Mini Hydro Electric Power Plant

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People are experiencing intense weather such as strong typhoons,

drought, flooding not only to low lying areas and the like. What must bring that is

the result of us, primarily to the human use of fossil fuels, whish releases carbon

dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the air. Fossil fuels are used in most

power plants that produce electricity. As a student, is there something we can do

to address this problem? Yes there is. So we come up with this research study so

that in our own little way, we can contribute to the restoration of our planet.

Every day, many countries produce greenhouse gases due to economic

demands. The necessity for alternative source of energy is very much needed right

now. Also, the need of saving money, we can use waste water to produce

electricity the use of this mini hydro-electric power plant.

In case, that the nuclear power plant in Bataan will be opened for the

purpose of generating power supply that could help our country in the shortage of

it in the future. However there will be an adverse effect especially in our

environment. As well as the people themselves.

The study aspired to find an alternative energy source that can help

contribute to the insufficient energy resources or power crisis and at the same


The study addressed the following questions: Is the Mini-Hydroelectric

powerplant able to power a light bulb?Is there significant difference between

commercial generator and the Mini Hydroelectric Power Plant in terms of

electrical voltage collected in? A. 15 mins B. 30 mins C. 45mins. Is there

significant difference between commercial generator and the Mini Hydroelectric

Power Plant in terms in charging time of 9V battery at? A. Slow B. Moderate C.


This study also aims to help community in case there is power supply

shortage during typhoon especially it can power a light bulb and charge small

batteries like the 9V Battery.

Facts were gathered from previous studies and internet as reference in

order to gather the needed information for the study.

The researchers believed that by doing this study they could help in the

further development of finding alternative source of energy that could be possible

long term answer to the people’s need.

In particular, many of the dramatic improvements in health and well-being

that we benefit from today could not have happened without a reliable and

affordable electric supply.



The materials that we gathered are: waste water, disk , DC motor, plastic

spoons , electrical tape, mighty bond, test light, bearing, used battery, rod,

electrical wire, knife, light bulb, soldering iron, scissor, glue stick and glue gun.


A. Collection of Materials

Figure 1: Collecting of Materials

The researchers gathered the materials in the junk shop.

B. Making the DC Motor

Figure 2: Making the Disks Figure 3: Attaching the DC motor

C. Making the Turbine

Figure 4: Cutting the plastic spoons Figure 5: Attaching the cutted plastic spoon

Then you need a cork and plastic spoons. You have to shorten the spoons

so that the handle will not measure more than 1cm. Look at the rotor template and

insert the spoons into the cork (1cm depth).

D. Generator Body and Final Assembly

Figure 6: The Mini-Hydroelectric Power Plant

E. Testing

Testing the Mini Hydro Electric Power Plant

Figure 7: Testing


Collection of materials

Making the Turbine

Attaching the Turbine

Attaching the DC Motor

Generator Body and Final Assembly



During the experimentation, the researchers came up with the following results.

This chapter presents the analysis of data, and interprets data gathered in an

organized manner regarding to the testing and experimentations.

Table 1: Presenting the Voltage Output Produced using Different Times

Different Charge of Battery Collected Per Minute VOLATAGE

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
15 mins 2.7895v 2.7895v 2.7895v 8.3685v 2.7895v 2.79V
30 mins 5.579v 5.579v 5.579v 16.737v 5.579v 5.58V
45 mins 8.3685v 8.3685v 8.3685v 25.1055v 8.3685v 8.37V
The researchers measured the charged of battery collected per minute in different

times; 15 mins, 30 mins and 45 mins. As the result of 15 mins time the measured

average is 2.7895v, In 30 mins time the measured average is 5.579v, and In 45

mins time the measured average is 8.3685v in all the trials. As the result of

voltage output in every time, the average voltage output in 15 mins is 2.79V, in 30

mins is 5.58V, and in 45 mins is 8.37. So the average voltage output is 16.74V.

Table 2: Measuring The Voltage Collected Per Minute Using LED Light

Bulb (1.5 volts)

Different Voltage Collected Per Minute

Times Trials AVERAGE
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
15 mins 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
30 mins 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8
45 mins 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2
The Researcher measured the voltage collected per minute using LED light bulbs

(1.5 volts). In 15 mins the voltage collected is 2.4V, In 30 mins the voltage

collected is 4.8V, and In 45 mins the voltage collected is 7.2V.

Table 3: Measuring The Time Of Charging The Battery Using Mini-Hydro

Electric Power Plant

Different Time of Charging the Battery

Speed Trials Average
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Slow 0 0 0 Cannot be charged
Moderate 1 Hour & 30 Mins 1 Hour & 30 Mins 1 Hour & 30 Mins 1 Hour & 30 Mins
Fast 45 Minutes 45 Minutes 45 Minutes 45 Minutes

The researchers measured the time of charging the battery using the Mini-Hydro

Electric Power Plant by the different speed. By slow speed, the battery cannot be

charged. In moderate speed, the battery charged in 1 hour and 30 minutes. And by

using the fast speed of movement using Mini-Hydro Electric Power Plant, 45

minutes will be needed to charge the battery.


Based on the result of the experimentation the researchers have accomplished,

these are the following conclusions. (1) A 6V and 9V battery can recharged in a

short period of time using Mini-Hydro Electric Power Plant. (2) The Mini-Hydro

Electric Power Plant can light a bulb with 1.5V. (3) The speed of movement

affects the production of electricity.


From the results of the different tests conducted by the researchers using

Mini-Hydro Electric Power Plant generator, the following recommendations were


1. Use inverter to give more power supply for some appliances like

television, radio and etc., ask some help of the professionals to give more

information and advice.

2. Higher voltage of DC motor will improve this study instead of using stator

and it is more convenient to use.


Energy Network association (2012). Retrieved from

Pembina Institute (2013). Renewable energy and efficiency. Retrieved from

Appendix A

Cost Analysis

DC Motor P100

Mighty Bond P60

Juck Materials 100


Appendix B

Anova: Single

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 3 16.8 5.6 7.84
Column 2 3 16.8 5.6 7.84
Column 3 3 16.8 5.6 7.84

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 7.10543E-15 2 15 4.53152E-16 1 5.143253
Within Groups 47.04 6 7.84

Total 47.04 8


Table 2.
Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 3 14.4 4.8 5.76
Column 2 3 14.4 4.8 5.76
Column 3 3 14.4 4.8 5.76

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 0 2 0 0 1 5.14325285
Within Groups 34.56 6 5.76

Total 34.56 8



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