Care of Dead Body

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1 1 min To introduce INTRODUCTION- Lecture and LCD Introduce care
care of the After the physician has discussion of dead body?
dead body. pronounced death and legally documented the
death in the medical record, care of death is
usually performed by the nurse. An Autopsy
consent may be requested and obtained, if

2 1 min To define care DEFINITION- Questioning LCD What do you

of dead body. According to Annamma Jacob- and Answering understand by
Care of dead body in 30 to 45 minutes care of dead
following declaration of death by physician. body?

3 1 min To list down PURPOSES- Questioning OHP What are the

the purpose of 1. To maintain normal body alignment and Answering purposes of
care of dead before rigor mortis set in. care of dead
body. 2. To reduce mental distress of family. body?
3. To facilitate transportation to

4 2 min To enlist the ARTICLES- Questioning OHP What articles

articles used in 1. Tray lined with towel. and Answering are used in care
care of dead 2. Long artery clamp. of dead body?
body. 3. Bandage.
4. Absorbent and non- absorbent cotton.
5. Hospital gown or patient’s cloth.
6. Mackintosh.
7. Mortuary card in transparent plastic
8. Valuables envelop.
9. Shroud/body bag/sheet.
10.Clean gloves.
11.Articles for cleaning and bathing the

Assess for presence It is the physician’s
of family or responsibility to
significant others and notify the family of
whether they have patient’s death.
been informed of the Nurses provide
patient’s death. Ask emotional support
if they wish to view and prepare body for
the body, observe viewing.
their response and
offer them the
opportunity to ask
Assess patient’s Specific religious
religious and cultural dictate ceremonies at
practises. Determine the time of death.
if family wishes to
have a minister or
priest at the bedside.
Determine if patient Precautions must be
was on isolation taken to prevent
precautions for an spread of infection to
infectious disease. others.
Wash hands. Reduces
transmission of
Don gloves and Body secretions may
gowns or protective harbour infectious
devices as micro-organisms.
Close room door or Provide privacy for
draw bedside the deceased and
curtains. family.
Identify the body Ensures proper name
according to agency use in labelling.
Position body supine Body appears in
with arms at side. natural position.
Palms down or arms
across the abdomen.
Do not place hands
one on top of the
other because bottom
hand will become
Place small pillow or Prevent pooling of
folded towel under blood in the face and
the head or elevate subsequently
head of bed 10-15 discoloration.
Gently place fingers Holds eyelids in
over the closed place to create a
eyelids for a few natural appearance.
Insert dentures into It is difficult to insert
mouth (if dentures after rigor
applicable). If mouth mortis occurs.
fails to close, place a Dentures maintain
rolled towel under normal facial
the chin expression.
Remove all bottles In case when autopsy
bags or receptacles is needed these need
from urinary is to be preserved.
Nasogastric tubes, IV
lines or drainage
For tubes remaining Hospital policy
in the body, either dictates tube care.
remove clamp or cut Specific guidelines
within one each of apply if an autopsy is
the skin or tape in to be performed.
Remove soiled Controls odour
dressings and replace caused by micro-
with clean gauze organisms.
Wash body parts Prepare body for
soiled with blood, viewing and reduces
urine, faeces or other odours.
drainage and put
clean gown on.
Apply jaw bandages. Keep the mouth
Plug body orifices Relaxation of
such as nose, mouth, sphincter muscles
vagina and rectum after death may
with absorbent cotton cause release of
followed by non- urine, faeces and
absorbent cotton body fluids.
(ears to be plugged
only if there is
cerebrospinal fluid
leakage) nose to be
packed in such a way
that cotton is not
Close eyes by Eyelids remain
keeping wet cotton closed with wet
balls on eyelids. cotton on them.
Fold hand as in
praying position and
tie thumbs together.
Straighten legs, bring
feet together and tie
big toes.
Complete mortuary Use ball point pen to
card and place in avoid ink from
plastic cover and tie spreading.
to the big toes.
Place an absorbent Relaxation of
pad under the sphincter muscles
patient’s buttocks. after death may
cause release of urine
and faeces.
Brush and comb During viewing the
patient’s hair. patient should appear
Remove any clips well groomed objects
hairpins or rubber such as pin can
bands. damage or discolour
the face and scalp.
Remove all Prevent loss of
jewellery. Exception: valuables.
family may request
wedding band be left
in place. Place a
small strip of tape
around finger over
the ring.
Account for all Nurse is responsible
valuable remaining for safe keeping of
in the patient’s room personal valuables,
and label each item. such as jewellery,
Prepare a “valuable wallet. Eye glasses or
list” to inventory all religious medals.
items. Return
valuables to
immediate family
member when they
arrive or store in

