Immanuel 2014
Immanuel 2014
Immanuel 2014
Abstract— Childhood sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is children with SDB are not always terminated with cortical
characterized by an increased work of breathing, restless night arousal as indicated by high frequency changes in EEG [6].
sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness and has been associated Cortical activation in children may occur, but be too subtle
with cognitive impairment, behavioral disturbances and early to visually score. Thus, obtaining markers that reflect brain
cardiovascular changes. Compared to normal controls, activation associated with sleep related respiratory loads is
children with SDB have elevated arousal thresholds and their
still a challenge in clinical practice. Alternative approaches
sleep EEG may elicit cortical activation associated with
arousals but often too subtle to be visually scored. The aim of to evaluate neural function in children with SDB that do not
this study was to assess EEG complexity throughout the rely on standard polysomnography (PSG) EEG criteria
respiratory cycle based on symbolic dynamics in children with include respiratory related evoked potentials [7] and
SDB (n=40) and matched healthy controls. EEG amplitude autonomic responses to arousals [8, 9]. Chervin et al.
values were symbolized based on the quartiles of their proposed to measure subtle changes in cortical activity that
distribution and words of length 3 were formed and classed occurs phase-locked with respiration, termed respiratory
into 4 types based on their patterns. cycle related EEG changes (RCREC). In their initial study,
Children with SDB showed less complex EEG dynamics in notable differences in average EEG spectral powers linked
non-REM sleep that was unrelated to the respiratory phase. In
to the phases of the respiratory cycle were observed in a
REM sleep normal children showed a respiratory phase-related
reduction in EEG variability during the expiratory phase child with SDB and these differences were reported to
compared to inspiration, which was not apparent in children diminish after adenotonsillectomy [10]. We recently
with SDB. In conclusion, respiratory cycle related EEG confirmed the presence of RCREC during sleep in normal
dynamics are altered in children with SDB during REM sleep children and children with SDB, demonstrating a
and indicate changes in cortical activity. characteristic reduction in EEG power during the inspiratory
phase compared to the respiratory phase [11]. Importantly,
the magnitude of RCREC was increased in children with
SDB during rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep and
Childhood sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is characterized normalized after adenotonsillectomy. Chervin et al.
by an increased work of breathing, restless night sleep and speculated that RCREC may represent numerous micro-
excessive daytime sleepiness and has been associated with arousals in response to laboured breathing that is well known
cognitive impairment, behavioral disturbances and early to occur in children with SDB, who hypoventilate for most
cardiovascular changes that may predispose to an increased of the sleep periods outside of traditionally scored periods of
risk of developing cardiovascular diseases [1,2,3]. Compared apnea/hypopnea and arousals. However, the evidence was
to normal controls, children with SDB have elevated arousal solely based on correlation analyses and mechanisms have
thresholds, and impaired upper airway responses to not been elucidated.
respiratory stimuli [4, 5]. Importantly, obstructive events in The aim of this study was to expand on previous findings on
phase-locking between EEG fluctuations and respiratory
Research supported by the Australian Research Council (DP cycle. We hypothesized that complexity analysis of
110102049). respiratory cycle related EEG using non-linear methods may
M.Baumert, and S.A. Immanuel are with the School of Electrical and reveal further links between breathing and cortical activity.
Electronic Engineering, University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia (phone:
+61-8-8313-1616; fax: +61-88313-4360; email: Methods describing non-linear variability such as, Correlation dimension, Lyapunov exponents, Kolmogorov-
D. A. Saint is with the School of Medical Sciences and Centre for Sinai entropy etc are limited by length of time series
Biomedical Engineering, University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia (e- analysed. We adopted a novel approach for characterizing
M. Kohler is with the School of Psychology, Social Work and Social and recognizing temporal patterns based on symbolic
Policy, University of South Australia, SA 5072, Australia dynamics that transforms a given time series into short
(e-mail: ). frequency deterministic patterns, usually 3 words long, and
M. M. Kabir is with Knight Cardiovascular Institute, Oregon Health and evaluates their rate of occurrence, thus quantifying the
Science University, Portland, OR 97239, USA and the Centre for
Biomedical Engineering and School of Electrical and Electronic variability.
Engineering, University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia (e-mail:
s ta g e 2 s ta g e 4 REM
90 90 90
C o n tro l
85 85 85
% 0V
% 0V
% 0V
80 80 80
75 75 75
20 20 20
% 1V
% 1V
% 1V
15 15 15
10 10 10
1 .5 1 .5 1 .5
1 .0 1 .0 1 .0
% 2 LV
% 2 LV
% 2 LV
0 .5 0 .5 0 .5
0 .0 0 .0 0 .0
2 2 2
% 2 UV
% 2 UV
% 2 UV
1 1 1
0 0 0
r e s p ir a to r y s e g m e n t s r e s p ir a to r y s e g m e n t s r e s p ir a to r y s e g m e n t s
Figure 1: Symbolic dynamics variables %0V, %1V, %2LV and %2UV in normal children (grey) and children with sleep disordered breathing (black)
across inspiratory segments (ins1,ins2,ins3) and expiratory segments (exp1, exp2, exp3) of the respiratory cycle. Data are presented as group means and
SD. (** p<0.01)
respiratory abnormalities in the children with SDB, who had was significantly increased in stage 2 (p < 0.0001) and 4
a significantly higher obstructive apnea-hypopnea index sleep (p = 0.01), compared to controls. However, no
(OAHI), elevated respiratory arousals, increased frequency of significant respiratory phase effect on %0V was observed in
SpO2 desaturations and a significantly lower mean SpO2 any of the sleep stages.
nadir compared to controls (Table I). Overall, the degree of
SDB can be considered mild to moderate. There were no Low variability, as measured by word type %1V, was
significant differences between groups with respect to sleep observed in 10% and 20% of EEG data on average.
architecture in the baseline PSG (Table I). Contrasting word type %0V frequencies, %1V occurrence
was particularly low in stage 4 sleep, compared to stage 2 and
REM sleep. No significant respiratory phase effect on %1V
occurrence was observed, but it was significantly reduced in
A. EEG complexity phased-locked to respiration children with SDB during stage 2 (p < 0.0001) and 4 (p =
Symbolic word type frequencies as a function of 0.01) sleep.
respiratory phase are summarized for normal children and
children with SDB in Figure 1. Of the 4 different word types, High variability EEG dynamics patterns were rare and, in
zero variability word %0V accounted for most of the EEG case of %2LV, accounted for approximately 0.4% to 1 % of
dynamics, with group average values ranging between 80% the total dynamics on average. Despite low occurrences,
and 90%. Comparing sleep stages, %0V words were significant group differences were observed, with a reduction
particularly more common in stage 4 sleep compared to stage in children with SDB across all sleep stages. Post-hoc
2 and REM sleep. Importantly, in children with SDB, %0V comparison showed significantly reduced occurrence of
%2LV in the second inspiratory phase segment during REM REFERENCES
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