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IS 1489-1 (1991): Specification for Portland pozzolana

cement, Part 1: Flyash based [CED 2: Cement and Concrete]

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IS 1489 ( Part 1 ) : 1991
( Reaffirmed 2005 )

( am @mJr )

Indian Standard

( Third Revision)
First Reprint MARCH 1993

UDC 666*944-Z! : -666’952’2

Q BIS 1991


NEW DELHI 110002

May 1991 Price Croup 4

Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 2

This Indian Standard ( Part 1 ) ( Third Revision .) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards,
after the draft finalized by the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had beenapproved by
the Civil Engineering Division Council.
Portland-pozzolana cement can be produced either by grinding together Portland cement clinker
and pozzolana with addition of gypsum or calcium sulphate, or by intimately and uniformly
blending Portland cement and fine, pozzolana. While grinding of the two materials together
presents no difficulty, the mixing of dry powders intimately is extremely difficult. The blending
method should, therefore, be resorted to only when the grinding method is impossible or proves
uneconomical, in a particular case. Where blending method is adopted, every care should be taken
to see that the blending is as intimate as possible. Generally, if the blending is not uniform, it is
reflected in the performance tests. The Sectional : Committee responsible for the preparation of
this specification is of the opinion that the blending method should be confined to such factories/
works where intimate and uniform blending is feasible with the employment of requisite
machinery so as to ensure uniformity of product and its guaranteed performance.
Portland-pozzolana cement produces less heat of hydration and offers greater resistance to the
attack of aggressive waters than normal Portland cement. Moreover, it reduces the leaching of
calcium hydroxide liberated during the setting and hydration of cement. It is particularly useful
in marine and hydraulic construction and other mass concrete structures. Portland-pozzolana
cement can generally be used wherever 33 grade ordinary Portland cement is usable under normal
conditions. However, it should be appreciated that all pozzolanas need not necessarily contribute
to strength at early ages. In view of this fact, this specification has been prepared to enable
manufacturers to produce PortJand-pozzolana cement equivalent to 33 grade ordinary Portland
cement on ihe basis of the 3, 7 and 2%days compressive strength.
For construction of structures using rapid construction methods like slipform construction,
Portland-pozzolana cement shall be used with caution since 4 to 6h strength of concrete is
considered significant in such construction.
This standard was first published in 1962 and subsequently revised in 1967 and 1976. In this
revision the standard has been split into two parts based on the pozzolana used in the manufacture
of such cements in view of the special needs of some hydraulic structures which require pozzolana
cement manufactured only with fly ash pozzolana, This would also enable the user to identify
the pozzolana used in the manufacture of cement. Part I of this standard covers pozzolana cement
manufactured by using only fly ash pozzolana and Part 2 covers pozzolana cement manufac-
tured by using either calcined clay or a mixture of calcincd clay and fly ash as pozzolana.
In this revision both chemical and physical requirements have been kept the same as was given
in 1976 version of this standard as amended. Various rcquiremrnts of Portland-pozzolana
cement given in 1976 version oi this standard had been modified from time to time by
issuing amendments based on the experience gained with the use of the standard and the
requirements of the users and also 1teepin.g in view raw materials and fuel available in the
country for manufacture of cement. The Important amendments include lowering the value
of compressive strength in lime reactivity test from 5 MPa to 4 MPn, incorporating a value of
3-days compressive strength as 16 MPa, modifying the requirement of sulphuric anhydride (SOS)
and insoluble residue, deleting the requirement of pozzolanicity test, increasing the value of 28-
days compressive strength from 31 MPa to 33 MPa, making autoclave soundness test compulsory
irrespective of the magnesia content in cement, incorporating a provision for retest in respect of
autoclave soundness test after aeration of the cement, incorporating a clause on false set of cement
and permitting packaging of cement in 25 kg bags. All these amendments have been taken care
of in this revision.
Mass of cement packed in bags and the tolerance requirements for the mass of cement packed in
bags shall be in accordance wrth the relevant provisions of the Standards of Whghts and Measures
( Packaged Commodities ) Rules, 1977 and B-l.2 (see Annex B ). Any modification in these rules
in respect of tolerance on mass of cement would apply automatically to this standard.
This siandard contains clauses 4.1.4, 4.2 and 12.4.1 which permit the purchaser to use his option
and 10.2. 1 and 10. 3 call for agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
The composition of the technical committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is
given in Annex C.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with,
the final value, observed or calculated, rressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in
accrdance witn IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘. The number
of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified
value in this standard.
IS 1489 ( Part 1 ) : 1991

