Department of Education Republic of The Philippines Region IV-A (CALABARZON) City Schools Division of Dasmarinas East National High School
Department of Education Republic of The Philippines Region IV-A (CALABARZON) City Schools Division of Dasmarinas East National High School
Department of Education Republic of The Philippines Region IV-A (CALABARZON) City Schools Division of Dasmarinas East National High School
A. identify ways to improve learning using both the left and right brain.
B. realize that personality traits such as artistic (right-brain dominant) and
linear (left-brain dominant) are not limited to just one side of the brain; and
C. discuss that understanding the left and right brain may help in improving
one’s learning.
Topic: The Powers of the Mind
Learning Resources: Understanding the Brain: Towards a New Learning Science,
OECD 2002, Chapter 4.6 pp.69-77. Springer S.P. and Deutsch, G.
(1998). Left brain, right brain. New York: W.H. Freeman.
Wagner T.D., Phan L.K., Liberzon, I., Taylor S.F. (2003) Valence,
gender, and lateralization of functional brain anatomy in emotion: a
meta-analysis of findings from neuroimaging. NeuroImage 19, 513-531
References: Online reading materials:
Materials: manila paper, permanent marker, chalk, visual aids
Value Focus: self- identity, self confidence
A. Preliminaries
A. Opening Prayer
B. Greetings
C. Checking of attendance
B. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
Prepare the classroom so that there’s space for the students to move and stand
in the four corners
Instruct students that for each question, the students have to answer by
physically going to one of the four corners that correspond to their chosen
For each question, use the typical left-right brain personalities as choices.
Use the left side of the room to refer to left-brain responses, and right-side
of the room for right-brain responses. Sample questions:
What is your favorite subject: Science and Math, English/Filipino,
Art, or Hekasi
How will you describe yourself: Analytical, Organized, Expressive,
If you were to pick a job, what would it be: Banker, Lawyer, Painter,
After the activity, ask students to reflect and see where they spent most of
the time while they were
responding to the questions, in the left side or right side of the classroom?
Tell them that according to the left-right brain theory, those who spent
most of their time in the left side of the room are left-brained, and vice
Ask them to reflect and think whether they are left-brained or right-brained,
and if they agree or disagree with the theory.
2. Abstraction
Lead a discussion about key points on why the left-right brain theory is a myth.
Highlight the following ideas:
The idea that as humans we use more of our left or right brains are easy to
believe in because it helps us get to know ourselves better, by associating
ourselves with simple personality types.
Because of technology, we are able to scan our brains in specific activities.
If you see images of our brains while reading, doing math, listening to
music, or painting, you can see that both left and right hemispheres of our
brains are active.
It is dangerous for students to categorize themselves as left-brained or
right-brained because you might limit yourselves when it comes to picking
college degrees (“I’m left-brained so hindi ako bagay sa Math”), learning
hobbies (“Kahit enjoy ako sumayaw hindi bagay yung brain ko dito”), or
choosing and applying for jobs (“Only right-brained people are accepted in
this position, I can’t apply”). It is discriminatory, limiting, and can affect how
you would see yourself grow and learn.
Humans are complex, and we can’t simply categorize everyone into two
groups. We are a mixture of “left-brained” and “right-brained” attributes.
We use both hemispheres of our brains, we are “whole-brained” beings,
and there is no dominant side. Even if some tasks (interpreting symbols,
looking for patterns) are restricted to one side, humans do not have a
dominant side.
Only physical movements are compartmentalized, left brain controls the
right side of our body when moving. That’s why when someone gets a
stroke in one side, the other side gets paralyzed.
3. Analysis
3. Application
Look for famous Filipinos who defy the left-brain and right-brain personality types. (Artists
who graduated with a science degree, lawyers who are excellent in writing poetry, etc). Write a short
essay about them, their life, and their educational journey. Interview them if you can.
Prepared by:
Brenda R. Marcial
Noted by: