Berna 2
Berna 2
Berna 2
by Giorgio Sancristoforo
Berna 2.0, not only has a new stunning realistic UI but also it includes new processors like the
Comparator, an 18 bands 1/3 Octave FilterBank and an 18 Bands Vocoder, plus new Tone Burst
Generator, two Dynamic Modulators, new Reverb, new Frequency Shifter (with modulator input),
new FM Oscillator (with modulator input) and 8 new Multi Waveform Oscillators!
In DEMO MODE the software will run for 8 minutes, then it will quit.
save and load settings (excluding audio files)
Automap for your MIDI controller
Setting for your audio interface
“The I/O Vector Size (I/O stands for input/output) con- trols the number of samples that
are transferred to and from the audio interface at one time. The Signal Vector Size sets
the number of samples that are calculated by MSP objects at one time. This can be less
than or equal to the I/O Vector Size, but not more. The I/O Vector Size may have an effect
on latency and overall performance. A smaller vector size may reduce the inherent delay
betwe- en audio input and audio output, because MSP has to perform calculations for a
smaller chunk of time. On the other hand, there is an additional computational burden
each time MSP prepares to calculate another vector (the next chunk of audio), so it is
easier overall for the
processor to compute a larger vector. However, there is another side to this story. When
MSP calculates a vector of audio, it does so in what is known as an interrupt. If MSP is
running on your computer, whatever you happen to be doing (word processing, for
example) is interrupted and an I/O vector's worth of audio is calculated and played.
Then the computer returns to its normally scheduled program. If the vector size is large
enough, the computer may get a bit behind and the audio output may start to click
typically find the smaller I/O Vector Sizes consume a greater percentage of the
computer's resources. Optimizing the performance of any particular signal network when
you are close to the limit of your CPU's capability is a trial-and-error process. That's why
MSP provides you with a choice of vector sizes.”
Presets can store any potentiometer, button, fader and matrix state and can be recalled very
NOTE: presets do not save audio files into the tape recorders. You will need to load
them manually from the tape recorders.
To save a preset simply use shift+mouse click over one of the dots displayed in this interface.
To recall a preset just click the dot with the mouse.
Berna 2 features a useful automap function for your MIDI controllers.
Connect your controller to the computer and press the Automap toggle
With Automap ON you will see a number of toggles appearing over the user interface.
To connect a Control Change to a parameter simply switch on the toggle on the desidered
parameter, send some MIDI data from your controller (a fader or a pot). At this point you will
see that your controller succesfully sends MIDI data to the desidered parameter.
The patchbay is the routing facility of the studio, designed to give you total freedom on the
signal flow without using messy patching cables. The use of the patchbay is straightforward: at
the top you’ll see the OUTPUTS and at the left you’ll see the INPUTS of every module of the
studio. Let’s see a
couple of examples.
the MIXER CH 1
NOISE into 1/3 Filter and and Selective BPF, routed respectively to CH1 and CH2 of the MIXER
The oscillators are numbered following this scheme
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
There are 8 multi-waveform oscillators and one sinusoidal oscillator with FM input
A selection of Sinusoid,
triangle, sawthoot and
rectangular waves is
available, one at a time.
you can control GAIN and
Berna 2 © 2014
The ninth oscillator has different
It is a Sinusoidal Oscillator with FM
input (Osc9 FM Md in the
patchbay). Try patching OSC 1 to
OSC 9 FM Md with a sine at
around 6Hz and a very low index of
modulation. You’ll get vibrato.
More radical modulations can be
obtained at audio rate modulation.
! Remember to power it on !
Patch Tone burst to a mixer channel and rise the channel fader.
Power ON the tone burst generator.
The Tone burst generator has two controls one for the closed gate timing and the other of the
open gate timing. The tone burst will open and close it’s gate multiplying the cycle duration of
the modulator input by a factor of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128.
With cycle duration 2 at the left and 4 at the right, and a modulator = 1HZ the tone burst
will stay closed for 2 seconds, and open for 4 seconds.
The slope + or - will select positive or negative peaks of the modulator signal to clock the gate.
A switch will select gated or direct signal at the output.
The frequency shifter will shift (up or down) the specturm of a signal accordignly to a modulator
signal (sinusoid at full gain)
Now rise oscillator 1 frequency. Depending by USB or LSB output, the spectrum of the carrier
signal will be transposed up or
Fine adjustments of threshold can be obtained using mouse click + drag at the right of the
decimal point
Berna 2 © 2014
Upatch the amplitude selector from the mixer and patch it to DYNAMIC MODULATOR Md In
(DYN MOD 1 Md)
The mixer has 8 channes with PAN and 2 AUX (send [post-fader] and return)
The switch over the Master Fader route the Master to Tape 1, 2 3 or 4 Input
Tape returns have their output faders, a button select whether the tape return is routed to the
Master Fader or to the Matrix (the patchbay) in order to process tape sounds with the modules.
Then press B
Musica espansa - Percorsi elettroacustici di fine millennio - by Francesco Galante and Nicola Sani
C’erano una volta nove oscillatori - Lo studio di fonolo- gia della RAI di Milano nello sviluppo
della Nuova Mu- sica in Italia - A cura di Paolo Donati e Ettore Pacetti RAI - ERI 2002
Lo Studio di fonologia - Un diario musicale 1954 1983 a cura di Maria Maddalena Novati -
(The Studio di Fonologia - A Musical Journey 1954 -1983 - Update 2008 - 2012 _ Ricordi /
MGB Hal Leonard)
Musica nel laboratorio elettroacustico - Lo studio di fonologia di Milano e la ricerca musicale negli
anni Cinquanta - by Nicola Scaldaferri - LIM 1997
Il suono riprodotto - Storia, tecnica e cultura di una rivoluzione del Novecento - a cura di
Alessandro Rigolli e Paolo Russo - EDT 2007
Evoluzione dei mezzi tecnici per la musica elettronica by Alfredo Lietti - 1959
The theory and Technique of Electronic Music by Miller Puckette - World Scientific 2007
Analog days - The invention and impact of the Moog synthesizer - by Trevor Pinch and Frank
Trocco Harvard University Press 2002
OHM - The early days of electronic music Ellipsis arts (CD/DVD + booklet)