Final Student Teaching Guidelines
Final Student Teaching Guidelines
Final Student Teaching Guidelines
Introduction 1
Assessment and Marking 2
Agreement Form between Student Teacher and Cooperating
I. The Student Teaching Life
Student Teaching or Pre-Service Teaching 4
Student Teaching Goals 4
Student Teaching Qualifications 4
Course Requirements 5
II. The Student Teaching Supervisors
The Program Head 6
The Practicum Supervisor 7
The Cooperating School Principal/Head 8
The Cooperating Teacher 8
Site Coordinator from Cooperating School 9
III. Professional and Personal Development
A. Becoming and Effective Student Teacher 10
A.1 Uniform and Dress Code 10
A.2 Attendance 10
A.3 Student Teaching Duty 10
A.4 Student Teaching Assemblies 11
A. 5 Seminars and Workshops 11
A.6 Journal Writing 11
A.7 Openness to Mentoring 11
B. Student Teaching Guidelines and Policies 12
Student Teaching Guidelines 13
MOA between Student Teacher and CELA 17
Final Student Teaching Demonstration 18
Portfolio Entries 20
A. Guidelines in the Deployment of Pre-Service Teachers 23
B. Endorsement Letter to the Principal 28
C. On-Campus Student Teaching Endorsement Form 29
D. Off-Campus Student Teaching Endorsement Form 30
E. Student Teacher's Persona Profile Form 31
F. Student Teaching Form- Daily Time Record 32
G. Approved and Taught Lesson Plans 33
H. Teaching Demonstration Evaluation 34
I. Non-Teaching Performance Rating Scale 36
J. Score Guide for Reflective Journal 38
K. Portfolio Evaluation Sheet 39
L. Over-all Performance Summary 40
Glossary of Terms 41
Student Teaching Organizational Structure 9
Student Teachers of Davao Central College Teacher Education Program
employ this handbook as their portfolio and principal resource in their
journey through practice teaching. Crafted to provide information regarding
guidelines of student teaching, this will be of great help for mentors/mentees
towards success.
In line with the NCBTS, the Davao Central College Teacher Education
Program also adheres to her Core Values: Discipline, Competence,
Compassion, & Integrity. During your duty as a student teacher, you are to
embody the character of a true DCCian, one who follows rules and policies;
who delivers quality performance, particularly in instruction and classroom
management; who facilitates and nurtures a feeling of trust, generosity, and
connectedness; and who reflects own honesty and sets and carries out goals
to improve oneself. Your character sets you apart from all the rest; your
character will get you to reach the pillar of success. May you project the
DCCian's wholesome attitude at all times in your student teaching journey.
Be guided with the grading criteria to be utilized for the computation of the
final grade for the entire student teaching experience. Let this be a guide on
how you can improve your performance in the different facets of teaching.
This set of criteria will be used for both in-campus and off-campus practice
Total 100%
Daily Attendance sheets must be checked by the Cooperating
Teacher and a peer student teacher and graded by the Practicum
Daily Actual Teaching Performance is checked and graded by the
Cooperating Teacher.
Final Student Teaching Demonstration must be evaluated by the
Cooperating Teacher, Practicum Supervisor, and the Program Head of
the College of Teacher Education; the Subject Coordinators and School
Principal may also be part of the evaluation team.
Approved and Taught Lesson Plans and Non-Teaching
Evaluation Tool are checked and graded by the Cooperating Teacher.
Personal Reflective Journals and Student Teaching Portfolio are
evaluated by the Supervisor.
Before the start of your journey as a student teacher, find time to read
through the contents of this manual with your cooperating teacher. It is of
utmost importance that your cooperating teacher and you go over the details
of this manual in order to develop affective relationship thereby improving
student teaching life. Once you are done with the review, please sign this
agreement form together with your mentor to signify that you have read,
understood, and agreed with all the details in this handbook. Thank you and
God bless your mentor and mentee relationship!
Course Requirements:
1. Daily classroom teaching by Student Teacher (ST) observed and
evaluated by cooperating teacher (CT). Final Student Demonstration
teaching observed by cooperating teacher, practicum supervisor, and
program head.
2. Detailed lesson plans (Department of Education template series),
checked and approved by cooperating teachers. Student Teachers
must prepare at least one lesson plan daily to be taught in at least 2-
3 sections.
