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Willingness to Pay for Tomato Insurance:

The Case Study of Moamba District, Mozambique


Senait Metaferia Tafese

Supervised by

Prof. João Mutondo

A Thesis

Submitted to the Department of Economics and Agricultural Development for the

Requirements of Masters of Science Degree in Agricultural Economics

Maputo, January, 2016

I, Senait Metaferia Tafese declare that this thesis is a result of my original research work. The
contribution of others study is clearly acknowledged with due reference to the literature. To the
best of my knowledge, the finding has never been presented by previously study to the Eduardo
Mondlane University or elsewhere for the honor of any academic qualification. The work was
done under the supervision of Professor Dr. João Mutondo, at the Eduardo Mondlane
Universirty, Mozambique.

Senait Metaferia Tafese

Signature: ______________________________
Date: __________________________________


This thesis is warmly dedicated to my mother (Mulu Yimenu).

Agriculture is a risk activity because it depends heavily on biophysical conditions. This calls for
existence of agricultural insurance. However, in Mozambique agricultural insurance is not well
disseminated and used as mechanism to reduce risk during agricultural production. The
implementation of agricultural insurance calls for the application of appropriate premium rate.
However, it is not yet been estimated in Mozambique. Additionally, the estimation of premium
rate is not unique mechanism towards introduction of crop insurance as it is necessary to know if
producers are willing to pay for agricultural insurance. Therefore, this study estimates premium
rate and farmers willingness to pay for tomato insurance in Moamba. Additionally, the study
explores factors affecting farmers’ willingness to adopt tomato crop insurance. Probit and
bivariate probit models were used to analyze the objectives of the study. The results show that
the premium rates range between 1.25 ton/h and 2.25 ton/ha per year. The results also indicate
that female farmers and producers who have off-farm income are more likely to purchase tomato
insurance while an increase in age of farmer reduces the probability of purchasing tomato
insurance. Finally, the results indicate that farmers are more willing to purchase flood insurance
and the willingness to pay for crop insurance is 1.49/ha/years which is 10% of their average
tomato yield.
Keywords: crop insurance, premium rate, WTP

Table of Contents
Declaretion ....................................................................................................................................... i
Dedication ....................................................................................................................................... ii
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... iii
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................... iv
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. vi
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... vii
Acronyms ..................................................................................................................................... viii
Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................................... ix
1. Introduction................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem Statement ................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Objective of the Study .......................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Significance of the study....................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Scope and limitations of the study ........................................................................................ 7
1.6 Organization of the study...................................................................................................... 7
2. Literature review ......................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 General Background of Agricultural Insurance in Mozambique.......................................... 8
2.2 Concepts of Horticulture and Risk Mitigation...................................................................... 8
2.3 Concepts of Agricultural Insurance .................................................................................... 10
2.3.1 Advantages of the index based insurance .................................................................... 12
2.4 Empirical Studies ................................................................................................................ 15
3. Methodology ............................................................................................................................. 17
3.1 Conceptual framework........................................................................................................ 17
3.2 Theoretical Framework ....................................................................................................... 20
3.3 Analytical framework ......................................................................................................... 23
3.3.1 Descriptions of the Study area ..................................................................................... 23
3.3.2 Sampling Method......................................................................................................... 24
3.3.3 Data collection ............................................................................................................. 24
3.3.4 Empirical models ......................................................................................................... 25
3.5 Major assumptions .............................................................................................................. 37
3.6 Data analysis ....................................................................................................................... 38

4. Results and discussion .............................................................................................................. 39
4.1 Socio-economic characteristics of tomato farmers ............................................................. 39
4.1.1 Tomato farmers’ preference for different types of agricultural insurance................... 40
4.1.2 Tomato production in Moamba ................................................................................... 42
4.1.3 Factors affecting tomato production in Moamba......................................................... 44
4.2 Agricultural insurance premium rate .................................................................................. 45
4.3 Factors affecting tomato farmers’ willingness to accept crop insurance ............................ 47
4.4 Willingness to pay for tomato insurance ............................................................................ 51
5. Conclusions and policy implication.......................................................................................... 53
6. References................................................................................................................................. 55
Appendix I: Questionnaire ............................................................................................................ 66
Appendix II: Correlation Matrix ................................................................................................... 68
Appendix III: Probit Model Results............................................................................................ 69
Appendix IV: Marginal effect of Probit Model ............................................................................ 70
Appendix V: Bivariate probit model results ................................................................................. 71
Appendix VI: Marginal effects of bivariate probit model ............................................................ 72
Appendix VII: Estimation of MWTP using probit model ............................................................ 73
Appendix VIII: Estimation of MWTP using bivariate probit model............................................ 74

List of Tables
Table 1: Comparison of indemnity and index based insurance .................................................... 12
Table 2: Bidding structure ............................................................................................................ 31
Table 3: Variable definition and expected signs........................................................................... 35
Table 4: Socio-economic characteristics of tomato farmers......................................................... 40
Table 5: Tomato farmers’ agricultural insurance preference in Moamba ................................... 41
Table 6: Factors affecting tomato production in Moamba............................................................ 45
Table 7: Indemnity and premium rate per hectare for tomatoes farmers in Moamba ................. 47
Table 8: Probit estimates of willingness to pay for tomato insurance ......................................... 49

List of Figures
Figure 1: The holistic approach 18
Figure 2: Location of the study area 24
Figure 3: Distribution of farmers’ preference to different types of tomato insurance 42
Figure 4: Production of tomatoes in Moamba 43
Figure 5: Production of tomatoes in different localities of Moamba district 44

AgDevCo Agricultural Development Corporation
AGRA Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa
AYII Area Yield Index Insurance
BAGC Beira Agricultural Growth Corridor
CDF Cumulative Density Function
CVM Contingent Valuation Method
DB-DC Double Bounded-Dichotomous Choice
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
MPCI Multiple Peril Crop Insurance
MSE Mean Square Error
MWTP Mean Willingness to Pay
MZN Mozambican Metical
OECD Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development
RMA Risk Management Agency
SB-DC Single bounded Bounded-Dichotomous Choice
SUBVP Seemingly Unrelated Bivariate Probit
WTP Willingness to Pay

I would like to express my deepest gratitude for my academic advisor Prof. Dr. Joao Mutondo
for continuous valuable comment, encouragement and patience. His guidance helped me from
the beginning idea of the research topic up to final research result, without him this thesis would
have not been accomplished.

I would like to thank Intra-ACP - Sharing Capacity to Build Capacity for Quality Graduate
Training in Agriculture in African Universities (SHARE) scholarship awarded me with financial
support throughout the academic year. Special thanks are given to Dorcas Loga Okello for great
follow up and immediate response including solving different kind of my issues. Furthermore, I
would like to thank RUFORUM and Eduardo Mondlane University which provided me financial
support for this thesis.

My gratitude also goes to Haramaya University, particularly Dr. Lisanework Nigatu for
facilitating the scholarship award. I would like to thank to one and all, who directly or indirectly
supported me.

Lastly but not list I would like to express my deep gratitude to my family and in particular my
mother; Mulu Yimenu and my brother Addisu Metaferia and also Dr. Admasu Abebe and Dr.
Yonas Hailu for your great support and encouragement.

1. Introduction
1.1 Background
Agriculture is a cornerstone for the development of Mozambique as the sector employs nearly
70% of the active population and contributed with 31.9% to the country’s GDP in 2012 (Hamela
and Manhicane, 2013). Among the crops produced in Mozambique, horticulture is one of the
important cash crop as it is mainly produced for comercialization. Mozambique’s horticulture
sector has been dominated by small-scale farmers who constitute around 99% of the sector and
produce about 83% of the total production area (Schelling, 2014; Hamela and Manhicane, 2013).

Most agricultural production and business activities are exposed to risk and uncertainty due to
climate, pests, diseases and market situations which are beyond the capacity of smallholder
farmers. For example, Mozambique is ranked third among African countries most vulnerable to
weather-related hazards. According to UNISDR (2009) about 48% of the population in
Mozambique has been currently affected by either drought or flood. These factors have a great
impact on crop yield and price variability which alters farmers’ income adversely. Due to these
factors food insecurity persists in Mozambique.

Food insecurity has the potential to contribute towards instability in on-farm income due to
agricultural risks such as climatic factors. Agricultural risk is a situation related to negative
outcomes through biological, climatic and price variability (World Bank, 2005). Agricultural risk
not only affects farmers, but the whole agribusiness value chain. Different participants along the
supply chain such as producers, processors and consumers are subject to these risks. Although
the agricultural sector greatly influences the performance of agriculture business, most
smallholder farmers in developing countries like Mozambique lack the resources to absorb
shocks resulting from natural and manmade factors (Danso-Abbeam, 2014). In order to mitigate
risk, poor farmers commonly adopt self-insurance and informal measures and avoid investing in
potentially profitable activities (Kwadzo, Kuwornu and Amadu, 2013).

Although agricultural production risk cannot be avoided, it can be minimized through different
production management methods. Agricultural risk management mostly relies on a combination
of technical and financial tools which enable producers to deal with the multiple sources of
agricultural risk. One way of minimizing risk in agriculture is transferring some or all of the risks
to a third party through an insurance contract (Rahman, 2012). Crop insurance can serve as either
a social or financial device in risk management (Akyoo, Temu, and Hella 2013). In addition,
Hess (2003) mentioned that crop insurance can be an essential alternative management tool for
agricultural producers to handle production risk.

According to Arias and Reis (2013), agricultural insurance is a tool to manage farming
production risk and improve the allocation of production resources. The most well-known types
of agricultural insurance are: single-risk insurance; combined insurance (MPCI); yield insurance;
price insurance; revenue insurance; whole farm insurance; income insurance and index insurance
(Rahman, 2012). Currently, researchers and practitioners have developed a demand for
alternative agricultural insurance approaches based on indices (Makaudze and Miranda, 2009).
The area yield index insurance (AYII) is a sub branch of index insurance where the indemnity
payout is based on the actual average yield of an insured unit at district level, not on actual yield
of an individual farm.

Indemnity is paid for beneficiaries when the realized area average yield is less than the critical
yield which is defined in the insurance contract (Carter, Galarza and Boucher, 2007). The main
advantage of AYII over other types of insurance is that it promotes competition among
producers; encourages beneficiaries to take measures for unsystematic risk; avoids the problems
of moral hazard and adverse selection and no assessment losses are required at the individual
level. Generally, the indemnity process is quick and inexpensive to administer. Moreover, the
design of the product reduces the administration and operational expenses (Ali, 2013 and Deng
et al., 2005). Therefore, the study explores farmers’ WTP for AYII.

Currently, the contingent valuation method (CVM) is widely implemented by economists to

analyze environmental goods as an alternative method through the hypothetical market. For

instance, Sun and Zhong (2009) and Zeng at el. (2009) employed CVM to analyze farmers’
willingness to pay (WTP) for agricultural insurance. This method has been used by many
researchers to find out average WTP for some environmental policy initiatives. Since
agricultural policy insurance has no market value, it shares key elements with environmental
goods. This valuation method has a potential to generate precise values of nonmarket goods
(Yadav et al, 2012). To remain in the spirit of previous studies, this study estimates willing to
pay for tomato insurance using the contingent valuation method (CVM).

1.2 Problem Statement

Mozambique has the potential to develop globally competitive agricultural production for both
smallholder and large-scale commercial farms (Hamela and Manhicane, 2013). It has around 36
million hectares of arable land, of which approximately 10% is under cultivation by smallholder
farmers which accounts for 97% (FAO, 2007). However, agricultural productivity remains low
in the country. For instance, crop productivity of Mozambique was between 50-80% smaller than
the world average (Guanziroli, 2011).

The low productivity of the agricultural sector in Mozambique has been behind the high poverty
rates faced by the country. It is necessary to note that more than 70% of the poor households live
in rural areas and depend on this sector as source of food and income (IFAD, 2014). Low
agricultural productivity has been attributed to a number of factors such as limited use of
agricultural inputs like high yielding seed varieties, shortage of information which may be
related to price and lack of agricultural insurance; low access to credit because of absence of
sufficient collateral; animal disease, and natural calamities (mainly floods and drought), low on-
farm income and others (Donovan and Tostão, 2010; OCED, 2012).

The low on-farm income of smallholder farmers is a crucial problem for agricultural
productivity, as it influences the use of agricultural technology such as improved seeds, fertilizer
and modern irrigation. According to IFAD (2014), the majority of the rural population in
Mozambique is living under US$1.25 per day. In turn, Mozambique remains a food insecure

country. In rural areas of Mozambique, mainly poorer smallholder farmers are facing
unavailability of staple foods (Trefinal, 2010).

Access to credit for developing countries, particularly Mozambique, could speed up the adoption
of new technology, which would motivate agricultural production through increased farm output
and improved rural income distribution (Klein et al., 1999; Lapenu, 2000). However, in rural
areas of Mozambique both savings and credit facilities are largely absent, especially for
smallholder farmers. Only 2.9% of rural households have an access to credit (Coughlin, 2006).
This indicates that the majority of farmers in this sector face limitations in terms of access to
credit (Trefinal, 2010). For instance, among key constraints for access to credit, shortage of
collateral assets and lack of informational in credit markets are the main ones (Baliamoune-Lutz,
Brixiová and Ndikumana, 2011).

