2005 - Jenekar - Production of Sulphur-Free PDF
2005 - Jenekar - Production of Sulphur-Free PDF
2005 - Jenekar - Production of Sulphur-Free PDF
The present investigation deals with a major chemical modification to the existing double
sulphitation process of sugar manufacture. Laboratory and pilot plant trials were conducted
for clarification of sugarcane juice with phosphoric acid, and the results were compared with
those obtained with the existing double sulphitation process. The sugar produced by the
phosphatation technique is free from sulphur, low in ash and has a better storage quality. The
cost of producing sugar by this method is prima facie on the higher side. Yet, considering the
fact that sulphur-free sugar fetches a premium price and has intangible gains, the method
deserves further investigation aimed at bringing down the cost of production and proving the
intangible gains.
At present, the demand for natural food products that contain minimum chemicals (as per
FDA approval) is increasing day-by-day in the domestic as well as the international market.
In the field of medicine, it is evident that an increasing number of people are shifting from
‘allopathic’ to ‘ayurveda’, and the same trend can be observed in the food industry. Our
existing method of sugar manufacture involves double sulphitation. Sugar produced by this
process contains about 20 ppm or more sulphur. Also, our sugar does not produce a clear
solution when dissolved in water, due to the presence of calcium sulphate (CaSO4) and
polysaccharides. It therefore becomes difficult to sell our food, plasma and beverages
industries on the domestic and international markets.
In the double sulphitation process, clarification of juice is done with the help of lime and
sulphur dioxide gas (SO2). The SO2 does not dissolve completely, and creates environmental
hazards. In this process, the observed rise in CaO content from mixed juice to clear juice is in
the range of 400-500 ppm; this leads to the formation of scale in the evaporators and also
retards the process of pan boiling by reducing the RS:ash ratio. At the stage of syrup
sulphitation the SO2 is used as a bleaching agent for lowering the colour of syrup, but at the
same time the formation of a fine precipitate of CaSO4 can be observed, caused by the
difficulties in eliminating the SO2. It is therefore desirable to explore some modification to
the method of sugar manufacture.
The use of phosphoric acid and phosphate salts to form calcium phosphate precipitate for the
purification of sucrose solution has been known for a long time. The purifying effect seems to
be due to the adsorptive power of calcium phosphate, and it has often been observed that
calcium phosphate clarification is very effective in eliminating colloids and finely dispersed
matter from the clarified juice.
Phosphoric acid is used in Java to neutralise the filtrate of the second carbonation in the
liquor carbonation process. Neutralisation of the alkaline filtrate (pH 8.5-9.0) with phosphoric
acid is preferred to neutralisation with sulphur dioxide, because of the undesirable presence
of sulphates in the refining liquids, and when golden syrup or a certain type of soft sugar is
In Taiwan, Sang et al. (1971) studied the carbonisation-phospatation process on a pilot plant
scale vis-à-vis the existing carbonation-sulphitation process and obtained satisfactory results
in regard to quality of sugar, i.e. sugar that was free from sulphur, low in ash and had
comparatively less colour development during storage.
In Uttar Pradesh in India, Mishra (1977, 1978) studied the possibility of phosphatation of
unfiltered second carbonated sugarcane juice in the laboratory as well as in the factory. He
found that the application of phosphates in the factory process was helpful in reducing the
scale problem, it led to less colour development in post-clarification operations and it
improved the exhaustibility of molasses. His analytical data showed less destruction of
reducing sugars, higher juice purities, a higher P2O5 content, lower colour and lower ash in a
sugar that was free from sulphur and had better storage quality.
