(I) One (1) Child: (Ii) Two (2) Children
(I) One (1) Child: (Ii) Two (2) Children
(I) One (1) Child: (Ii) Two (2) Children
Where the combined net monthly income of both parents is less than eight hundred forty-six dollars
($846.00), the non-custodial parent has to pay twenty-two percent (22%) of his/her net income for one (1)
child and twenty-five percent (25%) of his/her net income for two (2) or more children, but the minimum
amount of child support a person has to pay cannot be less than fifty dollars ($50.00) per month for each
family unit in which there are children to whom the noncustodial parent owes a duty of support.
NOTE: If the custody of the children is shared or split as defined under Wyo. Stat. § 20-2-304 (c) and (d)
other formulas apply. If “split” (meaning each parent has physical custody of at least one (1) child, the
amount shall be allocated to each parent based upon the number of those children in the physical
custody of that parent (See subsection C below). If “shared” with each parent having actual overnight
custody of the children for a certain percentage of time, the amount will be allocated based on the
percentage of time, see below.
B. SHARED CUSTODY: Wyo. Stat. § 20-2-304 (c) provides for special support computation of
support when each parent keeps the children overnight for more than forty percent (40%) of the
year and both parents contribute substantially to the expenses of the children in addition to the
payment of child support. If this is the custodial arrangement, support may be computed as follows
assuming all other statutory provisions apply.
7. a) Percent of year children will ____ % b) percent of year children will ____ %
reside overnight with mother. reside overnight with father.
8. Mother's support obligation: Line 5 x Line 7b $ ____________
9. Father's support obligation : Line 6 x Line 7a $ ____________
10. MONTHLY SUPPORT DUE: The difference between lines 8 and 9 $ ____________
represents the net monthly support due from the parent having the
greater support obligation.
C. For Unemployed Persons Who Are Capable of ONLY Earning Minimum Wage:
*Gross Income: Gross income is your income from all sources, including, but not limited to, wages, draws, commissions,
bonuses, social security payments, workers’ compensation payments, etc. Please give the amount that you make monthly
even if you are paid annually, twice a month, weekly, etc. Monthly amounts are calculated by multiplying weekly amount
by 52 and dividing by 12; multiplying bi-weekly amounts by 26 and dividing by 12; and multiplying semi-monthly
amounts by 24 and dividing by 12.
Child Support Computation Form & Net Income Calculation 4
July 2014
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