NutitionalTyping Report
NutitionalTyping Report
NutitionalTyping Report
My 35 Year Nutritional Exploration Journey
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Fit For Life? Not Really…
Later, I became further confused by reading and trying the Fit For Life diet in the late ’80s.
Unfortunately, as a Protein Type (I’ll explain what this is later) neither diet was designed for my
nutritional Type. Instead, they worsened my health. The “fruit only” breakfast that Fit For Life
advocates, quickly increased my triglycerides to over 1000 so I stopped that one relatively quickly.
In my attempts to be healthy, I ate the low-fat, low-protein, high-carb diet Pritikin recommended.
This was great for a Carb Type but a disaster for a Protein Type. For 20 years my diet consisted of
mostly vegetarian meals such as uncooked oats with water (I thought this was healthier than cooked
oatmeal), plenty of whole wheat bread, white rice, tubs of margarine, beans and produce.
This approach, combined with my running of up to 50 miles or more per week, plummeted
my total cholesterol level to 75, and this was without any drugs like Lipitor. Now at that
time most physicians, including myself, felt the lower your cholesterol the better. Of course,
this was not correct and was actually causing health problems for me, as an optimal total
cholesterol level is around 175 to 200.
One of the primary problems with low cholesterol levels is that your body requires cholesterol as
a building block to build the vast majority of your hormones. It is a foundational precursor to
nearly all of your steroid hormones, and when it is low your hormones will become unbalanced.
Even though many often told me I looked gaunt and too thin, I tried to evangelize my fellow
med students, patients, and anyone who would listen to eat this same way.
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Dr. Rosedale opened up my eyes to how high-carb diets had the potential to increase insulin
to abnormally high levels. Furthermore, he taught that keeping insulin levels in the normal
range was central to optimal health and keeping disease at bay.
After I understood insulin, I took another sidetrack with Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s Eat Right
for Your Blood Type book, which appealed to me because it preached the individualization
of diet based on one’s blood type. There are four basic blood types, O, A, B & AB, and so
four different diets are offered. Dr. D’Adamo’s dietary recommendations can help to some
extent—primarily because he encourages his readers to stay away from refined and processed
foods and to eat whole, fresh organic foods instead.
Additionally, the most common blood type is O. In this system, blood type O’s are
instructed to avoid wheat and minimize consumption of almost all other grain products.
My experience has taught me that most people do tend to improve once they make these
changes, so it is my impression that these were the primary reasons why some people had
some success with the Blood Type Diet.
Me and my sister Janet running a major 10K run in 1987. She placed second in her age category as I was pacing her.
Unfortunately, my blood type is A, and that diet is high in grains and low in meat. This is
the exact opposite of what a Protein Type like me should be eating to stay healthy. While
trying this approach to diet, my fasting blood sugar rose to over 126. This means I actually
developed type 2 diabetes from following this program.This is not unusual, considering
75 million people in the United States alone have diabetes and pre-diabetes. Plus, nearly
all of my paternal relatives have diabetes or have died from diabetic complications. So I
immediately got the clue and stopped D’Adamo’s Blood Type A Diet.
Although I am grateful to him for bringing attention to the concept of diet individualization,
I have reached the conclusion that there is a far more important factor than just your general
blood type that can help you determine what foods are best for you.
And that factor is: YOUR METABOLISM. Your blood type has absolutely NO direct influence
on your metabolism of protein, carbs and fats for energy. And energy metabolism is the key
issue of health.
Once I started recommending that my patients decrease the amount of carbs in their diets,
I noticed a dramatic improvement in their insulin levels and in their overall health. I was so
impressed with these results that I wrote a book about my experience called The No Grain
Diet, which eventually became a New York Times bestselling book.
However, there were still a fair number of people who did not get better with the diet that
I told all my patients to follow. This was despite their strict compliance, and I couldn’t
understand why.
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Unfortunately, I had never really struggled with any serious health issues and have, for the
most part, felt full of energy my entire life. So I was unable to appreciate any side effects
from juicing other than I started to become allergic to some of the vegetables I was juicing on
a regular basis, like Swiss chard and collard greens.
It wasn’t until I learned Metabolic Typing that I would understand that the juicing would
move my biochemistry in the exact opposite way I needed it to go. It was far too high in
potassium for my needs and actually speeded up my already far too fast oxidation rate.
