Fractions in Higher Education: Name
Fractions in Higher Education: Name
Fractions in Higher Education: Name
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A) Finding the Inverse Laplace transforms of Fractions
In higher education, the knowledge of partial fraction expansion is applied to find the inverse
Laplace transform of signals. Laplace transformation aids in transforming continuous time
variable domain to the frequency realm. Inverse Laplace transformation involves conversion
of a signal from the frequency domain to the time-domain. Laplace transforms find
applications in the field of engineering analysis; telecommunications, control systems
analysis and design (Kellaway and Kreyszig, 1969). As shown in the example below:
Example 1.1
Add LHS of the above equation using the earlier discussed method of addition of
ii. Using Laplace transform tables, find the inverse of the partially expanded fraction i.e.
This function is defined for all values of z, real or complex, for which the series converges
(Stroud and Booth, 2011).
The inverse of X(z) is then read from the tables to be given as,
assuming that the convergence of the former is known then, if each term in the second
series is greater than or equal to the term in the first series, for all k greater than K (where
K is a constant number for a particular series) then the original series is also convergent
(Grigorieva, 2016) i.e.
If is convergent & for k>K then the series also converges. The contrary
holds for the case of divergence.
Example 1.4
Test the convergence of the following fractional series:
term in , it is concluded by
Comparison test that the series in question is also convergent (Grigorieva, 2016).
Given a series , let . The series is convergent if r < 1, else whenever r > 1
then the series is divergent. For the case of r = 1 then the convergence/divergence of the
series remains unknown (Grigorieva, 2016).
Let then
Draw a conclusion from the obtained value of r i.e. since r < 1, the series converges.
iii). Ratio Comparison Test
This test involves a combination of the comparison test and the ratio test. It states that if
, where and are terms of two series with the convergence of the latter series
(Grigorieva, 2016).
Example 1.6
Determine if the following series comprising of fractions diverges:
Overall the knowledge of fractions can be used to find the inverse laplace transforms, find
inverse z-transforms and to investigate whether a particular series converges to a definite
limit. These are all the topics within higher education at a degree level.