Nuri Eka Marwati: Fkip Bahasa Inggris

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1 . What are the advantage of library of the student?

 Once detailed, the benefits for students are as follows:

 The library can increase students' knowledge
 The library can arrange love for reading for students
 The library can improve students' intelligence
 The library can enrich students' learning experiences
 Can be used as learning media for students
 The library can train students to be responsible
 The library can help students in terms of assignments

2 . How to search a book or journal in the library?

1. Search in Catalog

a) Find a computer in the library. Now most libraries have electronic catalogs
available on various computers throughout the library. Find a computer
and access the homepage of the library site. On the home page there
should be a search option for books, articles, magazines, newspapers, and
editorials. This search box is usually located at the top of the webpage. [1]
 You will usually see the library home page on the library computer
home page. If not the library home page that appears, type the
library web address in the computer's internet browser.

b) Do a title search. Do this if you know the title of the book you are looking
for. Type the title of the book in the search box. For books in English,
when typing the title, remove the letter 'A' or the word 'The' at the
beginning of the title. [2]
 For example, if the title of the book is "The Fall of the Roman
Empire," then type "Fall of the Roman Empire."

c) Search by author's name. Do this if you can't remember exactly the title of
the book, but you know the name of the author. Authors are usually
registered according to their last name so just type their full name or last
name in the search box. The results will appear all the works of the authors
in the library. [3]
 In addition to books, newspaper articles, conference journals, and
other books related to the author will be registered. You can
narrow the search results by filtering the list. How, just click on the
word book.
 You can also use this method if you are interested in other books
by certain authors. Type the name of the author and check all the
books that appear in the search engine list.

d) Do a topic search. This method is done if you don't think of a particular
book title or author, but are interested in a particular topic. When searching
by topic, use keywords to narrow the search. [4]
 For example, if you are interested in immigration topics, type
"United States immigration," "European immigration," or
"Mexican immigrants" in the search box.

2. Gathering Important Information

a) Click the title of the book. After finding the book you are looking for,
click the title of the book. You will be directed to a new page containing
specific information about the book, such as the status of the book and
where it is stored. If you are in a private library, such as a campus library,
you might need to enter your ID and keywords to be able to access that
information. If you are a university student or a member of the library,
enter the requested information. [5]
 If you are in a public library, you might not need to enter your ID
and password. You only need to ask the librarian for this

b) Write the location, call number, and status of the book. These are the three
most important information you must write. This information tells you
where to save the book in the library and whether it is available or not. [6]
 For example, write information, location: Anderson Library Stacks,
book number: QA 600.K57 2009, and status: available / not
 If the book you are looking for is on the "shelf," then the book is
ready to circulate, which can be borrowed for a certain period of
time, for example four weeks.
 If the book you are looking for is in the "backup," reference book,
or in a "special collection," then you can borrow it even though the
book cannot be taken out of the library.

c) Use the dial number guide. If the status of the book is available (not
borrowed or lost), do this. Check the first two letters of the calling
number. After that, look in the guide for information about which part of
the library is next and on which floor the book is located. [7]
 For example a book with a calling number starting with QA might
be on the east wing, fourth floor.
 Look for the dial number guide around the computer or at the main
desk of the library.

d) See library map. You can do this if you are not sure of the exact location.
For example, you doubt the location of the east wing. You can find a map
on the library's main table. The map will show how to go to various areas
in the library, with the main table as a reference point. [7]
 Alternatively, you can ask library employees to take you to the
3. Find a Book

a) Look at the label at the end of the bookshelf. Bookshelf labels are
arranged in alphabetical order. Use this label to find your book storage
rack. The label usually contains a range of letters and numbers, for
example QA 100.74.B50 to QA 300.70.A30. If the book number that you
are looking for is included in that range, start searching on that bookshelf.
 For example, if the book's dial number is QA 200.86.S50, then the
number is included in the label range and the book you are looking
for is on the shelf.

b) See the number on the back of the book. Books on the shelf are also
arranged in alphabetical order so use the book dial number to find the
book. Dialing numbers are usually written on the bottom of the book's
back. The book number must be exactly the same as the number on the
system. [10]
 Because the books in the library are arranged according to the
topic using the LC Classification System, try searching for other
books on the shelf where you find the book you are looking for if
you want to get other books on similar topics.