However, this type of vegetable juicing was beyond phenomenal for many of the patients I
recommended it to and they had enormous benefits. Later, I realized those who benefitted were
the Carb Types. But my experience with other patients who did not improve with juicing made
me far more open to the Metabolic Typing principles that I would learn in a few years.
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The juicing program I developed back then is still used in our clinic and is one of the more
popular pages on my Web site. has ranked number one or two for the term
“vegetable juicing” on Google for the past five years. We still strongly recommend that all of
our Carb Type patients adopt this juicing plan to achieve a high level of health.
The positive benefits many of my patients experienced with vegetable juicing helped
convince me of the importance of raw food and really set the stage for my future
experimentation with raw animal foods.
Dr. Rosedale’s insights on insulin were finally some of the nutritional golden truths I was
searching for so many years. Nothing I have learned since then has altered or changed my
views of these truths. In fact, it has been quite the contrary. Most people normalizing their
insulin levels have produced profound improvements in their health.
The next stop on my nutritional journey occurred in early 2001 when I finally understood
the reason that a significant number of people did not respond to the insulin-control
program I had developed. That is when I encountered Bill Wolcott’s book The Metabolic
Typing Diet, which carefully explained that there are three basic types of human metabolism:
• Carb Type
• Protein Type
• Mixed Type
People metabolize the food they eat in different ways based mostly on their genetics, but a
number of other factors, such as chronic stress, can also influence our metabolic activity.
According to Metabolic Typing, people can be classified as either Carb Types, Protein Types
or Mixed Types, based on how they answer a computerized questionnaire. Also, Metabolic
Typing defined two different kinds of Carb Types, two different kinds of Protein Types and
two different kinds of Mixed Types.
Discovering Metabolic Typing was a major epiphany for me and explained the years of
frustration I was having in trying to fit everyone into the same nutritional model.
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We also made the discovery—after just a few months of practicing Metabolic Type
nutrition—that it is not enough to make the right food choices, it is equally important to eat
your foods—at each meal—in the right order!
For instance, which food do you think would be the best one for Protein Types to eat first
at any given meal—meat or a vegetable? Which food do you think would be the best one for
Carb Types to eat first at any given meal—meat or a vegetable? And, which food do you think
would be the best one for Mixed Types to eat first at any given meal—meat or a vegetable?
Protein Types should eat their meat first, Carb Types should eat their vegetable first and
Mixed Types should eat their meat and vegetable together! When this is faithfully practiced,
digestive and metabolic efficiency typically improves dramatically. This is indicated by:
• Improved meal satisfaction (and with smaller portions of food)
• No need for snacks in between meals
• No more food cravings
Over the course of the five years that we have using Metabolic Typing, we have:
1. Identified what is most valuable about the system that we started with…
2. Eliminated what we have learned is unnecessary and burdensome…
3. Come up with big nutritional improvements that have helped our
patients experience dramatic and even amazing improvements in their
health within the first month of eating right for their Nutritional Type.
When I told other clinicians who were doing Metabolic Typing with their patients how we
had improved the Metabolic Type nutrition plans, I was surprised to hear that they were
all eager to learn about what we were doing. This was because many of them had actually
stopped using Metabolic Typing in their practice. Why? They found it too complex and
burdensome for the average patient to implement successfully.
Our experience with thousands of patients has confirmed for us, over and over again, that
we have identified the most important nutritional principles that help people to achieve
dramatically improved health, without burdensome effort.
With our new simplified version, people can easily understand and rapidly improve their
health from adopting easy foundational health principles.
After I had become comfortable with Metabolic Typing, I learned more about the Weston
Price Foundation with Sally Fallon and Mary Enig. Their compelling literature started my
raw food exploration by using raw dairy. It took nearly two years to locate an Amish farmer
in Michigan who could drive dairy to my Chicago-area clinic, but it was well worth the wait.
I observed yet another improvement boost among many of our patients who were able to
access raw, unpasteurized dairy.
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From there I progressed to one of the only teachers of raw animal foods, Aajonus Vanderplanitz.
Vanderplanitz teaches that humans are the only species that cooks their meat. All other animals
eat their food and meat raw. Vanderplanitz was able to recover from some very serious medical
problems by eating a raw food diet and he has helped many people do the same.
