IoBM Student Magazine Final
IoBM Student Magazine Final
IoBM Student Magazine Final
Artwork By:
Moiz Ur Rehman
MAY 2019 2
Editorial Board
HoD, Media Studies
Our Team
We appreciate our contributors for sending in articles and other writings to us. IoBM
Students magazine accepts opinion articles, creative stories on any topic, poetry, photos
and art submissions. Articles typically run from 400-800 words, but submissions of any
length would be considered. All submissions must be original and exclusive. We will not
consider articles that have already been published in any form, print or electronic Send
us your resume and contributions at
As a new society, the Sustainable Living Taking their legacy forward, the Literary
Society has done amazingly well. They and Public Speaking Society organized
commenced with the aim to create aware- the ShahJehan Karim Declamation Con-
ness and take necessary action to reduce test held on 24th October, 2018. Several
the carbon footprint. Earlier this month students participated in the contest and
they were invited to talk to students from made it a tough competition. The aim of
various schools and colleges about their the contest was to nurture the confidence
past and existing projects. Trees were of speakers as declamations allow them
planted alongside UNAP and SLS was be- with a prospect of experiencing the pow-
stowed with an honorary shield for their er of proficiently crafted language, which
services. not only proves to be in their own benefit
but also for the audience.
IoBM is home
to 16 societies.
Each year,
the societies
compete with
one another
to make their
event a huge
The Social Welfare and Trust Soci- The Entertainment Plus Society is al-
ety is one of those societies that are ways involved in bringing something
famous for their philanthropic and new to the university. Thus, this year
humanitarian work. They recently they came up with one such event
arranged a Pink Ribbon Drive, held in which has made rounds of cheers
the premises of the university. They and hoots among the students; Voice
conduct this drive annually to raise of IOBM. It’s an inter-society singing
breast cancer awareness amongst stu- competition and the final was held on
dents. Apart from that, they held their the Fresher's Night'18. The event was
annual food drive on 28th October, an initiative to provide aspiring sing-
2018 where they distributed food to ers in the university with a stage where
more than 300 needy citizens. they could showcase their talent.
Media Society started this semes-
ter by hosting the Media Track
PINK RIBBION DRIVE in the 3rd International Confer-
ence of Experiential Learning.
The conference promoted the
concept of experiential learn-
ing in classrooms and featured
renowned international and na-
tional journalists and media per-
sons like Mr. Craig Duff, Mr. Kamal
Siddiqui, Mr. Zarrar Khurro and
several other dignitaries from
the news industry. The two-day
event included speaker’s sessions
and panel discussions. The Me-
dia Track ended with an exclu-
sive photo and film exhibition
Muttal Rehman
The Unsung
Artists of IoBM
Hawwa Fazal (BS-MS)
sense of pride when I first a crucial role in conserving Paki-
heard that Pakistan’s Truck stani art. In the midst of a mundane
Art will be displayed at a routine and increasing urbanization
fashion show in London. I it feels like the true essence or the
got equally enraged at for- true form of the art has been lost.
eign designers claiming
patterns like Ajrak to be the Studying in a business school, I went
work of their creative mind. out on a hunt to explore the hidden art-
ists in this corporate environment. To
Whenever asked about the cultural heritage my surprise, a good chunk of students
of Pakistan, we’re quick to name the old ar- had the knack for painting, sketch-
chitectural buildings like Badshahi Mosque, ing, drawing and writing comics. While
Mohatta palace, Shalimar Garden and other talking to a few, I discovered that life is
Mughal monuments, but what we forget is not so rewarding for an amateur art-
that art surpasses all such structural holdings. ist who struggles to quench the thirst
which their aesthetic sense demands.
Art has been an integral part of the
subcontinents legacy, and after the Let’s have a look at some of
partition its preservation became piv- these amazing artists who are
otal. We have seen great artists like bound to woo you with their art!
Sadequain, Abdur Rahman Chugtai
Bilal Mustafa artist who plays with paint,
calligraphy and sketch.
