AC Machines

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For Academic Session 2019

Ac Machines
Instructor Name:
Engr. Ghulam Abid

Roll Number:
Department :

Department of (S & T)
Indus University, Karachi.
AC Machines Contents
Indus University Department of (S & T)


Lab. Dated List of Experiments Page Remarks

No. No .

To study the effect of field excitation on the

1 01
generation of voltage by an alternator.

To find out the efficiency and voltage

2 regulation of a single phase step down 03
To study the effect of applied voltage on the
3 power factor of an induction motor at no 05
To draw the load characteristics of induction
4 motor. 07

5 To draw the load characteristic curve of an 09


To study the parallel operation of two

6 alternators

To carry out no-load test of 3-phase induction

7 motor.

To perform block rotor test of 3-phase

8 induction motor. 15

To observe the effect of excitation voltage on

9 power factor and armature current of 17
synchronous motor
To study the effect of applied voltage on
10 power factor & current drawn by 3-Ф 19
Synchronous Motor

Revised 2012
AC Machines Contents
Indus University Department of (S & T)

To observe effect of increasing load on

11 power factor, armature current and 21
speed of synchronous motor.

To observe effect of regulating voltage on

12 24
speed and power factor of Schrage motor

To verify double field revolving theory with

13 the help of single phase induction motor.
AC Machines Lab Session 01
Indus University Department of (S & T)



To study the effect of field excitation on the generation of voltage by an alternator

(open circuit magnetization curve)


1. Bench 12 ES/EV or Bench 13-ES/EV

2. DC multi-range ammeter
3. AC Voltmeter
4. Frequency meter


A.C generator (alternator), consists of two parts, namely the field system and an
armature, but unlike a dc generator, alternator has rotating field system and an stationary armature,
advantages of such system are given below. An excitation sysyem is attached to give dc supply to
the field.
The advantages of rotating field and stationary armature are:
Rotating field can run with high speed as output voltage is dependent on its rate.
It is easy to insulate the stationary armature windings for high voltages.
It is easy to collect the high voltage from a fixed terminal.

AC Machines Lab Session 01
Indus University Department of (S & T)

Stator is outside of the rotor (fixed in yoke), so more space is available for 3-phase


1. Make the connections as shown in figure

2. Excite the field with DC source
3. Adjust frequency of output to 50 Hz by adjusting speed of prime mover.
4. Nom increase the dc excitation current in steps.
5. Tabulate the readings after every step and draw the open circuit characteristics
(O.C.C) or no load magnetization curve.


S. No Rotor Field Excitation Terminal

Current Voltage
( If ) ( Vt )
Amperes Volts


Voltage increases directly for low exciting current and the curve then bends at higher
excitation indicating the effect of saturation.

AC Machines Lab Session 02
Indus University Department of (S & T)


To find out the efficiency and voltage regulation of a single -phase step down transformer.


1. Two Voltmeters (0 – 300V), (0 – 150V)

2. Two Ammeters (0 – 1A)
3. Step- down transformer
4. Variable load


A step-down transformer transforms the high voltage at primary side to a lower

voltage at the secondary side. It works on the principle of mutual induction i.e. the transformer
secondary winding has an induced emf due to the chan ge in voltage across the primary winding.
The efficiency of a transformer at a particular load and p.f is defined as the ratio
between output power and input power.
η= (VS IS / VPIP) × 100 %
When we increase load at the secondary terminals of a transformer, current drawn by
transformer will increase. This increase in current will cause will increase in load dependant
losses, Cu loss and leakage magnetic loss, hence causes decrease in output voltag e. The change in
secondary voltage from no load to full load with respect to no load voltage or with respect to full
load voltage is called voltage regulation.

AC Machines Lab Session 02
Indus University Department of (S & T)

(Voltage Regulation) VR = [(VSN – VSL) / V SN] × 100 %


1. Make the connections as shown in figure.

2. Switch on primary supply and read the no load secondary voltage.
3. Increase the load on the secondary side in steps
4. Following every step take reading.


