Extra: New Ye AR, NEW Proje CTS!

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This issue of Bead&Button Extra features three jewelry projects using different bead shapes and techniques, interviews with bead artists, and tutorials on various beadweaving stitches.

The three projects featured are the Cosmic Rings Bangle on page 3, the Diamond Spiral Necklace on page 6, and the Melon Bead Bracelet on page 9.

The Cosmic Rings Bangle project uses QuadraTile beads, two-hole bar beads, pinch beads, melon beads, and Rulla beads. It incorporates dimensional stitching techniques.



her new
YEARS profile p. 19
project p. 22

to freshen up
your beading!
Play with color options
Explore 7 different techniques!
Use carrier beads a new way
Embrace bead shapes p. 26

Be inspired by nature

Sparkle with p. 40

a ring for your

finger or scarf p. 56



12 best of beaded critter projects p. 38
OOPS! Time capsule bloopers p. 74
The rise of a movement: Diane Fitzgerald looks back p.13



Cosmic rings bangle p. 3

Diamond spiral necklace p. 6
Melon bead bracelet p. 9

Editorial Director Diane M. Bacha
Senior Art Director Lisa A. Bergman
Senior Associate Editor Diane Jolie

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? While “exercise more” is the Senior Technical Editor Connie Whittaker
Assistant Editor Katie Salatto
most popular goal, I suggest a more beady declaration. How about:
Contributing Editor Julia Gerlach
add a new stitch to your repertoire, or vow to perfect an old-but- Technical Editors Erica Barse, Cassie
Donlen, Cary Borelli
rusty favorite technique? In this February B&B Extra, we have three
Editorial Assistant Lora Groszkiewicz
great projects to stitch. The bracelet by Evelína Palmontová pairs Graphic Designer Lisa M. Schroeder
one-holed beads — melon, pinch, and seed beads — with two- and Photographer Bill Zuback

four-holed beads — Rulla and QuadraTile beads, p. 3. The second Illustrator Kellie Jaeger

project by Gyöngyi Donáth also features melons, but this pattern

It’s time to ring in the uses them to adorn tubular netting, p 9. The third project by Cecil Ad Sales Manager Lori Schneider

New Year with fresh Rodriguez calls for a simplified spiral technique using dainty Ad Services Representatives
Melissa Valuch, Daryl Pagel
DiamonDuo Minis with seed beads, p 6. All three designs offer
creative energy! different takes on dimensional stitching. But they have one thing B&B Extra is published bimonthly by
Kalmbach Media Co.,
What better time to in common: they have been selected to help you achieve a sense 21027 Crossroads Circle, P.O. Box 1612,
Waukesha, WI 53187-1612

try a new project and of accomplishment. You know that feeling. You start with a pile
of beads, pick up thread and needle, and let your hands and mind
integrate more work in harmony to create beautiful jewelry. Enjoy!
© 2019 Kalmbach Media Co.
diverse beads into All rights reserved. This publication
may not be reproduced in part
your collection. or in whole without written
permission from the publisher.
The designs in B&B Extra are
for your personal enjoyment.
They may not be taught or sold
Senior Associate Editor, Bead&Button without permission.

Cosmic rings bangle........................................................p. 3
Diamond spiral necklace.................................................p. 6
Melon bead bracelet ......................................................p. 9

Author Marla Salezze

shares her technique
for bezeling a rivoli.

Visit Bead&Button
online at Peyote-with-a-twist
FacetJewelry.com is now included in
for free projects, stitching how-tos.
videos, blogs,
galleries, design Interview with
challenges, and more. BeadDreams
award winner
Andrea Grzabka.
designed by
Evelína Palmontová


