prediction problem faced
by banks and firms. Dimitras et al. (1996) observe that various methods appeared
mainly to overcome the limitations of multivariate discriminant analysis. Morris’s
(1997) review ignores artificially intelligent expert system (AIES) models.
Recently, Tay and Shen (2002) review the literature related to bankruptcy prediction
using rough sets model and, in the light of this review, suggest that the rough set model
is a promising alternative to the conventional methods. Aziz and Dar (2006) review 46
articles of corporate failure prediction and, in the light of this evaluation, provide a
ranking system to solve the problem of model choice in empirical application of
bankruptcy models. Ravi and Ravi (2007) review 128 articles published during
1968-2005, in the application of statistical and intelligent techniques to solve the
bankruptcy prediction problem faced by banks and firms. Ravi and Ravi’s (2007) review
framework highlights the data source, variables used, country of origin, sample periods
and the comparative performance of techniques. They conclude that statistical
techniques in a stand-alone mode are no longer used.
Finally, Balcaen and Ooghe (2006), the closest study to ours, contribute towards a
better understanding of methodological problems of the classical statistical failure
prediction models. In this respect, Balcaen and Ooghe (2006) identify the classical
paradigm, neglect of the time dimension of failure and the application focus as the main
related problems of the classical statistical techniques. Balcaen and Ooghe (2006) also Predicting
observe the use of financial data and a linear classification rule as well as the neglect of corporate
the multidimensional nature of failure as other related problems of the statistical
The above analysis suggests that early reviews of this literature are limited in scope
(Tay and Shen, 2002; Aziz and Dar, 2006; Balcaen and Ooghe, 2006; Ravi and Ravi, 2007),
out of date (Scott, 1980; Altman, 1984; Keasey and Watson, 1991a, 1991b) or both 463
(Taffler, 1984; O’Leary, 1998; Dimitras et al. 1996; Morris, 1997). In addition, prior
reviews are largely unconnected, which, in turn, is counterproductive. Thus, we invoke
O’Leary’s (1989) notion that there is little direct cross-fertilization of different reviews
and streams of research work in the field of corporate failure prediction. More
importantly, to date, there is no systematic literature review (SLR) that contributes
towards a better understanding of methodological issues that integrates corporate
failure prediction models from the three strands, namely, classical statistical techniques,
AIESs and theoretical approaches. Our study contributes to the existing body of
accounting and finance literature by filling this gap.
Following the approach by Biolchini et al. (2005), the aim of this review is
accomplished through a SLR. According to Nicolas and Toval (2009, p. 1292):
SLR is a research technique used to analyse the state of the art in a specialised field of
knowledge by formally defining the problem statement, the sources of information, the search
strings, the criteria for inclusion and exclusion of the papers found in the searches, the
quantitative analysis to be undertaken (if necessary), and the templates for ordering the
information collected from the papers.
The paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 summarizes the design of SLR. Section 3 deals
with the results and discussions. Section 4 outlines the limitations of the SLR. Section 5
concludes the SLR with recommendations for further research.
Table I.
corporate failure
Three perspectives of
Dimension Statistical technique (1-5), AIES (6-16) and theoretical (17-19)
models/Landmark study Description Major strength Major limitation/critics
Univariate, Beaver (1966) If a firm’s value for a ratio is higher than a certain cut-off Simple and easy to apply Neglect multi-dimensional nature of failure
point, this signals strong financial health and vice versa (Zavgren, 1983; Keasey et al., 1991)
MDA, Altman (1968) Linear combination of certain discriminatory predictors Constructs a discriminant function (Z-score) by maximizing the Demanding assumptions, linear separability,
in the form of Z-score ratio of between-groups and within-groups variances (Fisher, multivariate normality and equal and within-group
1936) covariance and others (Eisenbeis and Avery, 1972)
LPM, Meyer and Pifer (1970) Expresses the probability of firm failure as a Estimates the odds of firm’s failure with probability Results in model considered complex for the average
dichotomous dependent variable person to interpret
Logit, Martin (1977) Replaces the LPM distribution with a logistic cumulative Same as LPM Results in models considered complex for the
distribution average person to interpret
Probit, Zmijewski (1984) Estimate the parameters of the linear model by the Replaces the logistic function with normal distribution function Several assumptions: dependent variable categorical,
