Research Paper 1
Research Paper 1
Research Paper 1
Abstract-Ciphertext policy attribute based encryption (CP-ABE) is a promising cryptographic technique for fine-grained access
control of outsourced data in the cloud. One drawback in urgent need of solution is the key escrow problem. In this work, we
propose a collaborative key management protocol in CP-ABE (CKM-CP-ABE). Our construction realizes distributed generation,
issue and storage of private keys .A fine-grained and immediate attribute revocation is provided for key update. The proposed
collaborative mechanism effectively solves not only key escrow problem but also key exposure. Meanwhile, it helps markedly
reduce client decryption overhead. A comparison with other representative CP-ABE schemes demonstrates that our scheme has
some what better performance in terms of cloud-based outsourced data sharing on mobile devices.
to decrypt the data, it is not possible because the users can only
have a part of attribute set and it cannot match the attribute set
criteria. Even if multiple users combine their attribute set, it will
not match the criteria of the access structure policy.
3. User/attribute revocation:When an user leaves the system the
policy revokes the access of the user to thesystem.
4. Scalability:The scheme doesn’t not have adverse effects when
more users enter the policy. It has the functionality to maintain the
same performance throughout system for allusers. Even if the users
authorised are increased dynamically the system will provide
Proposed system, we reformed an attribute-based data sharing
scheme in cloud computing. The key escrow problem was resolved
by enhanced key issuing protocol . It enhances data confidentiality
and privacy in cloud system against the managers of Key
Distribution Center (KDC) and Cloud Server Providers as well as
malicious system outsiders, where Key Distribution Center (KDC)
and Cloud Server Providers are semi-trusted. In addition, the
weighted attribute was proposed to improve the expression of
attribute, which can not only describe arbitrary state attributes, but
also reduce the complexity of access policy, so that the storage cost
of ciphertext and time cost in encryption can be saved.
Conclusively, in the proposed system it has been proved that
performance and security analyses, in which the results express
highest efficiency and security of our scheme.
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