Project-Charter (Mohammad Adnan)

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Food-E (Theme Restaurant)

Project Title:

Project Sponsor: Pizza Eat Date Prepared: 24-Mar-2018

Project Manager: Muhammad Adnan Project Customer: Middle and Upper class

Project Purpose or Justification:

To Provide comfort & entertainment for the customers along with foods.
Minimize the quee system.
Educate customer and interact customer with technology and make theme restaurant as like as well developed
To generate revenue through unique and modern technology to attract customers.
To introduce technology with innovative and self-order view from a single table.

Project Description:

To automate a ground +1 story pizza restaurant to facilitate more than 150 customers dine in at a time, consist
of the large size kitchen with beautiful interior work
Restaurant consist of modern software technology for the customers to facilitate with food and entertainment
at the same time.
Software will be developed on latest android version with easy to use functionality for all kind of IOS ,Android
or windows based operating system users .

High-Level Requirements:

 To Complete the project with in 1year time

 High speed internet with more than 1 internet connectivity (backup mode).
 Restaurant must occupy at least 150 customers
 All the work must be completed as per schedule.
 High Quality gorilla glass for table with multi-gestors functionality

High-Level Risks:

 Parking issue outside the restaurant

 Budget issue and time completion risk.
 Software crash due to bug when customer is placing order.
 Network disconnectivity or slowness in network when selection menu to make order.

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Project Objectives Success Criteria Person Approving

Develop Theme Resturant User acceptance and successful Board of Directors of Pizza Hutt


Compelte Project with in 1 year If achieved before 1 year Project manager will finalize the


Total cost will be 20 Millions rupee Compelete with in approved budget Sponsers


Summary Milestones Due Date

Software team acquire 30-March-2018

Procurement (Vendor Finalization) 15-April-2018

Procurement (Device and hardware Finalization) 15-April-2018

Interior Design blue prints approval 30-April-2019

Civil work completion 15-May-2019

Network wiring implementation 20-May-2019

Ui approval 20-May-2019

Android App Development phase 30-May-2019

Phase 1 demo 05-June-2019

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Estimated Budget:

Estimated budget approved by the stakeholders is 20 Millions PKR(It can vary if the compeletion time of
project is increase incase of any delay in procurement process).Contiguency reserved will be 3 Million PKR in
case of any delay to complete the project .

Stakeholder(s) Role

Sponsors To Provide Money

Project Manager To manage all life cycle of project parallel

Vendors Provide hardware and software

Customers Generate revenue and provide feedback.

Contractors For restaurant construction (labour work)

Consultant (interior and design) Provide blue prints of Interior as well as the renovation ,
monitor and control the interior work

Project Manager Authority Level

Staffing Decisions:

Most of the decision must be taken by project manager, but staff also have the authority to take decision at
lower level when time is to short .

Budget Management and Variance:

Budget is approved by the spomsor . Any varience in cost time and schedule will be approved by the sponsors
through change control process.

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Technical Decisions:

Technical team is provided for consultancy of interior and software work . Project will take decisions by
enganing of technical team.

Conflict Resolution:

Any Conflict created between the project must be handled by project nanager & try to avoid such conflict &
try to manage and gather them on one page to avoid any delays.


Project Manager Signature Sponsor or Originator Signature

Project Manager Name Sponsor or Originator Name

Date Date

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