Indian Standard

( Third Revision )
1 SCOPE 4.1.2 Fineness and average compressive strength
in lime reactivity of fly ash that is to be blended
This standard ( Part 1 ) covers the manufacture, with finished Portland cement to produce
physical and chemical requirements of Portland- Portland-pozzolana cement, when tested in
pozzolana cement using only fly ash pozzolana. accordance with the procedure specified in
IS 1727 : 1967, shall not be less than 320 mq/kg
2 REFERENCES and 4’0 MPa respectively. Average compressive
strength in lime reactivity test of such fly ash
The Indian Standards listed in Annex A are shall be carried out at the fineness at which
necessary adjuncts to this standard. pozzolana has been received for blending.
3 TERMINOLOGY 4.1.3 Average compressive strength in lime
reactivity of fly ash that is to be interground
For the purpose of this standard, the definitions with Portland cement clinker for manufacture
given in IS 4845 : 1968 and the following shall of Portland-pozzolana cement shall not be less
apply. than 4’0 .MPa when tested at the fineness of
Portland-pozzolana cement manufactured out of
3.1 Pozzolma it or at the fineness in ‘as-received’ condition,
whichever is greater, in accordance with the
An essentially silicious material which while in
procedure specified in IS 1727 : 1967.
itself possessing little or no cementitious pro-
perties will, in finely divided form and in the 4.1.4 The purchaser shall have the right, if he
presence of water, react with calcium hydroxide so desires to obtain samples of fly ash used in
at ambient temperature to form compounds the manufacture of Portland-pozzolana cement
possessing cementitious properties. The term for purposes of checking its conformity to the
includes natural volcanic material having requirements specified in 4.1.1 to 4.1.3.
pozzolanic properties as also other natural and
artificial materials, such as diatomaceous earth, 4.2 Portland Cement Clinker
calcined clay and fly ash.
The Portland cement clinker used in the
3.2 Portland Clinker manufacture of Portland-pozzolana cement
shall comply in all respects with the chemical
Clinker, consisting mostly of calcium silicates, requirements of IS 269 : 1989 and the purchaser
obtained by heating to incipient fusion, a pre- have the right, if he so desires to obtain
determined and homogeneous mixture of sample of the clinker used in the manufacture
materials princi ally containing lime ( CaO ) for purposes of checking its conformity to
and silica ( SiOl 7 with a smaller proportion of IS 269 : 1989.
alumina ( AlsOI ) and iron oxide ( Fe,O* ). 4.3 Portland Cements
3.3 Portland-Pozzolaoa Cement Portland cement for blending with fly ash shall
conform to IS 269 : 1989.
An intimately interground mixture of Portland
clinker and pozzolana with the possible addition 4.4 Other Admixtares
of gypsum ( natural or chemical ) or an intimate When Portland-pozzolana cement is obtained
and uniform blending of Portland cement and by grinding fly ash with Portland cement clinker,
fine pozzolana. no material other than gypsum ( natural or
chemical ) or water or both, shall be added.
4 RAW MATERIAL Such air-entraining agents or surfactants which
have been proved harmless may be added in
4.1 Pozzolrna quantities not exceeding one percent.
4.1.1 Fly ash used in the manufacture of 5 MANUFACTURE
Portland-pozzolana cement shall conform to
IS 3812 : 1981 subject to the requirements Porland-pozzolana cement shall be manufactured
specified in 4.1.2 and 4.1.3. either by intimately mtergrinding Portland