c) Ask library staff. If you can't find the book even though according to the
book system there is, ask the library staff. The book may be placed on the
wrong shelf or you might look in the wrong place. After all, the majority
of libraries are indeed very large and confusing. Library employees will
go and find the book for you. [11]
 Tell the library staff, "I went looking for books in the east wing,
but I couldn't find the book. According to the system, the book is
available, but when there is no search for it on the shelf. Can you
check it out? "

d) Request a loan from another library. If the librarian says the book is
missing or does not exist, you can apply for a loan from another library.
You or the librarian need to fill out a request form containing the name of
the book, the name of the author and the year of publication, as well as
your contact data. Usually your book will arrive in five or seven days. [12]
 Inter-library loans allow you to borrow books from other libraries
that have the book.

3 . Find of journal about teaching





The objectives of the study are (1) to find out whether or not there is a significant
improvement on students’ speakingability average score (2) to find out whether or not means
paired differences on students’ speaking ability who are taught by usingguided conversation
technique through pair taping higher than those who are taught by using teachers technique
to the seventh grade students ofSMP PTI Palembang. The population of the study was the
Seventh Grade Students of SMP PTI Palembang in the academic year of 2013/2014. The
writer got the class VII.1 as the control group and VII.II as the experimental group. It
consisted of 76 students, 38 students for control group and 38 students for experimental
group. The result showed that teaching speaking using guided conversation technique through
pair taping had a significant effect on the students’ speaking ability. It can be seen from the
result of the post-test of each group. Based on the paired sample t-test analysis, it was found
that t-obtained was higher than t-table. The t-obtained was 10.790 and t-table was 2.045 at the
significance level p<0.05 in two-tailed testing with the degree of freedom. If t-obtain was
higher than t-table, so the null hypotheses (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypotheses
(Ha) was accepted. It means that there was significant improvement in speaking ability
between the students who were taught by using guided conversation technique through pair
taping than those who were taught teacher’s technique.

Keyword: Speaking Achievement.Guided Conversation Technique Through Pair Taping


English is an international language. It is used by many people in the world for

different purposes such as to communicate to other people from different countries and
provide a means for exchanging knowledge. It is in line to Richard (2007: 2) who states that,
English is the language of globalization, international communication, commerce and trade
media, pop culture, different motivation for learning, it come in to play language. So it is
important for people to learn English, because English is used in every aspect of the society

In learning English speaking as foreign language, the students have to master the
other language components of English such as comprehension, grammar, vocabulary,
pronunciation, and fluency. Comprehension, used for oral communication certainly requires
as subject to respond to speech as well as to initiate it.Grammar is needed for students to
arrange a correct sentence in conversation. Vocabulary means the appropriate choice that is
used in communication. Pronunciation is the way for students’ to produce clearly language
when they speak. Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately.
Fluency in speaking is the aim of many language. Sakur (1987: 1).

There are four skills that should be mastered in learning English. There are listening,
speaking, reading, writing. Khameis (2006: 111) states that the four skills (reading, writing,
speaking and listening) naturally appear together in every English class, even in the EFL
context. Inside the classroom, speaking skill is the most important part of language (Naushin,
2009: 9). Where speaking is iterative process of contacting meaning that involve producing
and receiving and processing information. Moreover, (Naushin, 2009: 9) emphasize that
speaking is often spontaneous, open ended, and evolving. Speaking needs that learner not
only should know how to produce specific points of language such as grammar,
pronunciation, or vocabulary but also they understand when, why and in what ways to
produce language.

Teaching speaking in Indonesia is not easy (Aleksandrzak 2011: 37). The teacher
should make the students fun in learning process. If the students are not fun and interested in
the lesson, the teacher will be very difficult to make the students understand the lesson.
English teachers must create an interesting atmosphere in teaching learning process because
the student’s ability of learning English depends on their previous experience. Moreover,
Aleksandrzak (2011: 38) there are some problems face by the teachers in teaching speaking.
The problem are caused by several reasons. It was because; (1) the students seldom practices
speaking English in daily activities; (2) the students sometimes had no partner to practice
speaking in English and; (3) the students were not accustomed to say anything in English.

The same problems were faced by the writer when she had a teaching practice at SMP
PTI Palembang, she observed that some of the students who were not able to respond the
conversation given by the teacher, although the students could understand what the teacher
said but the students could not speak English well, Moreover, the students were very shy and
afraid of making mistakes in speaking English

Based on the description above, the writer conducted a research study entitled
“Teaching Speaking skill by Using Guided Conversation Technique Through Pair Taping to
the seventh grade students of SMP PTI Palembang”.

