Earthquake Detection
Session (2012-2017)
Supervised By
This work is dedicated to our Parents and Teachers for their support and guidance at
We declare that this thesis is our own work and has not been submitted in any form for
Signature: ____________________
Signature: ____________________
Signature: ____________________
Starting with thanks to almighty Allah who is the creator of whole universe . We are very
thankful to our Parents who shaped our life and made us what we are today, to our
teachers who have been our source of inspiration, and the loved one who care for us.
Thanks to our project supervisor ----------- for giving us the opportunity to research under
his supervision and give us guidance through these years as an undergraduate students.
We deeply thank our project supervisor and we would like to express special thanks.
We are also thankful to our friends for their enthusiasm and support during this project.
We thank our entire class colleagues, friends and family members who worked on this
project for their valuable support and as well as those who wish to remain anonymous.
Starting Month:
Ending Month :
The proposed study involves design and development for the earthquake alarm
detection circuit based on electronic devices only which will be highly helpful for the
determination of high frequency vibrations which will trigger an impulse when the S
wave is detected by the earthquake sensor which in this case is a shaft with load that
represents a steel or building structure that shakes vibrations when the corresponding
surface wave reaches the ground. In this analysis we have identified the need for an
electronically monitored high frequency detector circuit which triggers a pulse when the
vibration occurs for earthquake occurrence for p wave followed by surface wave. The
circuit is activated to read for 10 seconds with the use of an Arduino microcontroller that
latches the output as high for 10 seconds and reads the shaft output vibration data for
further diagnosis. If the p wave arrives, the s wave arrival is estimated to occur for the
next 9 seconds for an intermediate depth based earthquake. This alarm detector circuit
can be used in conjunction with steel based structures with a drill made to house the
electronic instruments shown below and a microcontroller hereby to start an alarm for
earthquake and also detect aftershock occurrences in steel based shafts and joint for better
shunt resistor using back electromotive force which acts as damping. The maximum
electrical damping is limited by the value of the passive resistor. We present the general
architecture of the circuit with description and operation, design flow chart and
implementation of the sensor. We create boolean sensing range for earthquake alarm
detector and analyze how an inner and outer circle can identify the ‘Earthquake
Table of Content
Abstract: .......................................................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................. 10
1 INTRODUCTION: ..................................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Brief Introduction: ......................................................................................................... 10
Approach ................................................................................................................................... 10
Related Work ............................................................................................................................. 12
Objectives of project: ................................................................................................................ 14
Problems Statement: ................................................................................................................. 14
Scope of project......................................................................................................................... 14
1.4. Hardware Constraints:........................................................................................................ 15
Language Constraint:..................................................................................................... 16
Communication constraints: .......................................................................................... 16
Start-up Time:................................................................................................................ 16
Response Time: ............................................................................................................. 16
Search Strategy: ............................................................................................................. 16
Graphics Decision: ........................................................................................................ 16
Updating Time:.............................................................................................................. 17
CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................................. 18
2 LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................................... 18
3 CHAPTER ............................................................................................................................. 27
Approach ....................................................................................................................................... 27
Chapter 4 ................................................................................................................................... 30
5 References ......................................................................................................................... 31
Despite all the scientific advances in the field of earthquake prediction, the idea of
accurate alarm and monitoring of incipient earthquakes using electronic monitoring tools
for detection still remains a vision of the future. Although many techniques have been
implemented and the avenues of scientific warning based on interdisciplinary analysis of
electronic instrumentation, geophysical explanation and a consistent time margin between
a potential warning and its eventuality remains a dream for scientists around the world;
there is also a need to simultaneously get rid of any possibility of erroneous detections
leading to false alarms associated with the different earthquake patterns and associated
stress-strain interactions between the geophysical parameters and precursors. In order to
extend the scope of analysis of the temporal and spatial evolution of stress in the different
stages of the fault system associated with the complexity of the fault geometry,
heterogeneity, and anisotropy of the rock for the host rock media exhibiting highly
variable behavior in the incipient region (Schulz et al., 1973, Srivastava,1983) so that a
plausible earthquake early warning system can be developed for earthquake risk
mitigation for the region. There are three basic reasons we feel that earthquake prediction
analysis has suffered due to the absence of reliable diagnostic precursors for different
geo-tectonic settings responsible for earthquake genesis.