3. Preparation of instructional materials appropriate to the lessons
4. Accomplished journal reflection sheets.
5. Completed and correctly filled-in daily time records or attendance log
6. Attendance in classes, school functions, assemblies, co-curricular
activities and post conferences.
7. Presentation of student teacher portfolio.
8. Accomplished completely and accurately filled-in school forms.
9. “Classroom-Based Research"/Professional Reading (optional).
Practicum Supervisor provides you with the guidance in the professional
world in and out of the classroom.
As a teacher in the 21st century, you are seen as an agent of change in your
community, a leader, and a collaborator. Your becoming a professional
teacher involves a team of committed individuals, including your supervisors,
who will monitor, assess, and evaluate your performance in student teaching.
The primary role of the TEI’s Program Head is to provide support for the
Student Teachers and the Cooperating School, clarify requirements and
assist interns in organization, planning, reviewing teaching and non- teaching
plans and scheduling class/non-class observations. Specific duties and
responsibilities are, but not limited to, the following:
1. Implements the MOA between the TEI and the Division Office;
2. Designates a Practicum Supervisor who handles 30-35 practice
teachers per class;
3. Initiates conferences with the Schools Division Superintendent (SDS)
in selecting public and private schools in the city;
4. Coordinates with School Principal for the room assignment for student
teachers and regularly reminds the maintenance of such room to its
5. Monitors the work of the Practicum Supervisor handling Practice
6. Formulates policies and systems for the Practice Teaching together
with the Practicum Supervisor;
7. Manages administrative matters such as preparation and signing of
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the cooperating schools;
8. Communicates with stakeholders and handles paperwork with regard
to the practicum program;
9. Assigns/exposes student teachers to handle multi-grade and special
education classes (optional);
10. Coordinates with the Cooperating School Head regarding the
activities and practice teaching needs of the student teachers;
11. Orients student teachers for their on and off-campus work; and
12. Evaluates the final teaching demonstration of student teachers
together with the Practicum Supervisor, Cooperating Teacher,
and/or the Cooperating School Head or Subject Coordinator; and
13. Coordinates with the Cooperating School Principal or Head regarding
the activities and practice teaching needs of the student teachers.
The primary role of the TEI’s Practicum Supervisor is to provide support for
the student teachers and the cooperating teachers, clarify requirements, and
assist STs in organizing, planning, reviewing the teaching and non-teaching
plans and scheduling classes/non-class observations.
Specific duties and responsibilities are, but not limited to, the following:
1. Orients the student teachers on:
a)Vision-Mission-Goals and Objectives (VMGO) of the school
and their organizational structure;
b) School policies on students and personnel discipline.
2. Identifies exemplary cooperating teacher/s to handle student
teacher’s exposure for Practice Teaching;
3. Coordinates with the Practicum Supervisor, Site Coordinator,
and TEI’s on the assignment of student teachers;
4. Monitors and provides feedback on the performance of student
teachers to TEI’s;
5. Debriefs student teachers at the end of Practicum; and
6. Prepares required reports to the TEI’s, copy furnished to the
Division Superintendent.
The cooperating teacher is chosen from the best teachers preferably a Master
teacher chosen as mentors or cooperating teacher for his/her skills and
perspective necessary to help student teachers study the art and science of
teaching in a classroom setting.
Their duties and responsibilities are, but not limited to, the following:
Site Coordinator from Cooperating School
For off-campus student teaching experience, the role of the Site Coordinator
from the Cooperating School facilitates the placement of student teachers
together with the Practicum Supervisor and the Cooperating School
Principal/Head. Specific duties and responsibilities are, but not limited to, the
Davao Central
Program Head
On-campus Off-campus
Cooperating Teacher Cooperating Teacher
Student Teachers
complemented by chosen color/s. Wear your DCC pin as well as your
name plates when you report to school daily.
A. 2 Attendance
Your attendance and punctuality are two of the main ingredients
in your personal development as a teacher. Remember to always
value other people's time more than your own. It is expected of
you to practice these ideal behaviors when attending assigned
classes and participating in assemblies and seminars. You are to
duly accomplish your Daily Time Records (DTRs) without any
A. 6 Journal Writing
Writing your journals documents your personal and professional
growth as teachers. This provides opportunity for reflection and
improving one's performance. Moreover, your journals must be
monitored and checked by your practicum supervisor in order to
give you any necessary assistance.
