Bible Verse

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But those who wait on the There is nothing that enters Defeat worry and

lord will find new strength. a man from outside which Fear from your mind!
They will fly high on wings can defile him; but the Confess this aloud 3x a
like eagles. They will run things which come out of day! “I’ am the body of
and not grow in weary him those are things that Christ and Satan has no
They walk not in faint defile a man. power over me! For I
- Isaiah 40: 31 - Mark 7: 15 overcome evil with good!
- Romans 12: 21
There is no darkness dark Priest: Nest Sunday I will
enough to hide a sinner preach about the sin of So if the son sets you free,
from God. lying. you will be indeed.
- Job 34: 22 To understand more, I want - John 8: 36
you all to read mark
When I saw Jesus on the Chapter 17 No matter what I say; I’ am
cross I grieved and cried, (The following Sunday) bankrupt without love
Who nailed him? Priest: How many of you have 1 Corinthians 13:3
But I was shocked when I read mark chapter 17(Almost
turned and saw.. every hand went up except for a He who has begun a good
“The Hammer is in My guy who dress like a punk). work and
Hands”. Priest: why my son you You will complete it until
haven’t read what I told the day of Jesus Christ.
Come near to God and you to be read? Philippians 1: 6
God will come near to you.. Guy: well I can’t seem to
- James 4: 8 find the 17th chapter. Let the morning bring me
Priest: (Smiled) Mark has word of unfailing love,
Therefore I say to you, only 16 chapters. For I have put my trust in
Whatever things you ask Let’s now proceed with my you, show me the way I
when you pray, sermon on the sin of lying. should go, for you lift my
Believe that you receive soul.
them and you will have God is talking to you now. Psalms 143: 8
them “Be still before me and wait
Mark 11: 24 patiently; don’t fret when What you believe and
evil men succeed. You will speak not only affects your
Call to me and I will answer flourish, prosperity will body but your immune
you and show you great abound forever. system as well. You and
and mighty things, Psalms 37: 7 – 72: 7 your words become either
Which you do not know. blessing or a course to
(Gods no#) A little sin seems so you. “Pleasant words are a
Jeremiah 33: 3 harmless but never stays honeycomb, sweet to the
little. Deal with it now! soul and health to the
Don’t wait until it’s full body!”
grown, brings forth death. - Proverbs 16: 24
- James 1: 15
When God gives you
another chance, Now is the time to live in Whatever you ask for in
it won’t be a continuation of Gods favor. Don’t deprive prayer, believe that you
the bad experiences you yourself by living have received it and it will
had in the past. Partner mediocrity. Live the best of be yours.
your best days ahead! your life now! “I have come Mark 11: 24
So rise up and seize it! that you may have life and
“Gods plans endure have it to the full. How great is the love the
forever; His purposes last John 10:10 father has lavished on us
eternally.” that we should be called
- Psalms 33: 11 The one who fear is not children of god and that is
made for perfect love. what we are.
The shortest verse in the 1 John 5: 18 1 John 3: 1
bible is “Jesus Swept.” Yet
it brings a word of comfort No servant can serve two Love your enemies
to us. For when we cry we masters; for either he will Matthew 5: 44
know Jesus understands. hate the one and love the
- John 11: 35 other, or else he will be Jesus said, “Let her alone.
loyal to the one and Why do you trouble her?
I delight greatly in the Lord; despise the other. She has done a good work
my soul rejoice in my God” Luke 16: 13 for me.
- Isaiah 1: 10 Mark 14: 6
No discipline seems
Always give yourself fully pleasant at the time but Let us not become weary
to your work to the lord. It’s painful later on, however, it in doing good, for at the
never wasted. produces a harvest of proper time we will reap a
- 1 Corinthians 15:58 righteousness and peace harvest it we don’t give up.
for those who have been Galatians 6: 9
Whatever is noble, lovely, trained by it.
right and pure; think of Hebrews 12:11 He who believes in me, out
them. of his hearth will flow rivers
Philippians 4: 8 We conclude that a man is of living water.
justified by faith apart from John 7: 38
Come, let us bow down in the deeds of the law
worship, let us kneel before Romans 3: 28
the lord your maker; for he King Josiah Discovered the
is your God and we are the Now faith is being sure of bible in the temple
people of his pasture, the what we hope for and 2 Chronicles 34:8-33
flock under his care. certain of what we don’t
- Psalm 95: 6-7 see and without faith it is Teaching the truth and
impossible to please God, forbidding the wrong
Go home to your friends because any one who teaching directing the right
and tell them what great comes to him believe that doing for Godly living.
things the lord has done for he exist and that he reward 2 timothy 3:16
you.” those who earnestly seek
- Mark 5: 19 him.
Hebrews 11:1- 6
The lord is our strength at Love must be sincere. Hate Do all the good things for
ready to help is there is what is evil; cling to what is your neighbor and it is the
trouble good. Bless those who same thing that you have
Psalms 46:1 persecute you; bless do done for the Lord
not course. Matthew 25:35-46
The story of Elise and the Romans 12:9-14
jar appeared magical oil I say to myself, the lord is
2 kings 4:1-7 We are certain that God my portion; therefore I will
hear our prayers wait for Him.
He richest that never fades 1 John 5:14 Lamentations 3:14
because he will give all the Lamentations 3:19-33
things that you needs by I patiently waited LORD for
Jesus Christ. you to hear my prayer. You The Lord is my shepherd I
Philippians 4:19 listened. shall not be in want.
And pulled me from a Psalms 23:1
If we state all our sins and lonely pit full of mud and
wish that it will be forgiven mire. You let me stand on a The earth and everything
because god will cleanse rock with my feet firm. on it belong to the Lord.
all our sins because he is Psalm 40:1-2 The world and its people
holy. belong to him.
1 John 1:9 Trust the Lord and live Psalm 24:1
right! The land will be
For god so love the world yours, and you will be safe.
that he gave his only Do what the lord wants,
begotten child which who and he will give you your
will believe will not perish hearts desire.
and have an everlasting Psalm 37:3-4
John 3:16 Be joyful always; pray
continually; give thanks in
The lord does not look at all circumstances, for this
the things mans look at. is God’s will for you in
1 Samuel 16:7 Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
When little becomes much
2 kings 4:1-7 How great is God’s love for
John 6:1-15 all who worship him?
Greater than the distance
You are not all slaves between heaven and earth!
because slaves not know How far the Lord taken our
what his master does but I sins from us? Farther than
own you as a friend the distance from east to
because all of these I west.
heard from my father. Psalms 103:11-12
John 15:15

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