Concept of Teaching

According to Moore (2001: 4) states that teaching is the actions of someone who is
trying to assist others to reach their fullest potential in all aspects of development the personal
characteristics and skills. Based on those explanation, the writer conclude that teaching is
viewed as something that is constructed by individual teachers to integrate theory and
practice in teaching and learning process for the students( Richards& Renandya, 2002: 6). It
means that teaching is the process to give someone information about particular subject or
knowledge, besides that teaching is the process to guidance the learners to reach the goals and
to make average learner capable of competence and performance.

Furthermore, teaching is to educate people that haven’t known something. Allah SWT
says in surah Al- Alaq paragraph 3-5 “Recite, and your lord is the most generous, who taught
by the pen. Taught man that which he knew not.”

From the holy verse of Al- Qur’an above, it is conducted that Allah SWT asks us to
learn all of God’s creations where Allah is the most generous who knows everything. He’s
worthless, he wasn’t created, but the creator. Allah SWT gives knowledge. He is the source
of education and knowledge through Al-quran. Angel (Malaikat), Zikir, Fikir, and so on were
intermediaries to acquire the knowledge. Allah SWT taught us to know something that we
haven’t known yet by sending the intermidiaries. The source of knowledge and education are
from Allah SWT. Indeed, the men were from being not knowing the knowledge because
without knowledge, the men are abject and stupid.

Concept of Speaking

Speaking is to express the needs, such as requesting, information, service, etc. The speaker
say words to the listener not only to express what in his or her mind but also to express what
he or she needs whether information service. Most people might spend of their everyday life
to communicate with other.

Richard and Renandya (2002: 201) states that:

Speaking is one of the central elements of communication and used for many different
purposes; (1) it can be used as a casual conversation, for example may be to make social
contact with people, to establish rapport, or to engage in the harmless chitchat that occupies
much of time with friends; (2) Engage in discussion.with someone like may be to seek or
express opinions, to persuade someone about something or to clarify information.

The spoken productive language skill is called speaking. It is the skill of the speaker
to communicate information to a listener or a group of listeners her or his skill is realized by
her or his ability. To apply the rules of the language she or he is communicative event
Sanggam (2008: 2). In contrary, Chaney (1998: 13) states that speaking is the process of

building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety
of contexts, speaking is the process of getting the meaning across between a speaker and a
listener in order that they can respond to each other clearly.

Furthermore, In traditional methodologies, speaking is usually meant repeating after

the teacher, memorizing a dialog, or responding to drill, all of which reflect the sentence
based view of proficiency prevailing in the audio-lingual and other drill-based or repetition-
based methodologies Richard ( 2008: 2). Moreover, speaking can be used as a instructions or
to get thing done, to describe thing, to complain about people’s behavior, to make polite
requests, or to entertain people with joke and anecdotes. Each of these purposes for speaking
implies knowledge of the rules that account for how spoken language reflects the context or
situation in which speech occurs.

Concept of Guided Conversation

Guided conversation are dialogues and exercises that are the central learning devices
the lesson begins with a model guided conversation that illustrate the use of one or more
functions and the structures students require, all in the context of a meaning full exchange of
communication (Molinsky& Bliss 1986). It means that guided conversation are the dialogue
and the question and answer exchanges, the students are presented with a model conversation
that highlight a specific aspect of grammar to help students improve their accuracy in
constructing the sentences.

Teaching Procedure Using Guided Conversation

According to Molinsky&Bliss (1986: IX) the procedures of teaching guided conversation, as


Step 1 : Give the model conversation offers initial practice with the function and structures of
the lesson and the functional expressions.

Step 2 : Encourage the students to be inventive as the create their character and situation of
the model conversation

Step 3 : Present to the class each sentences of the model conversation a containing footnote
expression with is alternative.

Step 4 : Have pairs the students present the model conversation in the class

Step 5 :Have pair the students practice all the exercise using the footnoted expression with is

Step 6 : Assign the exercise as homework and ask them to present to the class next.

Concept of Pair Taping

Pair Taping is a fluency practice in which learners record themselves speaking freely
in pair (Schneider 2001: 1). The students who chose Pair Taping method reported increases in
ease of speaking English, self confidence about speaking English, motivation about their
spoken English, relaxation in speaking English,enjoyment of speaking English, and
improvement in speaking English. According to (Schneider 1993: 1) states that an effective
method for increasing the motivation and achievement of EFL students is to have them
practice fluency by recording themselves while speaking in pairs. Pair Taping has became an
indispensable aspect of teaching as well.