A. 7 Openness to Mentoring
Be open to listen to your mentors as you go through this journey.
Your mentor-mentee relationship should be benevolent as you
experience and acquire first-hand invaluable experience from
years of service in the teaching profession.
The Student Teachers
11. STs should manifest mastery of the medium of instruction.
They have knowledge of effective verbal, non-verbal and media
communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration
and supportive interaction in the classroom.
13. Other teaching stints may take the form of substitute teaching.
14. STs must complete all the entries in their reflective journals.
16. STs must attend ST and CT pre and post teaching conferences
as well as meetings or assemblies called for by the Practicum
Supervisor regarding ST concerns.
resources promptly and in good condition, show initiative and
generally be prepared to learn.
7. Become fully involved in the life of the setting and take on the full
role of a teacher, including the many non-teaching responsibilities.
2. If in case the student will be tardy, they will render an extension period
equal to the minutes which have passed during the delay.
4. For valid absence, the student will just have to cope with the number
of hours or days missed. For non-valid absence, one day is equivalent
to 1 day extension period.
Name of Student College of Education of Davao
Teacher/Course/Major Central College
Student Information
Surname: Course/Major:
First Name: Contact
Middle Name: Email Address:
Student Teaching Information
CT's Complete Grade/Section/s:
Class Schedule: Room Number:
Name of School: Department:
Proposed Date of Demonstration/Re-Demonstration
Please tick one:
□ 1st Demonstration □ Re-demonstration:
Date and Time:
Alternate Approved by (Signature of Mentor)
Mentor and Student Teacher, please read carefully the details below.
Step 1: Secure copy of the Assessment Sheet for Final Student Teaching
Demonstration. Attach in this Form are the Observation Sheets signed
by your mentor/observer. (No observation sheets, no FSTD).
Step 3: Keep in mind the following points before your FSTD proposed
o Maximum of three (3) FSTD in the morning and three (3) FSTD
in the afternoon.
o FSTDs may not be schedule on the same time. As much as
possible, avoid overlapping of time.
o Block your schedules based on your majors, and subjects you
teach, and location so your observers will not rush from one
location to another.
o Attend your post-conference sessions. Make time for these in
order to help you improve yourself.
a. Certification and Clearance
b. Over-all Performance Scale
c. Signed Daily Time Record
d. Curriculum Vitae/Resume
e. My Teaching Philosophy
f. Acknowledgement and Dedication
g. Table of Contents
a. Philosophical Aims of Education
b. The Nature of Educational Aims
c. Aims of Secondary/Elementary Education
d. Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
e. Republic Act 4670: Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
f. Dep Order 40, s.2012 aka Dep Ed Child Protection Policy
g. Anti-Bullying
h. Anti-Drug
i. Samples of Learners’ Quizzes and Works (varied and best samples
j. Letters and Notes from the Students/Learners
k. Pictures and Moments to Remember
l. Sample Application Letter
m. Certificates of Attendance to related SWs, Symposia and/or Trainings
Instruction: Review the guidelines below in preparing your resume. Print it after and
attach your resume on the next page:
Include your own personal beliefs, views, and guiding principles in teaching. Please
do not plagiarize and if you have references, cite them properly using the APA
In your reflection of the lesson plan that worked well, identify why it worked well.
Kindly attached the LP itself as well as the worksheets, charts, diagrams etc. Keep
the original with you.
o Journal writing should commence right after you are deployed.
o Summarize your weekly experience in student teaching in one journal per
week. A minimum of six (6) journal entries should be submitted after the
whole practicum experience.
o Come up with your own Title which captures the mood or theme of your entry.
o Submit journals every Friday afternoon or Saturday morning.
o Drop your handbooks in your Practicum Supervisor's office. You may retrieve
it back on Tuesdays.
Field Study Student (FSS) - refers to the student taking field study
2. set the parameters of the MOAs between the SDS and TEIs or
group of TEIs; determine and articulate the human resource
requirements for basic education and TEIs of the region;
3. conduct regular monitoring and evaluation of the ELC, utilize and
disseminate results;
4. undertake researchers related to the improvement of ELC; and,
5. provide recognition and reward system to performing TEIs as
regards to experiential learning.
