Bbabcock Resume
Bbabcock Resume
Bbabcock Resume
Teaching Experience
Norview High, Norfolk, VA 2006-Present
Courses Taught
World History II 2006-2009, 2011-Present
Honors World History II 2008-2009, 2010-2011
World History I 2008-Present
o Content Team Leader World History I 2010-Present
Inclusion World History I 2008-Present
Virginia US History 2009-2012
Inclusion Virginia US History 2009-2012
Content and Data Team Leader, World History II 2008-2009
Content and Data Team Leader, World History I 2010-Present
Actively involved in collecting and analyzing data as Data Team Leader
Collaboratively create differentiated lesson plans, activities, projects, and formal and informal assessments for World History I, World
History II, and Virginia US History ensures accessibility to all ability levels in order to facilitate active involvement of students
Implement relevant lessons and activities with real world connections while providing students with audiences to present their work
Assist in creating formal unit assessments that are SOL compatible for all courses taught
All lessons are specifically crafted to provide students with an understanding of the essential tools needed to succeed in both high school as
well as life and meet the following criteria:
o To create effective communicators and collaborators
o To create globally aware, independent, responsible learners and citizens
o To create critical and creative thinkers, innovators, and problem solvers
Involvement in School to Improve School Climate
Emcee of Homecoming Pep Rally 2008-Present
Norview High School, Norfolk, Virginia
Responsible for setting climate of pep rally and encouraging school spirit, introducing all fall sports teams and coaches, NJROTC
Color Guard, Cheerleading Squads, Marching Band, Chorus
Teacher Homecoming Tent
Norview High School, Norfolk, Virginia 2008-Present
Founder and operator of annual cookout for teachers prior to the homecoming football game to encourage school spirit
Girls’/Boys’ Varsity Tennis Coach
Norview High School, Norfolk, Virginia 2007-2011
2007-2008 Regional Qualifiers as a Team
Involvement in School to Improve School Climate Continued
Mrs. Jennifer Lopez, Social Studies Teacher Specialist, Norfolk Public Schools
Mr. Bruce Brady, Head of Social Studies Curriculum and Instruction, Norfolk Public Schools
Mr. Dale Holt, Chief Operations Officer, Division Services, Department of School Division Services, Virginia Beach City Public Schools