Beside on-farm income and credit, agricultural insurance can be an important technique to
mitigate agricultural risk related to natural calamities by acting as collateral and facilitating
technology transfer, which increases productivity of the agricultural sector. According to
Poulton, Kydd, Wiggins and Dorward (2006), provision of insurance schemes to smallholder
farmers helps to cover risk in case of drought or flood and other factors. Due to the importance
of agricultural insurance in production risk mitigation, Beira Agricultural Growth Corridor
(BAGC) launched in Mozambique the first index-based weather micro-insurance product for
farmers to protect farmers against drought in 2012. However, weather index insurance has been
criticized suggesting area yield index insurance as an alternative method. This is because the
country only has 113 stations in 69 districts, while 73 districts are lacking weather stations
(Mortgat, 2012; GFDRR, 2012).

Introducing AYII for tomato and other agricultural products helps to improve production and
stabilize on-farm income of farmers which leads to improved food security. The sustainability of
the launched index-based weather micro-insurance depends on the existence of agricultural
insurance providers as well as farmers’ willingness to pay for insurance. Moreover, insurance
providers need to know what the amount of premium rate to be paid by the farmers would be

sustainable for their business. This calls for the calculation of the premium rate to be applied to
agricultural insurance. However, since agricultural insurance is new in Mozambique, there is no
study that has calculated premium rates to be applied in agricultural insurance.

Additionally, as indicated above the existence of an appropriate premium rate does not guarantee
the sustainability of the agricultural insurance since it is not known if the producers will be
willing to pay for the proposed premium rate. This raises a need of estimating producer’s WTP
for agricultural insurance. The willingness to pay for agricultural insurance may vary among
producers due to different household and individual characteristics such as age, educational level
and gender of household head; access to extension service and on-farm income (Falola, Eyitayo
and Olasunkanmi, 2013). However, this information is not readily available in Mozambique.
Therefore, this study is motivated to analyze factors affecting farmers’ decision to take
agricultural insurance for the case of tomato using a double bounded dichotomies format.

In the double bounded dichotomies choice method, there are two bid responses to be answered
by the respondents. In the first bid, the farmers are asked whether they are willing to pay for
tomato insurance costing a certain amount (bid 1). Farmers whose response is yes for initial bid
were asked their willingness to pay for follow up bid (bid2), which is higher than initial bid
amount (bid1). While for those farmers who refuse to pay for initial bid also were asked the
follow up bid (bid2) which is smaller than the initial bid amount (bid1). The probability of
accepting the first bid amount is analyzed using probit model. However, the follow up bid which
is dependent on the initial bid cannot be analyzed using probit model if there is correlation
between the initial and follow up bid. Therefore, bivariate probit model is used to analyze the
two probability of response since they have some relation. This approach has not yet been
applied in Mozambique in tomato insurance context. If the farmer states yes, he/she will be
asked if he/she is willing to pay for insurance costing a certain amount which is higher than the
first bid (bid 2).

Similarly, farmers who are not willing to pay for tomato insurance costing the value of bid 1 will
be asked their willingness to pay for insurance costing an amount which is less than bid 1 (bid 2).
Modeling the first bid is straight forward as it is dichotomous choice, which can be modeled
using probit model. However, dichotomous choice model cannot be used to model jointly the
first and the second bid. Therefore, the study uses the bivariate probit model, which is an
improvement of probit model, which has not yet been applied in Mozambican agricultural
insurance context. In general the double bound dichotomies choice in CVM is asymptotically
more efficient than the single bound model (Hanemann et al., 1991). Finally, using the two
models the study attempts to answer the following four key questions

Which types of agricultural insurance are most preferred by farmers?

What type of risk behavior do tomato farmers have in the study area?
How much are producers willing to pay for tomato insurance?
What are the factors influencing tomato farmers’ willingness to take insurance?

1.3 Objective of the Study

Taking into account the above key research questions the general objective of the study is to
evaluate the willingness of tomato farmers to pay for tomato insurance. The specific objectives
Assess farmers’ preference to different types of crop insurance
To estimate the premium rate for tomato insurance
To examine factors influencing the tomato farmers’ willingness to take insurance
To estimate producers’ willingness to pay for tomato insurance

1.4 Significance of the study

This study generates new empirical evidencesby estimatingthe appropriate premium rate and the
willingness to pay for tomato insurance for tomato farmers in Moamba district, Mozambique.
Therefore, it provides an input for insurance providers, policy makers, government and non-
government organization and also researchers. Moreover, the study also helps to improve the

farmers’ understanding of the different types of agricultural insurance and reveal the factors
affecting the decision of taking tomato insurance.

1.5 Scope and limitations of the study

The concept of horticultural insurance is a broad idea and should consider all types of crops, for
instance potato, onion, green bean. However the study is focused on only on tomato production
because there is potential production of tomatoes in the study area. In addition, the study is
conducted only in Moamba. However, including other districts would provide wider data.
Moreover, the premium rate estimated using tomato yield of Moamba district might not be
representative as the yield of tomato may vary for different localities which are based on
biophysical conditions such as types of soil; farming practice; climate; and socio-economic
behavior and among others. Therefore, if premium rates are estimated for each localities rather
than district level would more reflect the premium cost for farmers in the localities.

In this study, due to absence of data, premium rate is estimated using annual data on tomato
yield. However, it would be better to use seasonal tomato yield since agricultural productions
and costs and mainly for tomato vary drastically for different season.The sample size is also
constrained by study location, time and financial concerns, which would state the true population
if the sample size were increased.

1.6 Organization of the study

The study has been divided in five main chapters. Introduction is presented in chapter one that
includes the background of the study, statements of the problem, objectives of the study, scope
and limitations of the study. The next chapter presents the literature review section which
includes theoretical and empirical studies and other important concepts and ideas. Following
that, the methodology section discusses the area of study, type and sources of data collection and
also data analysis. Then, the results and discussion are also presented in chapter 4. Lastly the
conclusion and policy implications section are presented in chapter 5.

2. Literature review
2.1 General Background of Agricultural Insurance in Mozambique
Although the agricultural insurance market is at emerging stage of development, it is has been
initiated in Mozambique. In 2011, only one domestic insurer was offered the service although
other domestic insurers showed their interest in entering to this market (GFDRR, 2012). The
depressing thing is that the agricultural insurance is designed for commercial-scale operations
though majority of agricultural producers are smallholder farmers.

Beira Agricultural Growth Corridor (BAGC) launched on December 2012 the first index-based
weather micro-insurance product for farmers in the Chimoio region of Manica Province,
Mozambique from AgDevCo (Agricultural Development Corporation) fund. The weather index
insurance connected to the farmer’s input financing and intended to provide protection against
“midseason” drought. Under the program, farmers have been received inputs and access to
mechanization services and land among other resources. Moreover, the farmers obtained
technical support from local commercial farmers and also guaranteed market for their production
of maize, soya, beans and sesame. However, when the cost of weather index was challenged, the
implementers minimized it as the farmers could afford the insurance premium because they are
free from charge of interest on the finance, inputs and other services (Chris, 2012).

The Government of Mozambique has taken a few steps in assisting agricultural insurance to be
provided by private organizations. For instance, both government and AGRA (Alliance for a
Green Revolution in Africa) facilitated agricultural loans for small-scale farmers by facilitating
credit from Standard Bank (AGRA, 2012). In conclusion, agricultural insurance in Mozambique
is at initial stage covering few farmers though it has a promising market.

2.2 Concepts of Horticulture and Risk Mitigation

The term horticulture is derived from Latin word hortus mean “garden” and coletre meaning “to
cultivate” that refers to the culture of a garden plant. It is an intensive practice of cultivating
fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, herbs and other high value of perishable crops (Pittenger, 2002).

Horticulture is a branch of agriculture that involves only plant cultivation. Agriculture by nature
is vulnerable for different type of risk. Many scholars identified different classifications of
production risk management strategies to mitigate agricultural risk, for instance Eidman (1990);
Miller (2004); Bielza (2009) and Crane (2013) are among well-known researchers.

Eidman (1990) identified four methods of risk management. These methods are production
responses including diversification, using of low risk input, more information and regular
management; marketing responses consisting in applying goods and services with low price
risk; forward contracting, hedging and market information; financial response including holding
assets, insurance and maintaining liquidity, investments and withdrawals; as well as public
methods related to government program and services. Similarly, Miller (2004) classified
agricultural risk management in four groups. These are financial strategies, marketing strategies,
production strategies and insurance. The only difference from the above classification is that
insurance is categorized independently while in Eidman classification public method is added as
separately and insurance is merged with financial strategies.

Crane (2013) discussed three effective agricultural production risk management strategies. These
are controlling risk; reduce production variability and transferring production risk. Controlling
risk is implemented through applying preventive techniques such as irrigation and on time
operations. Next, production variability is reduced through practicing crop diversification,
integration and new technology. Lastly, transferring production risk to the third party is also a
risk management strategy which is implemented through contracting and purchasing insurance.
Bielza (2009) classified agricultural risk management tools in two categories as on-farm strategy
and risk sharing strategy. On-farm strategies include diversification, vertical integration while
risk sharing strategies include insurance and production and hedging contracts. As discussed
above, almost all classifications witnessed that agricultural insurance is one of the most
important production risk mitigation techniques.

2.3 Concepts of Agricultural Insurance
Insurance is an arrangement by which an institution undertakes to provide a guarantee for an
unfavorable event in return for payment of specific premium. Agricultural insurance is a special
property type of insurance applied in agricultural production as a financial tool to transfer
production risk related to farming through third party (Rahman, 2012). It is an essential tool for
agricultural risk management from antagonistic natural events. The most well- known types of
agricultural insurance are identified by different scholars. For instance Iturrioz (2009)
categorized agricultural insurance as being indemnity based, index-based and crop revenue
insurance. Rahman, (2012) divided agricultural insurance in single-risk insurance, combined
(Peril) insurance, yield insurance, price insurance, revenue insurance, whole farm insurance,
income insurance and index insurance. Goo (2007) classified agricultural insurance in revenue
insurance, price insurance, whole insurance and index based insurance. World Bank (2011)
classified indemnity-based insurance and index insurance and Yusuf (2010) classified
agricultural insurance into multiple peril crop insurance (MPCI), named peril, rainfall index,
livestock and aquaculture insurance, index-based insurance products and input-based insurance

Indemnity based insurance evaluate claim payment based on the actual loss incurred by the
insurance holder. This type of insurance has two sub classes which are named peril and multiple
peril agricultural insurance. The single peril (damage based) provides indemnity against adverse
events based on the crop damage explicitly listed in the insurance policy. The multiple peril
crops insurance (MPCI) is applied against all perils that affect production. Similarly, Goo (2007)
categorized single peril insurance and multi-peril insurance as traditional yield insurance
products. The traditional yield insurance products have many problems such as correlation of
crop insurance, asymmetric information, adverse selection and moral hazard. Reducing the
chance of these problems through risk inspections, enforcing sales deadlines and overall
monitoring of the insured producers makes it unattractive to the small producers (Carter,
Galarzaand Boucher, 2007; Goo, 2007; Iturrioz, 2009).

Index-based insurance is a tool to manage agricultural risk related to adverse climatic events
(Bryla and Syrok, 2007 and World Bank, 2009). The indemnity payment is calculated based on
pre-specified patterns of the index using the district average yield, not on actual yields of the
farmer (Bryla and Syrok, 2007). Among different sub branch of Index insurances, the area yield
index insurance and weather index are the most recognized (Goo, 2007; Iturrioz, 2009). Area
yield index insurance provides payout when average area yield in a pre-specified hectare falls
below a certain level (Goo, 2007). The insurance contract defines an area “insured unit”. The
insurer makes an index using the guaranteed yield for the insured unit (Iturrioz, 2009).

Since the AYII contract is based on yield in a specified area, it fosters the competition among
producers and encourages farmers to take actions. As the area becomes similar in terms of types
of soil texture, altitudes, production practice and other socio-economic characteristics, the area
yield index insurance is enable to mitigate individual’ farming risks. One of the shortcomings of
AYII is differences on biophysical conditions within the districts as it might affect differently
crop yield. For example, farmers who farm in marginal land will tend to have lower yield
compared to those farming in fertile land; however the low producing farmers do not receive
compensation for their lose as the insurance is based on district level yield.

Weather index insurance is an agricultural insurance that is designed for climate variation
experiences, such as rainfall or temperature (Iturrioz, 2009). The indemnity is based on the
realizations of a specific weather parameter measured over a pre specified period of time at a
particular weather station (World Bank, 2011). Similar to AYII, this type of insurance avoids the
problems of moral hazard and adverse selection, it does not require an assessment of losses at the
individual level and is also characterized by quick indemnity process and inexpensive to
administer. However, due to some constrains both sides of insurers and insured parties, weather
index insurance is not largely implemented and it can be expensive and onerous in terms of
collecting data and construct the appropriate indexes.