maximum likelihood estimation procedures error term has a cumulative normal distribution and
others (Aldrich and Nelson, 1984)
CUSUM, Kahya and The time-series behaviour of the attributes variables for CUSUM model has a very “long memory” in the case of bad CUSUM model has a very “short memory” in the
Theodossiou (1999) each of the failed and non-failed firms is estimated by a performance of the firm case of past good performance
finite-order VAR model
Partial adjustment View failure as firm’s inability to pay financial Failing firms exhibit smaller absolute elasticity of cash Too narrow
processes, Laitinen and obligations as they fall due balances compared to non-failed firms
Laitinen (1998)
MDS, Neophytou and Produces graphical representations of the main Allows the inclusion of qualitative information and assesses Practitioners interested in the health of companies
Molinero (2004) characteristics of the data the reasons of the probability of specific firm’s failure not included in the original sample, must add these
Neural networks, Bell et al. Perform classification tasks in a way intended to emulate Ability to induce algorithms for recognizing patterns (Zhang NN models are characterized as “black boxes” which
(1990) Khanna (1990) brain processes et al., 1999) decision makers may be reluctant to rely upon due to
a lack of transparency
CBR, Kolodner (1993) Solves a neo-classification problem with the help of Fits conveniently in the bankruptcy context due to its four- 10.3 Is purely based on the assumption that similar
similar prior solved cases stage procedure cases are useful for predicting the outcome of the
new case
K-nearest neighbour (kNN), Distribution-free technique applicable under less A non-parametric method for classifying observations that Same as NN
Tam and Kiang (1992) restrictive conditions regarding population distribution relaxes the normality assumption as well as eliminates the
and data measurement scales functional form required in DA and logit
Genetic algorithm (GANN), GA works as a stochastic search technique to find an Optimized linear functions without restrictive statistical Same as NN
Kingdom and Feldman optimal solution to a given problem from a large number hypotheses such as normality of explanatory variables or the
(1995) of solutions equality of the variances/co-variances matrix
Rough set, Slowinski and Classify objects using imprecise information Result in a set of easily understandable decision rules which Same as NN
Zopounidis (1995) are supported by a set of real example
Survival analysis, Lane et al. Appropriate when measuring the time of event (Cox and Provides us with a possibility to model dynamic aspects of the The date of annual closing of accounting is not
(1986) Oakes, 1984) failure process necessarily a natural starting point for the failure
Dimension Statistical technique (1-5), AIES (6-16) and theoretical (17-19)
models/Landmark study Description Major strength Major limitation/critics
Data envelopment analysis Designed to assess the efficiency of decision-making Can study the frontier shift over time horizon, which in turn Same as NN
(DEA), Premachandra et al. units (DMUs) that have multiple inputs and outputs allows us to explore the dynamic change of corporate failure on
(2009) a time horizon
Iterative dichotomizer 3 ID3 method creates a decision tree that properly Like RPA, ID3 employs a non-backtracking splitting procedure, It assumes that the entire space of possible events
(ID3), Quinlan (1979) classifies the training sample which in turn maximizes the entropy of the split subsets begins as a single category (Braun and Chandler,
Balance sheet decomposition Examine changes in the structure of the balance sheet Significant changes in the composition of assets and liabilities, Assumes that firms try to maintain equilibrium in
measure, Lev (1973) indicates a firm is incapable of maintaining the equilibrium their financial structure
Gambler’s ruin theory, Scott Views the firm as a gambler The gambler, playing repeatedly with some probability of loss, Assumes a net positive probability that firm’s cash
(1980) continues to play until its net worth goes to zero(failure) flows will be consistently negative over a run of
Cash management theory, An imbalance in cash flows depicts failure of firm’s cash Short-term management of firm cash flow is a major concern Too simple
Aziz et al. (1988) management function, persistent of which may cause for a firm’s going concern
financial distress and ultimate failure
Table I.
IJLMA 2.2 Research question of the SLR
57,5 This paper integrates the approaches of prior reviewers (Aziz and Dar, 2006; Ravi and
Ravi, 2007; Balcaen and Ooghe, 2006) with the objective of answering the question:
What are the methodological issues in the literature? As discussed earlier, we achieve
our aim through the SLR approach, which involves the analysis of corporate failure
prediction uncovering gaps, both theoretical and empirical, in the process to facilitate
466 future research in the field of corporate failure prediction.