While I don’t agree with everything that Vanderplanitz teaches, especially his liberal use of
raw honey, he has uncovered many helpful principles and his work is part of our new system
called Nutritional Typing.
Distinctions Between and Metabolic Typing (MT) and Our New System:
Nutritional Typing (NT)
Simplified Categorization
MT categorizes people into three main metabolic types, but there are six subtypes and nine
possible Metabolic Typing combinations.
In our experience though, all you really need to know is: Are you a Protein Type, Carb Type
or Mixed Type?
Food Quality
One of the most important distinctions between these two systems has to do with attention
to food quality. For example, MT emphasizes specific foods to eat but does not strongly
emphasize the quality of these foods. On the other hand, NT advocates that buying the
highest quality food that is available to you is vital.
Not only do we advise and help our patients obtain fresh, locally grown, organic food, but
we also recommend that you eat as much of your food raw as possible. Eating raw will serve
to preserve the nutritional integrity of your food.
If you do cook your food, and we know that most people will, then it is very important to
use our low-temperature cooking guidelines as often as possible, as this will minimize the
amount of heat damage that you cause to your food.
You might already be familiar with the differences between raw and pasteurized milk. Well,
similarly, if you cook (i.e. heat damage) other foods, they will lose much of their ability to
transfer their vital energy to your body.
MT advocates that everyone should take a number of supplements (multi-vitamins,
enzymes and other products) designed for their type. However, NT does not at all focus on
nutritional supplementation as a primary means of improving your health.
The primary approach is to use food and rely on supplements only when indicated for
specialized conditions. It has been our experience that taking supplements hardly ever helps
people make big, nor lasting, improvements in their health.
Overall Nutritional Differences
MT nutrition plans emphasize making the right food choices based not only on whether
you’re a Protein, Carb or Mixed Type, but also takes into account your endocrine type and,
yes, even your blood type (although the list of blood-type-related foods to avoid are much
shorter and different than what Dr. D’Adamo teaches).
MT also emphasizes that you should be focused on the percentages and ratios of protein,
carbs and fat that you are eating at each meal. (It’s not surprising that many of our patients
became confused when we were practicing this approach.)
MT also places a big emphasis on supplements. Although supplements can definitely be
helpful at times, it has been our experience that taking supplements is not the key factor
leading to improvement in your health.
In NT, the emphasis is on making the right food
choices for your basic type—Protein, Carb or
Mixed—together with a big emphasis on food quality
and eating foods raw. Plus, emphasis is placed on the
best ways to cook your food, IF you are going to cook
it. Another factor includes always consuming your
most metabolically important food or foods FIRST,
thereby practicing the right kind of food combining
for your Nutritional Type. Last but not least, eating
consciously is an incredibly important facet of NT!
This is all much easier to do and, we feel, far more effective at improving your digestive and
metabolic efficiency than trying to get a handle on:
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Making food choices based on three different, and sometimes contradictory, concerns (Metabolic
Type, endocrine type and blood type), along with focusing on the percentages and ratios of
protein, carbs and fat that you are eating at each meal—while taking lots of supplements.
Also, we strongly prefer the term “Nutritional Typing,” over “Metabolic Typing” because
the emphasis is on NUTRITION. And, ultimately Nutritional or Metabolic Typing is only a
means to an end which is: knowing how to truly nourish yourself in the way that you truly
need to be nourished.
I have collaborated with about half a dozen leading nutrition experts who were trained in
Metabolic Typing, who felt that the system needed to be revised and simplified. We have
developed our own system for determining whether you are a Protein, Carb or Mixed type and
this revolutionary and cutting-edge refinement has just been developed in the spring of 2007. It is
literally hot off the press.
This information does not exist in written form ANYWHERE else in the world. It is my belief
that helping develop and provide an easy system for individualizing your ideal diet may be
the single most important contribution I ever make.
The potential for this program to improve your health is beyond extraordinary. It has been
our observation that most of the people who faithfully apply NT observe phenomenal
improvements in their health.
Ultimately, your Nutritional Type, at any given time in your life, is determined by
identifying the primary characteristics of your metabolism.
And identifying your basic Nutritional Type is really quite simple because there are
only three basic types: Protein Types, Carb Types and Mixed Types. While there can be
significant variations within each one of these three basic types, everyone on this planet, at
any given time, will have a Protein, Carb or Mixed Type metabolism.