bead weaving

© 2019 Kalmbach Media Co. This material may not be reproduced in any form February 2019 3
without permission from the publisher.
A wide variety of beads are incorporated in this multi-layered
materials bangle bracelet for an out-of-this-world, ultra-dimensional look.
bangle 21 ⁄2 in. (6.4 cm) inner diameter
• 26 6 mm CzechMates QuadraTile beads
(matte metallic flax) BANGLE
• 52 6 x 2 mm CzechMates two-hole bar For the purposes of these instructions, and with top left top right
beads (metallic suede light green) the QuadraTile in the position shown (figure 1), hole hole
• 52 5 mm pinch beads (chalk white the holes will be referred to as top-left hole (TL),
bottom left bottom right
gold luster) top-right hole (TR), bottom-left hole (BL), and hole hole
• 52 4 mm melon beads (matte iris brown) bottom-right hole (BR).
• 26 3 x 5 mm Rulla beads (chalk FIGURE 1
Champagne luster) 1) On a comfortable length of thread and leaving
• 110 seed beads (Toho) a 6-in. (15 cm) tail, pick up a QuadraTile (BR),
-- 4 g color A (PF560, PermaFinish a color A 110 seed bead, a Rulla bead, and an A
galvanized sea foam) in a repeating pattern 26 times (figure 2, a–b) b
-- 1 g color B (PF557, PermaFinish to form a 21 ⁄2-in. (6.4 cm) diameter bangle.
galvanized starlight) 2) Pick up an A, reverse direction, and
• Fireline, 6 lb. test sew through the open hole of the last Rulla
• beading needles, #11 added (b–c). c
3) Pick up an A, and sew through the next
basics QuadraTile (TR). Pick up an A, and sew
• ending and adding thread through the open hole of the following Rulla
FacetJewelry.com/basics (c–d). Repeat these stitches 24 times (d–e).
Pick up an A, and sew through the next
QuadraTile (TR) (e–f).
4) Join the ends: With the beadwork on your
work surface, form the beadwork into a ring d
6 mm QuadraTile bead
with the open holes of the QuadraTiles facing
outward. With the working thread, sew through d
6 x 2 mm two-hole bar bead the corresponding A, Rulla, A, and QuadraTile
(TR) on the opposite end (figure 3, a–b).
-side view c
Continue through the bottom-right hole of the c a
same QuadraTile your thread is exiting, and the
5 mm pinch bead a
next corresponding A, Rulla, A, and QuadraTile
(BR) (b–c). Sew through the adjacent open hole d
4 mm melon bead of the same QuadraTile (BL) (c–d). Pull the
working thread and tail to tighten the beadwork.
5) Pick up an A, a 4 mm melon bead, and
3 x 5 mm Rulla bead
an A, and sew through the next QuadraTile (BL)
(figure 4, a–b). Repeat this stitch 25 times to b
110 seed bead, color A
complete the round (b–c). End and add thread
110 seed bead, color B as needed. Pull the working thread and tail to
e b
tighten the beadwork.

a f


February 2019 4

b d a

c b
d a

d b a
a c


6) Reverse direction, and continue through the (figure 7, a–b) (the upper rounds with the melon 11) Pick up a B, and sew through the adjacent B
open hole of the same QuadraTile (TL) (c–d). beads and bar beads are not shown in the figure in the lower round (figure 10, a–b) (the outside
Repeat step 5 to work a round above the previous for clarity). Work as in step 7 to add bar beads edge of the bangle is shown in the figure for clar-
round, sewing through the open holes of the as before, but sew through the lower round of A, ity). Pick up a B, and sew through the B in the
QuadraTiles (TL). Continue through the next A, melon, and A beads (b–c). Continue through the upper round your thread exited at the start of
melon, and A (figure 5). first bar and A added in this round (c–d). this step, going in the same direction (b–c).
7) Pick up a two-hole bar bead and two As, 9) Pick up a color B 110 seed bead, and sew Continue through the next A, pinch bead, A,
and sew through the open hole of the same bar through the next A (figure 8, a–b). Pick up and B (c–d). Repeat this stitch 25 times to com-
bead, pulling the thread tight (figure 6, a–b) a pinch bead, and sew through the next A in plete the round (d–e), and end the threads. B&B
(the lower round of beads added in step 5 are not the lower round (b–c). Repeat these stitches to
shown for clarity). Position the bar bead on the complete the round, and sew through the next B, Evelína Palmontová
top outer edge of the QuadraTile, and continue A, and adjacent hole of the lower bar bead (c–d). evemiramato@gmail.com
through the next upper A, melon, and A (b–c). Continue through the corresponding hole svetrucnychprac.sk
Repeat this stitch 25 times to complete the of the adjacent upper bar bead and the next A
round, and continue through the corresponding (figure 9, a–b) (the previous lower rounds are
hole of the next QuadraTile (TL) (c–d). not shown in the figure for clarity).
8) Reverse direction, and sew through the 10) Work as in step 9 to add a round above the
bottom-left hole of the QuadraTile your thread previous round, and step up through the first B
is exiting and the lower A, melon, and A added in this round (b–c).