In conclusion, many scholars classified different types of agricultural insurance but indemnity
based and index insurance is the main umbrella for different sub division of insurance. Indemnity
based insurance payment is based on the actual yield of policy holder while index insurance
payment is on county / district yield. Indemnity based insurance has numerous weakness for both
sides (insurance providers and policy holders) such as moral hazards, adverse selection,
asymmetric information and high administration costs. Since index insurance payments is based
on county yield, there is no need to verify and conduct the actual individual farmer’s yield for the
beneficiaries at the farm level and avoids moral hazard and adverse selection. However, failures
in implementing correctly the index insurance mostly comes from basis risk. To minimize these
problems the index insurance should be applied for situations which have homogeneous
agricultural production level and soil type. Table 1 below summarizes the main features of the
indemnity based and index based insurance.

Table 1: Comparison of indemnity and index based insurance

Indemnity based insurance Index based insurance
Losses assessment calculated based on Losses assessment calculated using measure of
individual farmer an index
Crop Insurance Product examples: Crop Insurance Product examples:
Damage‐based products includes named‐peril Area yield‐based index insurance
insurance and hail insurance Weather index‐based insurance
Yield‐based products – includes MCPI yield Rainfall index insurance
and crop revenue insurance Vegetation indices

2.3.1 Advantages of the index based insurance

Implementing index insurance as an alternative loss determination is not a new idea. Indian
scholars were writing about the advantages of the index insurance in the early 1900s
(Chakravarti, 1920). The theory of area yield insurance was first proposed by Harold Halcrow in
1948 (Miranda, 1991). Following this, Barnaby and Skees (1990) described how an area yield
contract might exercise and the potential advantages over the existing crop insurance contracts

(Miranda, 1991; Skees, Black and Barnett, 1997). After forty years, the feasibility of an area
yield insurance contract was tested in the United States as a pilot crop insurance program which
referred as Group Risk Plan (GRP) based on the county level yield data rather than individual
yield data (Skees, Black and Barnett, 1997).

In recent years, discussions about index-based insurance products have been increasing (Deng et
al., 2006). It also allows very timely automatic settlements, which is crucial for effective
improvements of farmer’s welfare beside encouraging adaptation to climate (Antón, 2012). The
effectiveness of index based insurance depends on the homogeneity in farm production, cropping
practice and technology and husbandry (Bielza, 2009; World Bank, 2009; Antón, 2012). For
instance, South Georgia studies evaluated risk reduction performance of cotton products using
index insurance, however the result showed that none of the index insurance products provided
risk protection comparable to the MPCI policy (Deng et al., 2006), as the regions were
characterized by heterogeneity in production factors such as soil quality and drainage.

Area yield index insurance (AYII) is an example of an index-based insurance product which is
less susceptible to various problems than traditional MPCI (Deng et al., 2006; World Bank,
2009). Area yield index insurance pays indemnities using the area yield of county. For instance,
it minimizes moral hazard, anti-selection and asymmetric information problem which is common
for other types of crop insurance (Deng et al., 2006; Bryla and Syrok, 2007; World Bank, 2009).
Furthermore, it eliminates the need to visit farmers and reduce the costs of administration and
transactions that enables the market to provide it at lower premium cost to the small farmers
(Bryla and Syrok, 2007 ; World Bank, 2009). In general, the cost of AYII is much smaller than
individual yield insurance and speed up the claim settlement.

Index insurance is more attractive in developing countries because it reduces the cost of
supervision (World Bank, 2005). The pilot programs conducted in several developing countries
have proven the feasibility and affordability of index insurance (Bryla and Syrok, 2007). For
instance, index crop insurance in Senegal is promoting access to agricultural inputs for

smallholder farmers (World Bank, 2009). Area-based yield insurance has the potential to crowd-
in both demand for and supply of credit.

The World Bank, developing countries and donor communities fail to provide an effective safety
net for the poor smallholder farmers either due to unbalanced and untimed or created dependency
(World Bank, 2005). Similarly, in Mozambique the current system of funding for ex-ante
disaster has been improved, however, there is a problem related to delays in mobilization of
donor funds and redistribution of budget (GFDRR, 2012). Index insurance products effectively
address the challenges of ex-ante financing of highly correlated loss and high transaction costs
(World Bank, 2005).

Weather index-based insurance needs densely spaced weather stations for implementation.
However, Mozambique has only 113 stations in 69 districts, while 73 districts are lacking
weather stations (Mortgat, 2012). In the case of many developing countries, particularly
Mozambique faces similar challenges on weather time serious data for each district. Due to this
challenge, it is difficult to implement weather index based insurance. On the other hand, data for
agricultural yields are available through four main sources: TIA (Trabalho do Inquérito
Agricola); the CAP (Agricultural and Livestock Census); AP (Aviso Prévio, early warning
system); and data produced by commodity institutes (GFDRR, 2012). However, currently AYII
is not under consideration by Mozambique government.

In contrast, a few scholars have made the argument that area yield index insurance is not
effective in managing agricultural risk compared to weather index based insurance though their
suggestions are mostly based on the failed pilot area-yield crop insurance scheme in India. On
reflection, the area-yield crop insurance scheme in India had many weaknesses such as; the
product attempted to cover the whole range of risks related to crops, the product was tied to the
crop loan given by the rural public sector banking system; the extent of sum insured was linked
to the loan size; claims assessment for loss adjustment was required which costs a huge
expenditure; costly administration; claim settlement process took a long time up to two years;

the financial performance was unrealistic, and the program’s benefit was not distributed
equitably (Pomme, 2007).

Moreover,the failure of area yield index insurance markets may be costs related to the novelty of
the product; shortage of reliable, long-term data on area yields for insurance provider and costs
of marketing the product, especially to the smallholder sector (Carter, Galarza and Boucher,
2007). The failures of index based insurance might result from heterogeneity between county
yield and individual farm yield farm production (Bielza, 2009; World Bank, 2009; Antón, 2012).

In conclusion, area yield index insurance is a very new product which was known as group risk
plan in the United State insurance pilot program previously. AYII is an example of index
insurance. Currently, AYII is practiced by many developing countries due to many advantages
such as low administration costs, avoidance of moral hazards and adverse selection. Moreover, it
supports government and smallholders effectively in addressing disaster response. However the
success of this type of insurance is based on the homogeneity nature in production, soil,
technology and farming practice. AYII is relatively less vulnerable for different kind of problem
than other types of insurance like the traditional insurance.

2.4 Empirical Studies

Danso-Abbeam, Nyarko and Ehiakpor (2014) used independent double-hurdle model to
determine willingness to pay for farm insurance to smallholder cocoa farmers in Ghana. The
study found that marital status, educational attainment, farm land ownership, farmer’s awareness
of insurance scheme and income of cocoa farm were factors significantly influencing farmers
willing to pay for premium insurance. Olila (2014) employed a binomial logit model to assess
factors affecting awareness about crop insurance product in Kenya. The study found that gender,
education and income of the farmer were significantly factors affecting farmer’s awareness.
Likewise, Myyrä (2014) used a choice experiment to evaluate the willingness of farmers to buy
crop insurance in Finland. The result revealed that the median WTP for crop insurance was €3.8
per hectare per year.

Ali (2013) used propensity score matching to examine farmers’ willingness to pay for Index
Based Crop Insurance in the rain-fed areas of Pakistan. The empirical result indicated that
farmers’ economic status, household assets and membership of community organizations are the
important determinants for willingness to pay for higher insurance premium. Santeramo (2013)
used the probit model to investigate the Italian crop insurance market. The study showed that
irrigation and crop diversification are substitutes for crop insurance. High premium and loss
ratios tend to inhibit entry and exit from the insurance market.

Moreover, Falola, Eyitayo and Olasunkanmi (2013) used probit regression model to examine
willingness to take agricultural insurance for cocoa farmers in Nigeria. The study revealed that
age of household head, educational level, access to extension service and farm income were
significant variable in influencing willingness to take agricultural insurance by the farmers.
Regarding insurance awareness, Kumar et al. (2011) used Probit and Tobit models to analyze
farmers’ willingness to adopt crop insurance. The result revealed that cropped area, off farm-
income, occurrence of agriculture risk, number of family members working in the farm, premium
rate and affordability of the insurance premium amount influenced farmers’ willingness to adopt
crop insurance as well as the premium rate paid by farmers.

Velandia (2009) used multivariate and multinomial probit approaches to analyze factors
affecting the adoption of crop insurance. The study found that farm size, off-farm income,
education, age, and level of business risk are significant factors affecting the adoption of the risk
management tools. Furthermore, Vandeveer (2000) showed that litchi producers in northern
Vietnam preferred coverage which has higher yield guarantee levels and lower indemnity prices.
Farmers who perceived greater yield risk were more likely to insure their crops. However,
farmers who perceived relatively higher expected yields or prices were less likely to insure
(Goodwin and Kastens, 1993; Fraser, 1992).

3. Methodology
3.1 Conceptual framework
Agricultural production is subjected to risk and uncertainty. Almost all farm production decision
is usually associated with multiple outcomes with different known and unknown probabilities.
Many events in agricultural production have been taking place either under systematic or
unsystematic risk. The unsystematic risk is a negative event, which occurs on only an individual
farm and it can be controlled by the producer if the farmer practices technical farm management
for instance controlling pest and disease. Systematic risk is an event which is unknown and
affects the whole agricultural production. It is beyond the control of the agricultural producer for
instance weather and market condition. In this circumstance, the agricultural producer has to
manage the agricultural risk as part of whole management of the agricultural production and

Agricultural risk does not only affect the farmers but also the whole agribusiness activities. It is
an interrelated “system” among markets, government and farmers actions in their risk mitigation
strategies. Therefore, agricultural risk management strategies are all interdependent rather than
implementing strategies by individual actors like government, market and farmers decision.

Agricultural risk management can be analyzed using two approaches: (i) linear approach and (ii)
holistic approach. The linear approach assumes that there is a linear relationship between the
elements such that farming risk has direct relationship with farmers’ strategies and farmers’
strategies have direct relationship with government policies. However, in reality, these three
linkages do not have always uniform direction since agriculture depends on nature.

In the holistic approach, it accounts the whole set of the elements in risk management of
agriculture rather than single direction. This study applied the conceptual framework of
agricultural risk management system from (OECD, 2001; Antón, 2008) which is the holistic
approach. A risk management system encompasses different sources of risk, management

strategies and tools that are accessible by the farmers and government actions. Figure 2 presents
the summary of holistic approach for studying risk

-Financial strategies
-Onfarm startegies
- Market strategies

Government Policy Farming Risk

-Macroeconomic policies -Markate risk , -
-Disaster prevention Production risk
-Tax system -Financial risk -
-Agricultural support Institutional/ /legal risk

Source: Adapted from (OECD, 2001 and Antón, 2008)

Figure 1: The holistic approach

Farmers’ strategies
Agricultural producers take actions to manage farm risk in order to improve their production and
welfare. Farmers apply financial strategies to ensure appropriate liquidity in case of a hazardous
event that may negatively affect their farming production and welfare. Farmers also implement
on-farm strategies that include crop diversification, off-farm income vertical integration and
others. Different types of risk may generate different types of market and production solutions.
For instance, production risk mainly resulted from adverse weather such as flood, drought tends

to be managed through crop insurance, while price risk resulted from market can be managed
through price insurance and future contract.

Source of risk
Agriculture activities are vulnerable to different source of risk. According to Harwood et al.
(1999) there are five main sources of agricultural risk. (1) Production risks are related with all
undesirable events during production such as floods, droughts, pests and diseases, and any other
hazardous events which affect crop yields. (2) Market risk, which refers to uncertainties linked
with prices of inputs and outputs. (3) Financial risk, which is related to variability of interest
rates or of the value of financial assets, and presence of credit. (4) Institutional risk, which is
related to government action for instance change in policy and regulations that tend to affect
farming production. Finally, environmental risks linked to legal responsibility of agricultural
Government Policy
Government action is important to facilitate agricultural risk management through economic
policy. A good government policy in business and economic environment plays a great role for
the agricultural development through market such as risk pooling and risk sharing and financial
management. Some agricultural support instruments are directly intended to affect the
availability of risk management tools for instance insurance subsidies and safety net programs.
Farmers can be benefited from insurance subsidy which increases farmers’ participation in
insurance programs by reducing the premium cost. Many of these measures interact with other
measures, particularly on-farm strategies and market tools. For instance farmers may substitute
crop diversification with agricultural insurance. Finally, government is responsible for making
laws and regulations which directly affect farming activities such as food-safety, land and others.

In conclusion, under the holistic approach agricultural risk management considers different
source of risk and strategies in the system taken by farmers and government for systematic risk
since it’s beyond the control of the producers. Systematic risk mainly managed by sharing and
pooling the risk to the third party through crop insurance. Therefore, this study also tries to use

agricultural insurance using area yield index insurance for Moamba District since the area is one
of the vulnerable to natural disasters for instance flood.

3.2 Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of this study is based on utility maximization theory. The decision on
whether or not to pay for agricultural insurance depends on the utility that a farmer is expecting
to gain (Norris and Batie, 1987; Pryanishnikov and Katarina, 2003). Therefore, farmers’ decision
whether or not to obtain insurance can be considered as a binary choice. For this case, farmers as
economic agents will make decision regarding the expected utility obtained from having
agricultural insurance. It is important to note that farmers’ utility cannot be directly observed, but
the actions of economic agents (farmers) will be observed through their decision made towards
obtaining tomato insurance which depends on other factors such as income, age, gender,
education level and other factors.