A lime dosage optimisation experiment was conducted by applying different doses of lime in
the pH range of 7.5 to 9.8 neutralised with phosphoric acid. For the mixed juice treatment,
10-litres of the process mixed juice plus filtrate (10%) was brought to the laboratory, and
each litre was separated into six parts. One part was used for the analysis of untreated juice,
and remaining five parts were heated separately to 70ºC and treated with milk of lime of 10
Bx at 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 V/V%. The pH of the resultant mixture was 7.5, 8.2, 9.2, 9.6
and 9.8 respectively. The juice was neutralised in each case with 10% phosphoric acid, and
again heated to boiling and then transferred separately into one-litre glass measuring
cylinders for settling. After settling for about half an hour, the clear juice in each case was
analysed for Bx, Pol, purity, P2O5 content, ICUMSA colour, CaO content, turbidity, reducing
sugar, starch, dextran and mud volume.
For the plant scale study, a temporary arrangement was made for phosphoric acid addition
near the sulphiter. A 10 % solution of phosphoric acid was prepared and kept handy. The
juice in the sulphiter was limed to a pH between 9.5 to 9.8 with the help of milk of lime as
practised in the factory. The prepared phosphoric acid solution was added continuously so as
to neutralise the juice. The process continued for 17-18 hours. During this period, samples of
mix juice, clear juice, syrup and stickwise sugar were analysed for Bx, Pol, purity, P2O5
content, ICUMSA colour, CaO content, turbidity, reducing sugar and conductivity ash.
The laboratory experiment had revealed that colour of the clear juice (9100 IU) at pH 9.2 was
comparable with that of the processed clear juice. Also, its CaO content was similar to that of
the mixed juice. By contrast, the same parameter in the clear juice was found to be increasing
with the existing process. Other parameters such as purity, RS, P2O5, mud volume and
CaO content: There was no rise in CaO content from mixed to clear juice.
Conductivity: A reduction in conductivity from mixed to clear juice was observed.
Colour: About 50% reduction in colour from mixed to clear juice was obtained. There
was no colour rise from clear juice to syrup.
Turbidity: Comparable turbidity of clear juice was observed vis-à-vis the conventional
Further to the laboratory work and plant scale results obtained at BCSSK Ltd. Nanded, it
seems worthwhile to conduct a large scale trial to corroborate the benefits observed during
the pilot study. It will be necessary to conduct the trial for a period of at least two months,
using the existing double sulphitation process for one month and the modified process for one
month. This will enable an evaluation of the technical and economical benefits.
• The lower CaO content in clear juice is beneficial in reducing scale formation. There is
scope to reduce the number of cleanings and also the quantity of chemicals used for
• The scale formed by this process is comparatively soft, which helps to reduce the time
required for cleaning.
• A reduction in conductivity helps improve the RS:ash ratio, which results in improved
exhaustion of massecuits during pan boiling. There is scope for a reduction in sugar loss
in molasses of about 2.0-2.25 units, which will result in a 1% rise in recovery.
• Sugar produced by this process, being free from sulphur, is acceptable by the food,
pharmaceutical and beverage industries.
• Health conscious consumers are prepared to pay a premium price for sulphur-free sugar.
• As far as storage is concerned, conventionally produced sugar deteriorates due to the
release of SO2 and the colour increases. In the new process, no such problems exist.
• As a result of lower salt concentration, the quality of molasses is better in the proposed
phosphatation process compared with the double sulphitation process.
• The nutrient content of press-mud obtained with the proposed method will be better
because of its increased phosphate content. This will improve soil fertility. In contrast, the
press-mud from the double sulphitation process contains sulphur, which will tend to
acidify the soil.
• The shelf life of sugar produced by the phosphatation method is substantially better. The
increase in colour during storage over a period of six month was only 5.8%, and 11.85%
over 12 months (Table 4) compared with a 25-30% increase observed in conventional
double sulphitation sugar.
• The cost of phosphoric acid is higher than that of sulphur. Therefore, cost of producing
sugar with the proposed technique will be Rs16-17 per bag higher than the existing
double sulphitation process.
• Mud produced with the phosphatation method is slightly spongy, and may require more
space in the clarifier. Therefore, clarifier capacity will have to be increased.
The author is thankful to Dr TR Sontakke, Director, Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of
Engineering and Technology, Nanded, for his continuous encouragement to present this