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"Noor-ul- Haque Mashreqi's Zubdat-ut-Tawareekh": A source for the study of medieval India
Khursheed Ahmad
Assistant Professor (Ad-hoc), Dept. of Persian, Zakir husain, Delhi college (Eve.), Delhi, India
Persian literature received a lot of attention as it was the official & court language during medieval era. A vast number of works
were written during the Mughal period. Our understanding of the Mughal period greatly enhanced by these books and most of the
historical works of this period provide us a fairly reliable source of information’s. After the foundation of Delhi Sultunate, The
court of Delhi attracted the scholars, poets and artist from the outside of India specially from central Asia and Iran. The literature
they produced mostly was in Persian, provides deep study about the religion and socio-cultural life of that era. Court patronized
these scholars and appointed in Administration, Shahi Madarsas and other offices of state. In this period Madarsas and Khanqahas
were became a prominent centre of Islamic culture. At the same time, the sufisilsilas or tariqat were also great asset to the general
people of India. They play key function to bring Islam and other religion close to each other. The Sufi Khanqahas serving the
people without any difference of caste, creed and religion. The Sufi Malfuzat (Sermons) is a valuable source to understand the
medieval society.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
Burhanuddin, Shaikh Bahuddin Zakariya, Shaikh Fariduddin Unfortunately this work has not been published and few
etc.1 manuscripts has been preserved in the various libraries and
He also write about other sultan of this period , that he was museums of India and abroad, we are providing here a
very kind and gentle person, have much believe in donations comprehensive list of manuscripts of this valuable work.
and prayers: 1. Asafiyah Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh MS. No 160,
2. Salar Jung Museum, Hyderabad, A.P. Ms. No. 298
"بر درويشان و گوشه نشينان فتوح فرستادي و پنج وقت نماز به جماعت ادا 3. Maulana Azad Arabic Persian Research Institute, Tonk
کردي تا نماز عشا نگزارد وي در حرم سرا نه رفتي و به قيام ليل مواظبت Rajasthan, (Udai Pur Collection, M.S. No- 2617)
کردي و نوافل عبادات و خيرات قيام نمودي و از دائيره احکام شرعي و انقيام و 4. Ameer-ud-daula Public Library, Lucknow, Ms. No 48374
"اطاعت آن قدم بيرون ننهادي 5. Lahore Public Library, Ms.No. 510 Dated 1118 A.H.
6. British Museum, Ms. No Add. 10580
In the medieval times so many works have been written on the
life and contributions of nobles and intellectuals, like Maasirul Starting of Salarjung Museum's Manuscripts:
umara, Zakhiratul khawanin, Tarikhe Shakir Khani, Tarikhe
Iradat Khan etc. This work also covers the life and " خطبه کبريا جالل بنام شاهنشاهي سزد که عالم و هر چه در عالم است آفريده
contribution of a Mughal Nobel who serves the court of Akbar اوست و آدم و آدميان نواخته و بر گزيد او جهان آفريني که بر آورد آسمان و
and Jahangir, he was Shaikh Farid Bukhari. Shaikh got a زمين را و هر چه در آسمان و زمين است از ثوابت و سيارات و عناصر و
prominent possession in the court of Akbar after the death of مواليد و بسايط و مرکبّات به انتظام بديع و محکم صفتي متين و متقين بر وجهي
Abul Fazal the great noble of Akbar and a great historian of " که اگر تمامه عقالي عالم از ازل يکدل و يکرو شده خواهند
Mughals, he wrote a wonderful book Akbar Nama and Aaine
Akbari. End of the Manuscript
In this work author focuses on the life of Shaikh Farid, his "بيان ايشان به تفصيل در ذکر سلطان بهلول نوشته شده است و م ّدت سلطنتش
contributions in wars, his welfare works and other many شش نفر م ّدت نود.نوزده سال بود بعد از وي سلطنت سالطين شرقيه سپري شد
important information. .و هشت سال بادشاهي کردند در گزشتند و ذکر ايشان يادگار نامد
This history also a source of socio cultural life of that period,
he also provide information regarding festivals, Marriage Conclusions
ceremony and other celebrations. At the end we can say that Zubdat-ut-Tawareekh is a valuable
source of medieval Indian History. The author’s style of
)(الف narrating is fair and accurate. The book is written in a simple
"درين سال شهريار بلند اقبال به در آمد نوروز دلفروز ابواب عيش و حضور and straightforward style which indicate towards full of spirit
جمهور خاليق کوشيده حکم فرمودند که در ديوار ايوانها دولت خانه به دستور to write vivid history. Shaikh Noor-ul-Haque was employed
سابق باز به زيب و زينت آراستند و صفهاي به آئين مذکور ترتيب مي يافت و on some high offices during the reign of Jahangir and
"3جشنهاي خورمي ساخته مي شد Shahjahan. It was because of his clear sightedness to events.
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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development