EDF Test Report

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Sees, Joe

Barrera, Matthew
Bauman, Cameron
Moreira, Jair
Tan, Mike
EDF Test Report
The project will consist of testing a homemade EDF (3D printed) to see how much thrust it can
output, and what the optimal number of blades of the EDF’s blades provide the optimal amount
of thrust. An EDF will be designed, as well as the circuit to run it, and a test bed in order to and
measure the amount of thrust the EDF produces.

Name Research Job Test Day Job
Joe Circuit/Brushed Control Arduino/Code Control / analysis
Mike EDF (Blades and Pitch) Recording Thrust and Peak Thrust / Shaft adapter
Matthew Testing strategy Filming / Recording Power
Cameron Motor Motor Control & Recording Voltage under load
EDF (Diameter and blade
Jair width) Script writing / determining test edfs / analysis

In our research, we found that most EDFs have a blade pitch between 30 degrees and 50
degrees. We chose to use 45 degree blades for all of the impellers since it is right in the middle
of that zone in addition to have the only changing variable be the blade count. Each EDF will
have a diameter of about 6 cm, this is due to the size constraints of the motor. Usually, the
larger the diameter is, the more thrust an impeller produces, however the amount of torque and
power needed to spin the impeller increases with the diameter. We will also keep the blade
width constant throughout each of the four EDFs we will be testing, this width being about 1.5
cm. This measurement is once again due to size constraints, in addition to the previously
decided pitch on each blade.

Based on our research, blade count determines both the sound the impeller makes and the
power required to spin the impeller. Lower blade count leads to higher RPMs required to spin at
an efficient speed. This leads to a lower power requirement, resulting in greater efficiency. More
blades create more thrust with less power and RPMs, but are less efficient because they run in
the wash of the other blades. From the various sources we viewed, we found that common
blade counts are 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 12 blades. We will test 4, 6, 9, and 12 blades because of our
constraint of only being able to print 4 blades in a timely manner on our 3D printer.
The 9 blade impeller will have the highest thrust output, but the 4 bladed impeller will be the
most efficient. Both the 12 blade impeller and the 6 blade impeller will perform somewhere in
the middle of both of these impellers. The 6 blade will be efficient, but not produce enough
thrust, whereas the 12 blade impeller will produce enough thrust, but get caught in its own wash
which will decrease both thrust and efficiency.

Materials Used
● FFRC 7.2v DC Brushed T15 High Torque Motor
● Arduino Uno
● 16x2 LCD w/ I2c
● LM2596 DC to DC converter
● x3 220 Ohm resistors
● x2 1N4007 Diodes
● 2N2222A Transistor
● 1k Ohm Potentiometer
● x3 LEDs
● Adjustable shaft adapter to 3.76mm bolt
● 24v 2.5a power supply
● 12v power supply (not exceeding 1a)
● 5v USB power supply (not exceeding 1a)
● __ Allen Key
● x2 Grub Screws
● 3.76mm bolt
● x4 3D Printed EDF w/ 35 degree pitch with 4, 6, 9, and 12 blades
● USB Printer Cable
● Laptop/Computer with Arduino IDE
● Scale (g or lbs) (weighs up to 5000g or 11lbs)

1. Set up circuit according to schematic (appendix 1a)
2. Connect Arduino Uno to laptop/pc
3. Place motor inside roll of electrical tape and place on scale
4. Attach EDF to motor using shaft adapter
5. Zero scale
6. Run EDF and record absolute value of scale measurement (g or lbs).
7. Repeat for each EDF, preferably 3+ trials for each EDF.
*​NOTE:​ Data will be transmitted to laptop/pc through serial connection to arduino,
voltage under load will be visible on the LM2596 built-in voltmeter.
Fan Blade Circuit Power Voltage Peak Theoretical Actual
No. No. Trial Thrust (% of peak) Under Load Thrust Power (W) Power (W) Duct
1 4 7 2 100 4.9 3 12.25 12.25 Y
1 4 8 2 99.98 5.1 3 12.75 12.75 Y
1 4 9 2 99.98 5.1 2 12.63 12.62 Y
1 4 10 4 99.98 5.0 5 12.50 12.50 Y
1 4 11 2 100 5.0 3 12.50 12.50 Y
1 4 12 3 99.98 5.1 3 12.75 12.75 Y
2 6 7 11 99.93 4.3 20 10.75 10.74 Y
2 6 8 16 98.88 4.4 22 10.88 10.75 Y
2 6 9 31 100 4.3 38 10.75 10.75 Y
2 6 10 35 100 4.4 42 10.88 10.88 Y
2 6 11 9 98.78 4.3 11 10.75 10.62 Y
2 6 12 7 100 4.4 8 10.93 10.93 Y
3 9 7 5 99.98 4.6 6 11.50 11.50 Y
3 9 8 5 100 4.8 8 12.00 12.00 Y
3 9 9 8 100 4.8 9 12.00 12.00 Y
3 9 10 8 100 4.9 10 12.25 12.25 Y
3 9 11 7 100 4.6 9 11.50 11.50 Y
3 9 12 8 100 4.6 9 11.50 11.50 Y
4 12 7 6 100 4.3 8 10.75 10.75 Y
4 12 8 7 100 4.3 8 10.75 10.75 Y
4 12 9 6 100 4.3 7 10.75 10.75 Y
4 12 10 7 100 4.3 7 10.75 10.75 Y
4 12 11 7 100 4.3 8 10.75 10.75 Y
4 12 12 7 100 4.3 8 10.63 10.63 Y
Thrust Peak Thrust Power-In
Fan No. Blade No. Average Average Average Power-Out
1 4 2.5 3.2 12.56 1.30
2 6 18.2 23.5 10.78 9.47
3 9 6.8 8.5 11.79 3.56
4 12 6.7 7.7 10.73 3.48