Our initial search in these sources for corporate failure prediction articles revealed that
authors used bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation, financial distress and dissolution as
synonyms for corporate failure. Hence, we design a search framework that encapsulates
all the terms identified. In this respect, all the string defined is the following:
(“Prediction” OR “Predicting” OR “Forecasting”) AND (“Liquidation” OR “Bankruptcy”
OR “Insolvency” OR “Dissolution” OR “Failure”) AND (“Corporate” OR “Firms” OR
Consistent with prior researchers (Aziz and Dar, 2006; Dimitras et al., 1996), papers that
used more than one method are counted as more than one empirical investigation. From
this point, the scene is set for a discussion of the results in Section 3 and particularly the
search results in Section 3.1.
Consequently, the present SLR covers 83 articles reporting 137 prediction failure models
(Table II), published in scholarly reviewed journals in nine main disciplines. The field of
study is as follows:
(1) finance (38);
(2) information management (30);
(3) operations research and management (32);
(4) accountancy (22);
(5) economics (4);
(6) general management (4);
(7) marketing (3);
(8) entrepreneurship small business management (3); and
(9) international business studies (1).
Furthermore, selected studies originate from 11 countries, with 53 per cent, 15 per cent
and 11 per cent of the studies using data set from the USA, Korea and the UK,
respectively. In addition, Australia, Belgium and France account for 4 per cent each,
whereas the rests of the world account for the remaining 9 per cent (i.e. Finland 3 per
cent, Greece 2 per cent, Italy 2 per cent, Brazil 1 per cent and Spain 1 per cent). These
disclosures have paved the way for an in-depth discussion of the methodological issues
in the extant literature, in the next sub-section.
3.2 Synthesis of the proposals Predicting
The purpose of this section is to provide a synthesis vision of the field of knowledge corporate
addressed by the SLR questions, to facilitate future research in this area. In particular,
this section answers the main question of the SLR: What are the methodological issues
in the literature? In this respect, the attributes of selected papers in this SLR are
tabulated in Table III[1]. From this point, taxonomy is proposed for the papers selected
in this SLR based on the three steps used by prior researchers to achieve their respective 469
contribution. These steps are as follows:
(1) introductory;
(2) application focus; and
(3) data collection.
Table III.
Summary of
attributes of papers
Table III.
IJLMA income/total assets, quick assets/current liabilities and current assets/current liabilities
57,5 (Dimitras et al., 1996).
There are disadvantages, however, of using financial ratios. First, small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) in most jurisdictions are not obliged to publish accounts, suggesting
that prior studies are limited to listed firms (95.63 per cent). In this respect, expect for
Luoma and Laitinen’s (1991) analysis in unincorporated entities, where the incidence of
472 failure is greater (Altman, 1968), literature on unincorporated entities is distinctively
lacking. Second, information from financial statements may not necessarily be true and
fair. For example, accounting measures are subject to manipulation due to the
accounting policies elected in respect of depreciation, inventory, revenue, expenditure
items and consolidation of accounts (Argenti, 1976; Chakravarthy, 1986; Keasey and
Watson, 1987; Rosner, 2003). From this point, third, models may be contaminated due in
part to occurrence of extreme ratio values, errors and missing values (Balcaen and
Ooghe, 2006). Finally, failure prediction models based on financial ratios assume that all
relevant failure indicators are reflected in the annual accounts. For that reason, Zavgren
(1985) contends that any econometric model containing only financial statement
information will not predict with certainty the failure of a firm (Argenti, 1985). Argenti
(1985) notes financial ratios give signpost on the verge of bankruptcy, but the crucial
question of why the signpost is not within its scope.
Accordingly, few researchers (17 per cent) such as Argenti (1976), Altman et al.
(1977), Ohlson (1980), Peel et al. (1986) and Peel and Peel (1988) favour financial and
non-financial indicators (Mix) in the corporate failure context. In fact, Lussier (1995),
using exclusively non-financial indicators from 108 matched paired firms, demonstrates
that professional advice, education, staffing and parent are significantly different
between the successful and failed US SMEs. Again, Peel et al. (1986) and Peel and Peel
(1988) show the ability of the timeliness of financial reporting to predict financial
distress, using UK data and ad hoc selection of variables.