No load secondary voltage VsN = _______ Volts

S. No VP (Volts) IP (A) VS (Volts) IS (A)



For First Load:

1. η= ( VSIS / VPIP ) × 100%=_______________________________

2. VR = [(VSN – VSL) / VSN] × 100% =________________________________

For Second Load:

1. η= ( VSIS / VPIP ) × 100%=_______________________________

2. VR = [(VSN – VSL) / VSN] × 100% =________________________________


The efficiency and voltage regulation have been calculated and increase in both
parameters is observed with increases in load.

AC Machines Lab Session 03
Indus University Department of (S & T)



To study the effect of applied voltage on power factor & current drawn by 3-Фinduction


1. Bench 10-ES/EV
2. Voltmeter
3. Ammeter
4. Two watt meters
5. Auto transformer


The induction motor consists of a stator and rotor. The stator is connected to the three
phase supply & produce rotating magnetic field. So an induction motor is like a transformer with
stator forming primary and rotor forming the secondary winding with the small air gap in the
magnetic circuit. Upon increasing voltage at no load, reactive current drawn by induction motor
will increase, therefore power factor of induction motor decreases but total current drawn will
increase upon increase voltage at no load. Here power is measured by two wattmeter method. The
advantage of using two wattmeter method is, we can also measure power factor along with power
consumed. When power factor is equal to 0.5 one wattmeter will show 00 Watt but second

AC Machines Lab Session 03
Indus University Department of (S & T)

will give some reading. When power factor is less than 0.5 one will measure the negative power
because phase angle between current & voltage is more than 90 and other in positive direction.
When power factor is more than 0.5 both will deflect in positive direction. As induction motor
draw 5 to 7 times the rated current at start so it is necessary to start it with reduced voltage by the
help of an auto transformer.

P.f = W1+W2 / (3)½ VI


1. Make connections according to the given circuit.

2. By increasing voltage gradually from zero to some value, start induction motor, once it
gets its steady state position stop increasing voltage
3. Note down the readings of different instruments connected.
4. Now increase the voltage in steps and after every step note down the reading.
5. Read the meters and note down the readings carefully


S. No V(Volts) I (Amp) W1(Watts) W2(Watts) W1+W2 P. f


Power factor of induction motor at no load and at full voltage is_______

AC Machines Lab Session 04
Indus University Department of (S & T)


To draw the load characteristic curve of 3-фinduction motor.


1. Bench 10-ES/EV
2. Two wattmeters
3. AC Voltmeter
4. AC Ammeter
5. DC multi-range ammeter
6. DC Voltmeters
7. Digital tachometer

0 - 10 A

+ A -

0 - .6 A
Auto (0 -1 A ) + A -
Transformer A +
Field Rheostat

V + Field
W2 CC Armature V
- (0 - 300 V )


Induction motor is asynchronous and variable speed motor. As we know power factor of
induction motor is around 0.2 (very poor) at no load, because no use full work is done except
meeting negligible mechanical losses. As we go on increasing shaft load motor will draw more
active current component for it has to produce use full work. Hence as we increase load on
induction motor, current drawn will increase along with increase in power factor, which usually at
full load is around 0.85. Here load is DC self excited shunt generator.

AC Machines Lab Session 04
Indus University Department of (S & T)

On increasing shaft load, net torque acting on shaft of induction motor decreases causing
decrease in speed of induction motor for developing more electromagnetic torque.
Here power is measured by two wattmeter method. The advantage of using two wattmeter
method is, we can also measure power factor along with power consumed. When power factor is
equal to 0.5 one wattmeter will show 00 Watt but second will give some reading. When power
factor is less than 0.5 one will deflect in negative direction because phase angle between current &
voltage is more than 90 where as other in positive direction. When power factor is more than 0.5
both will deflect in positive direction.

