Core Management Concepts
Core Management Concepts
Core Management Concepts
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Introduction: This chapter introduces the course and its the chapter will also consider whether accounting
approach. It discusses the pre-industrial roots of numbers are reliable, paying particular regard to the
thinking about management and leadership, and shows faith that organisations place, or often misplace, in
the longevity of certain management practices. The numbers.
industrial revolution prompted major developments in
The Rise of Human Resources Management: This
social theory and political economy—in particular in
chapter looks at the origin and evolution of the field of
Europe and USA—which in turn have influenced the
human resources management (HRM) and introduces
analysis of management in business. The chapter traces
key theories and analytical concepts of HRM. The
the roots of modern management technique in the
chapter will evaluate whether, and if so, how HRM can
developing disciplines of the social sciences and offers a
contribute to firm performance. The chapter also
framework for a critical understanding of the corpus of
introduces two key areas of research and practice in the
business knowledge.
field of HRM: leadership theories and the psychological
Management and the Firm: This chapter looks at the contract.
growth of large firms in historical context and examines
Origins of Management Science: This chapter will look
the major explanations for the growth of firms,
at the development, post-Taylorism, of the contribution
specifically technological indivisibility and market
of Management Science and its quantitative modelling
failure. It specifically examines the work of Chandler. It
approaches to managerial decision making. It will
describes the separation of ownership and control and
explain the basic concepts of inventory control and
introduces the problem of agency. It introduces the
queueing models, bringing the discussions up to date
‘varieties of capitalism’ debate and covers the varieties
with contemporary applications of such approaches. In
of institutional arrangements for firm governance that
particular, the chapter will discuss some of the
have emerged in advanced economies. The relationship
challenges facing managers who need to evaluate such
between the factory system and the creation of an
models and data.
industrial workforce is discussed.
Management Accounting: Costing: This chapter will
Taylorism, Motivation, and Performance: This chapter
introduce management accounting as a set of practices
looks at the emergence of two important schools in the
relating to the internal control of the corporation and
history of management science that attempt to
their evolving role in facilitating decision making by
systematically analyse human behaviour at work: 1.
managers. Then focus will be placed on costing. We will
Taylorism and scientific management; and 2. the
distinguish between direct and indirect costs, and
development in psychology and the human relations
between standard costing methods and Activity Based
movement. If offers an overview of the background,
principles, as well as limitations and problems of the
two schools. Performance appraisal systems and Management accounting: Decentralization and
reward systems in organisations are examined as well. performance measurement: This chapter will introduce
themes in management accounting relating to the
The Rise and Decline of Labour: This chapter looks at
collecting, processing and analysis of information
the historical root of industrial and labour relations and
regarding the internal performance of the firm. We will
explores the linkage between workplace control and the
investigate the relationship between performance
broader economic and political context of work
measurement and decentralized forms of organization,
organisations. The evolution of internal labour markets,
with a particular focus on the Balanced Scorecard.
the logic of collective action, and wage determination
and rent-sharing in collective bargaining are examined. Financial accounting: This chapter will introduce the
The chapter also introduces the markets for trade three elements of the financial report, namely, the
unionism and the mechanisms that unions grow. It balance sheet, the income statement and the cash flow
overviews the rise and fall of trade unions with statement. We will discuss the purpose of classifying
reference to historical and contemporary influences. assets, liabilities and shareholder funds with a focus on
Alternative voices schemes are explored at the end. their relevance for managers. The chapter will also
consider how different approaches to cash flow can
Functions of Management: The chapter will explore key
have a range of impacts on the organisation.
functions of management, looking at competing
theories to explore what it is that a manager does. It will Investment Management: This chapter will first
focus in particular on the issue of control and whether introduce the financial framework relating to risk and
managers can be relied upon to act in the owners’ best reward and place this in the context of the
interests, using theories on the relationship between characteristics of different asset classes. It will describe
the principal and the agent to explore this. Financial the process of constructing a balanced portfolio. The
control will be considered as a possible mechanism chapter will also explore the market efficiency
through which principals can monitor their agents and hypotheses, looking at their impact on investment
the agents can monitor their responsibilities. However, decisions.