AP SBTET Notification 81015
AP SBTET Notification 81015
AP SBTET Notification 81015
(f) Govt. Employees appearing for the examination shall seek permission from their employer
for appearing the examination. Instructions mentioned in the notification should be strictly
adhered to.
(g) Typewriting Examinations will be conducted during the first week of January,2016
(h) Online application (to file the online application) will be commenced tentatively
during the month of November/December,2015 and will be placed in the sbtet
1 Typewriting English Junior A pass in VII Class examination/VIII Bonafide Certificate with the date
of birth.
2 Typewriting English Lower An appearance of SSC Examination or equivalent. Candidates should
/Telugu/Hindi/Urdu enclose attested Xerox copy of hall ticket if marks statement is not yet
issued. Where the marks statements are issued, an attested Xerox
copy of marks statement should invariably be enclosed to the
3 Typewriting Higher A pass in Lower Grade exam., of the subject and language along with
English/Telugu a pass in SSC or equivalent examination or Intermediate or
/Hindi/Urdu equivalent from any recognized Board as per G.O. Rt No. 194, Higher
Education (TE-II) Dept. date: 17-03-2005. Candidates qualified in
Lower exam., of Maharastra Govt. will not be admitted except those
who qualify as per G.O. Ms. No. 921, G.A. (Ser. B) Dept. dt.: 19-06-
4 Shorthand All High A pass in the Higher Grade Examination of the concerned
English/Telugu Speeds subject.
NOTE: (1) The ITI/ITC and DLTC course treats shorthand & typewriting as combined skills,
whereas SBTET treats them as independent skills. Therefore, the certificate of the
stenography (English) issued by the Department of Employment and Training,
A.P.Hyderabad is not treated as equivalent with that of shorthand (Eng.) of the
SBTET. Hence they are not eligible to apply for shorthand English higher grade
(2) D.C.C.P. Candidates who are applying for Shorthand English Higher Grade
Examination have to submit photo copies of their Provisional Certificate along with
the application. Provided the candidate secures 45% marks in each of the papers in
the subject in the end examination excluding the sessional/internal marks.
Submission of online application along with dates, instructions for filing the online
application and mode of payment of Typewriting and Shorthand Examinations to be
held during January,2016 will be placed later in sbtet website i.e.http://sbtetap.gov.in.
NOTE: Hall Tickets can be downloaded from the same website before 10 days of the
commencement of examinations.
(1) A. Recognised Typewriting Institutions are only permitted to upload applications of the
candidates from their institute. The applications of Typewriting Examinations sent by
the Principals of unrecognised Typewriting Institutions, will be rejected without any
intimation. The Principals of the institutions concerned should send the copies of uploaded
online applications along with attested pre-requisite qualifications of the candidates and copy
of the recognised order/renewal copy (attested by a Gazetter Officer) for the current year of
the respective institutions recognised by the Commissioners of Technical Education, Andhra
Pradesh State so as to reach the Secretary, State Board of Technical Education and
Training, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad before the stipulated last date of receiving the
B. All the candidates of a Typewriting Institution shall opt for only one examination
centre such that all the candidates are covered in the same examination centre.
C. The Principals of the Typewriting Institutions should ensure that they upload correct
examination centre to all the candidates of his institutions as opted by him.
D. Black & white photos and photos taken with wearing cap/cooling glass in different
postures will not be accepted, since the purpose of clear identity gets defeated.
E. The Principals of the Typewriting Institutes are advised to ensure placing of new typewriting
ribbons to the machines during the examinations. Improper print of passage will be awarded
zero marks.
H. The Principals of the Typewriting Institutes shall check up scrupulously the photograph,
name, father’s name and date of birth of the candidate mentioned in the application form as
per SSC/Bonafied/Equivalent Certificates as the same are being incorporated in the original
pass certificates of the candidate, duly certifying that the details furnished are true and the
candidate has been registered and trained under his / her institution.
J. No candidate can appear for the same examination in different batches or for more
than one grade of examination in the subject/language at the same time. Such
applications will be rejected and the candidate forfeits the fee paid and their
performance will be cancelled. Candidates once qualified are not permitted to appear
for the same examination. If any such case comes to the notice of the Board the
examination already passed by him/her shall be cancelled and suitable action will be
taken against the candidate.
M. The application of the candidates, who do not fulfil the conditions stipulated in the application
form, will be rejected. If by any chance, candidates who don’t possess requisite qualifications
gets admitted and consequently appeared for the examination, the results of the examination
of such candidates will be cancelled. Similarly, if at any time, it is found that the certificate
provided by the candidate and sought admission is bogus or tampered with; candidates
concerned will be debarred from appearing for the Technical Examination besides the
cancellation of the result.
N. All the private candidates shall mention the Examination Centre where they would like to take
up the Examination and should furnish her/his address with PIN code in block letters, as the
Certificates in respect of successful candidates will be dispatched to their respective
candidates only.
O. The Candidates must be instructed to type more than 75% of the answer/passage on
the first sheet, otherwise it gives impression that the candidate might not have
completed the answer/passage in time and based on the first sheet matter, the
candidate may be awarded marks accordingly.
P. The Secretary, State Board of Technical Education and Training, A.P., reserves the right to
cancel the result of any ineligible candidate who has been permitted to appear for
examination by oversight. The Secretary also reserves the right to cancel the performance of
any candidate(s) if it is found that unfair means are adopted in the examination.
` NEW OMR BAR CODED ANSWER BOOKLET: The SBTET has introduced new model of answer
booklet along with the OMR sheet stitched together with perforation for Typewriting and
Shorthand Examinations on which the same barcode of the candidate is printed instead of
loose color answer sheets for Typing on Machine.
1. As was earlier done, each candidate will get a printed OMR Bar Code Sheet containing the
Hall-Ticket numbers, name of the candidate and details of examination appearing along with
photograph imprint. The candidates are not expected to write Hall-Ticket number anywhere
on the answer sheet. The O.M.R. sheets containing answer paper stitched together with
perforation are to be distributed to the candidates present.
2. The answer booklet contains 4-Papers with Barcode, Page No. and water colored session of
examination for First Paper for all grades and 8-Papers for Second paper for all grades.
3. All first papers for all grades are in one color and all second papers for all grades are in
another color.
4. Each answer sheet stitched together will be perforated vertically from the left side of the
5. For Typewriting Lower Grade Paper-I Examination (Speed), all candidates have to tear only
one answer sheet from the booklet provided and one white paper (separately) will be
supplied by the Invigilator for supporting of main answer sheet to be loaded on to type
machine. After completion of the examination, the candidates have to return the white sheet
to the Invigilator.
6. In respect of Typewriting Higher Grade Paper-I Examination (Speed), candidates are allowed
to tear two (2) answer papers from the answer booklet for typing and support vice versa, and
shall be enclosed to the same Answer booklet in the correct serial orders whether
7. In respect of Typewriting Paper-II Examinations for all grades, last answer sheet of the
booklet, printed “ROUGH” may be used for rough calculations etc., of paper-II and this page
should not be teared at any cost.
8. The OMR Bar coded answer booklet in respect of Shorthand Paper-I and Paper-II
examinations for all grades, contains 8- papers (16 pages) without perforation.
9. The candidate has to enter with pen all the particulars on the answer sheets such as Grade,
Language, Batch No. Paper No. Make of the Typewriter and to put his signature on the OMR
sheet and first answer sheet only before the invigilator.
10. The candidate has to separate/tear the perforated answer sheet in serial order from 1 st page
one by one carefully and after typing put the papers in serial order and should once again
attach the same to the left side vertical marginal paper of the same page along with the
papers unused, then pinned put together and affix the stickers properly in the place provided
to it.
11. It is the responsibility of the student to see that the papers together with his/her OMR
sheet are pinned and stickers are pasted on the correct marked place on the
O.M.R.Sheet with due certification and counter signature of the candidate and
12. No additional papers will be issued.
13. Unused Answer sheets shall be maintained intact with Answer Booklet else booked
under malpractice.
14. The Barcode on OMR Sheet and all Answer sheets shall be maintained intact from fold,
scramble, scratch, pierce, tearing etc., which renders unreadable while scanning.
16. No candidate will be allowed into the examination hall, once the Paper-II examination
is commenced.
17. Don’t tear OMR sheet at any cost.
18. Don’t tear all the answer sheets at a time at any cost and the candidate is
advised to tear one by one serially the required sheets only. The additional
sheets can be torn only if need arises. Torn but unused answer sheets will be
booked under malpractice.
19. The candidate may continue in the same sheet, even though one or two lines are
typed wrongly. Only the correct answer will be valued and he will not be penalized for
continuing in the same sheet.
20. In respect of Shorthand Examinations, no answer sheet shall be torn at any cost and
after completion of the examination, the shorthand notebook must be tagged/pinned
with the OMR answer booklet without fail.
21. No candidate is allowed to tear or take away any used or unused answer sheet
from the examination hall, if it is found, the candidate will be booked under
22. After completion of the examination, if a candidate does not hand over/insert Four (4)
answer sheets of Typewriting Paper-I (Speed) Examination and Eight (8) answer
sheets of Typewriting Paper-II (Manuscript) Examination along with the OMR booklet,
the examination will be cancelled without any intimation.
a. The Typewriting Institute Principals are advised to submit Typewriting and Shorthand
downloaded applications within the scheduled dates along with copies of pre-requisite
attested qualification certificates arranged in proper order (Grade-wise, Language-
wise and Batch-wise) together with a covering letter and enclose online nominal role
list so as to avoid delay in processing the scrutiny of applications.
b. The applications completed in all respects and arranged as mentioned above should
be sent in one bundle under named cover of the Deputy Secretary (TE), State Board of
Technical Education and Training, 6th Floor, BRK Bhavan, Near : Tank bund Road,
Hyderabad-500 063 before the last date of receipt of applications.
c. The Nominal Rolls will be made available with the concerned Chief Superintendents and the
Principals of type institutes can verify the same and bring any discrepancies to the notice of
the Chief Superintendents.
d. The Principals of Typewriting Institutes should ensure and satisfy themselves about the
identity of the candidate. The Principals should not sponsor candidate to appear for exam in
more than one batch in the same subject/ language/grade.
e. The Principals of Typewriting Institutes are requested to co-operate with the Chief
Superintendents in the maintenance of discipline in the examination centre.
f. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel any centre notified due to administrative
reasons and re-allot the candidates to a nearby centre of examination.
Dt. 05-10-2015.