P.f = W1+W2 / (3) * VI


1. Make connections according to the given circuit.

2. By increasing voltage gradually from zero to rated value, start induction motor.
3. Energize field of shunt dc generator and build rated voltage across terminals of DC shunt
generator and note down required parameters of induction motor with help of connected
4. Connect load across terminals of generator and start increasing load in small increments.
5. After every increment, note down readings of connected instruments.
6. Plot the graph between speed and load current and between power factor of induction
motor and load current.
7. Read the meters and note down the readings carefully


S. No V(Volts) I(Amp)AC I(Amp)DC W1(Watts) W2(Watts) NRPM W1+W2


Power factor of induction motor at full load is__________ and speed at full load is_________
AC Machines Lab Session 05
Indus University Department of (S & T)



To draw the load characteristic curve of an Alternator.


1. Bench 13-ES/EV
2. Frequency meter
3. Voltmeter
4. Ammeters
5. Digital tachometer

Stator A
Auto Transformer Field Rheostat
0 - .6 A
0 - 600
220 V AC Rotating o
0 - 250 V Field A a


The purpose of the experiment is to study the relationship of armature current drawn and
frequency of alternator against increase in load. As we know, increase in load will increase current
drawn and thus causes increase in load dependent losses. Hence on increasing load, voltage will
drop from rated to lower value depending upon load magnitude and its power factor of alternator.
Whereas frequency is dependent on magnitude of net torque, as counter torque increase with
increase in load because of its dependence on load current. Increase in counter torque decrease the
net torque and net result is decrease frequency of generator.
For maintaining voltage level we have to increase DC excitation and for frequency
maintenance speed of prime mover is increased.

AC Machines Lab Session 05
Indus University Department of (S & T)


1. Make connections according to the given circuit.

2. Switch on prime mover, adjust output voltage of alternator by adjusting DC excitation and
for frequency, control speed of prime mover.
3. Note down reading of different instruments connected.
4. Start increasing load in steps and after every step note down readings of instruments.
5. Plot graph between output voltage and load current.
6. Plot graph between frequency and load current.
7. Read the meters and note down the readings carefully


S.No I1(A) I2(A) I3(A) V(Volts) If(A) IL=I1+I2+I3 (A)


AC Machines Lab Session 06
Indus University Department of (S & T)



To synchronize 3- Ф synchronous generators (Alternators)


1. Bench 13-ES/EV & Bench 14-ES/EV

2. Three A.C voltmeters
3. Frequency meters


The operation of connecting an alternator in parallel with another alternator or with

common bus bar is known as synchronization of alternators. Nowadays common trend is to run
different generating station in parallel due many advantages we are getting like increased
reliability, increased cost effectiveness and etc. For synchronization we have to consider matching
of different parameters of generator because without matching these parameters one cannot
synchronize generators. It is never advisable to connect a stationary alternator to a line bus bar
because stator induced emf being zero, a short circuit will result. For the purpose of
synchronization of alternator, the following conditions are satisfied.

AC Machines Lab Session 06
Indus University Department of (S & T)

1. The terminal voltage of the oncoming alternator must be the same as that of the bus bar.

2. The speed of the incoming alternator must be such that its frequency should be slightly greater
than bus bar frequency.

3. The phase sequence and phase angle of the alternator must be same as that of another
generator or bus bar.

Voltages of generator and bus bar are matched with the help of voltmeters, frequency
with frequency meters. In addition to this, for the purpose of phase sequence and phase angle
matching usually the bulb method is used, either dark method or light method known as Bright
Lamp method and Dark Lamp method. Another popular approach is to use synchronoscope.


1. Make connections according to the given circuit.

2. Start one of synchronous generators and fix its output parameters as rated one.
3. Start another synchronous generator and fix its output parameters equal to first one.
4. Before synchronizing both generators match their output parameters as discussed above.
5. Read the meters and note down the readings carefully


AC Machines Lab Session 07
Indus University Department of (S & T)



To carry out no load test of 3-phase induction motor

1. Bench 10-ES/EV or Bench 14-ES/EV
2. Voltmeter (0-600V)
3. Ammeter (0-6A)
4. Two watt meters (0-120W)
5. Auto transformer



For the performance analysis of induction motor, we need to have motor parameters. In
those cases where motor parameters are not readily available from the manufacture, they can be
approximated from different tests. One of them is no load test.
Purpose of this test is to find out no load losses i.e core (magnetizing reactance) and
mechanical losses for at this condition power consumed is basically because of these losses.
Balanced three phase voltages are applied to the stator terminals at the rated frequency with the
rotor uncoupled from any mechanical load. Current, voltage and power are measured at the motor

AC Machines Lab Session 07
Indus University Department of (S & T)


1. Make the circuit as shown in figure.

2. Disconnect the load connected, if any.
3. Start the motor by pressing yellow switch "ON" without load.
4. Note down the readings of all instruments connected.