IS 1489 ( Part 1) : 1991

cement clinker and fly ash or by intimately and total period of 7-days. The expansion of cement
uniformly blending Portland cement and fine so aerated shall be not more than 5 mm and
fly ash. For blending of Portland cement and 0’6 percent when tested by ‘Le-Chatelier’ method
fly ash, the metbod and equipment used shall be and autoclave test respectively as described in
the one well accepted for achieving a complete IS 4031 ( Part 3 ) : 1988.
uniform and intimate blending. The blending
operation shall be a prcperly designed and well 7.3 Setting Time
defined unit operation in approved blenders. The setting time of Portland-pozzolana cement,
Gypsum ( natural or chemical ) may be added if when testpd by the Vicat apparatus method
the Portland-pozzolana cement is made by described in IS 4031 ( Part 5 ) : 1988, shall be
intergrinding Pcrtland cement clinker with fly as follows:
ash. The fly ash constituent shall not be less
tban 10 percent and not more than 25 percent Initial setting time 30 min, Min
by mass of Portland-pozzolana cement. The Final setting time 600 min, MUX
homogeneity of the mixture shall be guaranteed
within A3 percent in the same consignment. 7.3.1 If cement exhibits false set, the ratio of
final penetration measured after 5 min of com-
6 CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS pletion of mixing period to the initial penetra-
tion measured exactly after 20 s of completion
6.1 Portland-pozzolana cement, shall comply of mixing period, expressed as percent, shall be
with the cbcmical requirements given in Table 1. not less than 50 when tested by the method
described in IS 4031 ( Part 14 ) : 1989. In the
Table 1 Chemical Requirements of Portland- event of cement exhibiting false set, the initial
Pozzolana Cement and final setting time of cement when tested by
the method described in IS 4031 ( Part 5 ): 1988,
Characteristic Reqnirement Method of after breaking the false set, shall conform to 7.3.
Test Ref
to IS
7.4 Compressing Strength
(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) LOSSon ignition, percent 5.0 4032 : 1985 7.4.1 The average compressive strength of not
by mass, Max
less than three mortar cubes ( area of face
ii) Magnesia ( MgO ), per- 6’0 4032 : 1985
50 cm* ) composed of one part of cement, three
cent by mass, Max
iii) Sulpburic anhydride 3’0 4032 : 1985 parts of standard sand ( see Note 2 ) by mass,
( SOS ), percent by and P/4 + 3.0 percent ( of combined mass of
mass. Max cement and sand ) water, and prepared, stored
iv) Insoluble material, X+4*0 ( 100-x ) 4032 : 1985 and tested in the manner described in IS 4031
percent by mass, 100 ( Part 6 ) : 1988 shall be as follows:
where x is the declared per- a) At 72 f 1h I6 MPa, Min
centage of flyash in the given
Portland-pozzolana cement b) At 168 =t 2 h 22 MPa, Min
c) At 672 rt 4 h 33 MPa, Min
7.1 Fineness 1 P is the percentage of water required to produce
a paste of standard consistency ( see 12.3 ).
When tested by the air permeability method 2 Standard sand shall conform to IS 650 : 1966.
described in IS 4031 ( Part 2 ) : 1988, the specific
surface of Portland-pozzolana cement sball be 7.4.2 Notwithstanding the cubes satisfying the
not less than 300 ml/kg. strength requirements specified in 7.4.1, they
shall also show a progressive increase in strength
7.2 Soundness from the strength at 72 h.

7.2.1. When tested by ‘Le Cbatelier’ method and 7*5 Dr@g Sbrinkage
autoclave test described in IS 4031 ( Part 3 .) ; The average drying shrinkage of mortar bars
1988, unaerated Portland-pozzolana cement prepared and tested in accordance with IS 4031
shall not have an expansion of more than 10 mm ( Part 10 ) : 1988 &all not be mOre than o.15
and 0’8 percent respectively. percent. In the Went of cement f’ailing to COrnply 8 STORAGE
with any or both the requirements specified
in 7.2.1, further tests in respect of each failure The Portland-pozzolana cement shall be stored
shall be made as described in IS 4031 ( Part 3 ) ; in such a manner as to permit easy access for
1988 from another portion of the same sample proper inspection and identification, and in a
after aeration. The aeration shall be done by suitable weather-proof building to protect the
spreading out the sample to a depth of 75 mm cement from dampness and to minimize ware-
at a relative humidity of 50 to 80 percent for a house deterioration.