February 2019 5
designed by
Cecil Rodriguez


bead weaving

© 2019 Kalmbach Media Co. This material may not be reproduced in any form February 2019 6
without permission from the publisher.
Spiraling DiamonDuo Mini beads create a lacy, open
beaded necklace that works up in no time.
How to pick up the DiamonDuo Mini beads: note The beads will now start
With the top beveled surface of the bead facing to form a tube shape. Make sure the
up, position the bead vertically on your work back of the DiamonDuo Minis are
facing the inside of the tube as you
surface, and pick up the bead from the left side, stitch each round.
through the bottom hole (BH) or top hole (TH),
per the instructions. 4) Pick up a B (TH) and three 150s, skip the next
materials three 150s and C, and sew through the open hole
multicolored necklace 18 in. (46 cm) NECKLACE of the following C (c–d).
• 4 x 6 mm DiamonDuo Mini beads 1) On a comfortable length of thread, pick up 5) Pick up a C (TH) and three 150s, skip the
-- 8 g color A (pastel Burgundy) a color A DiamonDuo Mini bead (BH), an A next three 150s and A, and sew through the outer
-- 8 g color B (pastel blue zircon) (TH), three 150 seed beads, a color B DiamonDuo hole of the following A (figure 3, a–b). Sew
-- 8 g color C (matte golden iris) Mini bead (BH), a B (TH), three 150s, a color C through the adjacent hole of the next A (b–c).
• 1 g 110 seed beads (Miyuki 401, DiamonDuo Mini bead (BH), a C (TH), and 6) Cross the thread diagonally across the back
opaque black) three 150s. Leaving a 6-in. (15 cm) tail, retrace of the same A, and sew through the open hole,
• 3 g 150 seed beads (Miyuki 401, the thread path (not shown in the figure for going in the same direction (c–d).
opaque black) clarity), and sew through the same hole of the 7) Repeat steps 3–6 until you reach the desired
• 8 8 mm jump rings first two As again to form a ring (figure 1). The length, allowing 13 ⁄4 in. (4.4 cm) for the clasp.
• 1 toggle clasp beads will flip so there is a top and a bottom of End and add thread as needed.
• Fireline, 6 lb. test each color facing up. 8) Exiting an end A, pick up three 110 seed
• beading needles, #11 2) Cross the thread diagonally across the back beads, and sew through the open hole of the next
• 2 pairs of chainnose, flatnose, and/or of the same A, and sew through the open hole, B. Repeat this stitch twice, sewing through the
bentnose pliers going in the same direction (figure 2, a–b). next C and then the same A again (figure 4).
3) Pick up an A (TH) and three 150s, skip the Retrace the thread path a couple of times, and
white necklace colors
next three 150s and B, and sew through the open end the thread.
• 25 g 4 x 6 mm DiamonDuo Mini beads hole of the following B (b–c). 9) With the tail thread, repeat step 6 and then
(white airy pearl) step 8. End the thread.
• 1 g 110 seed beads (Miyuki 401,
opaque black) b
• 3 g 150 seed beads (Miyuki 401,
opaque black)

basics d
• ending and adding thread
• opening and closing jump rings

4 x 6 mm DiamonDuo FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2

Mini bead, color A

4 x 6 mm DiamonDuo d
Mini bead, color B b

4 x 6 mm DiamonDuo a
Mini bead, color C

110 seed bead

150 seed bead


February 2019 7
1) Open an 8 mm jump ring, and slide it under
two sets of three 110s and behind the tip of a
DiamonDuo Mini on one end of the necklace
(photo a). Slide another jump ring under one
of the sets of 110s used with the first jump ring,
behind the tip of a DiamonDuo Mini, and the
open set of 110s (photo b). With another jump
ring, slide it through both attached jump rings
(photo c). Slide one more jump ring through the a b
last one added and the loop of a clasp (photo d).
2) Repeat step 1 on the other end of the necklace
to attach the remaining clasp half. B&B