Fan No. Blade No. Efficiency (%)

1 4 10.37%
2 6 87.87%
3 9 30.21%
4 12 32.39%

Pout =2*PI*T*(RPM/60)
T = F*r*sin(theta)
Efficiency = Pout/Pin
The graphical evidence resulting from the tests show that impeller number two presented the
highest amount of thrust with an average of 18.2 grams of thrust compared to the other
impellers with a combined average of about 5.3 grams. This means that the impeller with six
blades provides this optimal amount of thrust without taking into consideration the efficiency of
the impeller.

The evidence also concludes that impeller number two had the best efficiency when compared
to the other impellers tested. The efficiency was calculated with the equation: Efficiency= power
out/power in. Power-in was given by the arduino, but power out still needed to be found. Power
out was found using the equation: Power-out = 2 * PI * torque * (RPMs [given]/60). RPM was
given by the motor specifications, but torque needed to be calculated. We calculated it with the
equation: T = F * r * sin(theta) where T is torque, F is the force, r is the distance from the pivot
point and theta is the angle between the force and the pivot point. Once the torque and
power-out were calculated, we could calculate efficiency. Impeller two boasts a high 87.87%
efficiency compared to the next highest percent of 32.39% efficiency from impeller number four.
From this we can see that impeller number two not only provides the highest amount of thrust,
but also the greatest efficiency of the group, meaning that impeller number two is the superior
choice of impeller for the project.
The results of the test are likely due to a combination of factors. For example, the thrust values
played a large part in rating the impellers due to the thrust values being used in both the torque
and energy out equations. The thrust values played a pivotal role, overall, in determining the
superior choice. On the contrary, the efficiency was only a clarifying factor that displayed the
most energy efficient impeller, but it had not effect on the torque or energy output of the system.
The results from the tests somewhat contradict the original research, as it stated that impellers
with lower blade counts result in greater efficiency. However, the impeller with six blades proved
to be more efficient than the impeller with four blades. The research was also contracted in the
fact that, while it stated that impellers with more blades provide greater thrust, the impeller with
six blades resulted in having more thrust than the impellers with nine and twelve blades.
There is also a margin of mechanical and human error involving testing with things such as
scales and measuring, that is unavoidable. Especially when it is involving a group of high school
guys wanting to test how much thrust they can get while only being able to 3D print the items
they need and use a motor they randomly found lying around somewhere. To add on not
everything can be 100% reliable and efficient, as to say that the impellers were made out of
plastic. This can definitely make the results fluctuate and cause the data to be different and
static(sporadic). The human error can be found with calculations and weight inputs onto the
scale without even realizing it. One can unconsciously apply pressure onto the motor while it’s
active while trying to keep it still from it moving off the scale (measuring in grams). Another way
a person can make an error is when there is confusion within the group when an important thing
is happening and something is misheard and written down wrongly.

Future Goals
This project aligns with our future goals as it is an opportunity to gain experience in project
where we designed, developed, and tested a product. For example, Joe wants to become a
electrical engineer and this is a good way to develop does skills in a group environment and to
sharpen his skill with circuits. The more one practices a skill the better they become at it and will
prove beneficial in the long run for a future career opportunity in the engineering work field. This
project will also help further the development of a bigger personal project of ours called “Project
Guardian.” This research will help us in designing the actual circuitry, control systems, motors,
and EDFs for the eventual prototype which we will design to enhance the wearer’s agility.
The evidence did not support the initial hypothesis that the nine blade impeller would have the
greatest thrust while the four blade impeller would provide the maximum amount of efficiency.
Evidence from the test results presented in the table clearly show that impeller number
two-being the impeller with six blades-has both the highest amount of thrust and the greatest
efficiency by a large margin when compared to impellers with four, nine, and twelve blades.
From this we can conclude that an impeller with six blades is the ideal choice for the project that
will provide electric efficiency and high thrust.

Appendix and Sources

Appendix 1a

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