The strategy to define the efficacy of an Earthquake Alarm uses seismometers to detect
the first signature of an earthquake (P wave), to process the waveform information, and to
forecast the intensity of shaking that will arrive after the (S wave). For local EEW
installations, the P wave is detected onsite (i.e., at the user location), and the difference
between the P- and S-wave arrival times defines the maximum alert time. For regional
networks, the P waves are detected by sensors closest to the epicenter, and estimates are
immediately relayed to earthquake alerting applications of the expected arrival and
intensity of shaking at their location. It has been found from previous studies that velocity
of the seismic body waves are directly proportional to the square root of the rigidity
modulus. Elastic wave velocity is the square root of stiffness over density. For structures,
as the density of the material increases so does the stiffness. The key here is that stiffness
increases at faster rate than density. It is found that velocity tend to be faster in denser
materials (Santamarina et al.,2001) for soils which are denser. A slight increase in density
increases the shear modulus or rigidity of the material largely.
This causes increase in elastic wave velocity in denser medium. In case of P waves the
velocity is proportional to sqrt((bulk + 4/3rigidity) modulus /density) where as for S wave
velocity is only sqrt(rigidity modulus/density). As the bulk and rigidity modulus are
positive quantities which increase at a greater rate than the density below the surface. In
essence, P wave velocity is a measure of bulk modulus and S wave velocity of shear
modulus so the vibration of the structure will also vary under the effect of high frequency
vibrations. The constraint that is the kinetic energy per unit volume for vibrating medium
is to be considered as constant. These constraints are prevailed because the process of
earthquake genesis is found to be dynamic and the generating mechanism remains
completely uncertain in terms of size and its depth of occurrence (Mishra,2007). An idea
of detecting ground motion immediately after an earthquake occurrence and controlling
automatic shutdown of systems and the like had already been adopted by a number of
systems before the development of the EEW. The use of the microcomputer meter
commonly found in Japanese homes whereby a ground motion detector is installed within
a gas meter, and records a warning when the sensor detects ground motion exceeding a
specific level, In all of these cases, the automatic shutdown system functioned as
expected. Elevators, which are often used in our daily lives, also employ a function to
automatically stop at the nearest floor when detecting ground motion. In reality, however,
there are constant accidents where elevators stop upon an earthquake without the door
opening, and people are trapped inside the elevators for many hours. The following
instrumentation describes the some preferred embodiments of the present innovation
which are purely for the sake of understanding the performance of the innovation and not
by any sort of limitations.
Related Work
Scientists all over the world have used the scenario of earthquake alarm diagnosis and
design based on the detection of Primary(P) waves before the subsequent advance of the
Surface(S) waves that can intensify to cause large scale destruction. Several earthquake
detection instruments are already known and acknowledged primarily meant to detect
earthquake waves such as the P waves. Intensified earthquake waves which propagate
from the focus or the place of origin are mainly the P waves and S waves in that order. It
is found that the intensity of the P waves and the S waves depend on the magnitude of the
earthquake and also the distance from the focus or the place of origin. In such areas
which usually originate from the focus are of very low intensity and no consequence. In
that context, the device needs to be set to detect the intensity of the P wave and asses
thereafter the evacuation of the people based on the alarm sound. Furthermore certain
locations are also prone to very large scale erosions and landslides due to mining. The
device should detect the presence of the earthquake wave to respond to earthquake waves
in predetermined scale of range. The earthquake detection device in accordance with the
present electronic sensor based design is aimed to address the disadvantage of the
earthquake detection devices in the form of the alarm and can be made available at a
reasonable price due to the low manufacturing cost and also low maintenance costs due to
the simplified construction. The instrument can also be made into global applications to
monitor the state of the steel structures in varying geographical locations for domestic
and administrative buildings for the purpose of simple and fairly easy operation. Further
it is common knowledge that earthquakes of higher degree is followed by a subsequent
earthquake at intervals of small span ranging from few hours to few days.