.- --

IS1489 ( Part 1) : 1991

9 MANUFACTURER'SCERTIFICA?E bags in the sample shall exceed 4 p:rcent of the

specified net mass of cement in the bag. How-
9.1 The manufacturer shall satisfy himself that ever, the average net mass of cement in a sample
the cement conforms to the requirements of this shall be equal to or more than 25 kg.
standard. The manufacturer shall also furnish
within ten days of despatch of cement, a 10.2.2 When cement is intended for export and
certificate indicating the percentage of fly ash. if the purchaser so requires, packing of cement
The manufacturer shall also state in the certi- may be done in bags with an average net mass
ficate that the amount of fly ash in the per bag as agreed to by the purchaser and the
finished cement is not varying more than f3 manufacturer.
percent from the value so declared. For this purpose the permission of the
9.2 The certificate furnished shall also indicate certifying authority shall be obtained in advance
the total chloride content in percent by mass of for each export order.
cement. The words ‘FOR EXPORT’ and the
NOTES average net mass of cement per bag shall be
1 Total chloride content in cement shall not exceed clearly marked in indelible ink on each bag.
0.05 percent by mass for cement used in long span
reinforced concrete structures, when determined by The packing material shall be as agreed
the method given in IS 12423 : 1988. to b:tween the supplier and the purchaser.
2 The limit of total chloride content in cement for
use in plain and other reinforced concrete The tolerance requirements for the mass
structures is being reviewed. Till that time, the of cement packed in bags shall b: as given
limit may be mutually agreed to between the in except the average net mass which
purchaser and the manufacturer. shall be equal to or more tban the quantity
in 10.2.2.
10.3 Supplies of cem:nt in bulk may b: made
10.1 The cement shall be packed in bags by arrangement between the purchaser and the
Ljute sacking bag conforming to IS 2580: 198?; supplier ( manufacturer or stockist ).
double hessian bituminized ( CR1 type ), mu&l-
wall paper conforming to IS 11761 : 1986, poly- NOTE - A single bag or container containing
ethylene lined ( CR1 type 1 jute, light-weight 1 000 kg or more net mass of cement shall be con-
jute conforming to IS 12154 : 1987, woven sidered as bulk supply of cement. Supplies of
HDPE conforming to IS 11652 : 1986, woven cement may also be made in intermediate contai-
ners, for example, drums of 200 kg, by agreement
polypropylene conforming to IS 11653 : 1986, between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
jute synthetic union conforming to IS 12174 :
1987 or any other approved composite bags ] 11 SAMPLING
bearing the manufacturer’s name or his register-
ed trade-mark, if any. The words ‘Portland- 11.1 Samples for Testing and by Whom to be
pozzolana cement - 0y ash based’ or a bright Talcen
colour band to distinguish Portland fly ash
pozzolana cement from other cements and the A sample or samples for testing may be taken
number of bags ( net mass) to the tonne or the by the purchaser or his representative, or by
nominal average net mass ( see 10.2 ) of the any person appointed to superintend the
cement shall be legibly and indelibly marked on works for the purpose of which the cement is
each bag. Bags shall be in good condition at required, or by the latter’s representative.
the time of inspection. 11.1.1 The samples shall b= taken within three
10.1.1 Similar information shall be provided in weeks of the delivery and all the tests shall be
the delivery advices accompanying the shipment commenced within one week of sampling.
of packed or bulk cement ( see IO.3 ). 11.1.2 When it is not possible to test the samples
within one week, the samples shall be packed
10.2 The average net mass of cement per bag and stored in air-tight containers till such time,
shall b: 50 kg ( see Annex B ). they are tested.
10.2.1 The average net mass of cement per.bag 11.2 In addition to the requirements of 11.1 the
may also be 25 kg subject to tolerances as given methods and procedure of sampling shall be in
in and packed in suitable bags as agreed accordance with IS 3535 : 1986.
to between the purchaser and the manu-
facturer. 11.3 Facilities for Sampling and Identifying The number of bags in a sample taken The manufacturer or supplier shall afford every
for weighment showing a minus error greater facility, including labour and materials for taking
than 2 percent of the specified net mass shall be and packing the samples for testing the cement
not more than 5 percent of the bags in the and for subsequent identification of the cement
sample. Also the minus error in none of such samp!ed.