Let us consider an individual who will have an income W under risk free circumstances. If we
consider r as the level of risk, the individual’s income in time of risk will be W – r. An individual
can insure himself/ herself against this risk by paying to an insurance provider a premium α1. If a
loss occurs he/she will be paid α̂2. Without insurance contract an individual income has two
states, ‘’risk free and risk’’ i.e ( , -r) and by having insurance the income is expressed as W-
α1 in case of not having losses and - + α 2 in case of having losses, where α2= α̂2– α1. The
vector α = (α1, α2) describes the insurance contract.

Based on expected utility theorem and an approach proposed by Rothschildand and Stiglitz
(1976) in analyzing demand for insurance contracts, farmer’s preferences for insurance in two
states of nature are possible to be described. An individual demand for insurance is expressed by
purchasing a contract during a change of pattern of income across states of nature. Let W1 denote
individual income in absence of risk, and W 2 an individual income in occurrence of risk. The
utility of individuals under the two states of nature can be described as
( , 1, 2) = (1 − ) ( 1) + ( 2) (1)

where U( ) represents the utility of income and p the probability of occurrence of loss due to risk.
The individual will choose the contracts that maximizes utilities V (p, α). Since he always has an
option of buying or not buying insurance, an individual will purchase a contract, α only if V(p, α)
≥ V(p, 0) = V(p, W, W - r). The study assumes that individuals have the same probability of
experiencing loss due to risk events.
Considering a random utility theory, the farmers’ characteristics (Xi) and farmers’ income (Yi,),
the utility of a farmer i not willing to pay for agricultural insurance as represented by 0, can be
written as
0 = ai0 + b +c + (2)
Where ai0 is a constant; b and c are unknown coefficients; and is the stochastic portion of the
utility. On the other hand, the utility of farmer i willing to pay for agricultural insurance can be
given as
1= a 1+ b +c( − )+ (3)
where WTPi is the amount that farmer i is willing to pay for having insurance.

Following Haab and McConnell (1997), the coefficient c is maintained the same in these two
states to ensure no “money illusion”. An individual farmer i would be willing to pay for
agricultural insurance if the satisfaction that he /she drives from paying agricultural insurance or
not paying is equal, 0 = 1. Therefore, the expression for is given as:
= Z + (4)
where Z is the difference between equation (2) and (3). Assume that a latent variable ∗
indicates the actual WTP by individual farmer I, equation 4 can be written as.
∗ = Z ′ + εi ∗|Z~ ( Z′, 2) (5)
where 2 = ( ∗|Z) is assumed independent on Z, and εi is a mean zero constant variance
error term.
Equation (5) can be estimated using different statistical model such as probit, tobit, bivariate
probit and others limited dependent models.

This study used probit and bivariate probit model because probit model can estimate the
probability of dependent variable while the bivariate probit is an extension of probit model
allowing the estimation of two equation. Moreover, the bivariate probit model assumes
correlation between the probabilities of two dependent variables. Further, the results from
bivariate model can be compared with the results of the probit model to check the efficiency of
the models, since the bivariate probit model is an extension of probit. It is important to note that
other probability models such as Heckman selection and double hurdle model can allow the
estimation of two equations by relaxing correlation between the probabilities of the two
dependent variables at the same time. Due to this limitation as well as by requiring that the
dependent variable of one of the two equations should be continuous variable, the two models
were not used in this study.

The probit model is a statistical probability model having a binary dependent variable in
categorical forms (Liao, 1994). The binary dependent variable Y takes the values of zero and one
representing success (1) or failure (0). The analysis of probit model is based on the cumulative
normal probability distribution. The observations Y must be statistically independent in order to
rule out the serial correlation (Morgan, 2004). The probit model assumes y i variable as an
observable value for 0 and 1 that is determined from the latent variable yi* which is
unobseravabe variable. According to Nagler (1994) the latent variable from equation (5) yi* is
expressed as:
∗= ̀ +
= {1 ∗> 0
, (6)
0 ∗< 0
where ∗ is unobservable latent variable, is a vector of the estimated parameters, ̀ is the
vector of explanatory variables and is the random distribution of error term and is the
observed dependent variable that takes value 1 if the respondent answers yes and 0 otherwise.
The latent variable is unobservable by the researcher and linearly depends on explanatory
variable ̀ . The outcomes of is mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive variable. The
probability for accepting the binary choice using equation (5) and (6) can be written as follow:
( = 1|X ) = Pr( ̀ + > 0) (7)

= 1 − Pr( < − ̀)
= 1 − F (− ̀)
where F represents the cumulative density function of the error term and represents
probabilities. The probit model assumes the error tem is normally distributed within mean zero
and variance. Following the assumption, the probit model is defined as follow:
( = 1 |X ) = 1 − Φ ( ̀) (8)

where Φ represents the standard cumulative density function of normal distribution function.
Also the bivariate probit model can be used to estimate the equation (5). The bivariate probit
model is a statistical model that can be used to analyze categorical binary data (Ratnasari, 2010).
Now a days, this model has been implemented by many statisticians such as Rahman (2014) and
Jiang (2013) due to the flexibility in statistical correlation between the error terms. The bivariate
model estimation has two equations for the two binary dependent variables (Greene, 2003). From
the extension of probit model in equation (5) and (6) bivariate probit model defined as follow:

1 = 1 1 + 1

= {1 1 ∗> 0
0, 1 ∗< 0

2 = 2 2 + 2 (9)

= {1 2 ∗> 0
0, 2 ∗< 0
where 1 and 2 are a vector explanatory variables; 1 and 2 are a vector parameters to be
estimated and 1 and 2 are the error terms that assume normal distribution with mean and non-
zero variance and covariance matrix.

3.3 Analytical framework

3.3.1 Descriptions of the Study area
The study was conducted in Moamba district in Maputo province. Moamba district is located in
the Northern part of Maputo Province and southern region of Mozambique, 75 km from the
capital city of Maputo and it is positioned between parallels 24° 27' and 25°50' South and
meridians 31°59' and 32°37' East. In the North, Moamba district is separated by the Incomati
River, in the South by Boane, Namaacha, Manhica and Marracuene districts and the Western

part by South Africa. The district has a triangle configuration with the North-South direction, a
stretch of 150 km between Panjane next to the Creek and Massintonto Movene, and East-West
direction, a length of 61 km 2 from Sabie. The surface of the district is 4,628 km 2 and the
estimated population is 62,392 inhabitants at the date of 1/1/2005. Figure 1 below show the
geographical localization of Moamba district in Maputo province.

Moamba district

Source: República de Moçambique Ministério da Administração Estatal (2005)

Figure 2: Location of the study area

3.3.2 Sampling Method

The target population of this study are horticultural farmers particularly those producing
tomatoes in Moamba District. There are seventy five (75) tomato farmers producing tomatoes
which are registered by the Moamba District Economic Activities Services. This study
interviewed all farmers registered at Moamba District Economic Activities Services.

3.3.3 Data collection

The study collected primary and secondary sources of data. The primary data was collected from
tomato farmers. Secondary data were collected from the Ministry of Agriculture, the Moamba
District Economic Activities Services along with other relevant published and unpublished
documents. The survey was carried out from July 15 up to August 10 2015. A pre-tested
questionnaire was administered through face-to-face interviews. The face to face interview was

given priority over other survey methods such as mail and telephone interviews among others
because of inconsistent use of mobile phones and internet among farmers in the region.

Moreover, a face-to face interview has the merit of enabling further clarification of the questions
by the interviewers (Bateman et al., 2002). The data collection concerned only tomato farmers.
The study used three main parts of the survey questionnaire (Appendix 1) to collect primary data.
The first part of the questionnaire includes socio-economic characteristics of tomato farmers, for
example, gender, age and income. The second part of the questionnaire captured information on
risk management strategies used by tomato farmers, willingness to pay (WTP) for tomato
insurance, preference for different type of agricultural insurance and farmer’s risk behavior. This
information was used to estimate willingness to pay for tomato insurance. The last part of the
questionnaire gathered information on factors affecting tomato farmers to take tomato insurance.

3.3.4 Empirical models rate estimation
Currently, index insurance has been widely proposed and implemented by many developing
countries for several reasons such as it overcome moral hazards and adverse selection, low
administration and transaction costs; low assessment cost and easy administration (Smith,
2009). Therefore, this study implements area yield index insurance method to estimate premium
Various authors have been using different methodologies to estimate agricultural insurance
premium rate. For example, Miranda (1991) and Smith, Chouinard, and Baquet (1994) calculated
indemnity payments to obtain premium rate by calculating the difference between critical yield
and actual county yield and multiply with different percentage level of scale. Scale is a variable
that allows the beneficiary to increase or decrease the amount of yield protection per hectare
(Barrent, 2005).This procedure implies that all insurance holders have the same level of choice
with regard to the amount of yield protection per hectare. On the other hand, Skees et al. (1997)
takes into account that different beneficiaries have different choices about the amount of
protection of yield coverage during the calculation of premium rates. Therefore, this study

follows the methodology proposed by Skees et al. (1997) to calculate the tomato insurance
premium rate. It starts by calculating the critical yield as shown in equation (10) below:

c = +1 ∗ Cov (10)
where Yc is the critical yield which is a product of county yield by percentage of coverage, +1

isthe forecasted yield per hectare determined by insurance provider and Cov is a percentage of
yield protection covered by the insurance provider. According to Greene (2000), Deng (2006)
and Miranda and Fackler (2002) the optimal percentage scale and coverage were determined
using Broyden-Fletcher- Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm for the index insurance products within the
following intervals: (i) 70% ≤ coverage ≤ 90% and (ii) 90% ≤ scale ≤ 150%. Following past
studies, this study established five different coverage rates: 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% with
scales 90% and 100%. Forecasted yield was calculated using 7 years’ time series tomato
production which was collected at Moamba District Economic Activities Service. It is important
to note that yield may increase or decrease over time for different reasons such as natural and
human factors. Therefore, exponential smoothing is used to address the yield variation for the
data. The forecasted tomato yield is calculated as follows:
+1 = + (1 − ) (11)
where, +1 and are forecasted yields per hectare for years t+1 and t, respectively, is actual
yield for year t and α is the smoothing constant, which lies between 0 and 1.
The smoothing constant is calculated using Excel Solver by minimizing mean square error
(MSE) through changing α until it acquires a minimum squire error. After the determination of
critical yield, the insured will receives an indemnity payment (indem) whenever the actual
county yield is below the critical yield. The indemnity is calculated as the percentage of shortfall
yield per hectare as follows:

= [( Y c − ) ( +1 )(scale), 0] (12)

All variables are defined and calculated as described above. Finally, the expected premium rate
(EPR) is calculated by dividing total indemnity payments (Indem) by the total numbers of
examined years as given below:
EPR = ⁄ (13)

26 Probit model
The binary dependent variable takes the values zero and one for no and yes, respectively
for single bounded dichotomies choice (SBDC). In other word the for tomato insurance
using SBDC is intended to an individual to answers yes if the WTP is greater than the initial
1 and no if the WTP is less than the initial 1 . By plugging to the dependent
variable of , from equation (5) and (6) is expressed as follows :
= {1 ∗> 1 (14)
0, ∗< 1

where ∗ is a latent variable which is unobservable willingness to pay for tomato insurance
by the researcher and linearly depends on explanatory variable ́ . The amount of tomato
insurance would be willing to pay by the farmers is unknown in the side of the researcher which
may depend on off-farm income, access to extension and others variables. The probability for
accepting the premium bid amount using equation (7) written as follow:
( = 1|X ) = Pr( ́ + > 1 ) (15)
By rearranging equation (12)
( = 1 |X ) = P r ( > − ́ + 1 )
1 − Pr( < − ́ + ) = 1 − Φ (− ̀ + 1 ) (16)

Due to the reason of symmetry in the normal probability distribution, the equation defined as:
( = 1 |X ) = Φ ( ̀ − 1 ) (17)

The is the vector of the estimated parameter and is the vector of explanatory variables which
are discussed in the section 4.3 (Variable Definition and Working Hypothesis) Bivariate probit model

In bivariate probit model, an individual is asked a follow up bid question after the first bid
response that s/he might respond different answer from the initial bid using DBDC. The bivariate
model allows capturing the initial and following up bid response which may have some relation
between these two responses. Therefore, bivariate probit model simultaneously models two WTP

equations by considering that they have correlation with jointly distributed normal error terms
(Asim and Lohano, 2014). The bivariate probit equation is defined using equation (9)
+ 1 , 1 = {1 if ∗> 1
1 = 0 if ∗< 1

+ 2 , 2 = { 1 if ∗> 2
2 = 0 if
2 ∗< 2

Where 1 and 2 are the observed dependent variable for obtaining initial bid and follow
up bid respectively; and xj are vectors of explanatory variables; and are the vectors of
parameters tobe estimated, i=1, 2…n and j=1, 2 …n and and are the error terms that assume
normal distribution.Following the above assumption, the general bivariate probit model is
presented as;

