Chapter One 1.0

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Computerized Examination or test methods were first introduced over 60 years ago. The
first program was able to interpret computerized assessment data was developed in 1962 at the
mayo clinic. The program was used to evaluate MMPI data from hospital patients and generated a
list of 110 possible descriptive statements which corresponded to particular scale elevations. This
rudimentary computerized interpretation is not far off from the methods used today. In1969, the
first program is able to generated narrative reports based on scale configurations was released. By
1985, it was estimated that as many as 1.5million MMPI protocols had been interpreted by
computer based test interpretation (CBTI) programs. In 19887 as many as 72 separate suppliers of
over 300 computer based assessment product were in existence, nearly half which were develop
personality assessment, since this time, the popularity and accessibility of computer-based testing
and CBTI programs has increased dramatically, a trend that will continue into the future as the
utilization of technology in the mental health profession increases.
In the olden days the case study for this project “JOB APPLICATION AND
EXAMINATION SYSTEM” is always the act of resuming to a public or private offices in the
nation, in which the processing is always advertise through different media advertising methods
e.g. Billboards, National Daily, Radio& Television etc.
It is of no doubt that information and communication technology development in the last
century coupled with this present century is better than the development achieved in five centuries
before it. What bring about this? It is the advent of computer. Computer has been able to contribute
positively to the development of virtually all fields of life.
In the past years, companies and organization usually use manual method for job
application and also conduct a little test for their applicants manually to determine the little
applicants that will be invited for oral interview.
However, with the response to the growing number of applicants, web based job
application and examination will be suitable for companies and organizations. This method will
help collect the basic data of applicants and also give fair scores which will help the management
to sieve out the best applicant out of the large applicants, which will in turn be called for oral
interview. This method will eliminate the need for applicants to physically travel down to the
company for application and test. It will eliminate the stress the company will go through by
collecting CV’s manually and also conducting test manually.
This project is to design a website for job recruitment for applicant seeking for jobs
opportunity. The program is a web technology program in which is designed for system
administrators to login and check the details of applicants, setting questions for applicants etc and
also for job seekers to apply and attempt questions that was set for his/her applied job through the


The process of writing application letter attached with curriculum vitae (CV) and posting
or taking it to the company can be time consuming on the part of the applicants and will also be
stressful. Conducting the test for applicants manually can also be stressful and time consuming
on the part of the company. The filling of the document of the applicant is also done manually and
this will be inefficient and space consuming. Accessing those documents manually will also be
tedious and time consuming, most especially when looking for a particular file. The proposed
system is intended to reduce to the barest minimum, the stress of application and examination by
the institution and applicants.
Considering the above problems associated to manual method of job application and
examination, web based job application will be the best alternative for companies and
organizations which will help sieve the best applicants from the pool of applicants and will
eliminate the stress and time consuming problem of the manual method of job application and
examination. The applicant can apply and have the test in the comfort of their homes and the
companies can receive the application and store their data efficiently.


The aim of the project is to develop an Effective Web Based Staff Recruitment System for
The University Of Ibadan.
The objectives are:
 To design a website that can accept the basic data of the applicants.
 To design the website that can conduct a short test for the applicants.
 To design a website that will enhance objectivity and equal opportunities
 To design a website that will enable the management of the company to select the best
applicants from the pool of applicants which will be call for oral interview.
 To design the website that will keep the record of the applicants efficiently.


The scope is focused on designing a website that will be able to accept the basic data of
applicants and as well as their CV’s. The case study is an IT firm, they usually ensure that their
staffs are highly technological oriented, that is why they usually conduct test for their applicant to
curl out the best of them. The project also covers the short test section of the application process,
the company can access the information provided by the applicants with ease because the database
software used enable the company to present the information in a suitable manner.
The project will not cover the oral interview aspect of job application. The applicants and
employer need to be familiar before being employed. The project will only help to reduce the pool
of applicants to remain only the best of them that will be called for oral interview.
This is the procedure taken to gather required information for the proposed new system
development and also the existing system. The method of fact or information generation, analysis
and implementation include the following.
 Surfing the internet and downloading some relevant and reliable fact and figures for the
 Studying the procedure of job application and examination by personal interview with
human resources management at the University of Ibadan(the case study).
 Overview of the existing system generally.
The computer languages and programming computer aided software engineering tools used are:
 HTML: To develop the interface of the website.
 Ajax: To make the site more dynamic and interactive.
 JavaScript: To validate users’ input and also to make the web more user-friendly.
 CSS: To add styles to HTML code.
 PHP To handle server-side querying and web page information retrieval.
 MySQL: To store data retrieved by the web.
 Photoshop CS3:To make designs and edit images used on the web. This makes the system
to look attractive
 WAMP server: To handle the database and used as platform for internet server.


 WAMP: this is a web development platform on windows operating system allowing you
to create dynamic web pages and application with Apache, PHP, and MYSQL. It can also
be referred to as a suit of application containing MYSQL, APACHE and PHP.
 PHP: This is an open source server-side, HTML embedded scripting language used for
creating a dynamic web pages.
 Web-Based System: K.M. Hussain and D.S. Hussain (1997) opined that the term Web-
Based system refers to those applications or services that are resident on a server that can
be accessible using a Web browser and is therefore accessible from anywhere in the world
via the Web.
 Internet: Behrouz and Chung (2004) in their book defined internet as a global system of
interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP)
to serve billions of users worldwide. They further opined that It is a network of networks
that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks
of local to global scope that are linked by a broad array of electronic and optical
networking technologies. According to them, internet carries a vast array of information
resources and services, most notably, the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World
Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail.
 WEBSITE: this is a group of worldwide web pages usually containing hyperlink to link
each other and made available online by an individual, company, educational institution,
Government or organization.
 SERVER: It is a central computer or software that provide service to the other computer
program or computer (and their user) in the same of other computer.
 World Wide Web: abbreviated as WWW and commonly known as The Web, is a system
of interlinked hypertext documents contained on the Internet as noted by Sanjay Sharma
(2006). With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos,
and other multimedia and navigate between them by using hyperlinks.
 SQL(Structured Query language): This is a database management system that support
large form of saving records.
 JOB APPLICATION: This usually includes a form or collection of forms that an
individual seeking employment, called an applicant must fill out as part of the process of
informing an employer of the applicant’s availability and desire to be employed, and
persuading the employer to offer the application employment.
 JOB EXAMINATION: Job Examination or employment testing is the practice of
administering written, oral, or other tests as means of determining the suitability or
desirability of a job applicant.

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