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Unit 4 Research Report
Introduction 3
Methodology 3
Conclusion 4
References 5
Appendix A 6
Appendix B 6
Appendix C 6
Appendix D 7
Appendix E 7
I see my life in terms of music... I get most joy in life out of music.” The quote was stated
Albert Einstein, one of the world’s greatest mind who also played classical violin and piano
(Roberts, 2018). His talent in music evidences the connection between playing a musical
In this section, I will discuss my methodology which will explain in detail about how
I did my research. Firstly, I created a questionnaire on Google Forms and share it into a
LINE group with 382 MUIDS students. The form requires students to log in with their email
to access, to make sure that a person can submit only once. Firstly, they were asked if
they play any musical instruments or not. For those who play at least 1, they would pick
the instrument that they have played the longest. Then, they would choose how long they
have played it from the following choices: 6 months or less, 1-3 years, 4-6 years, more
than 6 years and can’t remember. I added this question because playing music for a long
time, especially since childhood improves the development of the brain in various ways.
attention, concentration, coordination, etc. (Learning Potential, 2017) These skills are very
important in school so that is why I related them with the performance of students in
school. However, research shows that not only playing an instrument but doing sports or
other extracurricular activities can also help students as well. (Crimsoneducation, 2018)
Finally, they would answer how they perform in school, according to their overall grades.
On the other hand, for those who don’t play any musical instrument, they were only
required to tell their overall grades. This information could help me to compare the grades
between students who play and don’t play any musical instruments. Doing so would proof
Additionally, I also studied and linked information from reliable sources on the internet
Findings & Discussions
From this research, it turned out that only 59 out of 382 people (15.45%) did the
form. From those 59 responses, 40 play some musical instruments and the other 19 don’t,
making the ratio (appendix A). This data lines up with a research that surveys children in
the UK. Both sources show that approximately 70% of the responses play a musical
instrument (ABRSM, 2014). The majority of students who play a musical instrument have
played it for more than 6 years (appendix C). Most importantly, they receive better grades
than those who don’t play any (appendices D and E). It is clear that their percentage of
A, 55%, and A and B combined, 70%, are both considerably higher than those of students
who don’t play any which are 26.3% and 63.1%, respectively. Schellenberg’s research
also proofs that children who take music lessons appear to have higher IQ. His experiment
on younger children shows that the IQ of them is increased by one-sixth of a point per
month of studying music. (Munsey, 2006) Therefore, it can be inferred that play a musical
instrument positively affects the performance in school. It is also worth mentioning that
this research does have some flaws. One of which being that I didn’t define the term
“playing an instrument”. Another is that only 15.45% answered the form which is too few
to be considered a reliable amount. These problems could greatly affect the result of this
experiment. I also didn’t have an expert proof-read my form which could have made it
more efficient and not similar to others’ experiments in the past. For example, if anyone
has done this kind of research before, I could have used their form to do another survey
and compare with their researches. These are some mistakes that should be fixed in the
musical instrument does positively affect the performance in school. Therefore, every
student should have a chance to receive some kind of music education in school to improve
their overall learning abilities. Finding out how music education affects other skills that are
important for students like coordinating skills is something that could be interesting to do
Roberts, M. S. (2018, January 05). 10 reasons you should take up a musical instrument.
The Importance of Extracurricular Activities for High School Students. (2018). Retrieved
Munsey, C. (2006, June). Music lessons may boost IQ and grades. Retrieved from
Appendix D - Question from my survey