Currently pursuing a degree in
“Accounting and Finance” at About his struggle as an art-
IoBM , Bilal is a pencil sketch ist he says,
artist who started drawing at a
“Art school is extreme-
very young age. As evident from
ly expensive and society’s
his work, he now makes some
unwillingness to accept art
of the most detailed form of
as a profession makes it even
more difficult to acclaim
“Social media has definite- recognition. But that did not
ly made it easier for us to stop me, I tried displaying
showcase our work because my work in some galleries
exhibitions and galleries and even talked to some
are not only uncommon but well-known artist, who
expensive in Pakistan. Often initially promised to show-
due to this we can’t showcase case my work apparently
our work which we would impressed by my pieces but
love to do, this restricts art- when the time came no one
ists from appreciating each facilitated me”
others work– which is essen-
tial for their encouragement
Muttal Rehman
and feedback” Muttal Rehman, a Bachelor
student at IoBM, who is a sketch
Faryal artist and has amazed us with
Faryal is an artist who plays some of his work, left us awe-
around with acrylics and pro- struck. What gave strength and
duces beautiful pieces as an support to Muttal was an inher-
amateur artist. ited artistic background from his
paternal side.
On being asked why Paki-
stani art is so undermined, “Art has been an integral
she replied part of the person I am
today, for me art is an es-
“It’s because Pakistani peo-
cape, it’s a way for me to
ple don’t understand the
express my emotions. I have
essence and message which
been doing it professionally
is hidden in the sketch pro-
as well but my experience
duced by an artist”
hasn’t been so well. People
Komal Khan here easily find mistakes
Siraj Anwer
rather than appreciating the
Komal is a student of BBA hon-
hard work. My sketches have
ors who loves to sketch in the
been torn apart by some cus-
hope of taking it up as a profes-
tomers who for some reason
sion one day.
didn’t find perfection in it”
“People don’t take art seri-
ously, they just consider it
Siraj Anwer
as a hobby, and things can- Currently studying BBA at IoBM,
not go further if the talent Siraj is someone who loves
remains undiscovered and drawing cartoons and getting
unappreciated” lost in the actions of his own
created characters. He is also
Shariq Manzoor a “2x mega winner” in cartoon
Pursuing an MBA degree from network’s hero up challenge.
the Institute of Business Man-
While talking about the difficul-
agement, Shariq is an amateur Shariq Manzoor
Bilal Mustafa
Up-close with
Mahnoor Aslam (BS-MS)
“The general misconception that artists are people actions, we may choose to accept it or ignore it.
who do not have the intelligence or the ability to be
Q: - Tell us a bit about your journey, who in-
something else couldn’t be further from the truth.”
spired you to be an artist?
Masooma Halai Khuwaja is a renowned name in the
I have artists in my family. Laila Shahzada and
world of art. A graduate from the National College of Art
Mariam Saeedullah are both my mother’s aunts,
in Lahore, Khuwaja has earned fame with her talent, not
but it was my parents who inspired me the most.
only locally but globally as well. Her work is inspired from
My father was a businessman who had a passion
daily life, local cultures and backgrounds, along with
for photography. He had a darkroom at home
gender roles in the society. She recently got a chance to
where he would spend most of his time exper-
exhibit her work in China at a show, “In a different voice”.
imenting and developing photographs. He also
We got the chance to have a conversation with loved good music and listened to a wide variety
her recently and thought of letting you in on the of genres. My mother, on the other hand, is very
personal life of the immensely talented artist. good at embroidery and is an avid quilter. When
you see your parents spending time in creative
Q: - What does the term “Art” means to you?
activities like such, the inborn artist in you is
Art is a way of life. Art is present in most things eventually stimulated and encouraged.
It is no surprise that visiting artists feel over-
Q: - What other method of art would you like to
explore other than self-reflectory?