The device in accordance with the present invention is adapted to be automatically
adjustable for detecting the series of earthquakes from source in the event of issuing an
alarm for indicating possible earthquake events. A sensor is able to monitor the following
application using intricate electronic engineering tools. This component senses the speed
input signal, integrates it to deduce the angular position, and uses this position along with
an internal reference signal to generate amplitude modulated output signals that resemble
those that would be generated by a typical sine-cosine resolver. This component is
designed to be connected to the shaft of the machine components. It presents neither an
inertial nor a frictional load to the shaft for application of magnetostrictive effect with
respect to interference of a longitudinal wave (P wave) forms the tool for the detection
process. When a longitudinal wave passes through a ferromagnetic system (consisting of
a ferromagnetic rod suspended between a well calibrated system of electromagnets
providing a constant magnetic field), each and every particle of the wave suffers a shift in
its velocity profile due to the domain shifting process in the material (Klark, 1951). As a
result, there occurs a suitable increment in the wave velocity after the longitudinal wave
crosses the system. The variation in temperature in medium causes a drastic change in
elastic property of the wave. The particles of the P wave spectrum undergo systematic
shift in their velocity profile due to which the velocity of the wave sharply decreases with
the increase in temperature. The process of decrement of wave velocity as the wave
passes through a high temperature medium provides a unique mark When a p-wave is
detected by a seismograph, the wave’s frequency and amplitude is recorded for four
seconds in order to decrease the possibility of false positives caused by local activity such
as road traffic or construction (Ryall, 2008). This data is then sent to Arduino Micro
controller which will trigger a pulse to detect the initial impact of the p wave and
followed by an S wave for detection and issue a warning after the earthquake has released
its initial seismic waves. The EEWS is most useful for regions that are located at least
100km from the earthquake’s epicenter. This distance translates into an approximately
20-50second warning. The area located within the 100km radius is known as the blind
zone and is too close to the hypocenter to receive a warning. Because of this blind zone,
it is important that this system is complemented with on- site earthquake detection
mechanisms, particularly in heavily populated urban areas or near critical factories
handling dangerous machinery or chemicals. In this way, earthquake detection relies not
only on seismographs, but also locally installed and operated seismograph devices, which
helps to improve both accuracy and reliability of earthquake detection for the purposes of
disaster mitigation.
Objectives of project:
Problems Statement:
The main concern of this project will be about its motion detection. It is because this
project is more compact and smaller compared to existing earthquake detection station.
As for that, it will gain more people interest in our product. In addition to that, this
project is simpler in its design thus making it more innovative. Due to our wireless
weather station for being small and compact, it will make it easier to carry anywhere and
lighter compared to normal earthquake detectors. For example, travelling or to any
expeditions. But the most unique thing about this wireless earthquake detection is using
Arduino Uno as microcontroller. Existing earth quake detector station only used PIC
16F873 and this microcontroller is more complex and such an old fashion of
microcontroller. This project also used other ARDUINO tools as our hardware. Namely
Hitachi HD 44780 and DHT11 .The program for Arduino is friendly user because it is
less complex. As for that, this project can also be used commercially for agriculture
industry, research home owners and government agencies. This will be advantages for
this project.
Scope of project
This project focused on the how to make this earthquake detector to be wireless that
anyone or anywhere can check about temperature and humidity around us easily. Firstly,
find the step for built this project. Before start anything, firstly must decide which one
item that want to used. For example, many items can detect motion and sensor such as
LM 335but for this project is suitable with mpu6050 Motion Sensor because it can detect
and read it perfectly. This is proved by this graph.
The first spike for the motion is breathing onto the sensor. The gradual rise means it can
detect hot or high vibration because breathe is C2O. Secondly is learning and find
components function in project and find any connection in all hardware. In this session,
are getting a very long time to find the items. For this project, it very concerned about the
quality, price and convenience to make program
Language Constraint:
Communication constraints:
Communication and network error may cause the application to crash; application may
Start-up Time:
Application should be started within (1-3) seconds for saving the time of user.
Response Time:
Application response time should be fast so that the information will be quickly
Search Strategy:
Searching time should be limited so that the user can view the information and it
Graphics Decision:
Updating Time:
Information will be updated with in mille second so that effect will not be noticed
by the user.