Methode of Study

In this research, the writer used experimental design. Experimental design is the way
to find the causal relationship between two factors which are raised by the researcher. In
doing an experimental research usually two groups are involved and compared to find the
influence of a treatment Best and Kahn (1993: 146).

The writer used thematching only pretest-posttest control group design. There were
two groups in this study. The first group was experimental and the second group was control
group; The experimental group was taught by using pair taping method to develop their
ability in speaking skills, while the control group was taught by using teachers’ technique. In
this design, there were two kinds of test would be administered, that is pre-test and post-test
to the students of both control and experimental groups.The results of two testsare compared
to know the students’ achievements in speaking before and after they were taught. The
formula of design suggested by Franken and Wallen (1990: 243) as follows:

01 M X1 02
03 M X2 04

Where :

X1 : Treatment for the experimental group taught using pair taping method

X2 : Treatment for the control group taught using teachers’ method

01 : Pretest control group 03 : Pre-test experimental group

02 : Posttest Control group 04 : Post-test experimental group

M : Matched the subject of pretest

According to Best and Kahn (1993:137), “In educational research an independent

variable may be a particular teaching method, a type of teaching material, or an attribute such
as sex or level of intelligence.” Then, in this study, there is one independent variable: the use
of guided conversation technique through pair taping.

The dependent variable may be a test score, the number of errors, or measured speed
changes in pupil performance attributable to the influence of the independent variable Best
and Kahn (1993: 137). In this study, the dependent variable was speaking ability.

Population And Sample

The population is all of the investigated subject. Population is area generalization

which consisting of object or subject which has certain quality and characteristic to be
decided by researcher to be studied and also concluded Sugiyono (2012: 61). Thereby the
population for this study will be taken from the seventh grade students in SMP PTI
Palembang the academic year of 2013/2014. There are three classes of the seventh year
students at SMP PTI Palembang those are VII.1, VII.2, and VII.3 With the total amounted
111 students. In this study, the writer used convenience sampling method. According to
Creswell (2012: 145), in convenience sampling the researcher selects participants because
they are willing and available to be studied. The writer got two classes that was chosen by the
headmaster of the school, those are VII.1 which was treated as control group and VII.2 which
was treated as experimental group.

Technique in Collecting Data

In collecting the data, the writer did oral test. The test would be given twice: pretest
and posttest. The pretest used for starting point of the investigation and to know the students’
competence in speaking before they give the treatment. Then, at the end of treatment, the
posttest is given to find out the students’ improvement and significance difference between
both classes after the treatment were given.

According to Brown (2004:3), test is a method of measuring someone’sknowledge,

ability or performance in a given domain.” Based on the statement above,test can be used to
measure the students’ ability or students’ learning achievement. Inthis study, the writer used
pretest and posttest. Pretest was given to both control group and experimental group. It was
conducted before the treatment andthe posttest, thepurpose is to know how is the students’
achievement in speaking skill especiallyin performing daily expressions. Meanwhile, post test
will be conducted after thetreatment. It is also given to both control group and experimental
group. It was taken as measurement tool to measure students speaking achievement before
and after thetreatment is conducted.

Validity Test

According to Fraenkel&Wallen (2006: 148) validity is the most important idea to consider
when preparing or selecting an instrument for use. In this study the writer used Construct
Validity, and content validity.

a. Construct Validity

A test, part of a test, or testing technique is said to have construct validity if it can be
demonstrated that it measures just the ability which it is supposed to measures (Hughes,
1989: 26). In addition, Sugiyono in Holandyah (2013: 36) stated that expert judgment is

required to estimate the construct validity. In order to obtain the construct validity of the test,
the writer distributed the scoring sheet of instrument validation to validators. There were
three validations to validate her research instrument. The three validations were Drs. Herizal
MA, as the first validation, Amalia Hasanah. M.Pd as the second validation and, Manalullaili,
M.Ed as the third validation. The components of the construct validity were format,
illustration, language, and content of the instrument. The assessment of the construct validity
was the oral test instrument.