The curator of the show was the first PhD
Most art is self reflectory because art re-
of fiber art in China and she had chosen
flects the way the artist feels, it echoes their
the artworks after much research, yet her
thoughts and their lifestyles. Even if the
inclusiveness was humbling. All the artists
topic chosen by the artist is something like
were accorded a lot of respect. The show was
current affairs or drawing inspiration from
attended by the movers and shakers of art in
basic shapes, the current affairs they talk
Beijing. I had exhibited three artworks, out
about will have be something that they feel
of which one had already been chosen for
strongly about, similarly, the inspiration
the 10th Biennale of Fiber Art at the Tsing-
they draw from the shapes will be theirs.
hua Museum. At the show, I was approached
What other genres of art I would like to ex-
by a curator to display one of my works at a
plore other than 2D visual art? Well, I would
visual arts exhibition of European and Asian
like to explore all genres like sculpture,
artists titled ‘The Silk Road’ to be held at
installation, video, performance etc.
the Gongwang Palace Museum. I was ap-
proached by another curator to display the
Q: - How is your work different from the
third work at another biennale in China to
traditional art?
be held in December, so basically I would say
the experience in China was really great.
If by traditional art you mean painting, then
the world of art has gone very far from just
Q: - Tell us a bit about the “Karachi Bien-
painting. In olden times painting was neces-
nale Trust”.
sary as it was a means of recording history.
When photography came in, painting as a
The Karachi Biennale Trust is a visionary
means of recording was no longer needed.
platform that was formed by a group of 10
Art is now a medium of expression, so like
like-minded people, with the aim to place
all artists I look for ways and means to best
Karachi firmly on the map of world art.
portray my thoughts….very traditional I
Another aim was to make art accessible for
the people of the city by bringing it out of
the gallery space and into public spaces and
Q: - What are the struggles of an artist in
It intends to give Pakistani audiences a
chance to see the works of famous local art-
In Pakistan artists are taken for granted. All other
ists who usually display their works abroad.
professions are paid for their time but when a
The Karachi Biennale Trust helps these
new artist asks for remuneration for work oth-
artists to present their works on an interna-
er than paintings, like murals or installation or
tional platform.
performance art, people are not willing to pay
them. They think the exposure that the artist
Q: - In what sense or how do you think Pa-
gets should be enough. The general misconcep-
kistani art has evolved?
tion that artists are people who do not have the
intelligence or the ability to be something else
Pakistani art is now firmly fixed on the map
couldn’t be further from the truth.
of world art. Our artists have won accolades.
and awards in the international art scene,
Q: - How was the experience of showcasing your
so I think we have not only evolved but
work at the show “In a different voice” in China?
continue to evolve every day. From Imran
Qureshi winning the Deutsche Bank Artist
It was a great experience. China was an unknown
of the Year Award to Risham Syed winning
territory to me. I have exhibited my work in many
the Abraaj Capital Art Prize, Pakistanis have
countries but the scale of art promotion and ap-
won and continue to win many high level in-
preciation in China is huge. There are huge sculp-
ternational awards like the Jameel Art Prize,
tures all over Beijing. The museums are massive
The Prince Claus award etc. Other than that
and have various contemporary art displays in
artists like Shahzia Sikander and Rashid
addition to permanent collections.
Rana are considered amongst
“The general
the top artists of the world.
as an art of the wise. Howev- Sometimes I spend well over 30
er for food photography, some minutes taking a shot before I can
people say that a culinary artist sit down and eat. And sometimes
is not only presenting a dish in I have to stop several times while
an innovative way, but also cap- I am eating, to capture some-
turing it for the viewers in an thing unique. Yet I am loving it.”
aesthetically-pleasing manner.
Lastly, the most essential arte-
As trends change, adolescents facts are the instructions given
and adults are leaning towards by a professional, to which Sa-
blogging, photography and nodia said, “Aesthetics are your
many other activities that could best friend! Never judge the food
represent their social media as a in one bite.” From a student to
platform to follow, and for peo- another student, “one appren-
ple to command respect. Sano- tice’s journey may be a starting
dia Abrar, a student of the Insti- point for someone else’s dream”.