S. No Voltage Current Power


Magnitude of no-load losses = watts

Magnitude of magnetization reactance = Ω

AC Machines Lab Session 08
Indus University Department of (S & T)



To perform blocked rotor test of 3-phase induction motor.


1. Bench 10-ES/EV or Bench 14-ES/EV

2. Voltmeter (0-600V)
3. Ammeter (0-6A)
4. Two watt meters (0-120W)
5. Auto transformer



For the performance analysis of induction motor, we need to have motor parameters. In
those cases where motor parameters are not readily available from the manufacture, they can be
approximated from different tests. One of them is blocked rotor test. This test is similar to short
circuit test of transformer.
Purpose of this test is to determine load dependant losses and stator & rotor reactance &
rotor resistance. The rotor is blocked to prevent rotation and balanced voltages are applied to the
stator terminals at rated frequency. Applied voltage is gradually increased till rated current is

AC Machines Lab Session 08
Indus University Department of (S & T)

achieved. Current, voltage and power are measured at the motor input and from this data motor
parameters are calculated.

1. Make the circuit as shown in figure.
2. Disconnect the load connected, if any.
3. Keep rotor of induction motor pressed, so that it cannot rotate even upon energization.
4. Keep yellow switch "ON" and start increasing voltage slowly till rated current is achieved.

5. Note down the readings of all instruments connected.


S. No Voltage Current Power


Magnitude of load losses = watts

Magnitude of stator & rotor reactance = Ω
Magnitude of stator & rotor resistance = Ω

AC Machines Lab Session 09
Indus University Department of (S & T)



To observe the effect of excitation voltage on power factor and armature current of
synchronous motor


1. Bench 14-ES/EV
2. DC multi-range ammeter
3. DC multi-range ammeter
4. Voltmeters
5. Multi range watt meters


Synchronous motors are doubly excited motors i.e. 3- ΦAC supply is given to stator also
called armature and DC supply is connected to rotor circuit also known as DC excitation. Owing
to rotating DC magnetic field, emf is induced in armature that induced emf is called excitation
voltage. It means, on per phase basis synchronous motor has two ac sources in armature and we
know flow of reactive power is dependant on magnitude of voltage level. Therefore, if we are
increasing DC excitation, excitation voltage will increase so this source will deliver more reactive
power than previous one.

AC Machines Lab Session 09
Indus University Department of (S & T)

According to this, there are three operating modes of synchronous motor

1) Under excitation state: In this mode reactive power required for operation of synchronous
motor is drawn from 3- Φ AC supply, mostly. Hence current drawn by synchronous motor
in this mode is higher.
2) Normal excitation state: In this operating mode, reactive power required by synchronous
motor is delivered totally by excitation voltage. Therefore current drawn by synchronous
motor is minimum.
3) Over Excitation state: In this operating mode, reactive power delivered by excitation
voltage source is not just sufficient for synchronous motor’s operation but it also supply to
network connected. So the armature current, in this mode is also on higher side.


1. Make connections according to the given circuit.

2. Switch on supply of synchronous motor by pressing yellow switch.
3. Once motor starts running on synchronous speed, start increasing DC excitation in steps.
4. After every step note down reading of instruments connected.