Tens of thousands of books have been written on dieting and nutrition in the past 100 years,
each one with its own principles and teachings. Sometimes the diets seem to work, other
times not, and often they help one person but are devastating to another.
For example, some people feel great on the Atkins Diet (low-
carb) and quickly lose excess weight. Meanwhile, other people
have reported feeling sick, tired, moody and have gained
weight on a low-carb diet.
Unfortunately, nearly all of the dietary recommendations
that you read or hear promote a single regimen or approach
as being ideal or appropriate for everyone who applies it.
Remember that I have made this mistake too—several times.
And this is a terrible mistake in that it completely fails to appreciate the proven fact that we
do not all have the same nutritional requirements. Certain foods or a diet that works well
for one person may actually cause health problems for someone else. Unfortunately, this
profound truth is not “officially” acknowledged by the vast majority of doctors, dieticians,
nutritionists and other health care practitioners. It took me years to learn this for myself.
We have all been subjected to general and often vague food recommendations by so-called
experts, even though it has been over 2,000 years since the ancient Roman philosopher
Lucretius observed the profound truth that “What is food to one man may be fierce poison
to others.” (Over the years, this statement was re-phrased, and in modern times it is most
commonly known as “One man’s food is another man’s poison.”)
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For instance, we all need to be able to digest and metabolize protein. What makes NT so
different from any other “diet” you may have tried is that it guides you to the foods that
are the right sources of protein for you, together with teaching you how to optimize the
metabolic value of the protein.
Remember, what’s right for you could be very wrong for someone else, because although
we all have much in common with each other, we do have our differences—and it’s our
differences that make us unique.
Granted, our differences are mostly in the details, but never underestimate the importance
of details. You may not have thought much about the nutritional differences between the
white meat and dark meat of poultry, but in Nutritional Typing it is known that there is a
significant difference in the value of these two foods.
Also consider the molecular formula for hemoglobin (which is the part of a red blood cell
that picks up and carries oxygen) is C738H1166FeN203O208S2 (C=Carbon, H=Hydrogen,
Fe=Iron, N=Nitrogen, O=Oxygen & S=Sulfur). Hemoglobin is a molecule containing 2,318
atoms, and only one of those atoms is iron. Compared to the entire structure of hemoglobin,
the one atom of iron could be viewed as a very minor detail. But that one very minor detail
makes it possible for the cells of your body to receive the oxygen that they need, without
which, you would die.
So the lesson here is: never take the details for granted!
Nutritional Typing gives more attention to the specific details of what you are eating than any
other school of nutrition, diet book or fad diet in history! And you will want to give faithful
attention to the details that we teach you once you experience the benefits of doing so.
It is Highly Likely You Have Never Experienced Optimal Health
It may sound shocking, but it’s absolutely true. It’s likely that you
haven’t yet experienced optimum health. What does optimum health
feel like? It’s:
• Having more energy than you know what to do with
• Being free from aches and pains
• Feeling happy, optimistic and at peace emotionally
Being optimally healthy means that you feel this way almost always, as
opposed to feeling this way only rarely when you’re having a “good day.”
It is not your fault, though, that you likely haven’t reached this level of health. Our culture is
intertwined with pervasive corporate interests that are directly aligned with their self-serving
profit motives. It is designed to make these companies successful, often at the expense of
people’s long-term health.
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The different Nutritional Types evolved very naturally through countless generations in all
the different areas of the world as a result of the natural forces of:
• Adaptation
• Natural selection
• Genetic mutations
• Survival of the fittest
These types of forces exerted their pressures on the local population. This caused each local
population to adapt to the foods that were from that environment.
Part of what our culture promotes is a medical system based on treating symptoms, and not
addressing the underlying cause of those symptoms. Because of this, conventional medicine,
although highly effective for many acute health challenges, really has a very limited ability
to resolve most all chronic illnesses. Therapeutically, this approach or paradigm is known as
allopathic medicine.
If you want a powerful visual analogy of this concept please view the seven-minute animation
I created a few years ago that demonstrates this. You can see it at:
Unfortunately, much of contemporary alternative medicine falls under the same strategic
approach. This stems from the lack of technology to effectively analyze and resolve the
biochemical imbalances that are the underlying cause of disease.