tute of Business Management
IoBM Student Magazine brings
shares her interests in food pho-
you tips and tricks to become
tography. Today she stands with
a food photographer at home:
more than 14,000 followers who
admire her work profoundly. Shoot in natural daylight
When asked about the motiva- Light is the natural provenance
tion behind her food blogs, Abrar for taking incomparable still life
says: “The Spaghetti Blog was photos. Artificial lighting tends
originally just a food photogra- to cast shadows of its own under-
phy blog that I started after I re- tone, be it white or yellow. Built- Marsha Tayyab (BS-MS)
alized how much I liked taking in undertone tends to ruin the
photos of food. I never expected natural colours that you may find
it to become this big. And then, while evaluating these photos. lar colors in a set-up tends to have contrary re-
people started asking me for re- sults. It creates a vivacious, effectual and compel-
Use indistinct background
views and recipes of the food I ling facade that prompts the viewer’s feelings in
photographed; so I guess it then When shooting a food photo- an unlikely manner.
became a proper food blog.” graph, the background is im-
Breathing Space: a must for your subject
perative. If the background is
Sanodia also promotes many like
disorganized or flamboyant, the While framing food photos, assess some breath-
her who love fusion, by sharing
viewer’s responsiveness will be ing space around the dish so that it doesn’t fill the
a story behind one of her infa-
absent from the food. Using a fair- frame completely. Some close-up shots of food
mous mixtures and how people
ly neutral background allows you can look exquisite and negative space often cre-
perceived them. She said: “Most
to place maximum prominence ates a more delightful arrangement.
of the things I make are proba-
on the food. A plain background
bly inedible for other people. For Enhance the Composition:
does not mean that it has to be or-
example, anything with disas-
dinary; it should supplement the The subject, food and the background are all cru-
trous amounts of chili and pick-
subject rather than overpower it. cial components, but to make your photos more
le are good for me. My favorite
fascinating, one should attempt enhancing the
is a Cheesy Potato recipe that Color contrast is important
set-up with some minor items. A great alternative
people somehow seem to love.”
Food photography gives you is to include some of the dry components used
When talking about struggles and the chance to experiment with when cooking the food.
compositions she added that “the colours, as it has a huge in-
Adding interest to the composition, this also aids
one who photographs food items fluence on its arrangement,
to generate a pictorial recipe for your photograph.
to be specific, endeavors the and it can affect the over-
Spices typically look good as an adornment.
most”. Assenting with her state- all appearance of the subject.
ment Abrar confessed, “You nev- Sanodia assures you that these tips would help
The warm earthy hues create a
er get to enjoy food like a normal you present a photograph with an impeccable
pleasant framework, evoking re-
person because you always find composition like no other.
lief and calmness. Using dissimi-
EXIT WEST: where the action of influence takes
Ali Mobashir - WINNER
“I started singing when I was seven years old. An event
called “Sur Sangeet” was the game changer for my sing-
ing career, where after reaching the finals, I lost. I was
among those performers who would stand stiff and dare
not look anywhere other than the mic.
The day I lost, I cried. Not because I lost, but because my
parents were there to see me perform and I thought I had
failed them. The defeat struck me so hard that I stopped
Have you ever imagined how colorless life would be singing for a while. However, what helped me regain my
without music? The joy music brings to people who have confidence was my music teacher in grade seven. The
a knack for singing is a feeling unexplainable. A recent man encouraged me to perform on stage after being in
event, The Voice of IoBM, a singing competition organ- the choir for a while.
ized by the Entertainment Plus Society, gained popularity
During my high school days I won the “Obhartay Sitaray”
amongst the students of the university. Among the sever-
award twice consecutively. However, with Voice of IoBM,
al people who participated, there were four participants
it wasn’t even in my wildest dreams that I would win the
who managed to reach the final round. Here's what they
have to say about their experience:
Voice of IoBM has changed my life forever. I met people
here who appreciated my style of singing. This platform
gave me a lot of recognition and helped me regain my
confidence in the talent I have been gifted.”
Abdul Moiz - 2ND
“My experience at the Voice of IoBM is now a
lifetime memory for me. During the journey
from the auditions to the finale, I met some
amazing people with whom I share mutual
love and respect now. Who knew IoBM would
have such talented singers? The best part
though is that I got to perform with those
amazingly talented people!
Institute of Business Management,
Plot#84, Korangi Creek, Karachi.