Cooperating School
A. Field Study
1. The principal shall accept the FSS and see to it that they are
assigned to observe any teacher;
2. The principal shall coordinate with the TEI supervisors concerning
field study assignments and problems;
3. The principal shall ensure the orientation of the FSSs on the
a. policies, regulations and environment of the school;
b. assignment of classes and responsibilities
4. The principal shall participate in a debriefing session with the
resource teacher, the FSS and the college practicum supervisor.
B. Practice Teaching
1. assign a student teacher to a qualified cooperating teacher in
coordination with the School Department Head/Chairman and with
the University/College Student Teaching Supervisor/Director;
2. conduct regular conference with the cooperating teachers as regards
to the performance of the student teachers;
3. coordinate with the college supervisor of the student teacher;
4. see to it that the student teacher are not allowed to substitute for
teachers who are on leave; and
5. prepare required reports to the SDS.
Resource Teachers and Cooperating Teachers/Mentors
A. Field Study
1. See to it that the FSS’s role is limited to the requirements and
activities of the particular field study course;
2. Accommodate FSSs in their actual classroom teaching and are not
duty bound to mentor/coach; and
3. Certifies the attendance of the FSSs.
B. Practice Teaching
1. observe mentor-mentee relationship;
2.1. regular class observation and post conference
2.2. lesson planning;
2.3. use of varied strategies/approaches/techniques;
2.4. classroom management;
2.5. assessment of learning outcome;
2.6. questioning techniques;
2.7. preparation of instructional materials;
2.8. observe, coach/mentor and evaluate the performance of the
student teacher;
2.9. keep a record of observations and post conferences made with
the student teachers;
2.10. model effective teaching and management techniques;
2.11. provide the student teacher the opportunity to reach
independently and collaboratively;
2.12. allow the student teacher to participate in co-curricular and
school/community activities;
2.13. complete the set of summative evaluation reports for each
student teacher; and
2.14. recommend a PASS or FAIL standing for the student teacher
for the practicum.
A. Field Study
All basic education schools may be chosen as cooperating schools.
B. Practice Teaching
A school may be selected if:
a. it is an above average performing school in academics as
evidenced by its performance in division, regional, and national
examinations/competition performance of graduates in
admission tests in prestigious schools good image in the
b. it has master teachers/effective teacher who can provide the
best mentoring to the student teachers; is accessible to the
student teachers; and
c. it is managed by a full-time and competent administrator.
A. Field Study
Any teacher in a Field Study Cooperating School can be a Resource
B. Practice Teaching
1. has at least 3 years of teaching experience;
2. performs satisfactorily in accordance with the NCBTS;
3. is a major of the learning area the student teachers will practice in
(for secondary level);
4. is willing to take responsibility for training/mentoring the student
5. has been (or is) a demonstration teacher at the least on the school
level; and
6. is a regular teacher, not a substitute or a para-teacher
A. Field Study
The FSS shall:
1. take the field study courses congruent to their professional education
2. observe proper decorum and behavior when making field visits and
observations in the schools where they are fielded; and
3. accomplish the requirements of the course as scheduled.
B. Practice Teaching
The Student Teacher shall:
1. participate actively in school-related activities, however priority should
be given to academic related activities;
2. notify the cooperating teacher in case of absences;
3. consider/be open to constructive criticisms;
4. respect the dignity and rights of children;
5. come prepared at all times;
6. secure clearance from the cooperating school;
7. accomplish the internship portfolio;
8. project a good image as a teacher at all times by observing:
a. code of ethics
b. proper dress code
c. punctuality in all activities of the internship.
Date: ________________
Sincerely yours,
Program Head
College of Education and Liberal Arts
Date: ____________________
To: ______________________
In this regard, we would like to express our gratitude for supporting the
programs of Davao Central College as one of our mentors/cooperating
teachers. Kindly read the guideline in the deployment of pre-service teachers
(DepEd Order No. 3, s. 2007) and the student teaching mentorship
guidelines. Please find time to review the guidelines together with your
student teacher. For your questions, please contact the department through
the following numbers indicated below.
We hope to meet you in one of the future regular observations of our student
Practicum Supervisor
Program Head
DCC-College of Education
Date: ____________________
To: ______________________
In this regard, we would like to express our gratitude for supporting the
programs of Davao Central College as one of our mentors/cooperating
teachers. Kindly read the guideline in the deployment of pre-service teachers
(DepEd Order No. 3, s. 2007) and the student teaching mentorship
guidelines. Please find time to review the guidelines together with your
student teacher. For your questions, please contact the department through
the following numbers indicated below.