This is not so with NT, however. Nutritional Typing is unlike conventional medicine
and most alternative medicine modalities in its unique ability to:
• Balance your total body chemistry
• Address disease processes at their causative level
• Prevent illness
• Rebuild health
• Provide uniquely long-lasting health benefits
When you begin eating right for your Nutritional Type, you will also begin to move toward
metabolic balance. And as you move toward metabolic balance, your body will be producing
energy more efficiently from the foods that you’re eating.
When you are in metabolic balance, you will then discover what it feels like to be truly
healthy. You will have created an inner environment that is conducive to you experiencing
your highest levels of:
• Peaceful energy
• Relaxed alertness
• Emotional poise
• Positive stable mood
• Great mental clarity
NT works for those who are healthy and those who are experiencing health challenges.
If your body is in need of healing, you will be helping yourself realize your full healing
potential. If you feel that you are already healthy, you’re in for a surprise! You will create
the possibility of truly knowing just how healthy you can be.
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How Will I Know I’m Eating Right for My Nutritional Type?
You will experience a profound difference in the way you feel before and after you begin
eating right for your Nutritional Type. When you are NOT eating right for your Nutritional
Type, you typically experience the following:
Have cravings, especially for sugar Are more prone to feeling anxious
and depressed
Experience mood swings Are more prone to addictions
Experience some degree of ‘brain fog’ Will be very prone to being overweight
or underweight
Have frequent and intense hunger Are prone to all types of degenerative
(especially true for Protein Types) processes
Meanwhile, at the other end of the spectrum, when you ARE eating right for your
Nutritional Type you typically:
Will be more satisfied with your meals Experience more consistently good energy
Can go for longer periods without eating Support on-going cellular repair and regeneration
Are completely FREE from ALL cravings Begin to realize your full health potential
Experience a more positive and stable mood Lose weight if you are overweight and gain
weight if you are underweight
Nutritional Typing Eliminates Your Food Cravings…
and There’s No Counting Calories!
Choosing what to eat without knowing your Nutritional Type is like a giant game of
roulette, because even if you’re choosing “healthy” foods, they may be pushing your
metabolism out of balance.
With Nutritional Typing, you can finally put a stop to the guessing game. There are
few things in life as liberating as discovering your Nutritional Type and coming to an
understanding of what nutrition plan will allow you to thoroughly enjoy your life
and live it to the fullest.
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When you start to follow the nutrition plan that’s right for you, you will experience plenty
of positive changes that will sharply improve the quality of your life. Some of these benefits
will occur immediately, while others will take a bit longer, but you can surely expect to
• Natural weight loss (if necessary) without dieting or restricting calories
• A reduced risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes
• Enhanced immunity and decreased coughs, colds and flu
• Slowing of the aging process
The Principles of Nutritional Typing
There are five primary principles that you will need to focus on to successfully eat right for
your Nutritional Type. The first three principles are actually of equal importance. We will
list them here in the order that they will need to be addressed as you shop and then plan and
prepare your meals:
1. Make the right food choices. Initially, choose all of your foods from your
Nutritional Type food chart. Buy the best quality food that is available to you.
2. Consider what you will eat RAW and what you will eat COOKED. When cooking,
never overcook your food. Use low temperature cooking as often as you can.
3. Always consume your most metabolically important food or foods FIRST!
For example, if you are a Protein Type eat your meat first, if you are a Carb
Type eat your vegetables first and if you are a Mixed type eat your meat and
vegetables together.
4. Practice the right kind of food combining for your Nutritional Type.
(This is especially important for MIXED types.)
5. Eat consciously! Pay attention to what you are eating and—if you do not already
do so—then begin to practice eating slowly and chewing your food thoroughly.
When you put these five principles into practice, you then set yourself up
for success with principle number six, which has to do with those perplexing
percentages and ratios of protein, carbs and fat that you are eating at each meal.
6. The truth is: the amounts of protein, fat and carbohydrates that you are eating
at each meal are definitely important—but please do not think about this in
terms of percentages and ratios. The amount of protein, fat and carbs that
you eat is also known as the macronutrient ratio, and it is the most dynamic part
of eating right for your Nutritional Type. But, the correct macronutrient ratio for
you can vary depending on a number of factors, including your levels of stress
and activity, and also the climate where you are living.