Place patient’s Keeps items safely

clothing and shoes in secured.
a labelled bag and
return to family
identification tags
and attach one to the
patient’s ankle. The
remaining tag should
be shaved in order to
attach to the outside
of the sheet after the
body is covered.
If the family request Maintain dignity and
viewing, place a respect for the
sheet or light blanket patient and family
over the body with and prevents
only the head and the exposure of body
upper shoulder parts.
exposed. Provide soft
lighting and offer
chairs to the family.
After the family has Prevents injury to
left, remove all linen skin and extremities,
and patient’s gown, avoid unnecessary
then place body in exposure of body
body bag or apply parts.
the shroud. Be sure
that the shroud
completely encircles
all body parts.
Secure shroud with Keep shroud secure,
tape wrapped over protects body during
the shoulders, waist transfer.
and legs.
Attach second Ensures proper
completed label to identification of the
outside of the body body.
bag or shroud.
If patient had a Protects health care
transmissible workers who
infection, special transport and store
labelling may be the body.
Arrange for The body should be
transportation of the cooled in the morgue
body to the morgue to prevent further
or mortuary. tissue damage.
Carefully transfer the Prevents damage to
body to stretcher body tissue. A false
keeping the body bottom stretcher
aligned. Cover with a makes it appear there
clean sheet. is no body lying on
Close other patient’s Appearance of body
room, doors and can be emotionally
arrange to transport upsetting to other
the body. patients.

Remove remaining Prevents transfer of

items and linen from micro-organisms.
the patient’s room,
wash hands.
Record date and time Ensures that patient’s
of death, time death is recorded
physician was accurately and
notified, name of legally.
announcing death,
disposition of
valuables and
belongings, care
delivered to family
consent from signed
by family,
disposition of the
body and information
provided to family
Document any Reduces risk of
marks, buries or liability for creating
wounds on the body such marks in the
before death or those care of the death
observed during care body or in transport
of the body. to the morgue.
Certain markings can
identify the body, if
identification tags are
lost or destroyed.

Document any Reduces liability for

infectious process inadvertent
that the patient had contamination by
when death occurred persons handling the
and document body after transfer
procedure used to from the division or
identify the risk on agency.
body bag.

Patient’s Name-
Age-............... Registration no-................
Relations Name-.............................................
Ward no-........................Bed no-
Date and time of death-
Cause of death-
1. Check all documents such as;
 Copies of death certificate.
 Autopsy permit if needed.
 Entry in mortuary register.
 Authorization paper to take body to
2. Hand over body to relatives after the bill
has been settled and the body dressed in
own clothes.
3. Assist for transporting body into
conveyance from mortuary.
4. Replace articles brought back from
mortuary after adequate disinfection.
5. Document in nurse’s record, date and
time of release of the body.

It is the function of physician to declare death of client. Clients are not legally dead until the physician has
certified death. After the declaration of death the body is care within 30 to 45 min.

1. Jacob Annamma “ Clinical Nursing procedure: The Art of Nursing Practice”, 2nd Edition, Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers, page no-122-124.
2. TNAI “Fundamental of Nursing A Procedure manual”, 1st Edition, secretary General, page no-142-144.
3. Sr. Nancy “ Principles and Practice of Nursing”, volume 1, 4th Edition, N.R.Publishing house, page no-
4. Potter and Perry “ Fundamental of Nursing”,6th Edition, Elsevier, page no-567-589.

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