Shape Optimization of Elastoplastic Structures Under Shakedown Conditions
Shape Optimization of Elastoplastic Structures Under Shakedown Conditions
Shape Optimization of Elastoplastic Structures Under Shakedown Conditions
Geometry and loading Refined mesh, 1408 elements
there exists a time-independent residual weight G → min
stress field ρ̄(x), a time-independent mi- Fig. 4: Perforated plate with central Constraint:
cro stress field χ̄(x) and a factor m > 1 circular hole load factor β ≥ 0.25
such that the condition For linear unlimited kinematic hardening Design variables:
control points S = (xm , yn ),
Φ[mσ e (x, t), ρ̄(x), χ̄(x), σo ] ≤ 0, material the balance equation for the resid- m=B,C,D,E
ual stress ρ can be eliminated by intro- n=A,B,C,D
is fulfilled ∀P (t) ∈ M and ∀x ∈ Ωo .
ducing the free internal stress y = ρ − χ. bounds 0.0 L ≤ Sk ≤ 0.35 L
A typical 1D stress-strain diagram for linear The global shakedown factor β can then be k=1,...,8
hardening material is shown in Fig. 1. calculated from a sequence of shakedown Results for the improved geometry and the
s computations defined at the Gauss points i corresponding distribution of the shakedown
s of the discretized structure. The dimension factor β for two different loadings are shown
σe : elastic stress
ρ : residual stress of these local problems is very small when in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.
s χ : micro stress
so c
Φ : yield function compared to the global shakedown problem.
σo : initial yield stress
Tab. 1: Computed shakedown factors β
e e
Load domains M
4.85 14.01
4.11 11.73
P 2 px = 0, py = 1 px = 1, py = 1
P 3
1.15 2.59
considered here P 4
Zouain et al. (2002) 0.594 0.429
P(t) Zhang (1995) 0.596 0.431
are supposed to be Garcea et al. (2005) 0.604 0.438 y
Initial design Improved design
Gross-Weege (1997) 0.614 0.446 6
convex polyhedra P
M 1
0.610 0.440 px = 0, −0.5 ≤ py ≤ 1.0
P 2 ∗ overestimation ≈ 2.5%
spanned by the vec- P 1
tors corresponding M : load domain Numerical results of shakedown factors for Fig. 5: Distribution of shakedown factors
Pj : load vertices
to the load vertices a perforated square plate, cf. Fig. 4, are for proportional loading py
Pj , cf. Fig. 2. Fig. 2: Load domain shown in Tab. 1. Comparison of the results in Fig. 5 shows
that large savings can be achieved, while the
Shakedown analysis Sensitivity analysis improved structure is still safe for any load
P2 The maximal en- For sensitivity analysis two quantities, path within the load domain.
largement of the namely the variation of the displacements
load domain M, uj and the variation of the primary variables
characterized by a of the shakedown analysis zi w.r.t. the de-
parameter β, such sign variables must be computed.
P that the system still
1 The balance equation for the elastic stress β β
0.91 1.05
0.87 0.99
and maximal (Mβ ) noted as the shake- total variation implicitly defines the required 0.46
Dr.-Ing. K. Wiechmann
c Copyright September 2005, IBNM