Is 1489 ( Part 1) : 1991

12 TESTS with this standard on ths written instruction6 of

the purchaser or his representative.
12.1The sample or samples of pozzolana cement 12.4.2 Cost of Testing
drawn as described in 11 shall be tested as per
methods referred to in relevant clauses. The manufacturer shall supply, free of charge,
the cement required for testing. Unless other-
12.2 The temperature for carrying out physical wise specified m the enquiry and order, the cost
tests shall, as far as possible, be 27f2”C. How- of the tests shall be borne as follows:
ever, the actual temperature during the testing
shall be recorded. a) By the manufacturer if the resuhs show
that the cement does not comply with this
12.3 Consistency of Standard Cement Paste standard, and
The quantity of water required to produce a b) By the purchaser if the results show that
paste of standard consistency to be used for the cement complies with this standard.
determination of the water content of mortar
for the compressive strength test and for the 13 REJECTION
determination of soundness and setting time, 13.1 Cement consignment may be rejected if it
shall be obtained by the method described in does not comply with any of the requirements
IS 4031 ( Part 4 ) : 1988. of this specification.
12.4 Independent Testing 13.2 Cement remaining in bulk storage at the
mill, prior to shipment, for more than six
12.4.1 If the purchaser or his representative months, or cement in bags in local storage in the
requires independent tests, the samples’ shall be hands of a vendor for more than 3 months after
taken before or immediately after delivery at the completion of tests, may be retested before use
option of the purchaser or his representative, and may be rejected if it fails to conform to any
and the tests shall be carried out in accordance of the requirements in this specification.

( Chuse 2 )

IS No. Title IS No. Title

269 : 1989 Specification for 33 grade 4845 : 1968 Definitions and terminology
ordinary Portland cement relating to hydraulic cement
( fourth revision ) 4905 : 1968 Methods for random
650 : 1966 Specification for standard sampling
sand for testing of cement 11652 : 1986 Specification for high density
( jrst revision ) polyethylene ( HDPE )
1727 : 1967 Methods of tests for woven sacks for packing
pozzolanic materials ( first cement
revision )
1 1653 : 1986 ‘Specifi&tion for polypropy-
2580 : 1982 Specification for jute sack- lene ( PP ) woven sacks for
ing bags for packing cement packing cement
( second revision ) 1 1761 : 1986 Specification for multi-wall
3535 : 1986 ~r;;~;cds of sampling hy- paper sacks for cement
cements (first _.
valved-sewn gussetted
revision ) 12089 : 1987 Specification for granulated
slag for the manufacture of
3812 : 1981 Specification for fly ash for Portland slag cement
use as pozzolana and admix-
ture ( j?rst revision ) 12154:1987 Specification for light weight
jute bags for packing cement
4031 Methods of physical test5 12174 : 1987 Specification for jute syn-
( Parts 1 to 14 ) for hydraulic cement thetic union bag for packing
4032 : 1985 Method of chemical analysis cement
of hydraulic cement (,rirst 12423 : 1988 Method for calorimetric
revision ) analysis of hydraulic cement

IS 1489 ( Part 1) : 1991

( czfzuse 10.2 )

B-1 The average net mass of cement packed in minus-error in none of such bags in the sample
bags at the plant in a sample shall be equal to shall exceed 4 percent of the specified net mass
or more than 50 kg. The number of bags in of cement in the bag.
aample shall be as given below: NOTE-The matter given in B-l and B-l.1 are
Batch Size Sample Size extracts based pn the Standards of Weights and
Measures ( Packaged Commodities ) Rules, 1977 to
100 to 150 20 which reference shall be made for full details. Any
151 ,, 280 modification made in these Rules and other related
:: Acts and Rules would apply automatically.
281 ,, 500
1200 B-l.2 In case of a wagon/truck load of 20 to
1% ” 3 200 1;: 25 tonnes, the overall tolerance on net mass of
3 201 &d above 200 cement shall be 0 to +0’S percent.
The bags in a sample shall be selected at random NOTE - The mass of a jute sacking bag coaform-
(see IS 4905 ; 1968 1. ing to IS 2580 : 1982 to bold 50 kg of cement is
531 g. the mass of a double hessian bituminized
B-l.1 The number of bags in a sample showing ( CR1 type ) bag to bold 50 kg of cement is 630 g,
the mass of a 6-Ply Paper bag to hold 50 kg of
a minus error greater than 2 percent of the cement is approximately 400 g and the mass of a
specified net mass ( 50 kg ) shall be not more polyethylene lined ( CR1 type 1 jute bag to bold
than 5 percent of the bags in the sample and the 50 kg of cement is approximately 480 g.