2.1 Background
While earthquakes occur much too fast relative to the speed at which humans are capable
damaging earthquake ground motions propagate slowly relative to the speed at which
information travels. The large amplitude ground motions from an earthquake (and hence
the most damaging) are typically from the S-wave and later arriving surface waves,
which travel at about 3.5 km/s; electronically transmitted information travels at about
300,000 km/s. If the initiating earthquake can be detected, and its characteristics (is it
large or small?) identified early enough in the rupture process, information about the
imminent strong ground motions can arrive at regions further from the source region on
the order of seconds before the start of strong shaking. Kanamori (2004) provides a
recent review and history of research efforts in seismic early warning. The first printed
reference to seismic early warning dates back to 1868, in an editorial by J.D. Cooper of
the San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin written after an M = 7 earthquake on the
Hayward fault (Nakamura and Tucker, 1988; Kanamori, 2004). Cooper proposed the
installation of an array of seismic detectors from 10 to 100 kilometers away from San
Francisco. When large ground motions triggered the array, a signal would be telegraphed
to San Francisco and would automatically ring a bell hung high in City Hall. Cooper’s
article in 1868 listed a number of concepts that still define the boundaries for the seismic
early warning problem in modern times: 1) the need for a dense seismic network, 2) the
longest warning times would be available from large distant earthquakes; there would be
little or no warning from that were too close to close to the target warning region, and 3)
the need to automate the system. Cooper recognized that human operators “might not
always retain the presence of mind enough to telegraph at the moment or might sound the
alarm too often” (Nakamura and Tucker, 1988). The model for a modern seismic
computerized alert network (SCAN) was proposed by Heaton (1985). In Heaton’s model,
processing site would take the input ground motions and calculate estimates of
earthquake size and location. These estimates, along with their reliabilities, would be sent
estimates (and their reliabilities) along with the subscriber location and site data to
calculate when and what level of ground motions to expect, as well as what actions to
take. The appropriate actions and what level of ground motions and reliability would be
required to initiate the actions would vary depending on the subscribers. For example,
there is little cost or inconvenience associated with stopping elevators or ensuring that
gates at fire stations are open. These actions could be initiated even when the reliabilities
of the SCAN estimates are low (and there is still a possibility that it is a false alarm).
However, false alarms would be more costly for tasks such as diverting airport traffic or
initiating shut-down procedures at a nuclear plants. These actions would only be initiated
if the SCAN estimates indicated that there was a high reliability that ground motions
exceeding some critical level were imminent. Again, the reliability and the ground
motion level required to initiate action would vary from user to user. The SCAN would
send continuous improved updates of earthquake size, location, and estimate reliabilities
as the ground motions propagated to more seismic stations in the network. Figure 1.1
(Urgent Earthquake Detection and Alarm System) system used by Japan Railway
(Nakamura, 1988) is perhaps the most famous example of a seismic computerized alert
network, where the estimates from the central processing site are used to automatically
initiate damage-mitigating actions, in this case, stopping high speed trains. In general,
most recent research has been focused on the problem of reliably determining whether
the event will be damaging or not from the data available from the initial part of the
rupture (task of the central processing facility in Figure 1.1); the source estimation and
user response problems have typically been dealt with separately. The need to move from
this separatist view to a more integrated approach considering both the source estimation
problem and the user response within a unified framework will be discussed.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) [1] includes various sensors distributed spatially with
the capacity of communication, processing and computing. The data is sensed and
transmitted to the base-station regularly. Here, in real time manner, data is processed and
managed. One proposed framework [2] conquers the above restriction by organization of
WSN base for different climate advance utilizing virtual sensor and overlay idea.
Checking climate information and giving SaaS and interpersonal organization cataclysm
cautions in light of choice ID3 system and give cloud validation utilizing secure shell.
Similar work [3] gives a conditional summary on WSN with Internet of bothers based on
PARASENSE plan. A good arrangement is made for sending continuous applications and
framework to plan an air checking framework which empowers the saw of climate
parameters in an industry. This type of work includes different sensors like Gas sensors,
temperature sensors, and dampness sensors which were observed with the use of ARM 9
In a work presented during [8], it screens and shows the temperature, weight and
similarly dampness of the sky, utilizing simple and advanced segments. The following
Fig.shows the microcontroller connected to sensor which provides digital signal to the
microcontroller. Sensor module itself converts the analog signal into digital signals and
The key point of a similar work [9] is to build up an implanted framework to plan a
climate checking framework which empowers the observing of climate parameters. This
type of framework includes various sensing devices like Humidity, temperature, wind
speed, wind heading information can be signed into cloud so that any one (validated
Through a specific framework [10, 11], it can naturally gather the data about stickiness
and temperature. Through this framework authors can naturally gather the data about
stickiness and temperature. The points of interest are put away in a database and as per
present and past information authors can deliver the outcomes in graphical way in the
screen the constant temperature, environmental weight, relative dampness and air’s dew
point temperature through such system which is utilizing simple and advanced parts. In
the following system of Fig 4., digital signals are obtained from analog signals and
In Radar based systems like [14, 15], the creators introduced a technique that coordinates
both of the information sources to give strategic and arranged climate radar.