ɛ1 ɛ2
( 1 = 1, 2 = 1) = ∫ ∫ ( 1 1 , 2 2 , ) ɛ 1 ɛ2 (19)
−∞ −∞
= 2( 1 1 , 2 2 , ) ɛ1 ɛ2
where 2 represents a bivariate normal distribution.
The estimation of the coefficient for the above equation can be done using maximum likelihood
estimation method.
The study denotes the initial bid amount (Bid1) and the follow up bid amount (Bid2). For instance,
if the respondent answers ‘’yes’’ for Bid1, and s/he answers “yes” for the follow up bid then s/he
will receives an upper follow-up bid (bid2). If s/he answers ‘’no’’ for the initial bid, and answer
“yes” for the follow up bid then s/he will receives a lower bid and vice versa. In general, for the
initial and follow up bid, the respondent have four possible outcomes; yes-yes, no-no, yes-no and
no-yes. The probability of individual response is expressed as;
( , )= nn = ( 1 < 1, 2 < 2) (20)
( , )= yn = ( 1 > 1, 2 < 2) (21)
( , )= ny = ( 1 < 1, 2 > 2) (22)
( , )= yy = ( 1 > 1, 2 > 2) (23)
where nn denotes the probability of “no” for the first and the second bid, yn denotes the
probability of “yes” for the first and “no” for the second bid, ny denotes the probability of no

for the first bid and “yes” for the second bid and yy denotes the probability of “yes” for the
first and the second bid.
Following Haab and McConnell (2002), the general econometric model for the above formulated
double bounded contingent valuation method is given as:
=µ +ɛ (24)
where denotes the ℎ respondent's willingness to pay, and = 1,2 represents the first and
second answers. The symbol ofµ1andµ2represents mean for the first and second responses. The
probability of observing each of the two bid response are “yes-yes”, “yes-no”, “no-yes” and “no-
To build the likelihood function, we first derive the probability of observing each of the possible
two bid response sequences (yes-yes, yes-no, no-yes, no-no). For example, the probability that
the respondent ℎ answers yes to the first and the second bid is given by

11 = (µ 1 + ɛ 1 > 1, µ2 + ɛ2 ≥ 2)

Simultaneously to for equation (22), the remaining three responses can be built in the same way,
(23), (24) with equation (25). The ith contribution to the likelihood function is written as
L i(µ⁄bid) = pr(µ 1 + ɛ 1j < bid 1 , µ 2 + ɛ 2j < bid 2 ) nn * pr(µ 1 + ɛ 1j < bid 1 , µ 2 + ɛ 2j >
bid 2 ) ny * pr(µ 1 + ɛ 1j ≥ bid 1 , µ 2 + ɛ 2j < bid 2 ) yn *pr(µ 1 + ɛ 1j > bid 1 , µ 2 + ɛ 2j ≥
bid2) (25)
where yy =1 for a yes-yes answer, 0 otherwise, ny =1 for a no-yes answer, 0 otherwise, yn =1 for
a yes-no answer, 0 otherwise and nn =1 for a no-no answer, 0 otherwise. The above formulation
is referred to as the bivariate discrete choice model. Assuming the error terms are normally
distributed with means 0 and variances (δ12and δ2) and correlation coefficient . The likelihood
function for the bivariate probit model is derived as below.
1 −µ 1 2 −µ 2
(µ 1 + ɛ 1 < 1, µ2 + ɛ2 < 2) = Φ ɛ1ɛ2 ( , , ) (26)
1 2

1 −µ 1 2 −µ 2
(µ 1 + ɛ 1 < 1, µ2 + ɛ2 > 2) = Φ ɛ 1 ɛ 2 (− , ,− ) (27)
1 2

1 −µ 1 2 −µ 2
(µ 1 + ɛ 1 > 1, µ2 + ɛ2 < 2) = Φ ɛ1ɛ2 ( ,− ,− ) (28)
1 2

1 −µ 1 2 −µ 2
(µ 1 + ɛ 1 > 1, µ2 + ɛ2 > 2) = Φ ɛ1ɛ2 ( , , ) (29)
1 2

WhereΦɛ1ɛ2 is the standardized bivariate normal cumulative distribution function with zero
means, one variances and correlation coefficient . The correlation coefficient of error terms is
estimated using Seemingly Unrelated Bivariate Probit (SUBVP) model (Cameron and Quiggin,
1994). Therefore, SUBVP estimates the mean WTP of the respondents for tomato insurance
from the double bounded format.
The general model for the standard bivariate probit model can be written as

Φ ɛ1ɛ2 ( 1 ( 1−µ1 ), 1 ( 2−µ2 ), 1 2 ) (30)

1 2

where 1 =2 1 − 1, and 2 =2 2 − 1, 1 = 1 if the response to the first question is yes,

Finally, the biding structure is presented in table 2. Different level of percentage coverage (70,
75 80, 85 and 90) together with percentage of scale (90 and 100) is presented. The notations of
A, B, C, D..., I are the amount of premium rate calculated taking into account the percentage of
coverage and the scale. The calculation of the premium rate is explained above from equation 1
to 4. For instance, the symbol “A” denotes the premium rate calculated using a combination of
70 % and 90% coverage and scale, respectively. The respondents were presented with the
calculated premium rate amount to access their willingness to take crop insurance. The first
premium rate corresponding to the first bid was randomly selected from the calculated premium
rates. If the respondent answer yes to the first bid, a follow up bid (hire bid) was then presented
and if the respondent answer no to the first bid, a lower bid (bid 2) was also then presented to the
respondent. Both the first and the second bid were randomly selected from the calculated
premium rates.

Table 2: Bidding structure
Bid notation % coverage % Scale
70 75 80 85 90
Initial bid ( 1)

in ton/hectare A B C D E 90

Follow up bid
( 2) F G H I J 100

Variable definition and working hypothesis

The choices of variable to be included in the estimated models are based on the theory and
previous studies. The theoretical framework explained above revealed WTP for insurance
depends on farmers’ income and socio-economic characteristics. Specifically, Kwadzo,
Korwunor and Amadu (2013) found that farm size, credit and diversification are one of the main
important variables which determine farmers’ willingness to participate in crop insurance.
Mohammed and Ortmann (2005) revealed that on-farm income and diversification are among the
important variables that influence adoption of livestock insurance by commercial dairy farmers.
Also, Kouame and Komenan (2012) and Abdullah, Auwal, Darham, and Radam(2014) showed
on their study that age and farm size are among the important variable in influencing farmers
willingness to pay for crop insurance. Furthermore, Sherrick, Barry, Ellinger and Schnitkey
(2004) showed that farmers’ preferences for different types of insurance affects their choice to
purchase crop insurance. Therefore, for my study I included explanatory variables, which are
described in table 3 below based on theory and previous literature.

In this study, the dependent variable is willingness to pay for tomato insurance and the
explanatory variables are gender and age of the respondents; types of insurance; off-farm
income; farm size; access to extension service; risk preference and diversification. According to

the previous literature (Kouame and Komenan, 2012), both bid1 and bid2 is negatively
associated with the probability of farmer’s willingness to pay for price insurance contract.

In this study, the bids (bid1 and bid 2) were modeled as categorical variables in the probit and
bivariate probit models. The first bid (bid1) had the following values in ton/ha: 1.26, 1.32, 1.40,
1.43 and 1.50. The respondents were asked if they were willing to pay for insurance for certain
amount of bid as indicated above which was selected randomly. The responses were categorized
as less or equal to 1.30, between 1.31 and 1.40 and between 1.41 and 1.50. Two dummy
variables (B2 corresponding bid amounts between 1.31 and 1.40 and B3 corresponding bid
amounts between 1.41 and 1.50) were modeled in the probit and bivariate probit models. The
category of bid amount less or equal to 1.30 (B1) served as the reference.

Similar to bid 1, a follow up bid (bid 2) was asked to the respondents. This bid had the following
values in ton/ha: 1.35, 1.47, 2.22, 2.23 and 2.25. Respondents that were willing to pay for tomato
insurance at certain amount in bid 1, were asked if they were still willing to pay for tomato
insurance in bid two at certain amount which was higher than the first bid. The respondents that
were not willing to pay for tomato insurance at certain amount in bid1 were asked if they were
willing to pay for tomato insurance at certain amount which was lower than the first bid1. Two
dummy variables (D2 corresponding bid amounts between 1.36 and 2.22 and D3 corresponding
bid amounts between 2.23 and 2.25) were modeled in the probit and bivariate probit models. The
category of bid amount less or equal to 1.35 (D1) served as the reference. Based on previous
literatures the study hypothesized that variables related to bids 1 and 2 to have a negative
relationship with WTP for tomato insurance.

1Respondents who were not willing to pay for tomato insurance at 1.26 ton/ha and 1.32 ton/ha in bid 1 were also
assumed that they will not be willing to pay for tomato insurance in bid 2 as the bid 1 values are less than the values
of the bid 2.

Age of farmers negatively affect willingness to pay for farm insurance (Falola, Eyitayo and
Olasunkanmi, 2013; Danso-Abbeam and Ehiakpor, 2014). On the other hand, Kouame and
Komenan (2012) and Ali (2013) found that age of farmers positively affects willingness to pay
for price insurance contract, and that there is no unidirectional relationship between age of the
respondent and farmers willingness to pay for agricultural insurance. Some studies show positive
relationship between gender of a farmer and willingness to pay for agricultural insurance (Ali,
2013; Teshome and Bogale, 2014; Danso-Abbeam and Ehiakpor, 2014). Given that men are
mostly the decision makers and have higher financial potential compared to females, the
probability of paying for tomato insurance increases for men compared to women. On the other
hand, Adhikari and O’Leary (2011) found that females have risk aversion behavior by nature
(less tolerance) and since agriculture is a high risky activity, females are more willing to pay for
tomato insurance. Therefore, this study hypothesized gender of farmer may have either positive
or negative relation with farmers WTP for tomato insurance.

Teshome and Bogale (2014) found that the size of cultivated land to be positively related with
farmers’ WTP for rainfall based insurance. The study expects that farm size would have positive
effect on farmers’ WTP for tomato insurance because the larger the area cultivated for tomato
production, the more likely exposed to production risk. Therefore, farmers would tend to need
agricultural insurance in case of crop lost. Similarly, Kouame and Komenan (2012), Falola,
Eyitayo and Olasunkanmi (2013) and Danso-Abbeam and Ehiakpor (2014) found farm size to
have positive effect on farmers’ WTP for agricultural insurance.

According to Teshome (2014), marital status of the household head (being married) was
positively related to farmers’ willingness to pay for agricultural insurance. Based on the findings
of Teshome (2014), the study expects that farmers’ marital status (being married) would have a
positive relation to farmers’ WTP for agricultural insurance. The study expects having extension
service would have a positive relation to farmers’ decision for willingness to pay for tomato
insurance because access to extension service would widen the farmer knowledge on the
advantage of using agricultural insurance. Similarly, Ali (2013); Teshome (2014) and Falola,

Eyitayo and Olasunkanmi (2013) found that access to extension service have a positive relations
to farmers’ WTP for agricultural insurance.

This study expects farmers who practice diversification to have negative relation to farmers’
WTP for tomato insurance because when farmers diversified into the production of other crops,
they will have different source of income from these other crops. Therefore, in case one crop
fails, they could substitute the income from other crops and so farmers may not see the need for
having agricultural insurance. Moreover, Thanh, Hoa and Phuong (2015) found that famers who
practiced diversification into their fields to have negative relation to farmers’ WTP for area yield
crop insurance for rice production.

Risk behavior is one of the main determinant variables for farmers’ willing to pay for
agricultural insurance. However there is contradiction of results from previous literatures. Other
literature portray that farmers who have risk averse behavior tend more likely to purchase
insurance (Cole, Tobacman and Topalova, 2008), while farmers with high risk averse behavior
are less likely to purchase insurance (Kouame and Komenan, 2012). The study anticipates either
positive or negative relationship between farmers’ WTP for tomato insurance and risk-averse
behavior of a farmer. The study captured farmers risk behavior by asking whether farmers are
willing to continue with tomato production although it is vulnerable to pest and diseases and
have volatile prices. Farmers who were willing to continue with tomato production were
considered as risk takers while those not ready to continue with production or shifting in
producing other crops were considered as risk averse2.