( Foreword,)
Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 2
Chairman Representing
m H. c. VlsvasvARAYa In Personal Capacity ( University of Roorkee,
Roorkee-247667 )
SKI H. BI~AITACHARYA Orissa Cement Limited, New Delhi
@R A. K. CHATTERJEE The Associated Cement Companies Ltd, Bombay
SHRI S. H. SUBRAMANIAN ( Alternate )
CHIRP ENCIINEER( DESI~NB) Central Public Works Department, New Delhi
CHIRPENQINEER. NAVAOAM DAM Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Ltd, Gandhinagar
( Supma ) ENGINEER. QCC ( Alternate )
CHIRPENGINEER( RESEARCH-CUM-DIRECTOR ) Irrigation and Power Research Institute, Amritsar
DIRECTOR A.P. Engineering Research Laboratories, Hyderabad
DIN~~OR( C&MDD)( N&W) Central Water Commission, New Delhi
DEPUTYDIRECTOR ( C dt MDD ) ( NW & S ) ( Alternate )
Senx K. H. GANOWAL Hyderabad Industries Limited, Hyderabad
Srlax V. PA~ABHI ( Alternate )
SHRI V. K. GHANEKAR Structural Engineering Research Centre ( CSIR ),
SHRI S. GOPIN~TH The India Comments Ltd, Madras
SHRI S. K. GUHA THAKURTA Gennon Dunkerley & Company Limited, Bombay
DR IRSHADMASOOD Central Building Research Institute ( CSIR ), Roorkee
DR MD KHALID( Alternate )
JOINTDIRBCTOR,STANDARDS( B & S ) ( CB-I ) Research, Desigris 8 Standards Organization ( Ministry of
JOINT DIRFXTOR,STANDARDS ( B & S ) ( CB-II ) Railways ), Lucknow
( Alternate )
SHRI N. 0. JOSHI Indian Hume Pipes Co Ltd, Bombay
SHRI P. D. KELKAR( Alternate )
SARI D. K. KANUN~O National Test House, Calcutta
SXRI B, R. MEENA( Alternate )


