Chapter One 1.0
Chapter One 1.0
Chapter One 1.0
Computerized Examination or test methods were first introduced over 60 years ago. The
first program was able to interpret computerized assessment data was developed in 1962 at the
mayo clinic. The program was used to evaluate MMPI data from hospital patients and generated a
list of 110 possible descriptive statements which corresponded to particular scale elevations. This
rudimentary computerized interpretation is not far off from the methods used today. In1969, the
first program is able to generated narrative reports based on scale configurations was released. By
1985, it was estimated that as many as 1.5million MMPI protocols had been interpreted by
computer based test interpretation (CBTI) programs. In 19887 as many as 72 separate suppliers of
over 300 computer based assessment product were in existence, nearly half which were develop
personality assessment, since this time, the popularity and accessibility of computer-based testing
and CBTI programs has increased dramatically, a trend that will continue into the future as the
utilization of technology in the mental health profession increases.
In the olden days the case study for this project “JOB APPLICATION AND
EXAMINATION SYSTEM” is always the act of resuming to a public or private offices in the
nation, in which the processing is always advertise through different media advertising methods
e.g. Billboards, National Daily, Radio& Television etc.
It is of no doubt that information and communication technology development in the last
century coupled with this present century is better than the development achieved in five centuries
before it. What bring about this? It is the advent of computer. Computer has been able to contribute
positively to the development of virtually all fields of life.
In the past years, companies and organization usually use manual method for job
application and also conduct a little test for their applicants manually to determine the little
applicants that will be invited for oral interview.
However, with the response to the growing number of applicants, web based job
application and examination will be suitable for companies and organizations. This method will
help collect the basic data of applicants and also give fair scores which will help the management
to sieve out the best applicant out of the large applicants, which will in turn be called for oral
interview. This method will eliminate the need for applicants to physically travel down to the
company for application and test. It will eliminate the stress the company will go through by
collecting CV’s manually and also conducting test manually.
This project is to design a website for job recruitment for applicant seeking for jobs
opportunity. The program is a web technology program in which is designed for system
administrators to login and check the details of applicants, setting questions for applicants etc and
also for job seekers to apply and attempt questions that was set for his/her applied job through the