Farmers who had off-farm income found less likely to participate in drought insurance because
they are assured with enough income apart from agriculture (Teshome, 2014). Since agricultural
production is environmentally and biologically dependent, having an income outside agricultural
activities assures farmers income and therefore farmers are less dependent from agricultural

2 It should be noted here that the procedure followed to measure risk behavior is incomplete since the technical
procedure to access the behavior of individuals towards risk is through the estimation of risk aversion coefficients.

activities which make them purchase less agricultural insurance. Table 3 below presents the
description of the included variables in probit and bivariate probit model with their expected

Table 3: Variable definition and expected signs

Variable Expected
name Signs
1.WTP1 dummy variable equal to 1 if farmers are willing to pay for the first
bid to take tomato insurance and 0 otherwise
2.WTP2 dummy variable equal to 1 if farmers are willing to pay for the follow
up bid to take tomato insurance and 0 otherwise
3. B2 dummy variable equal to 1 if farmers’ WTP for tomato insurance -
fall between 1.31 to 1.40 for the first bid and 0 if it is less than 1.30
4. B3 dummy variable equal to 1 if farmers’ WTP for tomato insurance -
fall between 1.41 to 1.50 for the first bid and 0 if it less than or equal
to 1.30 ton
5. D2 dummy variable equal to 1 if farmers’ WTP fall between 1.36 to 2.22 -
for the follow up bid and 0 if it less than or equal to 1.35 ton
6. D3 dummy variable equal to 1 if farmers’ WTP fall between 2.23 to 2.25
for the follow up bid and 0 if it less than or equal to1.35 ton -
7. gender A dummy variable equal to 1 if gender of the farmer is female and 0 +/-
8. family* Family size in number
9. farmsiz Farm size in hectare +
10. oninc* On-farm income in MZN
11. offinc Off-farm income in MZN _
12. acext dummy variable equal to 1 if farmers have access to extension and 0 +

Table 3: Cont…

Variable Expected
name Signs
13. locon* dummy variable equal to 1 if farmers easily gets loan and 0
14. exp* Experience in years in farming tomato
15. age Age of the respondent in year +/-
16. edun* dummy variable equal to 1 if the farmers is illiterate and 0
17. insflood a dummy variable equal to 1 if farmers preferred flood insurance +
0 other type of insurance;
18. insrevenue dummy variable equal to 1 if farmers preferred revenue insurance +
0 other type of insurance
19. insmpci a dummy variable equal to 1 if farmers prefer multiple peril crop +
insurance (MPCI), 0 other type of insurance.
20. marstat is a dummy variable equal to 1 if the farmer is married and 0 if +
the farmer is partnered
21. tom a dummy variable equal to 1 if farmers dominantly produce +
tomato than other crops, 0 producing tomato with diversification
of other crops
22. risk a dummy variable equal to 1 if the farmer is risk taker and 0 if the +/-
farmers have risk aversion behavior
Notes: * denotes variable that are not included in the model and therefore do not present
expected sign.

36 Willingness to pay (WTP) for tomato insurance
The bivariate probit model is used for double bounded dichotomies choice while probit model is
used for single bounded dichotomies choice. The mean willingness to pay (MWTP) is calculated
using the formula specified by Haab and Mconnell (2002) for tomato insurance using both probit
and bivariate probit models. The study only used the explanatory variables of bid for both
models in estimation of MWTP for tomato insurance. Many studies determined mean WTP using
the ratio of negative constant term with the biding coefficient (Gebremariam and Edriss, 2012
and Teshome, 2014). Therefore, this study also follows the spirit of previous studies. The
estimation of the means WTP for both models using equation (17) and (30) can be described as
=− 0⁄ 1 (31)
where 0 is constant term and 1 is the coefficient of the variable bid.

3.5 Major assumptions

In decision making, there are three types of risk behavior: risk averse, risk taker/ loving and risk
neutral (Walsh and Schneider, 2002). Risk taker is a behavior applying for individuals with their
expected utility of any lottery being more than the utility of getting the expected value of the
gambling (Mahat, Nasir, and Ali, 2010). Risk taker farmers tend to consider agricultural
insurance being not important since they are expecting greater satisfaction without being enrolled
in agricultural insurance. Therefore risk takers farmers will less be willing to pay for agricultural

Risk averse is a behavior which applies for individuals with their expected utility of any
gambling being less than the utility of getting the expected value of the gambling for sure
(Concina, 2014; Mahat, Nasir, and Ali, 2010). Farmers who are risk averse tend to consider the
need of agricultural insurance since they have less satisfaction. Therefore, farmers who are risk
averse will be more willing to purchase agricultural insurance. Risk neutral applies for
individuals with expected utility of any lottery being indifferent with the utility of getting the
expected value of the gambling (Myerson, 2005 and Concina, 2014). Individuals with risk

neutral behavior may have positive or negative relation towards obtaining agricultural insurance.
Therefore, the major assumption for this study is that farmers have a risk-neutral behavior so that
both cases (positive and negative) relationship towards getting agricultural insurance is possible
to observe within the group of interviewed farmers.

3.6 Data analysis

Data were analyzed using both descriptive statistics and econometric models. Descriptive
statistics such as mean, standard deviation, frequency, percentage, cumulative distribution,
minimum and maximum, histogram and chart were employed to describe socio-economic
characteristics of tomato farmers, farmers’ preference for different types of agricultural
insurance, yields and factors affecting tomato production in Moamba. Specifically, the first
objective (farmer’s preference for different types of agricultural insurance) was analyzed using
descriptive statistic as described above. The area yield index insurance method was used to
estimate premium rate. Finally, the third and fourth objectives, probit and bivariate probit models
were estimated in STATA software.

4. Results and discussion
4.1 Socio-economic characteristics of tomato farmers
Among the 75 interviewed tomato farmers, the majorities (84%) are males and the remaining
16% are female farmers. It implies that tomato production is dominated by male farmers. The
result of this study is similar to those reported by Familusi et al. (2014) who studied comparative
advantage of tomato production between Mozambique and South Africa. Their result showed
that 81.5% of the tomato producers were males. This is because of the unequal division of labor
and absence of men's participation in homebased work, which makes difficult for women to join
farming practice (Aroray, 2014). Additionally, men mainly dominated cash crop production such
as tomato.

The family size on average is 8.3 with the range of 1 and 26 family members. According to
(MPD-DNEAP, 2010) the average household size in Mozambique was 5.1 in 2008. However,
Familusi et al. (2015) found that the mean household size to be 7 in Moamba. These results
reveal that Moamba possess higher number of household members than the average of the
country. As presented in table 4, for the 2013/14 crop season, the minimum on-farm income is 0
and the maximum is 1,500,000 MZN. The average on-farm income is 76,475 MZN. This income
is for 2013/14 agricultural season. The minimum on-farm income indicates that some of the
farmers lost their total production due to flood, drought pest and diseases. Furthermore, tomato
farmers have on average off-farm income of 1,097.78 MZN per month.

The age of the respondents ranges between 19 to 80 years with the mean age of 45 years. The
result of this study is similar with McNair, Lambert and Eash (2015) who conducted a study on
conservation agriculture and household wellbeing in Mozambique and found that the mean age
of household farmer was 45.5 years. However, in South Africa the average age of farmer was 62
year old (SSR, 2013). One of the main reasons for the difference on age of farmer between South
Africa and Mozambique can be due to the lack of agricultural policy to empower youth
engagement in agricultural sector and nonexistence of access to productive resources such as
land for youth to participate in agricultural production.

The experience of tomato farmers on average is 16 years. Many studies indicate that getting a
loan from financial institutions is difficult for smallholder farmers in Mozambique due to lack of
collateral. In this study, on average 24% of tomato farmers responded that loans can be accessed
easily from financial institutions. Among the respondents 82% of tomato farmers in Moamba
have some level of formal education while the remaining 18% are illiterate. According to
USAID (2015) the overall literacy rate in Mozambique is 47 percent. It implies that the
majorities of farmers have got formal education which is better than the national average of
illiteracy. Therefore, educated farmers are able to adopt modern farm inputs and production
technologies and absorb faster new information.

Table 4: Socio-economic characteristics of tomato farmers

Variables Mean Std. Dev. Min Max

Gender 0.16 0.37 0.00 1.00

Family 8.37 4.59 2.00 26.00
Farmsize 31.64 62.37 1.00 359.00
Oninc 76,955.18 181,339.60 0.00 1,500,000.00
Offinc 1,097.78 6,088.38 0.00 50,000.00
Acext 0.77 0.42 0.00 1.00
Locon 0.24 0.43 0.00 1.00
Exp 15.99 11.68 2.00 51.00
Age 45.09 15.27 19.00 80.00
Edun 0.83 0.38 0.00 1.00
Risk 0.71 0.46 0.00 1.00

4.1.1 Tomato farmers’ preference for different types of agricultural insurance

Farmers’ willingness to pay for tomato insurance can be influenced by the type of agricultural
insurance. The table 5 below, reveal that farmers have higher willingness to pay for flood
insurance and lower WTP for the least preferred rainfall insurance. Hence, from the total of 70
farmers who responded, 29% preferred flood insurance while 1.4% of farmers preferred rainfall

insurance. The main reason for farmers choosing flood insurance is that tomato production is
vulnerable to flood in the area. The price insurance, revenue insurance, product insurance, MPCI
and drought insurance are preferred by 20%, 19%, 17%, 10% and 4% of interviewed tomato
farmers, respectively. Finally, the second biggest challenge faced by the tomato farmers is
variability of tomato price in the market. During summer the price is higher compared to fresh

Table 5: Tomato farmers’ agricultural insurance preference in Moamba

Agricultural insurance preference Freq. Percent Cum.

flood insurance 20.00 28.57 28.57

revenue insurance 13.00 18.57 47.14
production insurance 12.00 17.14 64.29
drought insurance 3.00 4.29 68.57
price insurance 14.00 20.00 88.57
rainfall insurance 1.00 1.43 90.00
MPCI 7.00 10.00 100.00

Total 70.00 100.00

The analysis of preference of different types of agricultural insurance by tomato farmers was
disaggregated by different localities with the studied areas as shown in Figure 2. As indicated in
the chart below, tomato farmers in Malengane locality preferred more flood insurance over other
types of insurance. In addition, flood insurance is also preferred in Sabie-Sede locality 29% of
tomato farmers. However, the most preferable insurance in Moamba-Sede locality is revenue
insurance while flood insurance is the list preferred. This result might indicate that Moamba-
Sede is the least flood prone relative to other localities.

Figure 3: Distribution of farmers’ preference to different types of tomato insurance

4.1.2 Tomato production in Moamba

Figure 3 presents tomato production in Moamba. Around 41% of farmers are producing tomato
between 5,001-15,000 Kg per hectare. Approximately 31% of farmers are producing in the
interval of 15,001-30,000 Kg of tomato per hectare. Some of the tomato farmers are producing
less than 5,000Kg per hectare which accounts 16%. In contrast, 2.7 % of tomato farmers are
extremely producing more than 50,001 Kg of tomato per hectare. It indicates that few farmers
can use improved inputs such as high yield verities, pesticides, herbicides and apply
recommended fertilizer during tomato production.

45 41.33


35 30.67



20 16.00



<5000kg 5001-15000kg 15001-30000kg 30001- 50000kg >50001kg
Last season of tomato yield in kg per hectare

Figure 4: Production of tomatoes in Moamba

The analysis of tomato production was disaggregated by localities as presented in figure 4. The
results show that about 53% of farmers are producing tomatoes between 5000-15000 kg per
hectare in Malengane and 16.67% in Moamba-Sede locality. It is important to note that 21% of
tomato farmers in Malengane are producing less than 5,000 Kg of tomato per hectare while in
Moamba-Sede no tomato farmer is producing less than 5,000kg tomato per hectare. Productivity
in Moamba-Sede is higher than the other localities due to its proximity to input markets which
increases farmers’ probability of using improved agricultural inputs. Moreover, around 8% of
tomato farmers are producing more than 50,000 Kg of tomatoes per hectare in all visited

Figure 5: Production of tomatoes in different localities of Moamba district

4.1.3 Factors affecting tomato production in Moamba

Agricultural production, particularly of tomatoes, is vulnerable to different environmental and
human interferences. This study tries to show which factors mainly affect tomato production in
Moamba. Table 6 below shows that 91% of farmers are facing challenge in price variation of
tomato production. This tells us there is a shortage of processing industries as during the time of
harvest, tomato price goes down drastically. Tomato farmers do not have alternative options and
they are obliged to sell their product at any market price due to the lack of storage and processing
facilities. Pest is the other factor affecting tomato production in Moamba District. On average,
89% of the farmers are suffering from tomato damage or losses due to pests. American bollworm
is one of the pests that are mainly affecting tomato production in the area. Flood, high
temperatures and drought are other factors affecting negatively tomato production reported by
64%, 61% and 17 % of farmers, respectively.

Table 6: Factors affecting tomato production in Moamba
Variable Mean Std. Dev.
Pest 0.89 0.31
High temperature 0.61 0.49
Price variation 0.91 0.29
Flood 0.64 0.48
Drought 0.17 0.38

4.2 Agricultural insurance premium rate

Indemnity is a payment made by the agricultural insurance provider to the beneficiary (policy
holder) whenever the average county yield is less than the critical yield. On the other hand,
premium rate is a payment made by the farmers (beneficiary) to the insurance company.
Indemnity payment and premium rates using scale (90% and 100%) with coverage (70%, 75%,
80%, 85% and 90%) is presented in Table 7.

Results show that the indemnity payments are higher for 100% scale compared to 90% scale
regardless of the coverage rate. This result is expected because the higher scale provides the
greatest protection to the beneficiaries. Additionally, the results show that the indemnity payment
increases with an increase of the coverage rate. This is expected because an increase in
beneficiary’s desire for a percentage farm loss increases the coverage level. For all coverage
rates, the indemnity payments are lower compared to critical yield. This result is expected
because the maximum coverage for one hectare is 90% coverage though the protection for 90%
coverage is 100% scale. Therefore, since 10% farm loss remaining to the beneficiary, the critical
yield always greater than the indemnity payment.

