Network Security Essentials: Fifth Edition by William Stallings
Network Security Essentials: Fifth Edition by William Stallings
Network Security Essentials: Fifth Edition by William Stallings
Fifth Edition
by William Stallings
Chapter 8
Electronic Mail Security
“Despite the refusal of VADM Poindexter and LtCol North to
appear, the Board's access to other sources of information filled much
of this gap. The FBI provided documents taken from the files of the
National Security Advisor and relevant NSC staff members,
including messages from the PROF system between VADM
Poindexter and LtCol North. The PROF messages were
conversations by computer, written at the time events occurred and
presumed by the writers to be protected from disclosure. In this sense,
they provide a first-hand, contemporaneous account of events.”
The commercial version satisfies users who want a product that comes with
vendor support
It is based on algorithms that have survived extensive public review and are
considered extremely secure
It was not developed by, nor is it controlled by, any governmental or standards
• As an alternative to the use of RSA for key encryption, PGP uses ElGamal,
a variant of Diffie-Hellman that provides encryption/decryption
PGP Confidentiality
and Authentication
• Both services may be used for the same message
• First a signature is generated for the plaintext message and
prepended to the message
• Then the plaintext message plus signature is encrypted using
CAST-128 (or IDEA or 3DES) and the session key is
encrypted using RSA (or ElGamal)
• Defined in:
• RFCs 3370, 3850, 3851, 3852
RFC 5322
• Defines a format for text messages that are sent using
electronic mail
• Messages are viewed as having an envelope and
• The envelope contains whatever information is needed to
accomplish transmission and delivery
• The contents compose the object to be delivered to the
• RFC 5322 standard applies only to the contents
• Describes the data contained in the body with sufficient detail that the receiving user agent can pick
an appropriate agent or mechanism to represent the data to the user or otherwise deal with the data in
an appropriate manner
• Indicates the type of transformation that has been used to represent the body of the message in a way
that is acceptable for mail transport
• Used to identify MIME entities uniquely in multiple contexts
• A text description of the object with the body; this is useful when the object is not readable
Table 8.2
Table 8.3
MIME Transfer Encodings
Figure 8.3 Example MIME Message Structure
Table 8.4
Native and Canonical Form
S/MIME Functionality
Enveloped data Signed data
• Consists of encrypted content of any type and • A digital signature is formed by taking the
encrypted content encryption keys for one or message digest of the content to be signed and
more recipients then encrypting that with the private key of the
• The content plus signature are then encoded
using base64 encoding
• A signed data message can only be viewed by a
recipient with S/MIME capability
Used in
Table 8.6
S/MIME Content Types
Securing a MIME Entity
For each recipient, encrypt the session key with the recipient’s
public RSA key
Prepare a block
known as
Encrypt the SignerInfo
message digest that contains the
with the signer’s signer’s public-
private key key certificate,
Compute the an identifier of
message digest the message
(hash function) of digest algorithm,
the content to be an identifier of
signed the algorithm
Select a used to encrypt
message digest the message
algorithm digest, and the
(SHA or MD5) encrypted
message digest
Clear Signing
The user of some related A user’s public key must be A user requires access to a
administrative utility must be registered with a certification local list of certificates in
capable of generating separate authority in order to receive an order to verify incoming
Diffie-Hellman and DSS key X.509 public-key certificate signatures and to encrypt
pairs and should be capable of outgoing messages
generating RSA key pairs
IA Issuing Authority
CA Certification Authority
PCA VeriSign public primary certification authority
PIN Personal Identification Number
LRAA Local Registration Authority Administrator
Enhanced Security
• Three enhanced security services have been proposed in
an Internet draft:
Signed receipt
• Returning a signed receipt provides proof of delivery to the originator of
a message and allows the originator to demonstrate to a third party that
the recipient received the message
Security labels
• A set of security information regarding the sensitivity of the content that
is protected by S/MIME encapsulation