AC Machines Lab Session 10
Indus University Department of (S & T)



To study the effect of applied voltage on power factor & current drawn by 3-Ф
Synchronous Motor


1. Bench 11-ES/EV
2. Voltmeter
3. Ammeter
4. Two wattmeters
5. Auto transformer


The synchronous motor is a doubly excited motor, the stator is connected to the three
phase supply & produce rotating magnetic field whereas rotor is given across DC excitation. Upon
increasing 3-ф ac voltage to stator at no load keeping dc excitation constant, reactive current
drawn by synchronous motor will increase as no use full work is produced at no load condition
except meeting the mechanical losses. Therefore power factor of synchronous motor decreases but
total current drawn will increase upon increase voltage at no load. Here power is measured by two
wattmeter method. The advantage of using two wattmeter method is, we can also measure power
factor along with power consumed. When power factor is equal to 0.5 one

AC Machines Lab Session 10
Indus University Department of (S & T)

wattmeter will show 00 power but second will give reading. When power factor is less than 0.5
one will measure the negative power because phase angle between current & voltage is more than
90 and other in positive direction. When power factor is more than 0.5 both will measure positive
power. As synchronous motor draw 5 to 7 times the rated current at start so it is necessary to start
it with reduced voltage by the help of an auto transformer.

P.f = W1+W2 / (3)½ VI


1. Make connections according to the given circuit.

2. By increasing voltage gradually from zero to some value, start synchronous motor, once it
gets its steady state position stop increasing voltage
3. Give dc excitation as soon as motor reaches near to synchronous speed.
4. Note down the readings of different instruments connected.
5. Now increase the voltage in steps and after every step note down the reading.
6. Read the meters and note down the readings carefully


S. No V(Volts)AC I (Amp)AC W1(Watts) W2(Watts) W1+W2 P. f


Power factor of induction motor at no load and at full voltage is_______

AC Machines Lab Session 11
Indus University Department of (S & T)


To observe effect of increasing load on power factor, armature current and
speed of synchronous motor.


1. Bench 11-ES/EV
2. Two wattmeters
3. AC Voltmeter
4. AC Ammeter
5. DC multi-range ammeter
6. DC Voltmeters
7. Digital tachometer


Synchronous motor is doubly excited and constant speed motor. As we know power factor
of synchronous motor is very poor at no load and at under excitation state, because no use full
work is done except meeting negligible mechanical losses. As we go on increasing shaft load on
synchronous motor, motor will draw more active current component for it has to produce usefull
work. Hence as we increase load on synchronous motor, current drawn will increase along with
increase in power factor, keeping excitation voltage constant.

AC Machines Lab Session 11
Indus University Department of (S & T)

Here load is DC self excited shunt generator. As we know generator has counter torque
which opposes input mechanical power given by synchronous motor and counter torque is
dependant load current. As generator deliver more current on increasing load, hence will develop
more counter torque, thus more load will be reflected on synchronous motor.

On increasing load, net torque acting on shaft of synchronous motor decrease causing
momentary decrease in speed of synchronous motor for increasing load angle. As load angle
increases, synchronous motor will regain its synchronous speed. Therefore speed of synchronous
motor will remain same at all load conditions.

Here power is measured by two wattmeter method. The advantage of using two wattmeter
method is, we can also measure power factor along with power consumed. When power factor is
equal to 0.5 one wattmeter will show 00 power but second will give reading. When power factor is
less than 0.5 one will measured the negative power because phase angle between current &
voltage is more than 90 and other in positive direction. When power factor is more than 0.5 both
will measure positive power.

P.f = W1+W2 / (3) * VI


1. Make connections according to the given circuit.

2. By increasing voltage gradually from zero to rated value, start synchronous motor.
3. Give dc excitation as soon as motor reaches near to synchronous speed.
4. Energize field of shunt dc generator and build rated voltage across terminals of DC shunt
generator and note down required parameters of synchronous motor with help of
connected instruments.
5. Connect load across terminals of generator and start increasing load in small increments.
6. After every increment, note down readings of connected instruments.
7. Plot the graph between armature current and load current o dc generator and between
power factor of induction motor and load current of dc generator.
8. Read the meters and note down the readings carefully

AC Machines Lab Session 11
Indus University Department of (S & T)