Cecil Rodriguez

c d

February 2019 8
designed by
Gyöngyi Donáth


netting / bead weaving

© 2019 Kalmbach Media Co. This material may not be reproduced in any form February 2019 9
without permission from the publisher.
A tubular netted base is embellished with spiraling melon
materials beads for a fun and textured look.
bracelet 73 ⁄4 in. (19.7 cm)
• 3 mm melon beads BASE
-- 98 color C (avocado Pacifica) 1) On a comfortable length of thread, pick up note The beadwork will firm up as
-- 98 color D (elderberry Pacifica) eight color A 110 seed beads, and sew through the embellishment is added, and you
may need to add additional rounds of
• 110 seed beads the beads again to form a ring, leaving a 6-in. netting to achieve the desired length
-- 15 g color A (Toho 84F, matte metallic (15 cm) tail. Continue through the next couple on the unfinished end of the beadwork.
moss iris) of beads.
-- 3 g color B (Toho 221, bronze) 2) Pick up a color B 110 seed bead, and sew EMBELLISHMENT
• 2 g 150 seed beads (Toho 221, bronze) through the next two As in the ring (figure 1, 1) Attach a comfortable length of thread to
• 2 6 mm jump rings a–b). Repeat this stitch three times to complete the beginning end of the beadwork, exiting
• 1 toggle clasp the round, and step up through the first B a B at figure 3, point a (beadwork is shown
• Fireline, 6 lb. test added (b–c). flat for clarity). Pick up a 150, a color C 3 mm
• beading needles, #11 or #12 3) Pick up two As, a B, and two As, skip the next melon bead, and a 150, cross the adjacent open-
• 2 pairs of chainnose, flatnose, two As, and sew through the following B (c–d). ing, and sew through the next B (a–b). Pick up
and/or bentnose pliers Repeat this stitch three times to complete the a 150, a color D 3 mm melon bead, and a 150,
round, and step up through the first two As and cross the following opening, and sew through
basics B added (d–e). the next B (b–c). Repeat these two stitches
• netting 4) Pick up two As, a B, and two As, skip the once more to complete the round (c–d). Step
• ending and adding thread next five beads, and sew through the following B up through the next two As and B (d–e).
• opening and closing jump rings from the previous round (figure 2, a–b). Repeat 2) Work as in step 1 for the remainder of the
FacetJewelry.com/basics this stitch three times to complete the round, beadwork. The Cs and Ds will spiral around
and step up through the first two As and B added the bracelet as the rounds are added. When you
(b–c). Tighten the thread to cup the beadwork. reach the end of the beadwork, retest the fit, and
5) Repeat step 4 for the desired length, allowing add additional rounds of netting and embellish-
3 mm melon approximately 11 ⁄8 in. (2.9 cm) for the clasp ment if needed. End the shortest working thread.
bead, color C
connection. End and add thread as needed but
3 mm melon do not end the working thread or tail when done.
bead, color D
110 seed bead, color A

110 seed bead, color B

150 seed bead

c d
a b


February 2019 10
1) With the remaining working thread, sew b
through the beadwork to exit a B on the end.
Pick up two As, skip the next five beads, and b a
sew through the following end B (figure 4, a–b). d
Repeat this stitch three times to complete the a
round (b–c). Sew through all the As just added,
skipping the Bs, and using tight tension (c–d). c
Sew through the next B (figure 5, a–b).
2) Pick up nine 150s, cross the opening, and
sew through the opposite B (b–c). Sew back
through the nine 150s and the B your thread FIGURE 4 FIGURE 5
exited at the start of this step, going in the same
direction (c–d). Retrace the thread path, and
end this thread.
3) With the tail, sew through the beadwork to
exit an end B. Repeat step 2 to add a loop, and
end the thread.
4) Open a 6 mm jump ring, and attach it to
half of the clasp and the loop on one end of the
bracelet. Repeat to attach the other clasp half
on the other end. B&B

Gyöngyi Donáth

February 2019 11

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