Premium rate is determined using area yield index insurance for tomato production in Moamba
District. As expected, the premium rate increases as the percentage of coverage and scale
increases for a given county. This result is consistent with the earlier studies (Nelson, 1990 and
Clover and Nieuwoudt, 2003). The estimated premium rates ranges from 1.25 ton/h to 2.25ton/ha

using a combination of 70 % coverage with 90 % scale and 90% coverage with 100 % scale,
respectively. Binici and Zulauf (2006) found that premium rate for wheat crop ranged from zero
kg per dekar3 (Beysehir and Karaty counties) to 13.3 kg per dekar (Altintekin County) using 80%
coverage level. It is important to note that the range wheat crop yield in Turkey is from 1,787
to2, 835 kg per hectare with an average of 2311 kg per hectare (Kun et al., 2004). Using the ratio
of premium and average wheat crop yield of Turkey, farmers are willing to for pay premium rate
2.8% from their total wheat crop yield.

The findings of this study are much higher compared to the previous studies. For instance,
Akteret al. (2007) assessed farmers WTP for flood insurance in the wetland basin of Bangladesh.
The study showed that 23% of the sampled farmers were willing to pay for flood insurance at
premium cost between 2-150 kg (with average of 37 kg) of rice crops per year, for each

As indicated from the above studies the premium rate is different within the localities. From
previous research, it can be concluded that the premium rate in Moamba is much higher
compared to those estimated by previous researchers. Therefore, the government should provide
subsidy to the insurance provider in order to reduce the cost of premium rate so that majority of
farmers can access agricultural insurance service.

3 The unit dekar is equivalent to 0.1 hectare (130kg/hectare).

Table 7: Indemnity and premium rate per hectare for tomatoes farmers in Moamba

COVERAGE 70% 75% 80% 85% 90%

Yc 12, 407.49 13, 293.74 14, 179.99 15, 066.24 15, 952.49

Indem using 100% scale 9,763.55 10,294.32 15,507.48 15,637.92 15,753.87

Premium rate using 100%

1,394.79 1,470.61 2,215.35 2,233.98 2,250.55

Indem using 90% scale 8,787.20 9,264.88 9,682.86 1,0051.66 10,379.48

Premium rate (kg) 1,255.31 1,323.55 1,383.26 1,435.95 1,482.78

4.3 Factors affecting tomato farmers’ willingness to accept crop insurance

The results regarding the factors affecting willingness to accept agricultural insurance are
presented in table 8. As stated in the methodology section, the probit model is employed to
determine the factors affecting tomato farmer’s willingness to accept crop insurance in Moamba
and also estimate the mean WTP for tomato insurance. The probit model is corrected for
multicollinearity problem using correlation matrix (correlation coefficient analysis). Appendix 2,
the correlation matrix, shows that there is no serious multicollinearity problem among
independent variables except age square. Moreover, the probit model is corrected for
heteroscedasticity problem using robust standard error (applying robust command in Stata).

Results in table 7 shows that the dummy variable sex of the respondent has a positive sign and
statistically significant at 5% level indicating that the probability of taking insurance increases
for female tomato farmers compared to male counterpart. One of the reasons is that female
farmers have a risk aversion behavior. Adhikari and O’Leary (2011) found that women exhibit
less financial risk tolerance than men.
An increase in age of farmer decreases the probability of willing to pay for insurance. The
variable age of farmers have a negative sign suggesting that farmers with higher age are less

willing to pay for tomato insurance and also it is statistically significant at 1%. This result is in
line with the finding of Falola, Eyitayo and Olasunkanmi (2013) and Danso-Abbeam and
Ehiakpor (2014) who found that aged farmers are less willing to enroll in agricultural insurance
programs. The results indicated also that farmers’ willingness to accept tomato insurance is
determined by the type of insurance. In Moamba district the probability of farmers to take
insurance increases if the insurance is cover crop damage from flood (flood insurance). This
result is expected since Moamba is flood prone area. The probability of taking insurance
increases for farmers with off-farm income compared to their counterparts without off farm
income. This result is also expected as off farm income is source of funds to finance insurance
costs resulting from premium rate payments.

The marginal effects of probit model are also presented in Table 8. The results indicates that
holding everything constant, if the age of the farmers increases by 1% the probability of taking
insurance decreases by 1.2%. This result indicates that young farmers are more willing to take
tomato insurance than aged farmers. The result is consistent with the finding of from Mezgebo et
al. (2013) and Gebremariam and Edriss (2012) who also found that younger farmers are more
willing to try new things such as technology and agricultural insurance compared to aged

The dummy variable gender shows that female farmers are more likely willingness to pay for
tomato insurance by 30% compared to male counterpart and statistically significant at 1%.
Finally, the results for preference of flood insurance indicates that holding everything constant, a
change of preference from other type of agricultural insurance to flood insurance increases the
probability of obtaining tomato insurance by 26% and statistically significant at 5%. The details
of the results of the probit model including the marginal effects are presented in Appendix 3 and
4, respectively.

Table 8: Probit estimates of willingness to pay for tomato insurance
Variables WTP1 Marginal Effect
Coef P>z Coef P>z
B3 -6.162 0.136 -.309 0.138
B2 -.848 0.679 -.085 0.678
Age -.034*** 0.002 -.012*** 0.001
Gender 1.123* 0.066 .304*** 0.005
Insflood .851* 0.075 .265** 0.032
insrevenue .029 0.952 .010 0.952
Insmpci .478 0.324 .158 0.279
Marstat -.795 0.163 -.305 0.160
Tom .383 0.231 .135 0.230
Risk -.236 0.581 -.082 0.568
Farmsiz .4.4e-04 0.880 .1.0e-04 0.880
Acext -.319 0.459 -.108 0.431
Offinc 2.1e-05 0.156 7.6e-06 0.160
_cons 2.194** 0.004 - -
***, ** &* Statistically Significant at 1%, 5% and10%, respectively

The bivariate probit model result are reported in Table 9. In order to use the bivariate probit
model approprately, correlation between the errors of the two estimated equations was checked
beforeestimating the bivariate probit model. The results, which are presented in appendix 2 show
that there is a correlation between the errors of the first and the follow up bid equations which
allows to aply the bivariate model. It should be noted that due to the correlation of the error
terms between the first and the follow up bid, the use of probit model produces biased results.

The results show that the majority of included explanatory variables in the bivariate probit model
are not statistically significant except for variable age, gender, and flood insurance. The variable
age has the expected negative sign indicating that older farmers are less likely to pay for tomato

insurance. The same results were also reported that age of farmer negatively affect willingness to
pay for farm insurance (Falola, Eyitayo and Olasunkanmi, 2013; Danso-Abbeam and Ehiakpor,
2014). For gender, the results show that female farmers are more willing to pay for tomato
insurance compared to their male counterparts. This result is expected as women are reported to
exibit less financial risk tolerance than men (Adhikari and O’Leary, 2011). The variable flood
insurance exibits positive sign meaning that farmers who prefere flood insurance are more likely
to pay for tomato insurance compared to farmers who prefered other types of crop insurance.
This result is expected as Moamba district is flood prone zone.

Regarding the marginal effects of bivariate probit model, the estimated results are not
statistically significant except for variable D3. Specially the results show that a farmer whose
willingness to pay fall within the interval between 2.23 and 2.25 are more likely willing to pay
by 54.4% for tomato insurance compared to farmers willing to pay less than 1.35. The complete
output of bivariate probit model including the marginal effects is presented in appendix 5 and 6,

Table 9: Bivariate probit estimates of willingness to pay for tomato insurance
Variables Marginal
Coef. P>|z| Coef. P>|z| Coef.

B3 -.7212 0.311 - - -.258 0.313
B2 .297 0.648 - - .103 0.650
D3 - - 8.68 1.000 .544*** 0.000
D2 - - 1.969 0.000 .001 1.000
Age -.042*** 0.002 .0262 0.064 -.014 0.993
Gender 1.249** 0.026 -.356 0.632 .312 0.993
Insflood 1.115** 0.032 .470 0.353 .316 0.989
insrevenue .036 0.941 .141 0.789 .012 0.999
Insmpci .753 0.107 -.240 0.688 .229 0.991
Marstat -.956 0.117 .080 0.911 -.363 0.940
Tom .416 0.280 -.154 0.756 0.128 0.989
Risk -.353 0.438 .090 0.878 -.117 0.985
Acext -.329 0.457 .035 0.955 -.108 0.965
Offinc 1.0e-4 0.581 .0000 0.696 6.48e-06 0.998
_cons 2.155 0.036 -1.985 0.073 0.054 -
***, ** &* Statistically Significant at 1%, 5% and10%, respectively

4.4 Willingness to pay for tomato insurance

The result from the probit and the bivariate probit model shows that farmers are willing to pay
for tomato insurance 1.52 and 1.49 ton/ha/year, respectively which is 10% of their average total
production. The complete results of probit and bivariate probit are presented in appendix VII and
VIII. The premium rate calculated by insurance provider ranges from 1.25 to 2.25 ton /ha per
year. Both 1.52 and 1.49 fall in the range of the estimated premium. Also, farmers are willing to

pay for all (70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90%) coverage using 90% scale. However, farmers are
willing to pay for tomato insurance only for 70% and 75% coverage using 100% scale.

The findings of this study are much higher compared to the previous studies. For instance, Akter
et al. (2007) assessed farmers WTP for flood insurance in the wetland basin of Bangladesh. The
study showed that 23% of the sampled farmers were willing to pay for flood insurance at
premium cost between 2-150 kg (with average of 37 kg) of rice crops per year which is 0.11% on
average yearly household crop production for each household. In addition, the average WTP for
agricultural insurance by cocoa farmers in Nigeria was found to be $69.5/ha (Falola, Eyitayo and
Olasunkanmi, 2013). The higher rate of willingnes to pay for agricultural insurance in Moamba
compared to other countries shows the desire of Moamba farmers to have crop insurance.

5. Conclusions and policy implication
This study aims to assess farmer’s preference for different type of insurance; estimate the
appropriate premium rate using area yield index insurance for tomato production, analyze the
factors affecting tomato farmers’ willingness to take tomato insurance and estimate farmers’
willingness to pay for tomato insurance in Moamba District. Seventy five tomato farmers were
interviewed using the farmers’ list provided by the Moamba District Economic Activities
Services. The primary data was collected using structured questionnaire and the secondary data
were obtained from Moamba District Economic Activities Services. Descriptive statistics and
econometric models were used to analyze the data.

Descriptive statistics were employed to portray farmers’ preference to different types of

agricultural insurance, levels of tomato production and factors affecting production of tomato
farmers in Moamba. Probit and Bivariate probit models were applied to explore factors affecting
tomato farmers’ willingness to obtain tomato insurance and to estimate farmers’ willingness to
pay for tomato insurance.

The descriptive analysis revealed that out of the total farmers interviewed, 84% were males and
the average family size of tomato farmers is 9. The average age of the farmer is 45 years. This
show that most of the farmers who engaged in tomato production are aged farmers. Therefore,
the government of Mozambique should empower youth farmers to engage in tomato production
sector. The study found that on average a farmer was having an income of 76,475 MZN for
2013/14 agricultural season. Farmers are not remembering each seasonal income because of they
are not registering on paper.

About 76% of farmers did not have access to loan because of to lack of collateral. Policy towards
establishment of grass root microfinance institutions might improve farmers’ access to loans
given that they demand less collateral as requirement for having credit compared to financial
institutions. Furthermore, the government should ensure property rights to land owner since it
can act as a collateral in accessing loan from financial institutions. The majority of tomato

farmers (around 90%) are facing price variation of tomato. This is because tomato farmers do not
have contracts with buyers. Therefore, improvement in tomato value chain including production
by contract is needed to mitigate the variation of tomato prices.

The study found difference in tomato productivity among the localities. The majority of tomato
farmers in Moamba-Sede are producing higher (30,001-50,000kg) amounts of tomato per hectare
compared to other localities. On the other hand, about 85% of tomato famers experience crop
loss due to pest and diseases. Therefore, the farmers’ should adopt improve crop management.
The estimated premium rates ranges between 1.25 ton/h and 2.25ton/ha using combination 70 %
coverage with 90 % scale and 90% coverage with 100 % scale, respectively. The estimated
premium rate is much higher than these estimated in the previous studies implying that insurance
companies in Mozambique have opportunity to charge more for crop insurance.

The results of the probit model showed that gender, flood insurance (insflood) and off- farm
income affects positively the willingness to pay for tomato insurance. Female tomato farmers are
more willing to pay for tomato insurance than men though their participation is smaller. To make
the insurance program feasible the concerned body should increase awareness on the advantages
of agricultural insurance for mainly male farmers. Tomato farmers in Moamba preferred flood
insurance than other type of insurance. This implies that there is a serious flood problem in the
area and implies that an initiative of crop insurance in Moamba should cover for crop damage
due to floods.

The study concludes that, farmers would be willing to pay 1.49 ton /ha/year for tomato insurance
which is 10% of their average total yield, as it estimated using bivariate probit model. The
premium rate that farmers are willing to pay falls within the interval of the estimated premium
rates which is from 1.25ton/ha per year to 2.25ton/ha per year. However, farmers are willing to
pay for all the insurance coverage that falls under the 90% scale. This shows that the insurance
cover for the100% scale seems to be expensive for the tomato farmers. Therefore, the insurance
provider should focus on using all level of coverage and 90% scale because it is more affordable
for the farmer compared to the 100% scale.