We hope to meet you in one of the future regular observations of our student
Practicum Supervisor
Program Head
DCC-College of Education
Will you take the Licensure Examinations Will you take the board review in preparation
(LET) right after graduations? (Please check) for the LET? (Please check)
⃝ Yes ⃝ Yes
⃝ No ⃝ No
⃝ Not yet sure because ⃝ Not yet sure because
____________________ ____________________
ST's Printed Name with Signature & Date
Name:_______________________________ Course & Major:_____________________
Subject & Grade: ______________________ Topic: ____________________________
Cooperating Teacher:___________________ Date Submitted: ____________________
Instruction: Please encircle the specific score appropriate for each criterion in checking the
approved lesson plan. Use the scale below:
1. Instructional Goals and Objectives
Instructional goals and objectives are clearly stated. Learners have clear
understanding of what is expected of them. Learners can determine what
they should know and be able to do as a result of learning and instruction.
2. Instructional Strategies
Instructional strategies are appropriate for learning outcome(s).
Strategy is based on a combination of practical experience and best teaching
practices that best fit the needs and multi-intelligences of the learners.
3. Assessment
Method for assessing student learning and
evaluating instruction is clearly delineated and authentic. It can be readily
used for expert, peer, and/or self-evaluation.
4. Instructional Materials
All instructional materials necessary for the student and the teacher to
complete the lesson are clearly listed.
Date Checked:
Signature over Printed Name
Cooperating Teacher Date Observed:
Name:_________________________________________ Course & Major:_____________________
Subject & Grade: _____________________________ Topic:_____________________________
Cooperating Teacher:__________________________ Date:______________________________
Instruction: Please check the box that best describes the performance of the student
Score Remarks
Elements of Teaching
1 2 3 4 5
I. Teacher’s Personality:
A. The teacher is neat and well-
B. The teacher is free from
mannerisms that tend to
disturb the student’s attention.
C. The teacher’s personality is
strong enough to command
respect and attention.
D. The teacher shows dynamism
and enthusiasm.
E. The teacher has well
modulated voice.
II. Lesson Planning
A. Lesson plan is well prepared.
B. There is congruence between:
1. objective and subject matter
2. objective and teaching
3. objective and formative test
4. objective and assignment
III. Content
A. The teacher demonstrates in
depth knowledge of the
subject matter
B. He/She is able to relate
lessons to actual life of the
C. Keeps abreast of new ideas
and understanding of the field
D. Gives sufficient and concrete
examples to create meaningful
learning experiences.
(Reference: ELC Handbook, 2007)
Score Remarks
Elements of Teaching
1 2 3 4 5
IV. Teaching Methods
A. Method/s used was/were
suited to the needs and
capabilities of the students.
B. The teacher was creative
enough to adapt his/her
method to the students
C. Visual aids and other
examples were used to
illustrate the lesson.
D. The teacher made effective use
of the formative test after
V. Classroom Management
A. The teacher had a systematic
way of checking:
1. Attendance
2. Assignment/ Homework/
3. Practice exercises
4. Group work/Projects
5. Passing in and out of the
6. Correcting, distributing
and collecting paper
B. Order and Discipline were
present in the classroom
C. Visual Aids were within easy
reach of the teacher during
his/her teaching
VI. Questioning Skills
The teacher’s questioning skill
stimulates discussion in different ways
such as:
1. probing for learner’s
2. helping students articulate
their ideas and thinking
3. promoting risk-taking and
Problem-solving skills
4. facilitating factual recall
5. encouraging convergent
and divergent thinking
6. stimulating curiosity
7. helping students to ask
Please encircle the exact numerical rating appropriate for each criterion in assessing the
student teacher’s non-teaching performance. Use the scale below.
Criteria Ratings
1. Observation of the School Policies
a. Reports to class regularly and promptly. 5 4 3 2 1
b. Observes policies on student discipline and exudes a 5 4 3 2 1
desirable conduct expected to a pre- service teacher during
the period of internship.
2. Attendance and participation to School Activities
a. Attends school functions and other required extra-curricular 5 4 3 2 1
participates in school assemblies, meetings and activities
required of them during their internship.
3. Relationship with students, Cooperating Teachers, Co-
Student Teachers, School Heads, and other School
Personnel of the Cooperating School.