IS 1489 ( Part 1 ) : 1991

Members R8prrsrntln8
SHRI P. KRIEHNAMURTHY Larson and Toubro Limited, Bombay
SHRI 0. K. MAJUMDAR Hos&abS$gces Consultancy Corporation ( India ) Ltd.
Sr4~1 S. 0. RANOARI ( Alternate )
SHRI P. N. MEHTA Geological Survey of India, Calcutta
MEMBERSECRETARY Central Board of Irrigation and Power, New Delhi
DIRECTOR( CIVIL ) ( Ahernate )
SHRI M. K. MUKHERIEB Roads Wiog. Department of Surface Transport ( Ml&a
SHRI M. K. GHOSH( Alternate ) of Transport ). New Delhi
DR A. K. MULLICK National Council for Cement and Building Materials,
DR S. C. AHLUWALIA( Alternate ) New Delhi
SHRI NIRMALSINQ~ Dovelopmeot Commissioner for Cement Industry
SHRI S. S. MI~LANI ( Alternate ) ( Ministry of Industry )
SHRI R. C. PARATE Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters
L&OL R. K. SIN~H ( Alternate )
SHRI H. S. PASRICHA Hindustan Prefeb Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI Y. R. PHULL Central Road Research Institute ( CSIR ), New mbi
SHRI S. S. SEEHRA ( AIrmote )
SHRI Ye R. PHIJLL Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi
SHRI K. B. THANDEVAN( Alternate )
DR M. RAMAIAH Structural Engineering Research Centre ( CSIR ), Madras
Da A. 0. MADHAVA RAO ( AfternaIe’ )
SHRI G. RAMDAS Directorate Geaeral of Supplies and Disposals, New Delhi
REPRESENTATIVE Builders Association of India, Bombay
SHRI A. U. R IJHSINOHANI Cement Corporation of India, New Delhi
SHRI C. S. SHARMA( A/fern& )
SHRI J. SEN GUPTA National Buildings Organization, New Delhi
SHPI A. K. LAL ( Alternate )
SHRt T. N. SUBBA RAO Gammon India Limited, Bombay
SHRI S. A. R~DDI ( Alternute )
SUPT. ENGINEER( DESIGNS) Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu
SHRI S. B. SURI Central Soil and Materials Research Station, New Delhi
DR H. C. VISVESVARAYA The Institution of Engineers ( India ), Calcutta
SHRI D. C. CHA-I-I-URVEDI ( Alternate )
SHRI G. RAMAN,. Director General, BIS ( Ex-oficlo Member )
Director ( CIVILEngg )
Joint Director ( Civil Eogg ), BIS
Cement, Pozzolana and Cement Additives Subcommittee, CED 2:l
DR H. C. VISVBSVARAYA In Personal Capacity ( University of Roorkee,
Roorkee 247667)
SHRI S. K. BANERJEE National Test House, Calcutta
SHRI SOC~NATH BANRRIEB Cement Manufacturers Association, Bombay
SHRI N. G. BASAK Directorate General of Technical Development,
SHRIT. MADNESHWAR ( Alternate ) New Delhi
CHIRP ENGINEER( RESEARCH-CUM-DIRECTOR ) Irrigation Department, Government of Punjab
RESEARCH OFFICER( CT ) ( Alternate )
SHRI N. B. DESAI Gujarat Engineering Research Institute, Vadodara
SHRI J. K. PATEL ( AIternate )
DIRECTOR Maharashtra Engineering Research Institute, Nasik
DIRECTOR( C & MDD II ) Central Water Commission, New Delhi
DEPUTYDIRECTOR( C & MDD II ) ( Alternate )
SHRI R. K. GATTANI Shree Digvijay Cement Co Ltd. Bombay
SHKI R. K. VAISHNAVI( Alternate )
SHRI P. J. JACXJS The Associated Cement Companies Ltd, Bombay
DR A. K. CHA~TERJEE ( Alrcrnote )
JOINT DIRECTOR( MATERIALS ) National Buildings Organization, New Delhi
JOINT DIRECTOR, STANDARDS ( B & S ) ( CB-I ) Research. Design and Standards Organization, ( Ministry
JOINTDIRECTOR,STANDARDS( B & S ) ( CB-II ) of Railways ), Lucknow
( Alternate )
SHRI W. N. KARODE The Hindustan Construction Co Ltd, Bombay
SHRI N. KUNJITHAPATTAM Chattinad Cement Corporation Lid, Poliyur. Tamil Nadu

IS 1489 ( Part 1) : 1991
Members Representing
SARI G. K. hhlVMDAR Hospital Services Consultancy Corporation ( India j Lid,
New Delhi
DR IRSHAD MASOOD Central Building Research Institute ( CSIR ). Roorkee
SHRI K. P. MOHIDEEN Central Warehousing Corporation, New Delhi
SHRI M. K. MIJICHERJEE Roads Wing, Department of Surface Transport ( Ministry
SHRI M. K. GHOSH ( Altcrnute ) of Transport ), New Delhi
DR A. K. MVLLICK National Coun&l for Cement and Building Materials,
DR ( SMT ) S. LAXMI ( AIrernute ) New Delhi
SHRI K. NARANAPPA Centrzl Electricity Authority, New Delhi
SHRI D. P. KEWALRAMANI ( Afrernore )
SHRI NIRMAL StNoti Development Commissioner for Cement Industry
SHRI S. S. MtotANr ( AkernaSe ) ( Ministry of Industry )
SHRI Y. It. PHVLL Central Road Research Institute ( CSIR ), New Delhi
SHRI S. S. SEFHRA ( Alternate )
SHRt A. v. RAMANA Dalmia Cement ( Bharat ) Ltd, New Delhi
DR K. C. NARAN~ ( A/ternatc )
COL V. K. RAO Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters
SHRI N. S. GALANDE ( Altrrnare )
SHRI S. A. REDDI Gammon India Limited. Bombay
SHRI A. U. RIIHSINQHANI Cement Corporation of India Limited, New Delhi
SHRI M. P. SIN~H Federation of Mini Cement Plants, New Delhi
SVPERINTENDINOENGINEER( D ) Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu
SHRI S. B. SVRI Central Soil and Materials Research Station, New Delhi
SHRI L. SWAROOP Orissa Cement Limited, New Delhi
SH~I H. BHA~ACHARYA ( Alternare )
SHRI V. M. WAD Bhilai Steel Plant, Bhilai
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The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian
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products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced
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to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the
use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained
from the Bureau of Indian Standards.
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BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of hdian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
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goods and attending to connected matters in the country.

