Radar .... 2016
Radar .... 2016
Radar .... 2016
2. MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar: Introduction, Delay line Cancellers, Moving target
Detector, Limitation to MTI performance, MTI from moving platform, Pulse Doppler
3. Tracking Radar, Sequential Lobing, Conical Scan, Monopulse tracking Radar, Low angle
tracking, Pulse compression, Block Diagrams of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR),
Phased array Radars,. MST Radar, ECM, ECCM
5. Principles of Direction Finders, Aircraft Homing and ILS, Radio Altimeter, LORAN, DECCA,
OMEGA, Inland Shipping Aids.
Text Book:
1. "Microwave and Radar Engineering" by Gottapu Sasi Bhushana Rao, ISBN –
978813179944 Pearson Education Chennai 2013.
2. Radar Engineering and Fundamentals of Navigational Aids, G S N Raju, IK International
Publishers, 2008
1.Introduction to Radar Systems, Skolnik, McGraw Hill, 2007.
2. Foundations For Microwave Engineering, R. R. Collin, McGraw Hill.
3. Microwave Communications – Components and Circuits, E. Hund, McGraw
Hill. 4. Microwave Devices and Circuits, S. Y. Liao, PHI. 5. Microwave Engineering, R. Chatarjee, East – West Press
Pvt. Ltd.
Course Objectives
1. To become familiar with basics of Radar.
2. To get complete knowledge about the different types of Radar and their
3. To become familiar with signal detection techniques.
4. To understand the concepts of Radio Navigation techniques
Course Outcomes
1. Acquired knowledge about Radar and Radar Equations.
2. Understanding the working principal of MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar.
3. ability to work using Detection of Signals in Noise and Radio Direction
4. ability to work using Instrument Landing System.
5. Ability to work with Satellite Navigation System.
1. Radar is an object-detection system that uses radio
waves to determine the range, angle, or velocity of
2. It can be used to detect aircraft, ships, spacecraft,
guided missiles, motor vehicles, weather formations,
and terrain.
3. A radar transmits radio waves or microwaves that
reflect from any object in their path.
R = ct/2 meters.
• RADAR- Radio Detection and Ranging
• Higher the frequency better the result
• Theory of reflection (Absorbtion and re-
• Location parameters: Range, height, direction,
direction of motion, relative velocity
• High transmitter power requirement
• Suitable oscillator: Magnetron
1. Navigational aid on ground and sea
2. Radar altimeters (height measurement)
3. Radar blind lander (aircraft landing during poor visibility)
4. Airborne radar for satellite surveillance
5. Space applications like planetary observations
6. Police radars (Law enforcement and Highway safety)
7. Radars for determining speed of moving targets
8. Remote sensing (weather monitoring)
9. Air traffic control (ATC) and Aircraft safety
10. Ship safety
11. Non-contact method of speed and distance in industry
Military Applications:
Receiver antenna
• Monostatic radar
The distance of the target can be calculated
from the total time (t) taken by the pulse to
travel to the target and return to its original
initial point.
Assuming ‘ c ‘ to be the velocity of light in free
space, the distance traversed by pulse is ‘ct’
meters. Now this is 2 times the target distance,
hence the distance to the target
R = ct/2 meters.
Automatically operating duplexer
Tx should remain silent during echo period
Tx pulse should be very powerful
Rx should be highly sensitive to echo signals and
should be highly immune to noise
Antenna should be highly directive with large gain
Pulse repetition frequency (prf) should be high
compared to the scanning period
prf = duty cycle/pulse width
Pav = Pt X duty cycle = Pt X Pulse width X prf
Radar frequency band designations
Band designation Nominal frequency Specific radar bands based
range on ITU assignment
HF 3 – 30 MHz
VHF 30 – 300 MHz 138-144, 216-225 MHz
UHF 300 – 1000 MHz 420-450, 590-942 MHz
L 1 – 2 GHz 1215-1400 MHz
S 2 – 4 GHz 2300-2500, 2700-3700MHz
C 4 – 8 GHz 5250-5925 MHz
X 8 – 12 GHz 8500-10680 MHz
Ku 1 2– 18 GHz 13.4-14, 15.7-17.7 GHz
K 18 – 27 GHz 24.05-24.25 GHz
Ka 27 – 40 GHz 33.4-36 GHz
– Radar → Radio detection and ranging
• Radar is an electromagnetic system for the detection and location of
• Radar has is used to extend the capability of one’s senses for observing
the environment, especially the sence of vision.
Basic Principles
– Transmits an electromagnetic signal modulated with
particular type of waveform. (modulation depends on
requirements of application)
– Signal is reflected from target
– Reflected signal is detected by radar receiver and
analyzed to extract desired information
– Distance can be determined by measuring the time
difference between transmission and reception
– Angle (or relative bearing) can be determined by
measuring the angle of arrival (AOA) of the signal
(Usually by highly directive antenna)
– If there is a radial component of relative velocity
between radar and target it can be determined from the
Doppler shift of the carrier
Two types of radar
Monostatic - transmitter and receiver use same
Bistatic - transmitter and receiver antennas are separated
• Modulation Types
Pt G Pt G Ae
Pr Ae
4 R2 4 R2 4
4 R
1/ 4
P G Ae
R max t
4 Pr
1/ 4
P G Ae
R max t
4 S
• .. W/m2
• where G is the directive gain
• Amount of power intercepted by the target = σ
• It is also called the “radar cross section of the target”
• It depend on the target’s shape, size and composition
• ..
• Received power ,
Continuous Wave Doppler Radar
Tx generates continuous sinusoidal
oscillations of frequency fo. It is radiated by
the antenna.
CW radar receives the echo signal while it
If the target is in motion the received echo
signal will be shifted in frequency by an
amount fd ( )
Mixer isolates the Doppler frequency note fd.
Beat frequency amplifier eliminates the
echoes from stationary targets and amplifies
the Doppler echo signal.
This radar is also called CW radar with zero
IF or CW Super-heterodyne radar with Zero
IF or Simple doppler radar or CW homodyne
Echoes from natural environment such as land,
sea, and weather are called clutter.
Isolation between Tx and Rx:
Isolation required depends on Tx power, Tx noise
and sensitivity of the receiver
Large distance CW radar introduce more Tx noise
Transmitter clutter: Tx noise that enters the radar
receiver via back scatter from the clutter.
False targets: Tx signal is not a pure CW. The
associated side bands may mask the desired
signals or generated false targets.
Limitations of simple CW Radar
Lack of isolation between Tx and Rx.
Receiver burn out
Masking of wanted signals by Tx noise
Introduction of flicker noise (1/f noise) due to
Lack of matched filter in the receiver
Unable to identify whether the target is approaching
or receding
Increased clutter compared to pulsed radar
Measurement of range is not possible
CW Radar with Non-zero IF
False targets