Perhaps you have heard about the macronutrient ratio, as it is the subject
of a book called “The Zone Diet.” This book proposes that to get in the “zone”
a person should strive to eat 40 percent of their calories from carbs, 30 percent
from protein and 30 percent from fat.
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However, this is incredibly misleading, as there is NO macronutrient ratio that
is right for everyone all the time. (It’s another one-size-fits-all approach.) As
indicated above, even your own ideal macronutrient ratio can vary significantly
from time to time.
So how do you get your ideal amounts of protein, fat and carbs right at every
meal without turning your meal into a complex mathematical problem?
The answer is simple: Focus on making the right food choices (principle #1) and
eating your food in the right way (principles 2, 3, 4 & 5). As for how much you
should eat of any given food in your meal plan, initially, you should let your
appetite be your guide, then learn from your experience.
You must always listen carefully to your body, trust what it tells you and
remember what you have learned.
If you pay attention, your own body language (how you feel physically,
mentally and emotionally) will always let you know if you are or are not
nourishing yourself correctly. So while the macronutrient ratio is important, so
is figuring out your best macronutrient ratio in an intuitive way, rather than in
an intellectual way!
There is one more principle that needs to be addressed, especially for those
of you who do take nutritional supplements. And that brings us to principle
number seven, which is:
7. Only take supplements that are right for your Nutritional Type. Avoid
supplements that are wrong for your Nutritional Type.
While the right supplements for your Nutritional Type can definitely be helpful,
they are not essential for most people to experience dramatic and even
amazing health improvements. If you are on a tight budget, always prioritize
spending your money on the best-quality food that is right for your Nutritional
Type rather than spending it on supplements.
Blood Pressure Improves Dramatically
The story below is from someone who had struggled with very high blood pressure for some time. She had
applied the Atkins-type, low-carb, high-protein diet for her blood pressure challenge and it failed miserably.
She was even eating organic foods!
Why did it fail?
Because she was a Carb Type. If she were a protein type she would have had phenomenal results, just like
many of the successful Atkins proponents.
Fortunately, she was a subscriber to our site and had taken our online NT test that provided her with the
correct diet recommendations for her and, as you can see by her story below, it worked like an absolute
Mieltje is a 54-year-old woman who had her thyroid removed in1984. She gained quite a bit of weight over
the years and also had high blood pressure. She had always been able to control high blood pressure with
magnesium, but lately that had not worked.
Here is her story:
“After 10 days of the NT diet, my blood pressure has dropped 40 pts. I was getting readings of 200/160, and
yesterday I had 123 over 73. Still spikes, but is dropping steadily.
Unbelievable. I never believed I was a carb person, and have been avoiding them for years, still gaining
weight. Steady increase in blood pressure, despite eating healthy, organic foods.
And who would have thought the order in which you eat them matters. I always craved bread and potatoes more
than dessert. I’m in heaven finishing a meal with a red potato, or following egg for breakfast with flax wheat
toast. And the fog is clearing. Still waiting to see a weight drop, but the blood pressure change is amazing!”
—Mieltje, Deer Park, IL
The second NT principle is all about how you prepare your foods, so ideally you will want to
eat them either raw or lightly cooked. Consuming foods in this form ensures that you get the
maximum nutritional value from the foods, and the least amount of toxic byproducts.
You may not realize that cooking foods, particularly at high temperatures, actually creates
health-harming compounds in the food, and this is something you definitely want to avoid.
Eating foods as close to their natural form as possible is a primary goal with NT.
So, whenever possible, you should seek out organic raw foods. This includes raw organic fruits
and vegetables, organic raw dairy products like raw milk, raw kefir, and raw yogurt, and organic
raw meats and seafood like steak tartar and salmon tartar, all according to your NT, of course.
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However, raw dairy products can be very difficult to come by in the United States. If you cannot
find a source of raw dairy products, you can substitute organic pasteurized dairy products, if they
are agreeable to your body. Meanwhile, some people are opposed to eating raw meats and seafood.
For this reason, it’s acceptable to lightly cook your foods using low-temperature cooking.
Low-temperature cooking conserves more of the naturally occurring moisture and flavor
in the food, plus, the food does not stick to the cookware. Most importantly, the food will
be easier for your body to properly digest, and you will be conserving much more of the
nutritional value of the food.
Can My Nutritional Type Change?
