F300i F315i Brochure

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New Manufacturing Solution

Delivers advanced design and build steel
frame construction equipment


Innovation Integration Sustainability

The FRAMECAD design and sustainable building process
incorporates the intelligence of the FRAMECAD system and
FrameMaster manufacturing equipment.

Engineered for productivity and profitability

The new FRAMECAD F300i and F315i The FRAMECAD F300i and F315i systems
have been designed to be world leading are designed for manufacturers of framing
light steel frame manufacturing plants. and trusses across many applications,
With high throughput, reliability, ease typically producing 89mm or 150mm C
of maintenance and simple operation profiles. With a gauge range of between
a focus of the design, these new .55mm and 1.2mm, the new F300i and F315i
integrated manufacturing plants will machines offer flexibility as stand alone plants
deliver high productivity, high quality and or in multiple machine configurations for a broader
accurate output. range of manufacturing options (profile and gauge
ranges are model dependent).

FRAMECAD now offers a better option for reliable, fast and

flexible end-to-end steel frame design and build solutions
across a wide range of construction applications:

• Residential and affordable housing

• Workforce accommodation
• Truss production
• Portable and modular buildings
• Commercial and industrial construction
• Internationally certified building system

Integration for perfect automation

By integrating FRAMECAD Factory machine
control systems on the FRAMECAD manufacturing
equipment with advanced FRAMECAD design
software, we have achieved a building system that
is automated in the most intelligent way.
© 2009 FRAMECAD Solutions Ltd
400 - 750m/hr (1300 – 2,460ft/hr) providing output for
High output (depends on design)
high volume operations.
Component length and Accuracy in assembly of panels, trusses and onsite
Punching accuracy (±0.5mm or ¹/³²”) construction while minimising waste.
Quick, easy and accurate assembly, minimising
Fastening holes pre-punched
labour costs.
Screws lie flush with stud surface and dimples assist in
Fastening holes dimpled
eliminating the need for jig assembly tables.
Swaged ends Studs sit precisely in the track, achieving full load
transfer for multi-level buildings and modular
structures providing strength and reliability.

Notched lips Easy to fit studs within track.

Punched web holes Studs pass through horizontal blocking.

Service holes punched Ready for electrical and plumbing installation.

Bolt holes punched Ready for hold down bolts.

End chamfer cut For faster assembly and higher quality trusses and joists
Clear and concise assembly, no guess work, ideal for
Individually labelled components
kitset building.


Produce standard Plus a

or boxable C profile U profile
suite of software
Model FRAMECAD F300i-F315i
By avoiding the inefficiencies of fragmented Description FRAMECAD
systems, FRAMECAD customers enjoy an immediate Frame & Panel Plant
competitive advantage.
Design Software Options FRAMECAD Detailer
Building design, engineering, detailing, quoting, production FRAMECAD ProDesign
planning, factory management, machine control and materials FRAMECAD Architect
management are all seamlessly integrated by the FRAMECAD
Factory Software FRAMECAD Factory
suite of intelligent software.
Number of Profiles 1 x C, 1 x U
FRAMECAD ProDesign produces CAD designs for cold
formed steel framing construction, complete with engineering Profile Size (dedicated) F300i - 89mm (3.5”) (Standard)
calculations and structural analysis. With this capability, Range 63mm - 152mm F315i - 150mm (6”) (Standard)
material usage can be optimised to reduce construction costs.
FRAMECAD ProDesign enables a wide range of trusses to be Gauge Range F300i - 0.55 - 1.2mm (24 - 18g)
designed, as well as wall framing.
F315i - 0.75 - 1.2mm (22 - 18g)
FRAMECAD Architect quickly generates precise 3D architectural Roll forming Stations Eleven
visualisation for FRAMECAD framing designs. FRAMECAD
Architect is ideal for marketing finished designs to customers, as Frame & Truss Tooling Punches Six
well as establishing a 3D model ready for FRAMECAD Detailer to
frame and for quoting. Typical Production Output *1 300m/hr (joists) 700m/hr (simple walls)
(model & design dependent) 990ft/hr (joists) 2,300ft/hr (simple walls)
FRAMECAD Detailer is a totally versatile detailing package with
world-leading design flexibility, making it possible to adhere to Max Line Speed Up to 1,750m/hr (5,500ft/hr)
local building codes, standards and practices. Simply enter Plain C or U Section
(or import) the dimensions and the type of frame you need,
then use FRAMECAD Detailer to convert the information into Main Drive Power 5.5KW (7.5HP)
detailed framing plans that are then transferred directly to the
FRAMECAD manufacturing equipment via FRAMECAD Factory. Hydraulic Power 3.0KW (4.0HP)
With FRAMECAD Detailer, design and manufacturing processes Hydraulic Reservoir *2 60L (16 gal)
are seamlessly integrated.
AWG 46 - 28 °C
FRAMECAD Factory provides a powerful machine control Hydraulic Accumulator One
system that drives the FRAMECAD manufacturing equipment.
Data is transferred directly from FRAMECAD Detailer for Ambient Temperature Range 10 - 28 degrees celsius
automated production of every component. FRAMECAD Factory
is fully networkable and internet enabled, a feature that offers Width 800mm (2.5ft)
outstanding opportunities for maximising productivity and
remote diagnostics. Length 3430mm (11ft)

FRAMECAD FactoryPro provides factory management and Height 1270mmm (4.0ft) to top of covers
reporting software to enable:
Approx weight 1,500kg (3,300lb)
• production planning
• measurement of staff and manufacturing productivity Mains Power Supply *3 380 – 480V 32A
• tracking of materials and Quality Assurance
• preventative maintenance reports on production equipment Printer 2 x 16 Point Print Heads
• remote diagnostics Controller 1 x Touch Screen
• staff output and efficiency optimisation reporting Networkable Linux
• production line benchmark reporting Decoiler Capacity (Powered) *4 3,000kg (6,600lb)
FRAMECAD Detailer and FRAMECAD Factory are the essential 1,500mm (60”) diameter
software packages to get your framing business operational.
*1 Estimated output depends on design complexity, component sizes and punching
function. *2 Hydraulic Oil grade is dependent on ambient operating conditions *3 Please
contact FRAMECAD for additional precautions when using a standalone power supply. *4
Decoilers using 1,500mm coils can restrict maximum production rates. Due to ongoing
development specifications are subject to reconfirmation at time of ordering.
Contact us at: P +64 9 307 0411
FRAMECAD Solutions Ltd F +64 9 307 7139
PO Box 1292 E info@framecad.com
Auckland 1140, New Zealand www.framecad.com

This document has been published for the purpose of providing information Authorised Distributor:
of a general nature only. Further, no guarantee, warranty, or any other form
of assurance is given as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of the
information provided. Accordingly, any reliance on, or use, by you of any
information contained within this document for any purpose whatsoever shall
be entirely at your own risk, and any liability to you is expressly disclaimed to
the maximum extent permitted by law.

FRAMECAD and FrameMaster are logos and trademarks of

FRAMECAD Solutions Ltd.
Copyright 2009 FRAMECAD Solutions Ltd. Reproduction of any part of
this document is prohibited, except with the prior written consent of
FRAMECAD Solutions Ltd.


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