A. Relates well with and manage efficiently diverse and multiple 5 4 3 2 1
types of learners.
b. Works effectively with the cooperating teacher. 5 4 3 2 1
c. Goes along with the co-student teachers . 5 4 3 2 1
d. Shows respect to school heads and other school personnel. 5 4 3 2 1
4. Professionalism.
a. Shows respect and belief in oneself. 5 4 3 2 1
b. Maintains professional poise and good grooming. 5 4 3 2 1
c. Assumes responsibility, resourcefulness, commitment 5 4 3 2 1
d.Accomplishes work on time and produces quality work and output. 5 4 3 2 1
5. Personality
a. Neat in appearance; observant of personal hygiene; has 5 4 3 2 1
professional bearing; wear appropriate attire during school functions.
b. Maintains composure when under pressure. 5 4 3 2 1
c. Manifests honesty and integrity in dealing with others. 5 4 3 2 1
d. Accepts criticism open-mindedly. 5 4 3 2 1
e. Acts optimistically in his/her undertakings and responsibilities. 5 4 3 2 1
f. Develops feeling of mutual trust with other student-teachers. 5 4 3 2 1
g. Projects self-confidently with others 5 4 3 2 1
h. Communicates clearly, sensibly and comprehensively. 5 4 3 2 1
6. Performance.
a. Shows creativity and resourcefulness in his/her performance. 5 4 3 2 1
b. Prepares lesson plans and instructional materials promptly. 5 4 3 2 1
c. Learns new methods and acquires new teaching techniques & 5 4 3 2 1
d. Cooperates with other teachers to accomplished desired goals. 5 4 3 2 1
e. Accomplishes all required assignments, tasks promptly & diligently. 5 4 3 2 1
f. Observes efficiently management skills. 5 4 3 2 1
g. Inspires other student teachers with his/her ideas , plans, 5 4 3 2 1
actions relating to better performance. 5 4 3 2 1
h. Possesses physical ability to work long period of time with sustained
energy and soundness of mind. 5 4 3 2 1
i. Draws logical conclusions and makes decisions from situations.
Total number of points
Additional Comments/Suggestions:
Signature of
Cooperating Teacher
Rate the personal reflective journal of the student teacher according to the Holistic
5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Satisfactory Developing Needs
Journal Presents clear Presents Contains There is There is an
entry or description some some little absence of
reflection experiences that examples of examples of evidence of evidence of
paper that are considered experiences, learning reflections reflection, no
includes the worthwhile and some experiences and insights details of
pre-service helpful, explains explanations with few learned, experiences
teacher's judgments on of strengths explanations very few and judgment
learning personal and of personal details of of
experiences strengths and weaknesses strengths experiences. performance,
in the weaknesses, and includes and Judgment of without
classroom, includes some weaknesses personal statement of
his or her successful output achievements. and performance strengths and
judgments and statement of is very weaknesses
about his or accomplishments. what has limited, with and
her been little or no achievements.
performance achieved. attention
and other paid to
insights strengths
affecting and
self-beliefs. weaknesses
of work.
Additional comments:
Practicum Supervisor
Signature over Printed Name
Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score
A. Sections The portfolio contains ALL: Achieve Achieves Achieves
1. Cover Page, Teacher Ed s 3 out 2 out of 1 out of
Institution, Cooperating of 4 4 4
School, Journals,
Performance Rating Sheets,
School official forms,
B. Content Entries: Achieve Achieves Achieves
1. are complete, well-selected, s 3 out 2 out of 1 out of
& representative of of 4 4 4
2. are legible, readable, and
neatly written
3. are coherent and not
4. show correctness &
appropriateness of form and
structure eg word choice,
C. Reflections Reflections: Achieve Achieves Achieves
1. demonstrate a clear s 3 out 2 out of 1 out of
understanding of the of 4 4 4
student teaching experience
2. are written with depth of
self and other awareness
through insights gleaned
from the experience
3. show analysis of experience
using multiple perspectives,
mentions situational context
when interpreting
4. show evidence of personal
D. 1. Photographs & images are Achieve Achieves Achieves
Documentation clear & neatly presented s 3 out 2 out of 1 out of
2. Photographs & images are of 4 4 4
well-chose and
representative of the
3. DTR is accurate, complete
Total Score
Semester ____________, SY____________
Name of Student Teacher_____________________________________________
Name of Cooperating School _________________________________________
Cooperating Teacher(s) 1. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________
Total 100%
Practicum Supervisor
Signature over Printed Name
Instruction: Tick (/) the box below the score that best describes the indicator. The
legend below gives the description of each score.