Your type can, in fact, change. However, for most people, once their Nutritional Type is
correctly identified, it does not change.
But while it is generally very uncommon for your NT to change over time, the ratios and
ideal proportions of your foods may need to be altered. For example, if you have three people
who are all Protein Types, not all of them would eat the same way for breakfast, lunch and
dinner. Some will have a much stronger need for protein and fat at breakfast and a lesser need
at lunch and even lesser at dinner. One person may be completely opposite, requiring most of
his protein and fat at dinner, while the other may require the same amounts at every meal.
As far as your NT changing, this is a matter of the difference between what we refer to as
your “genetic type,” or the NT that you were born with, and your “functional type”—the
NT that you are simply functioning at today.
In some individuals, their genetic type can weaken, and as a result
they move into a different NT pattern. This may be caused by:
• Eating the wrong foods for your Nutritional Type
• Stress
• Environmental factors such as seasonal changes
After these individuals start balancing their body chemistry, it is possible that they may move
back and forth between their genetic and functional types. Until the strength is restored in
their body, they may, therefore, move into different Nutritional Types.
However, if your genetic type is the same as your functioning type (and this is the case with
most people), then your NT likely will not change.
Either way, a change in your NT is not something you need to worry about. You simply
follow your program and retest occasionally to check on your Nutritional Type and see how
you’re doing. When you follow your NT, things just work out in a very natural way.
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What if I’m a Vegetarian and a Protein Type?
People who follow a vegetarian diet are often concerned about changing
their eating habits if they turn out to be Protein Types. Unfortunately,
some of the sickest patients I have seen are people who are Protein Types,
yet are clinging to the belief that they need to be a vegetarian.
This is because Protein Types need to eat high-purine animal protein
in order to be optimally healthy. The whole point of NT is to identify
what foods are right for your specific and unique biochemistry, and that goes far beyond
any theory or belief. NT has to do with what is right for your genes, and what is right from
a genetic standpoint in terms of the kinds of foods and kinds of nutrients that are right for
your metabolism.
While being vegetarian might be a choice that benefits some people, it is a choice that is
NOT conducive to health for Protein Types. People in this group tend to suffer terribly
by developing numerous health problems. They never achieve the level of health they are
seeking if they choose to remain on a vegetarian diet.
You should consider taking some hydrochloric acid and/or enzyme supplements with your
meals to help your digestive process. Taking a daily probiotic is also recommended. When
taking supplements, you should seek an experienced natural medical clinician to guide you
through the process.
You can also help your digestion by eating slowly. Chewing your food thoroughly ensures
that you’re mixing all of your saliva in with your food, which helps start the digestive process
properly. It is also important to eat your food under calm conditions.
You shouldn’t be watching upsetting news on TV, having an argument with someone, or
worrying about a problem that you’re dealing with while you eat. This is because stressful
situations such as these will shut off the digestive process and make it much more difficult
for you to digest your food.
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Diabetes Improves on HIGH-Carb Diet!
Paula from Fruit Heights, UT is a 64-year-old diabetic perspective, the value of our Carb Type nutrition
and she has struggled with high triglycerides and plan was shown in the dramatic improvements she
very high cholesterol. Her comprehensive blood test realized from her first blood test in April, compared
clearly indicated insulin resistant type 2 diabetes. to her second blood test in September.
Her previous physician enriched the drug companies It is important to keep in mind that these
by prescribing Lipitor, a drug that in no way, shape or improvements began to be achieved when Paula
form treats the cause of the problem but gives Pfizer started to eat right for her NT and used food as her
a cool $13 billion a year in revenues. Fortunately, she medicine! Also, keep in mind that she is 64 years of
could not tolerate it. (She probably got a ‘thank you’ age and she had only been eating right for her NT for
note from her liver for stopping the Lipitor!) three months when her blood test was repeated.
