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Bearing Mounting - Cold Mounting

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Cold mounting

Cold mounting Fig. 14

For cold mounting, there is a choice of methods:

… mechanical methods 2
… the SKF Drive-up method
… the oil injection method
… the SENSORMOUNT method a

Mechanical methods are usually used to drive

small bearings with a cylindrical or tapered bore
onto a shaft or into a housing. The other three
methods are only used to drive up bearings with
a tapered bore onto a tapered seat.

CAUTION: When mounting a bearing, never

strike it directly with any hard object such as a
steel hammer or a chisel, and never apply the
mounting force through the rolling elements.

Mechanical methods

Bearings with a cylindrical bore

Small bearings should be mounted with an c
appropriate bearing fitting tool, e.g. the SKF
Bearing fitting tool kit († fig. 14a).
If the shaft has an external († fig. 14b and c)
or an internal thread († fig. 14d), the threads
can be used to mount the bearing onto a shaft.
If a bearing has to be pressed onto the shaft
and into the housing bore at the same time, the
mounting force must be applied equally to both
rings († fig. 15).
To mount a larger number of bearings,
a mechanical or hydraulic press can be used.
Fig. 15
When using a press, place an appropriate sleeve
between the ram and the ring to be mounted
(† fig. 16, page 54).

Mounting rolling bearings

Bearings with a tapered bore Fig. 16

Small and medium-size bearings can be driven

up onto a tapered seat using either a bearing
fitting tool or preferably a lock nut. In the case
of adapter sleeves, the sleeve nut is used.
A hook or impact spanner can be used to
tighten the nut († fig. 17) and to drive up the
bearing on its tapered seat. Small withdrawal
sleeves may be driven into the bearing bore
using a bearing fitting tool or an end plate.
Bearings with a bore diameter d ≥ 50 mm can
be simply and reliably mounted, applying the
SKF Drive-up method († The SKF Drive-up
method, starting on page 57).
Combining the SKF Drive-up method and
the oil injection method facilitates mounting
medium-size and large bearings († The oil
injection method, starting on page 62).
Fig. 17
Combining the oil injection method and the
SENSORMOUNT method further simplifies the
mounting of large bearings († The SENSOR-
MOUNT method, page 67).
Bearings with a tapered bore are mounted
with an interference fit. The degree of inter-
ference is normally determined by one of the
following methods:

… feeling the clearance reduction by swivelling

the outer ring
… measuring the clearance reduction with
a feeler gauge
… measuring the lock nut tightening angle
… measuring the axial drive-up
… measuring the inner ring expansion

Cold mounting

Fig. 18 Feeling the clearance reduction by swivelling

the outer ring
When mounting self-aligning ball bearings with
Normal radial clearance, it is generally sufficient
to check clearance during axial drive-up by 2
turning and swivelling the outer ring († fig. 18).
The bearings are properly mounted when the
outer ring can be easily turned, but a slight
resistance is felt when it is swivelled out. The
bearing then has the requisite interference fit.

Measuring the clearance reduction with

a feeler gauge
Using a feeler gauge († fig. 12, page 51) is
one way to measure the radial internal clear-
ance in medium-size and large bearings, before,
during, and after mounting († Measuring
clearance with a feeler gauge, page 52).
Fig. 19
Recommended values for reduction of radial
internal clearance are provided for:

… spherical roller bearings in Appendix F-2

(† page 403)
… CARB toroidal roller bearings in Appendix F-3
(† page 404)

Measuring the lock nut tightening angle (a)

SKF recommends this method († fig. 19) for
a mounting small to medium-size bearings with a
tapered bore and up to approximately 120 mm
bore diameter. Guideline values for the lock nut
tightening angle (a) are provided for:

… self-aligning ball bearings in Appendix F-1

(† page 402)
… spherical roller bearings in Appendix F-2
(† page 403)
… CARB toroidal roller bearings in Appendix F-3
(† page 404)

Before starting the final tightening procedure,

place the bearing onto the tapered seat until it is
firmly in position. By tightening the nut through
the recommended angle (a), the bearing is driven
up over the proper distance on the tapered seat.
The bearing inner ring then has the requisite
interference fit.

Mounting rolling bearings

Measuring the axial drive-up Fig. 20

Controlling the axial displacement of a bearing

on its tapered seat provides an easy way to
achieve the fit. One way is to simply measure
the axial displacement († fig. 20). This method
is not very accurate since it is not easy to deter-
mine the start position.
Guideline values for axial drive-up are
provided for:

… self-aligning ball bearings in Appendix F-1

(† page 402)
… spherical roller bearings in Appendix F-2
(† page 403)
… CARB toroidal roller bearings in Appendix F-3
(† page 404)

The most suitable method is the SKF Drive-up

method, which is an easy, fast and very reliable Measuring the inner ring expansion
method to achieve the correct drive-up and Measuring the inner ring expansion when the
thereby the appropriate interference fit bearing is driven up on its tapered seat simpli-
(† The SKF Drive-up method, starting on fies the mounting process of large bearings. To
page 57). do this, the SENSORMOUNT method is available
using a sensor integrated with the bearing inner
ring and a dedicated hand-held indicator (†
The SENSORMOUNT method, page 67).

Table 1

Suitable tools for the SKF Drive-up method

Designation Description

Hydraulic nuts
HMV ..E, e.g. HMV 40E Hydraulic nut with a metric thread, e.g. M 200 ¥ 3
HMVC ..E, e.g. HMVC 40E Hydraulic nut with an inch thread, e.g. ANF 7.847 ¥ 8 Class 3

729124 SRB Hand operated hydraulic pump for
– working pressure up to 100 MPa and
– hydraulic nuts up to 270 mm thread diameter
TMJL 100 SRB Hand operated hydraulic pump for
– pressure up to 100 MPa and
– hydraulic nuts up to 460 mm thread diameter
TMJL 50 SRB Hand operated hydraulic pump for
– working pressure up to 50 MPa and
– hydraulic nuts up to 1 000 mm thread diameter

Pressure gauge
TMJG 100 D Pressure range: 0 – 100 MPa

Dial indicators
TMCD 10R Horizontal dial indicator for measuring displacement up to 10 mm
TMCD 1/2R Horizontal dial indicator for measuring displacement in inches, up to 0.5 in.
TMCD 5 Vertical dial indicator for measuring displacement up to 5 mm


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