accuracy of the system and the legitimacy of information collected using regular sensor is
affirmed. Similarly, Mattlach et. al. [19] assessed the conventional climate armada as an
asset for atmosphere monitoring. The wave soul range, which all NDBC climates floats
routinely report hourly. It contains a lot of data with respect to the starting point, quality
and term of sea tempests. Such estimations are delivered from basic accelerometers
originating from an adult, settled innovation. SWAP is another one method [20] which
will execute as an operational sun based observing instrument for space climate
forecasting. The LYRA information will make profitable sun powered checking data, for
agent space climate now throwing and testing. Similarly in another prediction based
system, the control outfit figure with starting condition instability, is handy yet under
dispersive. To enhance the unwavering quality of the outfit gauges, the control group is
In a recent work [26], Mittal et. al. planed to distinguish the topographical ranges for sun
based and wind vitality eras with ease. There framework depends on remotely worked
framework with sensors, which accumulates climate data and transmits measured
qualities to the ground. The framework is worked by battery, and is required to keep
running with an expanded life period. Static sensor hubs and submerged sensor web are
system and a technique of distributed computing [27], the submerged sensor bid can be
improved. The climate station is designed recently [28] which has a gathering of sensors
for measuring wind pace and bearing, air temperature, relative dampness and
precipitation. A snowfall connector can be continuing the precipitation gage that permits
estimation of the water fulfilled of snow amid winter months. DCOMP is a novel system
[29] having a set up to keep running on sensors with comparative channel settings and
has been effectively practiced on most current meteorological imagers. This standard
makes DCOMP especially profitable for air research. Correlations with the Moderate
figuring the execution of DCOMP. During 2016, in a recent work [30], wind sensor, wind
direction sensor, humidity and temperature sensor are used for sending the real time data
on Thing Speak cloud Which can be easily observed and analyzed to authorized person or
may be publically open. It uses Raspberry Pi development board used earlier by many
authors for user-friendly works [31, 32]. Arm 7 [33, 34] is an efficient processor which is
framework, it's currently conceivable to takeout Digital Elevation Models (DEM) with
capturing an image by the camera [35].Using such strategy; the plane is may not be
limited to flight way straightly. And it may go straightforwardly along objective region.
programming stream, at last correspondence amongst host and open air cell [36].
An earthquake is the shaking of the surface of the Earth, resulting from the sudden
release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic waves. An earthquake is
what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another. The surface
where they slip is called the fault or fault plane. The location below the earth’s surface
where the earthquake starts is called the hypocenter, and the location directly above it on
the surface of the earth is called the epicenter[1]. During earthquake, degree of the
damage caused is depends on the magnitude that indicates the amount of energy released
from Earths crust. The magnitude of earthquake which is less than 5 is measured using
local magnitude scale called as Richter magnitude scale. Itmeasures the magnitude of
earthquake by observing the amplitude on a seismogram.In recent years, a standard
magnitude scale is used which represents energy released at the time of earthquake more
precisely including large magnitude events. This technique makes use of devices like
either seismometer, geophone, accelerometer. Meanwhile before selecting any seismic
sensor we need to know that the seismic sensor should provide signals which are
unaffected by the sensors inherent characteristics and as closely as possible reflect the
true soil response to the seismic source wave traveling through it. In terms of frequency
response of the receiver, its output should be constant for all input frequencies. In
addition, the phase of the input frequency should be unaffected so that the wave’s shape
does not change. In general terms, it is desirable to have a seismic sensor with a fast
response time and a small settling time [2].When it comes to the selection of a seismic
sensor though Geophones have larger peak time and settling time compared to
accelerometer but the accelerometer are selected for the seismic activities because of their
low noise, fast response times, and high bandwidths compared to geophones.
Component Used
Arduino Uno:
. MPU6050
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
5 References