We observe that 94.89 per cent of models in the corporate failure literature are
based on ad hoc selection of variables through statistical (60.58 per cent) and AIES
(34.31 per cent) techniques. Thus, model estimation is purely based on empiricism
due in part to the lack of real economic theory in the identification of variables. This
confirms Taffler’s (1983) notion that there is no coherent theory underpinning the
use of financial ratios and only very tenuous guidance on the appropriate measures
in different situations (Taffler, 1983). Thus, there is no uniformity in variable
selection and definition in the above studies, to answer the practical questions of
why business fails.
In this respect, researchers mostly develop criteria such as:
• all ratios used in a previous study, mostly Altman (1968) (Deakin, 1972; Collins,
1980; Sharma and Mahajan, 1980; Salchenberger et al., 1992);
• ratios popularity and predictive success in previous studies;
• analyst suggestions based on their experience;
• researchers’ speculation; and
• data availability for computation of ratios.
From this point, Beaver (1968b) notes that the selection of variables based on popularity
may be problematic because popular ratios are more likely to be subject to
window-dressing and, hence, are more likely to be unreliable. Accordingly, empirical Predicting
considerations are used to reduce the large set of potential financial ratios into seven key corporate
sets of decision dimensions: profitability, capital intensiveness, financial leverage,
short-term liquidity, cash position, inventory intensiveness and receivables
intensiveness (Pinches et al., 1973). Neophytou and Molinero (2004) argue that the
weakness associated with this brute empiricism approach is mitigated to some extent by
validating the model with a holdout sample from a future time. 473
Critics, e.g. Blum (1974), however, suggest that this brute empiricism approach
accounts in part for the numerous data-specific variables (Zavgren, 1985), which may
result in counter-intuitive signs for some coefficient (Keasey et al., 1990). Blum (1974), for
example, argues that in the absence of a theory of symptoms, researchers cannot use
statistical analysis of accounting ratios and anticipate a sustained correlation between
explanatory variables and bankruptcy prediction. Scott (1980, p. 1) has gone as far as
saying, “these models do not command full professional acceptance, in part because they
lack the underpinnings of an explicit and well-developed theory”.
This SLR notes the classical papers of Blum (1974), Gentry et al. (1985) and Aziz et al.
(1988) as the few exceptions to the present predicament. This, in turn, suggests that
future researchers must consider theoretical arguments to select suitable financial and
non-financial variables for their models.
3.2.3 Data collection stage. The data collection stage highlights six main issues, namely:
(1) arbitrarily defining the term corporate failure;
(2) arbitrarily matching technique;
(3) sample selectivity issues;
(4) choice of optimization cut-off point;
(5) assessment of classification results; and
(6) data sources.
1. To conserve space, we present only models published in Grade-4 Journals; the full list,
however, is available upon request. Abbreviations: First row: year of publication, AIM –
objective of study, VAR –independent variables, TERM – definition of corporate failure,
MATC – matching technique, YPFT – number of years prior to failure considered, F-SAMP –
full sample, ORIG – origin, OPA – overall predictive accuracy in per cent, ETI – estimation
Type I error in per cent, ETII – estimation Type II error in per cent, TEST – validation Type
I errors in per cent, VTII – validation Type II errors in per cent, V MET – validation method.
Fifth column: FR – financial ratios, MIX – financial and non-financial ratios, NFI – non
financial information. Tenth column: M – manufacturing, R – retail, n/a – not applicable, C –
construction, D – distribution, Ind – industrial, S&L – savings and loans.
2. To conserve space, the full list of ratios per each study is available upon request.
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Further reading
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using rough sets”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 114 No. 2, pp. 263-280.
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a comparison of 1994 and 1999 survey results”, Management Accounting Research, Vol. 11
No. 3, pp. 349-362.
Jones, S. and Hensher, D.A. (2007), “Modelling corporate failure: a multinomial nested logit
analysis for unordered outcomes”, The British Accounting Review, Vol. 39 No. 1, pp. 89-107.
Kasey, C.J. and Bartczak, N.J. (1984), “Cash flow–it’s not the bottom line (Cover Story)”, Harvard
Business Review, Vol. 62 No. 4, pp. 61-66.
Lee, Y. (2005), “Bankruptcy prediction using support vector machine with optimal choice of kernel
function parameters”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 28 No. 4, pp. 603-614.
Taffler, R. and Tisshaw, H. (1977), “Going, going, gone-four factors which predict”, Accountancy,
Vol. 88 No. 1003, pp. 50-54.
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