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Indian Standards are reviewed periodically and revised, when necessary and amendments, if any, are
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following reference:

Dot : No. CED 02 (4675)

AmendmentsIssued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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Printed at Simco PrintinfismDelhi,lndia
IS 1489 ( Part 1) : 1991 PORTLAND - POZZOLANA

(Thid Revision)

(Page 5, clause B-13 ) - sub6titute ‘up to 25 tonnes’ for ‘of 20 to 25


Printed at Simco Printinp Press. Delhi, India
AMI~NI)MILN’J’ NO.2 ,IUNJ!: 1993
IS 1489 ( Part 1) : 1991 PORTLAND-POZZOLANA

( Page 3, clnrrscs 10.2.2 fo ) - Substitute the following for the

existing clauses:

“10.2.2 When cement is intended for export and if tbe purchaser so requires,
packing ol crmcnt may be done in bags or in drums with an average net mass of
ccmcnt per bag or drum as agreed to between the purchaser and the
nianu~aclurcr. For this purpose the permission of the certifying authority shall be
ob~aincd in ;I~V:IIICC for each rxport order.

Itl.2.2.2 The words ‘I~OH 11:XI’OH’I” and the average net mass of cement per
bag/drum shalt he clearly marked in indelible ink on each bag/drum. The packing material shall be as agreed to between the manufacturer

and the purchaser. The tolerance requirements for the mass of cement packed in bags/drum
shaII bc as given in rxccpt the average net mass which shall be equal to
or more than llic quantity in 10.2.2.”

ReprograpllyUnit, BIS, New Delhi. India
IS 1489 ( Part i ) : 1991 PORTLAND-POZZOLANA

( Third Revision)

Substitute ‘netmass’for ‘nominal average net mass’ and ‘average net mass’
wherever these appear in the standard.
( Page 2, clause 5, lusf but one senrence ) - Substitute the following for
the existing sentence:
‘The fly ash constituent shall be not less than 15 percent and not more than
35 percent by mass of Portland-pozzolana cement.’
Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

( Third Reviswn )

( Page 1, clause 4.1.1, line 3 ) — Substitute ‘IS 3812 (Part 1)’ jiw
‘IS 3812:1981’.
( Page 1, clause 4.1.2, line 7 ) — Substitute ‘4.5 MPa’ for ‘4.0 MPa’.
( Page 1, clause 4.1.3, line 5 ) — Substitute ‘4.5 MPa’ for ‘4.0 MPa’.
( Page 1, clause 4.1.3) — Insert the following note at the end
‘NOTE — Fly ash of fineness 250 m2/kg, A4irr is also permitted to be used in the
manufacture of Portland pozzolana cement by inter ~dirrg it with Portland cement clinker
if the fly ash when ground to fineness of 320 m /kg or to the fineness of the resultant
Portland pozzolana cement whichever is tower, meets all the requirements specified in 6
arrd70f IS3812 (Part l).’

( Page 3, clause 9.2, Notes) — Substitute the following for the existing

1 Total chloride content in cement shall not exceed 0.1 percent by mass for cement used in
structures other than prestressed coneretc. For determination of chloride content in cement,
1S 12423 maybe referred.

2 For use in special structures like prestressed cxmerere, where chloride is a critical
parameter, the chIoride content shall not exeeed 0.05 percent and shall be required to be
measured if desired by the purchaser.’

( Page 4, Arbsex A ) — Substitute the following for IS 3812:1981:

‘IS 3812 (Part 1) :2003 Pulverized fuel ash — Specification : Part 1 For use
as pozzolana in cement, cement mortar and concrete
(second revision).’

Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India


( Third Revision )

(Page 3, clause 10.2.1) ― Substitute the following for the existing clause:

‘The net mass of cement per bag may also be 25 kg, 10 kg, 5 kg, 2 kg and 1 kg subject to tolerances as
given in and packed in suitable bags as agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.’

(Page 3, clause, last sentence) ― Substitute the following for the existing:

‘However, the average of net mass of cement in a sample shall be equal to or more than 25 kg, 10 kg, 5 kg,
2 kg or 1 kg, as the case may be.’

(CED 2)

Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

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