Script For The Inaugural Event'19 Revised

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A very goodmorning to all. I, Willy Chetia and I, Parthadeep Sharma,

welcome you all to the North Eastern Council sponsored seminar held
under the aegis of Sampark’19.

The North Eastern Council is the nodal agency for the economic and
social development of the North Eastern Region which consists of the
eight States of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya,
Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura. The North Eastern Council
was constituted in 1971 by an Act of Parliament. The constitution of
the Council has marked the beginning of a new chapter of concerted
and planned endeavour for the rapid development of the Region. Over
the last thirty five years, NEC has been instrumental in setting in
motion a new economic endeavour aimed at removing the basic
handicaps that stood in the way of normal development of the region
and has ushered in an era of new hope in this backward area full of
great potentialities.

Sampark- the interface, is the benchmark event of the Department of

Business Administration, Tezpur University organised by the students
with active and unparalleled support of the faculty members. This
year we are privileged to be supported by North Eastern Council,
NRL and SRD Group of Companies. Sampark aims at establishing a
synergic relationship and an interface platform where the managerial
fraternity from both the corporate and academic world can share
their experiences. With Sampark, the School of Management Sciences
in particular and Tezpur University in general aims to hold a glorious
past and illustrious present and join their hands to script a golden
future. Every year Sampark is enlightened with a didactic theme that
broadens the horizon of the programme. Following the custom, this
year’s theme is “Act East – unveiling opportunities”.

As we begin the programme , May I request all present to kindly

switch off the mobile phones or keep it in silent mode.

Thank You

Commencing the event, the students of Department of Business

Administration will now present the Tezpur University anthem. The
Tezpur University anthem was composed by the legendary musician of
Assam, late Dr. Bhupen Hazarika. May I now request the audience to
kindly stand up and join for the university anthem.

Thank You

May I now request our honourable Vice Chancellor in charge,

Professor Madan. Mohan. Sharma and all our esteemed dignitaries to
kindly do the honours and light the inaugural lamp.
Thank You

May I now request all our esteemed dignitaries to kindly join the dias.

May I now request Professor Papori Baruah, Head, Department of

Business Administration to offer the welcome address. Ma’am please.

Thank You ma’am for words of wisdom.

May I now request Professor Chandana Goswami, Dean, School of

Management Sciences to kindly brief us about the event of the day.
Ma’am please.
Thank you Ma’am for the wonderful words.

May I now kindly request our student friends to felicitate our guest of
honour Mr. Rakesh Sood and Dr. Jaimini Bhagwati.

May I now request our student friends to felicitate our Vice

Chancellor in – charge Prof Madan Mohan Sharma.
May I now request Prof Madan Mohan Sharma, Vice Chancellor in –
charge to enlighten us with his words of wisdom. Thank you sir, we
are privileged to hear from you.

We are highly indebted by the presence of Mr. Rakesh Sood, a

distinguished fellow at the Observer Research Foundation. Rakesh Sir
has joined the diplomatic service in 1976 and served in the Indian
missions in Brussels, Dakar, Geneva and Islamabad in different
capacities and also as deputy chief of mission in Washington. The Ex –
Ambassador served as a director (disarmament) in Delhi and set up
the Disarmament and International Security Affairs Division which he
led for eight years as the joint secretary (D & ISA) in the Foreign
Ministry till 2000. Subsequently he has served as Ambassador and PR
to the conference on Disarmament in Geneva (2001-2004),
Ambassador to Afghanistan from 2005 to 2008, Ambassador to Nepal
from 2008 to 2011 and Ambassador to France from 2011 to 2013. In
September 2013, he was appointed special envoy of the prime minister
of disarmament and non – proliferation issues. He successfully held
this position till May, 2014 and finally retired from the government.
Sir, we are highly privileged by your presence.

Sir, the stage is all yours.

Thank you sir for your wonderful words.

We are extremely delighted to release our souvenir on the auspicious

occasion. May I now request our esteemed dignitaries on dias to do
the honours of releasing the souvenir.

Thank you everyone.

We also have among us Dr. Jaimini Bhagwati, member board of

infrastructure development finance company.

Dr. Bhagwati was educated at St. Stephen’s College, Tufts University

and MIT. He was India’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom
between 2012-13 and India’s Ambassador to the European Union,
Belgium and Luxembourg from 2008 to 2011. He has held senior
positions in the Ministry of External Affairs. He was also Joint
Secretary in the Ministry of Finance. During his tenure, he was
responsible for improving market integrity and implementing better
practices in Indian bond, equity and derivatives’ markets and the
pensions sector. He has worked for 12 years in Washington DC in the
World Bank’s Treasury in various senior positions. His responsibilities
at the World Bank included bond funding, derivatives transactions
and asset-liability management. Dr Bhagwati has authored research
publications in ICRIER, at the World Bank and in several books. He
is also a columnist in Business Standard (an Indian daily
newspaper).He has also served as RBI Chair Professor at the Indian
Council for Research on International Economic Relations from 2013
to 2018. Currently, he is a board member of Infrastructure
Development Finance Company’s holding company.
Sir, we are highly privileged by your presence.

May we have the privilege to hear a few words from you. As Sir shall
be delivering through slides, may I kindly request our esteemed
dignitaries to join the audience and enjoy the glimpse of the slides.

Sir, the stage is all yours

Thank You Sir.

May I now request our faculty coordinator, Dr. Tridib Ranjan Sharma
to deliver the vote of thanks. Sir please.

Thank you sir.

With this we come to an end of the inaugural session. We invite our

guests to join us for a cup of tea. We request our guest to proceed to
the lobby on the Ist floor. Students are requested to move to the
ground floor and the members of the press will be escorted by our
students for tea. We will reassemble in 30 minutes for the 1st session of
the event.
Thank You Ladies and Gentlemen. Wishing you all a great day ahead

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