Paula is five feet tall and was about 30 pounds Test results from April 28, 2006
overweight when she visited the Optimal Wellness Insulin: 13
Center in April of 2006. As a new patient, she
expressed frustration that: “No matter what I do, I Glucose: 144
just can’t seem to lose weight and keep it off.” Triglycerides: 238
She also reported that she loves desserts. In fact, she Total Cholesterol: 298
has a history of having strong cravings for sugar and HDL’s: 45
bread. (Cravings for sugar or bread or other refined
grain products are ALWAYS a big clue that someone LDL’s: 205
is NOT eating right for their type of metabolism.) Test results from September 21, 2006
Through Nutritional Typing, Paula was identified as Insulin: 5
a strong Carb Type. Well, it took Paula some time to
Glucose: 85
do the planning and preparation necessary before
she could consistently eat right for her NT, but, in Triglycerides: 125
the middle of June 2006, she did begin to follow our Total Cholesterol: 259
prime Carb Type nutrition plan about 90 percent to 95
HDL’s: 48
percent of the time. Over the course of the next four
to five months, Paula realized the following benefits: LDL’s: 186
• She experienced a huge reduction She Did NOT Take Any Prescription Drugs!
in her cravings for sugar and bread Paula’s insulin and glucose levels from September are
• Her Carb Type meals were so satisfying not only no longer at diabetic levels—these levels are
to her, she could easily go for five to six outstandingly healthy for a Carb Type in her age group.
hours after breakfast and lunch before Her levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL’s &
she began to feel hungry again LDL’s still have lots of room for further improvement,
• Her energy, stamina, mood and but she is NO longer at high risk for heart disease. In
mental clarity all improved fact, every day that she eats right for her Nutritional
Type she moves further away from disease and she
• She lost 18.25 pounds—Without Dieting!
gets closer and closer to realizing her full health
All of these benefits really helped to improve the potential at this time of her life.
quality of Paula’s daily life. From a blood chemistry
When Will I Experience the Benefits of Nutritional Typing?
Most people will start to notice benefits of eating the right foods for their NT within the first
few weeks. However, it is important to appreciate that you will continue to realize your full
health potential over time.
If you are suffering from a degenerative process, you should give yourself a few years of really
being faithful to the program. At the end of that time, when you look back you’ll be amazed
at the changes that have taken place in your body, just by eating the right foods—and
stopping the wrong ones—for your Nutritional Type.
All of our patients at the Optimal Wellness Center (my health clinic just outside of Chicago)
were required to take the computerized Metabolic Typing analysis as part of their evaluation
in our clinic. The cost for that analysis, with a one-hour follow-up consultation with a
therapist, is $180 (typically covered by third-party insurance companies).
However, the high price of the analysis has prevented many people from taking this valuable test,
which we believe should be available to everyone. If you’re wondering why it cost so much, a
portion of that fee went to pay for the actual computerized test that was developed by Bill Wolcott.
To provide a less expensive alternative, we’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars to develop
a simpler less expensive test to Nutritionally Type you. Plus, we’ve added an online evaluation
and support forum, which is moderated by one of the nutritionists that works in our clinic.
So we now can finally offer the new Nutritional Typing test to our online subscribers for
$120 less than the patients in our clinic pay. The regular charge for the test will
be an extremely reasonable $59.95!
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That also includes one month of participation in the Nutritional Type Forum, where you
can access tens of thousands of questions that have been previously asked. You can ask your
own specific questions for one month as well. (If you need more time in the Forum, you can
continue for only $15 per month.)
But hold on…
To celebrate our newly redesigned and improved Nutritional Typing test, we’ve decided to
go even further—right now, you can sign up for your personalized NT test for another 50%
off. This brings your total investment down to a measly $29.97!
Why would we do this? Well, we want to make Nutritional Typing so affordable, that
anyone can do it…(Especially now that it’s only 1/5 of what it used to cost!)
I’m not so sure how long this 50% discount will last though, so I’d sign up right away.
Especially since the sooner you know your own Nutritional Type, the sooner you can
take control of your health.
We are extremely excited to be able to offer the NT program, as those who apply its
principles experience phenomenal health benefits. Give it a try for yourself, and experience
for the first time what truly optimal health really feels like.
This revolutionary book contains exactly what you need to:
• Maximize your weight loss
efforts (and maintain your
desired weight once you
achieve it)…
• Choose flavorful foods most
appropriate to your unique
• Reverse your risk of diabetes
(and nearly every chronic
degenerative disease)…
• Build your own bullet-proof
immune system…
• Master a simple exercise
routine that will transform
your fat into muscle…
• Recharge your emotional
well-being and life
• Stop wasting money on
potentially hazardous
health “fixes”…
This is me today, healthy and happy, along with my • And much, much more…
new book Take Control of Your Health!
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