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Appendix I: Questionnaire
I. Socio-economic Characteristics of the Respondents
Questioners Answer

1.Gender (0= male, 1=female)

2. Marital status ; 1= Married, 0 = Partnered)
3. Educational status (0=illiterate, 1=grade1-6, 2=grade 7-12, 3=college and Bsc degree
and 4= Msc and above)
4. Family size(No )
5. Farm size (Ha)
6. On-farm Income (MZN )

7. Access to extension services; 1= if farmers have an extension service , 0 otherwise

8. Off farm-income (MZN )

9. Loan condition (1= if farmers had access to loanfrom financial institution , 0
10. How long have you been producing tomato ?(experience)_________
11. How many hectares of tomato did you cultivate in last season?
a. 0-0.50 ha d. 2-3 ha
b. 0.50-1 ha, e. 3-5 ha;
c. 1-2 ha f. 5 ha and above
12. How many kg of tomatoes per hectare did you get in last season?
a. <5000 kg d. 30,001-50,000 kg
b. 50001-15,000 kg e. 50,000kg and above
c. 15,001-30,000 kg
13. Which horticulture crop had the greatest area coverage in the last season?
a. Tomato b. Potato c. Cabbage d. Other
II. Estimating willingness to pay for tomato insurance
14. Are you willing to pay for tomato insurance
a. A. Yes b. No

If No, thank the respondent for his time and participation, finish the interview
15. If yes, would you be willing to pay {1.5 ton/ha, 1.43 ton/ha, 1.4ton/ha, 1.32 ton/haand 1.26
ton/ha} ________?
a. Yes b. No
16. If your answer to questionnaire 15 is “ yes” select higher bid and for the farmer who respond
“no”, select the smaller bid for the follow up question, by asking what about if it increased
/reduced to {2.25 ton/ha, 2.23 ton/ha, 2.22 ton/ha, 1.47 ton/ha and 1.35 ton/ha},
____________amount, will you be willing to pay?
a. Yes b. No
17. Based on your main problem in crop production, what type of agricultural insurance do you
want for your crop production? (after explaining well-known agricultural insurance)_________
a. flood insurance e. price insurance
b. revenue insurance f. drought insurance
c. production insurance g. rainfall insurance

III. Factors affecting tomato production

Category pest Disease High Temperature Variation in yield Flood Drought

Yes =1

18. Are you producing tomato even though its price is highly volatile in the market and it is attacked
by pest and disease and easily perishable and vulnerable to adverse conditions? (A farmer who
continues producing tomato is considered as risk taker, farmer who shift to others crop is
considered risk averse and a farmer who is in between to continue and shift to other crop is
considered as a risk neutral behavior)
a. Risk averse b. Risk neutral c. Risk taker

Appendix II: Correlation Matrix

WTP1 WTP2 bid1 bid2 ag gd insflood insrev~e insmpci marstat tom risk farmsiz

WTP1 1.0000
WTP2 0.3904 1.0000
bid1 -0.1561 -0.0267 1.0000
bid2 0.8190 0.8115 -0.0237 1.0000
ag -0.2939 0.0609 -0.1249 -0.1139 1.0000
gd 0.1758 0.0077 -0.0164 0.0940 -0.0075 1.0000
insflood 0.1382 0.1965 0.1445 0.2333 0.0937 -0.0164 1.0000
insrevenue -0.0969 -0.1625 -0.0110 -0.2046 0.0367 0.0884 -0.2761 1.0000
insmpci 0.0536 0.0238 -0.1241 0.0653 -0.0319 0.0803 -0.3513 -0.2667 1.0000
marstat -0.1008 -0.0700 -0.0240 -0.1073 0.1915 0.2026 0.0847 0.0700 -0.0026 1.0000
tom 0.1090 0.0169 -0.0239 0.0725 -0.0147 -0.0553 0.1448 0.0536 -0.0687 0.0138 1.0000
risk 0.0049 0.0918 0.0704 0.0552 0.0040 0.1214 -0.0088 0.0629 0.2406 -0.0620 0.2087 1.0000
farmsiz -0.0747 -0.0140 0.1018 -0.0554 0.0428 -0.1457 -0.0698 0.2454 -0.1456 0.1864 -0.0385 -0.0004 1.0000
acext -0.0080 -0.0796 0.0066 -0.0287 -0.0156 0.1494 0.1824 -0.0045 -0.0508 0.1871 -0.0535 -0.1390 0.0018
offinc 0.0930 0.0535 -0.0438 0.0886 0.1414 -0.0030 0.1735 -0.0665 -0.0570 0.3398 0.0915 -0.2053 0.2905
ageeee -0.3008 0.0624 -0.1213 -0.1186 0.9877 -0.0505 0.1140 0.0254 -0.0294 0.1783 -0.0047 0.0126 0.0479

acext offinc ageeee

acext 1.0000
offinc 0.0721 1.0000
ageeee -0.0503 0.1295 1.0000

Appendix III: Probit Model Results
Probit regression Number of obs = 75
Wald chi2(13) = 21.29
Prob > chi2 = 0.0673
Log pseudolikelihood = -39.109167 Pseudo R2 = 0.2020

answer1 Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
b3 -.8482769 .5692525 -1.49 0.136 -1.963991 .2674376
b2 -.2428096 .5866363 -0.41 0.679 -1.392596 .9069764
ag -.0342862 .0108433 -3.16 0.002 -.0555387 -.0130336
gd 1.123265 .6106394 1.84 0.066 -.073566 2.320096
insflood .8507898 .4776395 1.78 0.075 -.0853665 1.786946
insrevenue .0285489 .4770007 0.06 0.952 -.9063552 .9634531
insmpci .4781801 .4849356 0.99 0.324 -.4722762 1.428636
marstat -.7952147 .5694901 -1.40 0.163 -1.911395 .3209653
tom .3831721 .3196221 1.20 0.231 -.2432757
risk 1.00962
farmsiz -.2363484 .4278478 -0.55 0.581 -1.074915 .602218
acext .0004487 .0029662 0.15 0.880 -.0053649 .0062622
offinc -.3192853 .4315304 -0.74 0.459 -1.165069 .5264987
_cons .0000215 .0000152 1.42 0.156 -8.20e-06 .0000513
2.194296 .7542369 2.91 0.004 .7160186 3.672573

Appendix IV: Marginal effect of Probit Model

Marginal effects after probit

y = Pr(answer1) (predict)
= .68468965

variable dy/dx Std. Err. z P>|z| [ 95% C.I. ] X

b3* -.3088706 .20818 -1.48 0.138 -.716895 .099154 .36
b2* -.0853844 .20535 -0.42 0.678 -.487859 .31709 .573333
ag -.0121849 .00381 -3.20 0.001 -.019657 -.004713 45.0933
gd* .3044914 .10772 2.83 0.005 .093371 .515612 .16
insflood* .2651265 .12328 2.15 0.032 .023499 .506754 .266667
insrev~e* .0100998 .16799 0.06 0.952 -.319149 .339348 .173333
insmpci* .1584854 .14643 1.08 0.279 -.128519 .44549 .253333
marstat* -.3049678 .21704 -1.41 0.160 -.730357 .120421 .106667
tom* .13504 .1126 1.20 0.230 -.085646 .355726 .48
risk* -.0818104 .14344 -0.57 0.568 -.362947 .199326 .706667
farmsiz .0001595 .00105 0.15 0.880 -.001906 .002225 31.6467
acext* -.1080819 .13727 -0.79 0.431 -.37712 .160956 .773333
offinc 7.65e-06 .00001 1.40 0.160 -3.0e-06 .000018 2097.78

(*) dy/dx is for discrete change of dummy variable from 0 to 1

Appendix V: Bivariate probit model results
Seemingly unrelated bivariate probit Nu mb e r o f ob s = 75
Wa ld c hi 2 (2 4 ) = 43.48
Log likelihood = -55.748335 Prob > chi2 = 0.0088

Co e f. S td . Er r . z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]

b3 -.721816 .7126355 -1.01 0.311 -2.118556 .674924
b2 .2956693 . 648583 4 0.46 0.648 -.9755309 1.566869
ag -.0411976 .0131549 -3.13 0.002 -.0669809 -.0154144
gd 1.248952 . 560317 3 2.23 0.026 .1507504
insflood 2.347154
insrevenue 1.114862 . 518749 4 2.15 0.032 .0981322 2.131593
insmpci .0359296 .487 754 0.07 0.941 -.9200506 .9919099
marstat .7534301 . 467260 5 1.61 0.107 -.1623836 1.669244
tom -.956075 .6103322 -1.57 0.117 -2.152304 .240154
risk .4161554 . 385013 1 1.08 0.280 -.3384565 1.170767
acext -.3534653 .4558872 -0.78 0.438 -1.246988 .5400572
offinc -.3289079 .4426551 -0.74 0.457 -1.196496 .5386801
_cons .0000186 . 000033 8 0.55 0.581 -.0000476 .0000849
2.154589 1 .02903 5 2.09 0.036 .137717 4.171461
d3 8.680636 6945 4.9 0.00 1.000 -136120.4 136137.8
d2 1.969146 . 548803 6 3.59 0.000 .893511 3.044782
ag .0261518 . 014128 7 1.85 0.064 -.0015398 .0538435
gd -.3564846 .7453897 -0.48 0.632 -1.817422 1.104452
insflood .4700583 . 506227 2 0.93 0.353 -.5221287 1.462245
insrevenue .1409384 . 527121 6 0.27 0.789 -.892201 1.174078
insmpci -.2397692 .5972125 -0.40 0.688 -1.410284 .9307457
marstat .0795286 . 708328 1 0.11 0.911 -1.308769
tom 1.467826
risk -.1539639 .4957027 -0.31 0.756 -1.125523 .8175955
acext .0899675 . 584537 4 0.15 0.878 -1.055705
offinc 1.23564
_cons .0351 41 .6 21 29 88 0.06 0.955 -1.182582 1.252864
.0000415 . 000106 1 0.39 0.696 -.0001665 .0002494
/athrho -19
3 981.
8 -1
2 0.9
4 -1
064 .

rho -1 0 -1 1

Likelihood-ratio test of rho=0: chi2(1) = 9.50681 Prob > chi2 = 0.0020

Appendix VI: Marginal effects of bivariate probit model
Marginal effects after biprobit
y = Pr(answer1=1,answer2=1) (predict)
= .70298908

variable dy/dx Std. Err. z P>|z| [ 95% C.I. ] X

b3* -.2577002 .25556 -1.01 0.313 -.758585 .243185 .36
b2* .1031974 .22758 0.45 0.650 -.342858 .549252 .573333
ag -.014239 1.74563 -0.01 0.993 -3.43561 3.40713 45.0933
gd* .3122009 36.984 0.01 0.993 -72.1748 72.7992 .16
insflood* .318524 23.845 0.01 0.989 -46.4161 47.0531 .266667
insrev~e* .0124292 8.13675 0.00 0.999 -15.9353 15.9602 .173333
insmpci* .2292231 19.878 0.01 0.991 -38.7301 39.1885 .253333
marstat* -.3631395 4.80271 -0.08 0.940 -9.77629 9.05001 .106667
tom* .1425307 10.485 0.01 0.989 -20.4069 20.6919 .48
risk* -.116874 6.40841 -0.02 0.985 -12.6771 12.4434 .706667
acext* -.1077232 2.42672 -0.04 0.965 -4.864 4.64856 .773333
offinc 6.48e-06 .00277 0.00 0.998 -.005417 .00543 2097.78
d3* .5439697 .09637 5.64 0.000 .355082 .732858 .426667
d2* .001175 115.66 0.00 1.000 -226.696 226.699 .28

(*) dy/dx is for discrete change of dummy variable from 0 to 1

Appendix VII: Estimation of MWTP using probit model
Iteration 0: log likelihood = -49.006365
Iteration 1: log likelihood = -48.072603
Iteration 2: log likelihood = -48.071458
Iteration 3: log likelihood = -48.071458

Probit regression Number of obs = 75

LR chi2(1) = 1.87
Prob > chi2 = 0.1715
Log likelihood = -48.071458 Pseudo R2 = 0.0191

WTP1 Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]

bid1 -3.161016 2.34062 -1.35 0.177 -7.748547 1.426515

_cons 4.825917 3.314354 1.46 0.145 -1.670098 11.32193

Appendix VIII: Estimation of MWTP using bivariate probit model
Iteration 10: log likelihood = -50.722527

Seemingly unrelated bivariate probit Number of obs = 75

LR chi2(2) = 54.61
Log likelihood = -50.722527 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]

bid1 -3.63082 2.190117 -1.66 0.097 -7.92337 .6617311
_cons 5.484925 3.10144 1.77 0.077 -.5937848 11.56364

bid2 3.868702 1.498623 2.58 0.010 .9314545 6.805949
_cons -5.399576 2.013344 -2.68 0.007 -9.345658 -1.453495

/athrho -11.32574 564.2 -0.02 0.984 -1117.137 1094.486

rho -1 3.28e-07 -1 1

Likelihood-ratio test of rho=0: chi2(1) = 14.8202 Prob > chi2 = 0.0001


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