Entry Form of FA
Entry Form of FA
Entry Form of FA
Entry Form
Are you agreeable to the film being shown in any section other than that applied for:
Yes…….. …No ………..
Production Crew:
Animation …….
Music …………..
Synopsis: Please attach a one-page synopsis of the film and a note on the Director
with detail contact address and stills.
Address and contacts (including email and mob ph.no) of the authorized person who
should be informed of selection and will be supplying the final screening material.
Please attach a self attestation of date of production for films being entered in
Please attach a certificate from the Institution for films entered in Campus Film
Competition (refer rules and regulations).
I have read the Rules and Regulations of the 4th Doc and Short film festival of Kerala
and agree to abide by them.
Signed Dated
Organised by the Kerala State Chalachitra Academy on behalf of the Cultural Affairs
Dept, Govt of Kerala