b. Content Validity

In this research, the writer also did a content validity to estimate the validation of the
test. The measurement of content validity can be observed when we can clearly define the
students’ achievement which related to the objective of the study that stated on the lesson
plan that we are measuring Brown (2004: 2223). According to Hughes (1989:22) in
Holandyah (2013:46) a test is said to have content validity if its content constitutes a
representative sample of the language skills, structures, etc., with which it is meant to be
concerned. In order to judge whether or not a test has content validity, a specification of the
skills or structures should be made based on the curriculum and syllabus. Then the result
analysis in constructing the content validity is presented in the test specification table
including; objectives of the test items, text’s title, test indicators, number of test items, total
of the questions and type of test (Holandyah, (2013: 46)

Reliability Test

To find out the reliability of the test, the writer held the try out test to give to non
sample students. The writer conducted the try-out before the test. “The result of try out can be
used to measure reliability of the test, and it can be carried out in either a small number or a
large number” (Arikunto, 1993:223). So, the function of try out is to determine the extent to
which it discriminates between individuals who are different. Thus, the test which has been
designed is to represent the sample of testers. The writer used interrater reliability. According
to Brown (1996: 99) interrater reliability is essentially a variation of the equivalent forms
type of reliability in that the scores are usually produced by two raters and a correlation
coefficient is calculated between them.

The writer used inter-rater reliability to know whether the test is reliable or not. Inter-
rater reliability is a common occurrence for classroom teachers because of unclear scoring
criteria, fatigue, bias toward particular “ good” and “bad” students ( Brown, 2004: 32). Inter-
rater reliability is the degree of agreement among raters. There are two raters in scoring
students’ speaking test, they are Anggun Anggraini, S.Pd and Adi Irawan.S Pd.

Normality Test

After the result to the 30 sample of the students pretest in experimental and control
groups was measured, it was found that the significant value of the pre-test in control and
experimental group was 0.716, it can be stated that the data of both groups were categorized
normal since the p-output was higher than mean significant different at 0.025 level, then after

the result to the 30 sample of the students in experimental and control groups it was found
that the significant value of control group was 0.918 and experimental group was 0.569, it
can be assumed that the scores in the data of post-test control and experimental group were
categorized normal since p-output was higher than mean significant different al 0.025 level.

Homogenity Test

Homogeneity test is used to measure the scores obtained whether it is homogeny or

not. Basrowi (2007:106) states that the score is categorized homogeny when the p-output was
higher than mean significant difference at 0.05 levels.based on the result of analyzing the data
of pre-test of control and experimental groups, it was found that the p-output was 1.000,the
result analysis of homegenity test of post-test control and experimental groups to get
verification the sample data is homogeneous or not. Based on the result, it was found that the
p-output was 0.646, it can be assumed that the students’ post-test scores in control and
experimental group is homogen, since p-output was higher than 0.05.

Hypothesis Testing

Means significant improvement was found from testing students’ pre-test to post-test
score in experimental group using paired sample t-test. Means significant improvement is
found whenever the p-output was lower than mean significant difference at 0,05 level.

From the analysis, it was found p-output 0.000 and it was considered that there was a
means significant improvement from students pre-test to post-test score taught using guided
conversation through pair taping since the p-output was lower than 0.05. and t-value 9.204
was higher compared to t-table (with DF29) 2.045. it was confirmed that teaching speaking
skill using guided conversation technique through pair taping gave significant improvement.


After analyzing the result of the study in the previous chapter, the writer concluded
that guided conversation technique through pair taping could improve students’ speaking skill
achievement. It indicated that there was significant improvement on students pretest to
posttest scores taught using guided conversation technique through pair taping. It was
because, guided conversation technique through pair taping could make students are
accustomed to use English in real life communication, and apply the conversation in their

Teaching speaking skill by using guided conversation technique through pair taping could
improve students speaking achievement, it can be seen when they have speaking class. The
student always use English in their real life communication especially in their conversation
class. It meant that the students might apply the conversation with others in their real daily
life, and then the students interested and fun in learning speaking skill. They showed their
contribution and participated well in teaching and learning process by giving some question
that they want to know.


Aleksandrzak.M. (2011). Problems and challenges in teaching and learning speaking at

advanced level. Adam Mickiewicz: University Press Poznan. Bailey, K. M. & Lance S.
(1994).New ways in teaching speaking.United stated: Automated Graphic Systems. Basrowi
and Soenyono. (2007). Metode analisis data sosial. Kediri: CV Jenggala Pustaka Utama.


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