Script For The Inaugural Event'19 Revised
Script For The Inaugural Event'19 Revised
Script For The Inaugural Event'19 Revised
The North Eastern Council is the nodal agency for the economic and
social development of the North Eastern Region which consists of the
eight States of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya,
Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura. The North Eastern Council
was constituted in 1971 by an Act of Parliament. The constitution of
the Council has marked the beginning of a new chapter of concerted
and planned endeavour for the rapid development of the Region. Over
the last thirty five years, NEC has been instrumental in setting in
motion a new economic endeavour aimed at removing the basic
handicaps that stood in the way of normal development of the region
and has ushered in an era of new hope in this backward area full of
great potentialities.
Thank You
Thank You
May I now request all our esteemed dignitaries to kindly join the dias.
May I now kindly request our student friends to felicitate our guest of
honour Mr. Rakesh Sood and Dr. Jaimini Bhagwati.
May we have the privilege to hear a few words from you. As Sir shall
be delivering through slides, may I kindly request our esteemed
dignitaries to join the audience and enjoy the glimpse of the slides.