S. No V(Volts) I(Amp)AC I(Amp)DC W1(Watts) W2(Watts) NRPM W1+W2


1. Power factor of synchronous motor at full load is_________

2. Speed of synchronous motor at full load is______________

3. Armature current of synchronous motor at full load is_____________

AC Machines Lab Session 12
Indus University Department of (S & T)



To observe effect of regulating voltage on speed and power factor of Schrage motor

1. Bench 13-ES/EV
2. DC multi-range ammeter
3. Voltmeters
4. Wattmeters


Schrage motor has three different windings; one of them is located on stator. Among rest windings
one is ac winding, second is dc winding and both are fed through commutator and are located on
rotor. Schrage motor can operate at under and over synchronous speed but unfortunately its
performance at synchronous speed is not satisfactory. The primary excitation winding of the motor
is located on the rotor and is excited through slip-rings. The wound-rotor secondary is on the
stator, with brushes located on the comutator 120° apart exciting the stator winding. The auxiliary
winding, connected to the commutator and excited through the primary rotor winding, corresponds
to the converter. When the two brushes of each phase winding of the stator secondary are in
contact with the same commutator bar, i.e., shorting the phase winding or secondary, there is no
induced emf in the secondary and the motor operates as a shorted wound-

AC Machines Lab Session 12
Indus University Department of (S & T)

rotor induction motor. If the brushes are separated, by means of a mechanical hand wheel, in such
a way that a foreign voltage is conductively introduced into the rotor from the converter winding
which opposes the secondary emf induced from the rotor primary, the rotor current, flux and
torque decrease, and speed drops. If the brushes are seperated by means of the hand wheel in the
opposite direction, so that the foreign voltage aids the secondary induced emf, the motor current,
flux, and torque increase above synchronous speed. It is also possible to rotate the entire brush
rigging structure to provide power-factor adjustment as well.
Following are its major advantages of Schrage motor.

1. Relative good starting and max. torque (1.5 and 2.5 times rated torque, respectively) for a
variable speed motor.
2. Exceeding smooth speed control above and below synchronous speed
3. Extremely high efficiency.
4. Excellent speed regulation


1. Make connections according to the given circuit.

2. Now start increasing regulating voltage with the help of regulator located on the top of
yoke, in steps. Also change position of brushes correspondingly.
3. After every step take readings of connected instruments.
4. Read the meters and note down the readings carefully


S. No AC AC W1 W2 DC Regu P.F


AC Machines Lab Session 13
Indus University Department of (S & T)


To verify double field revolving theory with the help of single phase induction


1. Single phase induction motor

2. Variable single phase supply
3. A capacitor



Single phase induction motors are not inherently self starting, but once they are twisted in
any direction by any external mean motor will accelerate in that direction. This complex behavior
of single phase in duction motor can be understood by the help of Double Field Revolving Theory.
This theory states, pulsating magnetic field produced by single phase AC supply can be broken
down into two oppositely rotating vectors having same magnitude. Therefore, at start as both vec
tors have same magnitu de and opposite direction so they cancel out each other, in result motor
remains stationary. Whereas torque applied in any one direction, magnitude of slip decreases a nd
torque produced by that vector increases. T hus motor accelerates in that specific direction.

AC Machines Lab Session 13
Indus University Department of (S & T)

For to make single phase induction motors self starting, we need to have rotating magnetic field
that’s why we go for phase splitting option. Therefore, in single phase induction motors we have
two windings, one is called main winding or running winding and other is called starting winding
or auxiliary winding. Capacitor is connected in series with starting winding, Basic advantage of
using capacitor instead of resistor is the production of higher starting torque.


1. Connect the single phase induction motor with variable supply

2. Gradually increase the supply and apply torque on shaft on induction motor in a direction
by hand. After it gets accelerated, disconnect its supply.
3. Gradually increase the supply and apply torque on shaft on induction motor in other
direction by hand. After it gets accelerated, disconnect its supply.
4. Now energize single phase induction motor after connecting starting winding without
capacitor and observe the behavior.
5. Now energize single phase induction motor after connecting starting winding with
capacitor and observe the behavior.



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