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DevOps Course

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Devops 35 Hours



1. What is DevOps?
a. History of DevOps
b. Different Teams Involved
c. DevOps definitions
2. DevOps and Software Development Life Cycle
a. Waterfall Model
b. Agile Model
3. DevOps main objectives
4. Prerequisites for DevOps
5. Continuous Testing and Integration
6. Continuous Release and Deployment
7. Continuous Application Monitoring
8. Configuration Management
9. What is Cloud?
a. History and evolution of cloud
b. Cloud Computing Concepts
c. Public, Private, Hybrid Clouds
d. IAAS,SAAS, PAAS Cloud Models
10. Public Clouds
a) Amazon Web Services, Azure, Oracle Cloud, IBM Cloud


 Version Control System

 Centralized & Distributed Version Control System
 Anatomy of GIT
 GIT Features
 3-Tree Architecture
 GITHUB Projects
 GITHUB Management
 GIT Clone / Commit / Push / Merge
 Advantages of Git


 Java Compiler
Devops 35 Hours

 Maven Life Cycle

 Maven Installation
 Maven build requirements
 Maven POM XML File


Getting started with Jenkins

 Course Overview
 How to Take this Course and How to Get Support
 About Continuous Integration
 Introduction to Jenkins and the History of Jenkins
 Install Java
 Install Jenkins
 Jenkins' Architecture and Terms of Jenkins
 Overview of Jenkins UI : Dashboard and Menus
 Create Our First Jenkins Job
 Run our First Jenkins Job
 Email configuration, Global Security, Master-Slave Architecture.
Continuous Integration (CI) with Jenkins
 Install Git and Jenkins GitHub Plugin
 Install Maven on Our Local Box
 Configure Jenkins to Work with Java, Git and Maven
 Text Direction: Create our First Maven-based Jenkins Project
 Create our First Maven-based Jenkins Project
 Trouble Shooting: Create our First Maven-based Jenkins Project
 Run our First Jenkins Build and Jenkins Workspace
 Trouble Shooting: Run our First Jenkins Build and Jenkins Workspace
 Source Control Polling in Jenkins

Continuous Delivery with Jenkins

 Archive Build Artefacts
 Install and Configure Tomcat as the Staging Environment
 Deploy to Staging Environment
 The latest Deploy to Container plug-in
 Trouble Shooting: Deploy to Staging
 Jenkins Build Pipeline
 Parallel Jenkins Build
 Deploy to Production
Devops 35 Hours


Docker overview & Setup

 What is docker & why
 Docker Editions: Which Do I Use o Docker Version Format Change in
Early 2017
 Docker Support for Different OS o Docker for Windows
o Docker for Mac
o Docker for Linux
 Docker for Linux Setup and Tips o Download Docker CE for your Linux
distribution o Download Docker Compose

Introduction to Docker Components

 Docker Hub ( public repo )
 Docker Trusted Registry ( Private repo )
 Docker Engine
 Docker Container
 Docker Image
 Docker Compose
 Docker Swarm
 Docker Services

Docker Images, How to build & where to find

 Image? What is it in Docker world
 Official Docker Image Specification
 Centre for Images: The Docker Hub ( Public )
 List of Official Docker Images
 Working with Images: image layers, tagging, Pushing to Docker Hub
 Building Images: The Dockerfile Basics
 Build Your Own Dockerfile and Run Containers From It

Docker Containers & its inside

 Container VS. VM: It's Just a Process o Docker Internals: cgroups,
namespaces etc...
 Starting a Nginx Web Server
 What Happens When We Run a Container
 What's Going On In Containers: CLI Process Monitoring
Devops 35 Hours

 Getting a Shell Inside Containers

 Container Lifetime & Persistent Data Using Volumes
 Docker container Networking, default & user defined networks

Docker Compose
 Spin up multiple container with Single command
 Docker Compose and The docker-compose.yml File
 Running Compose Commands
 Adding Image Building to Compose Files
Docker Swarm
 Introduction to Swarm & Advantages
 How to create a swarm (cluster of nodes)
 How to add nodes to swarm
 How to deploy services/containers to swarm
 Docker stack deploy
 Introduction to UCP (universal control pane)


 Introduction
 Ansible Server / Ansible Controller
 Ansible and Infrastructure
 Ansible Server Configuration file o
How Ansible picks the configuration o
Update MISC parameters
 Ansible Inventory
o Ungrouped Hosts
o Grouped Hosts
o Groups of Groups
 checking connection to remote nodes
o SSH Keys
o Using username/password
 Ansible Facts
Devops 35 Hours

 Ansible Playbooks
o 'hosts' parameter
o 'become' parameter
o 'gather_facts' parameter
o 'tasks' parameter
 Conditions
o When
 Loops
o with_items
 How to store output of one task and
use it in another task
 Variables From
o vars
o vars_files
o vars_prompt o vars from inventory hosts
o vars from inventory groups
 Roles
o Create Role
o Define Role
o Write roles
o Role Dependencies
o Variables from Roles
o Variable Precedence
o Ansible Vault
o Ansible Pull
o Ansible Galaxy

 Ansible AWX (Tower)

Devops 35 Hours

Basic AWS Overview

Introduction To Cloud Computing

 Introduction to cloud computing world
 History
 Cloud business models
 Public, Private and Hybrid cloud models
 Advantages of cloud computing

 AWS Regions and Availability zones. Tools to access services.
 Overview of the console

Aws Ec2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

 Introduction to EC2
 Pricing models On-demand vs Reserved vs Spot instances
 Using Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) to create the instances
 Public vs Private Images
 Logging into instances using key pairs
 Using snapshots for backup
Aws S3 (Simple Storage Service)
 Introduction to Simple Storage Server (S3)
 Storage options (default vs reduced redundancy vs Glacier)
 Creating buckets using Console
 Uploading and downloading data to S3
Elastic Load Balancer
 Introduction to Elastic Load Balancing
 Creating ELB from Console
 Attaching instances to ELB
 Configuring Ports, Protocols and health checks

Identity Access Management (Iam)

 Introduction to IAM
 Access controls using IAM
 Creating users, groups and roles
 Assigning policies
Devops 35 Hours

Logging – Splunk

 What Is Splunk
 About Machine Data
 What does Splunk Do?
 Why Splunk
 Understanding Splunk Architecture & its Components
 Installating Splunk
 Splunk Search
 Usecases and Examples

Infrastructure Monitoring – Nagios

 Infrastructure monitoring Intro

 Nagios Core vs XI
 Setting up Nagios
 Configuring Windows & Linux Hosts
 Configuring Alerts and Email Notifications
 Plugins


 What and why is kubernetes

 Comparison with Docker Swarm
 Installation
 Components and Terminology
 Masters and Nodes
 Pods
 Replications
 Services
 Deployment

 Linux knowledge is must to go through DevOps Course ; we do provide 5

Recorded Sessions .
 We do also provide 1 Puppet recorded Session that gives Intro and Installation and
basic model of running Manifests.

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