Actinomycotic Brain Abscess: Case Report
Actinomycotic Brain Abscess: Case Report
Actinomycotic Brain Abscess: Case Report
Actinomycosis is caused by Gram-positive filamentous anaerobic organisms of genus Actinomyces, which are
commensals of mucosal membranes of the oropharyngeal cavity, and gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts. Central
nervous system involvement is rare and may present as cerebral abscess, meningitis, meningoencephalitis, subdural
empyema or epidural abscess. The radiological appearances of actinomycotic brain abscesses are not well recognized.
Here, we present the characteristic imaging features of an actinomycotic brain abscess.
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BJR|case reports Rahiminejad et al
Figure 1. There is a large, peripherally enhancing thick-walled lesion in the left temporal lobe. The lesion comprises a larger cavity
posteriorly and grape-like clustering anteriorly (arrow). The wall is T2 hypointense and T1 hyperintense (arrowhead). The contents of
the lesion show restricted diffusion, which is consistent with an abscess. The diagnosis is suggested by the grape-like cluster pattern
with a T2 hypointense wall, which is a characteristic feature of an actinomycotic abscess. DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging.
hypointense on T2 images.5 Restricted diffusion of the core is an actinomycotic brain abscess (A. meyeri). MRI showed the
often seen4,5,7 but is not the rule.9 The periphery may not T2 hypointense grape-like clustering pattern in the right parie-
restrict the diffusion.4,5 In our patient, the diagnosis was sug- tal lobe (Figure 2).
gested by the grape-like cluster pattern with a T2 hypointense
wall, which is a characteristic feature of an actinomycotic Actinomycosis is caused by Gram-positive filamentous anaer-
abscess, which, to our knowledge, has not been reported in the obic organisms of genus Actinomyces, which are commensals
literature. This imaging appearance was also well demonstrated of mucosal membranes of the oropharyngeal cavity, and the
in another patient treated in our department, a 60-year-old gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts.2,10 Actinomyces isra-
male with no relevant medical history who presented to our elii is most commonly isolated in clinical infections. A.
department with confusion and falls, and was found to have meyeri is less common but has a propensity to cause dissem-
inated disease.2,11 Infection begins with a breach of the
Figure 2. Axial T2 and diffusion-weighted MRI in a 60-year-old mucosa and is associated with poor dental hygiene, trauma
male with an actinomycotic brain abscess in the right and intrauterine devices. Infection is often polymicrobial and
parietal lobe with surrounding oedema. There is grape-like can be associated with Fusobacterium (as in this case)12 or
clustering with a T2 hypointense thick wall. The contents show other commensal organisms.2 Brain abscesses represent
restricted diffusion. approximately two-thirds of central nervous system infec-
tions, the rest being meningitis, encephalitis, subdural empy-
ema and epidural abscess.10 The organisms grow in clusters
of tangled filaments and may exhibit an outer zone of gran-
ulation around the central purulent fluid, which contains
tiny yellow clumps (“sulfur granules”) formed by a matrix of
bacteria, calcium phosphate and host tissue.13 The granula-
tion zone is usually very thick and consists of a highly cellu-
lar fibrous tissue containing collagen fibres, fibroblasts,
capillaries and inflammatory cells, mainly lymphocytes and
monocytes.14 We postulate that these pathological features
may lead to the grape-like clustering pattern, although it is
interesting that this imaging feature has not been reported in
Nocardia and fungal infections that share similar morpholog-
ical and pathological features.15
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