4 – Observed Always 2 – Observed Sometimes 0 – Not Observed at all
3 – Observed Most of the Time 1 - Observed Rarely
Criteria 4 3 2 1 0 Remarks
The Student Teacher:
1 Follows the policies set by the
Cooperating School.
2 Respects the Cooperating School’s
3 Exercises sensitivity to other’s culture
and traditions.
4 Gives respect for authority.
(Signature over printed name)
Juan dela Cruz St.Toril, Davao City
College of Education and Liberal Arts
Name:_______________________________ Course & Major:____________
Evaluator: __________________________ Semester/SY: _____________
Instruction: Tick (/) the box below the score that best describes the indicator. The legend
below gives the description of each score.
5 - Student always demonstrates this quality
4 - Student almost always demonstrates this quality
3 - Student usually demonstrates this quality
2 - Student sometimes demonstrates this quality
1 - Student seldom demonstrates this quality
DISCIPLINE 1 2 3 4 5
Arrives to class on time
Wears complete uniform at all times
Comes to class with materials and supplies
Employs tact in dealing with students and teachers.
Treats everyone with utmost respect and courtesy
Discipline points
COMMITMENT 1 2 3 4 5
Submits requirements promptly.
Shows willingness to accept related assignments.
Follows the policies set by the Cooperating School.
Maintains the school culture both on and off the campus
Commits to agreements (i.e. faithful observance to the agreed schedules)
Commitment points
COMPASSION 1 2 3 4 5
Projects grace under pressure
Is gentle and understanding with others
Displays a sense of connectedness with the others
Accepts what is, in the moment, without judgment
Facilitates and nurtures a feeling of trust & generosity
Compassion points
INTEGRITY 1 2 3 4 5
Takes responsibility for what he/she says or does
Reasons and acts with firmness, focus and consistency
Inspires and trusts others in the exercise of their authority
Reflects on his/her own honesty and sets and carries out goals to
Respects his/her own property, the property of others and his/her
Has power to make decision in recognizing the contributions of
others in relation to shared purposes
Integrity points
Honors other’s property – doesn’t steal
Is sincere – not deceptive, tricky or sneaky
Tells the truth even when it costs something
Is candid and forthright, volunteers information needed by others
Trustworthiness points
RESPECT 1 2 3 4 5
Respects the privacy of others
Exercises sensitivity to other’s culture and traditions
Treats others the way he/she would like to be treated
Respects autonomy by letting others make their own decisions
Is courteous and polite; not yelling, insulting, or embarrassing
Respect points
Is accountable for his/her actions.
Demonstrates self-control of temper
Does professional duty; what he/she should do.
Does his/her best; pursues excellence in everything.
Demonstrates self-discipline by doing what should be done even
when it is difficult or unpleasant
Responsibility points
FAIRNESS 1 2 3 4 5
Listens with an open mind
Treats people fairly, justly and equitably
Is consistent when his/her behavior affects others
Manages feedback and constructive criticisms well
Uses fair and open procedures in decisions that affect others
Is careful and thorough in making decisions and judgments about
Fairness points
CARING 1 2 3 4 5
Is kind and considerate
Empathizes with other students/pupils
Empathizes with teachers, administrators, supervisors
Is willing to be charitable and generous with time and/or money
Caring points
Scrupulously follows organization rules and policies
Plays by the rules (no cheating or taking short cuts)
Respects authority
Performs civic duties
Does volunteer community/school work
Citizenship points
Accredited by ACSCU-AAI
1. Use of variety of instructional media (e.g. illustration, audio-
visual, etc.)
2. Adequacy in reinforcing learning
3. Adequacy in arousing interest
4.Preparation, economical of time and effort
5. Effective utilization
6 5 4 3 2 1 G. STUDENTS
1. Activity, participation, and cooperation
2. Evidence of critical thinking
3. Reinforcement of values and attitude
4. Manifests communication skills
5. Learning is evident
1. Order and cleanliness
2. Aesthetic appearance
3. Freedom from disturbance
4. Human atmosphere, congenial and conducive to learning
AVERAGE: _________________
Signature over Printed Name of Evaluator