An Approach To The International Politics Short Essay: Edwin Jarufe Iglesias

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An Approach to the International Politics

Short Essay

Edwin Jarufe Iglesias

In 1945 ended war, and in an environment of peace and prosperity was created the
Organization of the United Nations. It was a beginning, and since it we can talk about
integration and approaches between the people of the world. It is constituted by its main
bodies, such as the General Assembly with the Member States and the Security Council.
Between 1945 and 1946 was created the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) with very important personalities such as Julian Huxley. Since it
begun a time of collective utility and unity with the input of Education, Science and Culture
with the messages of the UNESCO mail and with the advances of the science which allows
an era of communication and integration between people of the world and there were a
way entrepreunership for human rights and other aspects of our community. We can not
put much emphasis in what cold war was as in the approaches and advances of all our world
community. Prior to the constitution of the United Nations there were the International
Committee of the Red Cross and the Paris Peace Conference. There were the creation of
the state of Israel and the United Nations Conference on International Organization. The
meetings of the General Assembly are in New York and the other important headquarters
are in Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi. In Geneva are placed important boureaus like the
Conference on Disarmament, and the International Boureau of Education. One of the most
important tasks of the organization is refered to the peacekeeping with the also very
important actions of the Blue Berets thus we must recognice the importance of
nonviolence. In very difficult situations the United Nations Peacekeepers in risk of loosing
their life they have to accomplish with the missions entrusted.
The cold war might be so severe in determinated situations, so our society have
been taken into extreme positions to avoid worst conditions. There were also so much
poverty in African countries. It also happened in South American and Eastern peoples. So
there was a time that we do not had to face so easy situations but as years passed we were
so lucky for getting a better economical situation. So the world economy increased and it
still does by nowadays but we have to eliminate our dependence of the fossil fuels. People
use to ask what our nowadays generation could claim about our future (talking about what
have been done with our environment) but we have to thank them.
Today our economy is much better and we have confort in our lives and we have an
heritage of science and education that we must need for our future.
November 9, 1989. Berlin Wall Falls. It is maybe the most important date of the last
decades and since it our economy got better. Technology in being part of our lives. We have
to care our children and ask them their adequate use. Developed countries found markets
in South America, Africa and Asia that can supply goods to increase production and leaded
to a global economy. The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank gived aid to the
developing countries and appeared several emergent economies. But we can not eliminate
our dependence of the fossil fuels that lead us to the use of renewable energy such us wind
or solar power.
It is so important the Hubbert Peak Theory (In reference to the peak oil) that lead us
to the energy crisis couse our global economy depends of the use of the fossil fuel. Hubbert
say that a behavior of the oil production of the world is like a Gauss Bell shaped curve so it
has to decrease.
Once we have to learn from the past. The lesson of Education, Science and Culture
of our one world. There was an great effort to find the path of peace and unity that we need
to solve the problems of our future.
United Nations. 1945. Charter of the United Nations and Statue of the International Court
of Justice. San Francisco. 1-188.
United Nations Department of Public Information. 2008. The United Nations Today. New
York. 1-388.
www. un. org. 2016. (on line). United Nations. Access November 30, 2018.

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